Newspaper Page Text
iirday is the
day cf our
Your chance to
save is now, can’t
we induce you to
take advantage?
Look down here
with an eye open
to economy!
We are destroying competi
tion, and selling you jars so
cheap that i£ you don’t save
fruit it isn’t our fault. They
are going at actual cost, v
Quart size^doz 49c
One-half gallon size, doz. .69c
Just a few more rolls, buy
mow and don't regret aftei ward
—going at 7 i-ac yd, roll $3.00
Values that our competitors
can’t see intol
Shirts that actually cost 75c
we are selling at 64c
Shirts that are worth 60c
going now for 49c
Shirts that are worth 50c
going now for 37c
10 to 15C goods, this season’s
patterns, going at 7 1-2C
Men’s low cut oxfords, worth
$1,50 to $2.50, going for $1.16
Trimmed and ready to wear
only a few more, going
Full bleached ladies’ sleeve
less undervests, 3 for... 1 ic
Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees
in Mathematics, Physical Science, Philosophy,
Latin, Greek, French, German, English, Histo-
* ry and Bible, Physical Culture and Elocution.
Eight Specialists in Faculty—Careful government
—Every incentive to study—Best climate in
Southern Ga.—All churches represented.
Total cost including Physical culture and Elocu
tion $228. Write for catalogue
Thomasville, Ga.
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thorib Oocxtt:
By virtue of *n order of Hie oonrt
or ordinary of eaid connty will be sold
at pnblio outcry on the first Tuesday in
Jnly 11)04, at the court house in eaid
connty between the usual hours of sale,
the following real estate situated in the
city of .TliomasriUe, and connty of
Thomas to-wit: Lot commencing at a
point us feet from N, W. corner of Lee
and Sterena streets, on the north side of
Lee street and running westerly along
Lee street 86 feet to land line of O. L.
Thompson, thence along (aid Thomp
son's line parallel with Steven* street,
172 feet; thence northward 22 ft. to
Vickere line; thence eastward with
Vickers line TO feet; thence northward
along Viokera line 8T ft. thence east
ward parallel with Steven* street 94 ft.
to line of lot pccupied by Luoy Bailer,
known as the Bower lot, eaid point be
ing 86 feet from Stevens street; thence
along eaid Bowers lot in southerly di
rection to starting point on North glde
of Lee street. The sale will continue
from day to day, between the same
boar* nntil ell or Said property la sold.
Terms cash.
S. T. Hamilton’,
Guardian of J Ethel HamUton.
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Under and by virtue of a Security
Deed, power of sale therein incorporated
from E. D. Whitaker. R. P. Doss and
S P.Doss, to me, date 6th of June iq<H>.
said deed having been made to secure
and lor the purposeof secorinecertain in
debtedness to me, evidenced by a Prow,
issoty Note, dated June 6th, luoo tor the
sum of Six Thousands,000,00,) Dollars,
and the same being fully described lit
the said security deed, 1 will at public
outcry, belort the Court House door in
TbomasviUc, said State and County, on
the First Tuesday in July, lgos .sell the
following described real estate and per-
*°AJ1 thit’tncioT parcel of land situated
lying and being In the Oiiy of Thpmas-
ville, said State and County, on OTWett
Side of Broad Street, between Metoher
Street and the A. C. L. Ry., more par-
tlcuarly described is fronting 70 feet on
Broad Street and running through tbe
block to Madison Street, >10 feet, the
railroad cutting off a small corusr;boun-
ded on tbe South by. tbe Palin lot, and
on the North by Wbat was formerly
known at the Barr lot; said real estate
known as the Kentucky Stables, oppo
site the Piney Woods Hotel.
Also tbe following described personal
ibree’S'mnibusses, known as tbe Mit-
cbel House Buss, Piny woods Buss, and
the Masury Buss; five Phaetons; three
Top Buggies; Eleven Carriages; One
Glass enclosed Landau; Three Six-Seat
ed park Wagons; Three hour-seated
Buck-Boards; Three Four-Seated Open
Surriet; Four Hunting Wagons; One
Two-Hone lolt Wagon; Two Baggage
Wagons; Two Truck Carts; Fourteen
Sett of Double Harness; Eight Sets of
Single Harness; Three Men's Saddles,
Four Ladies' Saddles; Nine Riding
Bndles; Fifty Winter Lap Robes; One
Cutting Box; One Office Desk; One
Office Safe and Stable Implement!; One
Bay Horse, ten yean old, named Kagen;
One Black Hone' eight yean old un-
unamed; One Black Mare, ten veanold,
named Nellie; One Sofrel Hone, ten
yean old, named Post Boy; One Bay
Gelding, ten ye-n old, named Oox; One
Brown Gelding, eight yeareold Jim Bell
One Red Sorrel horse, eight years old,
named Pittman; One Brown Horse ten
yean old, hamed Hero; One Sorrel
Hone, oight years old, nameu Hero; One
Sorrel Horse, eight yean old named
Sam Uunvan, One Bay Horse, sine
yean old: named Jerry; One Black Horse
seven years old named George; One
Sorrel Horse, six yean old named
Pomp;One Brown Gelding, seven years
old named Hcath;One Gelding five years
old, named Black Hawk; One Chestnut
Griding, seven years old,named Stanley;
One Bay hone, ten years old, named Joe
Ray; One Bay Marc, Six Years old,
named Simpkins; Oue Bay Gelding. Six
years old, unnamed; One Horse, Nine
years old, named Jake Scott; One Bay
Gelding, six years unnamed: i bay horse
eight years old s named Wilt; One Bay
Horse eight years old, named Herbert;
One Dappled Gray Horse, nine years old,
unnamed; C" 1 ' Horse eight years old,
named Big Dick;One Horse eight years
old. named While Foot; One Brown
Horse nine years old, named Lost
Horse; One Bay Horse, ten years old.
named Sam; One Bay Mate, Ten years
old, named Fannie; One Brown Horse
ten years old. named Joe Brown; One
Bay Marc, seven years old, named
Snip-Nosc;One Bay Horse, eight ycats
old, named Cicero; One Horse, live years
old, named lllaok Diamond; One Cliesl-
j nut Mare, seven years old. named
| Emma; One Sorrel Saddle Horse, eight
i years old nunatued; One Bay Horse.
HOW for 49c ' eight years old, named Simon; One Bay
. I Horse eight years old, named Chastain;
■ One Red Roan Horse, nine years old,
! named Kathbone: One Btv Horse, lour
years old, named Bacon Wilks; One Bay
! Mare, five years old, named Valicia, ana
| one Bay Gelding, sevin years old named
The proceeds of sate as contracted in
said Security deed to be applied first to
the payment of the amount due on the
note for which this deed was made, and
tbe balance of the proceeds, if any. to
be paid to tbe makers of said deed and
note; terms of sale cash.
R. A. Cooke
S. A. Roddenberji. Roscce Luke.
Attys for R. A. Coike. 6-10 4t
& Co.
New Idea 10c caper patterns.
Application to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomaa County.
To all whom it may concern;
E. M. Smith and R. Thomaa, Jr.. Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of
W. E. Davie*, deceased, have in doe
fOna applied to the undersigned for
lean to sail the lands belonging to the
estate of mid deoeaood, and as
eaUea will be heard on the lint
in Jnly, 1981.
6-104 - W. M. Jones, Ordinary,
Petition for Charter.
State of Georgia Chatham Connty:
To the Honorable PhlUip Cook, Sec-
rotary of State for the State of Geor
gia: The petition of the nnderalgned,
whose names and residence* are herein
after folly set forth, regretfully shown
1. —That they desire to he incorpora
ted under tbe laws of Georgia, aa provi
ded in the Aets of 1882 and the Acts of
1896 amendatory thereof, pages 80 and
2. —They desire for themselves, their
saooeeeora and their associates, to he
Incorporated under the name and style
of the Strath Atlantic A Mexican Golf
fie railway contemplated In this
petition for a charter Is to be abont
three hundred and twenty-five miles in
length, beginning at. In or near tbe city
city of Savannah, In the county of
Chatham and state of Georgia, and ran
nlng in a southwesterly direction
through the counties of Chatham, Bry
an, Liberty, Tattnall, Appling, (at or
near Baxley), Coffee fat or near Dong
laaandWIUaoooohee) Berrien (at or near
Nashville or Sparks) Oolqmtt, Brooks,
Thomas, (at or near ThomasviUe), and
Decatur, In the Stake of Georgia; and
the ooontles of Leon (at or near Talla
hassee), Gadsden, Wakulla, Liberty,
Franklin, Oalhonn and Washington, b
the state of Florida, to deep water on
the Golf of Mexico.
4.—The capital stock of said railway
•hall be three million dollars with the
privilege of increasing said capital stock
to the earn of five million dollars all of
■ala capital slock to consist of common
6. —They desire the charter of said
railway to continue for and doling the
period of one hundred and one (101)
yean, a* allowed by law.
8.—The principal offloes of said rail
way shall be located in the city of Sa
vannah. Georgia.
7. —Your petitioners declare that they
do Intend in good faith to go forward
without delay to secure subscriptions to
the capital stock and to constroot, equip,
maintain and operate said railway.
8. —Your petltlonen further show
that they have given four weeks (4)
notice or thetr intention to apply for a
charter by the publication of thlk pe
tition in the newspapers in which she
sheriff’s advertisements are published,
in each of the oountiee through wbioh
said railway shall ran, onoe a week for
four weoks (4), before the filing of thia
WHEREFORE, your petltlonen pray
that they may bo incorporated under
the provisions of the laws and the con
stitution of the state of Georgia, with
all of the powers and privileges incident
to sncli corporations, under and bv vir
tue of the laws and the said constitution
of said state. . ,
8.—Your petitiou-rs attach hereto
their names and residences respectively,
as follows, towit;
D. G. Purse, Chatlinm Connty Geor
gia. •
John J. McDonough, Chatham Conn-
ty, Georgia.
K. M. Frank, Chatham County, Goor-
D. G. Purse, Jr., Chatham Connty,
P. M. Comas, M. D., Appling County
0. W. Dean, Appling Connty, Geor
F. L. Sweat, ColTce County, Georgia.
John McLean, Coffee County, Geor
W, J. Rogers, Berrien County, Geor
1. W. Purtlom, Berrien County, Geor
gia. fi.3-4t.
Application for Dismission,
John B. Everitt, guardian of Miss
Blanche Ainsworth, has applied to me
for a discharge from his guardianship of
Mias Blanche Ainsworth, Thia Is there
fore to notify all persons concerned to
file their objections. If any they have,
on or before the first Monday in July,
1904, else he will be discharged from his
guardianship as applied for.
Wit. M. Jones.
6-10-4 Ordinary.
Thos. J. Jordan)
It appearing that the defendant, Jnlia
Brown Jordan is not a resident ot Geor
gia, it is ordered that service be perfec
ted in accordance with sections 2432 and
4978 of the Civil Code of Georgia,' and
that notice containing the names of the
parties plaintiff and defendant, with
caption setting forth the court, the term
and character of the action and a notice
directed and addressed to the party to
be thru served who is Jnlia Brown Jor
dan, the defendant, commanding her to
he and appear at the next term of
Thomas Superior court, and bearing test
in tbe name of the Jongs of 8. C, 8. O.,
and signed by the clerk. The samel to
be pnblithed in the Time*-Enterprise
twice a month for tWo months. This
6th day of June, 1904.
Robt. G. Mitchell
Judge Superior Court Sou, Circuit.
J. W. Groover,
C.8. C.
6-10 8
Application For Administration
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To Whom it ,M»y. Concern; Mr A
Fleetwood, public Administrator, has
made application to me in terms of tho
atatnte to-be made administrator, do
bonis non, with will annexed, of the es
tate cf John N McKinnon, deceased,
end that Hid application will be held
■t the Jnly term, 1904, of the Oonrt of
Ordinary of Thomas connty, Georgia.
Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary.
Petition for Discharge.
GEORGIA—Thomas Connty:
Wm. McKay, Jr Executor of the last
will ot A. W. Glitby, late of said County
deaeateu, having tiled hit petition for
discharge, tbit is to cite all persons con
cerned to show cause against the gran
ting of this discharge at the regular term
of the Court of Ordinary of said County
held on the first Monday in July, 196;.
6-7-4 W M. Jones
Petition for Charter.
GEORG! A—Thomas County.
To the Superior Court ofsaid county:
The petition of W. H. Brandon, W.
M. Hardy, M. R. MaJliette,!. H. Merrill,
S. A. Roddenber/, Alex W. Beater
James Watt, G. S. Whitney, Cbas. S.
Hebard, all of said county, respectfully
sboweth that they desire to be incorpor-
ated under the name and style of the
"Trustees of tbe Young Men’s Christian
Association of ThomasviUe. Georgia.*
said corporation to continue for twenty
years, with privilege of renewal, an
have power by a majority vote to fill
vacancies in itsbodytrom tbememberabip
of tome of the Evangelical churches in
Thomacyille.provided that not more than
four ( th*U at any time be from the sime
denomination and all future presidents
of the "Young Men's Christian Associ
ation of ThomasviUe Georgia" shall be
while in office members ex officio of said
board of trustees, except in casd where
the office of president office of tbe asso
ciation shall be conferred upon a mem
ber of said board when tbe number snail
consist of q.
A number of persons having subscrib
ed and agreed to donate a large fund,
amounting in the aggregate to about
$7,000.00, for tbe purposeof providing a
house for the Young Men’s Christian As
sociation of Thomasville, Georgia, and
to carry on the work of said association,
and more than half of it being actually
f taid in, and said‘subscribers to said
uml having chosen and appointed your
petitioners as Trustees to lake charge of
and collect said fund and to see that the
purposes for which it was subscribed and
donated are properly carried out; and
to that end the *-aid subscribers having
directed your petitioners to cause them
selves to be maa»- a corporation upon ihe
terms, stipulation#, and restrictions ex
pressed in this petition, the same is filed
t«>r the purpose of acting under said
appointment and instructions.
The object and particular business of
said corporation will therefore, he to
collect and receive said fund heretofore
subscribed, or such property as may be
donated to it uygift. intervivos, ora will,
or any natural increase from rrn's, in
terest or otherwise on tbdr investments,
and to purchase and to Hold such real
estate ar may be necessary for the
purpose intended, and to erect thereon
such building or buildings as may be
deemed advisable, to be used and-oc
cupied by the said Young Men’s Chris
tian Association of Thomasville Ga.,
where it^ shall carry on th« business and
the work of said association, as indicat
ed in its charter and by-laws, and to pay
to said association the amount author
ized in the beading of said subscriptious.
ban corp ration t • bavr full piwer i
carry ing out the objects for which tt i
created, ns atov* express'd. t-» pui
chas**, receive, and hold any and a
pr-pertv. teal «*r•personal,' »tch may b
acquired hv r. an«l to contr -l »«*t c IleC
all rents, issues and profits thereof, fc
the pufpo*- cf carrying "ur ih- trut
confided to it; and after pa\ ing all taxet
assessments- insurance, art! expense
neossarv and incident to the preserva
tiers. and care of tlife building or build
ings, to pay over any surplus to tb
tre46ur-rof tbe Young M-u's Cbristlai
Association of Thomasville, Ga. Tb
real estate and other proper'y held bi
said corporation shall never be liabli
for any debt,"contract or obligation o
tbe Young Men’s Christian Assncistioi
of Thbmasville, Georgia, i»s officers o
committees, except that slid trustee
shall have the riaht, after having ex
bansted the subscription now in hanc
and which may hereaft r be secured dur
ing the construction of the building. t<
pledge said property by mortgage 01
security deed for such sum (not exceed*
ing Fifteen Hundred OolUrs (fiicoo) a*
may be neoe«sary to complete tala build-
The corporation to be created undei
this petition in to be and remain a sepa
rate and distinct bodv corporate and
person in law from said Christian Asso
ciation. The said corporation to be
created in accordance with this petition
v is never to have power to encumber the
wbo(eorany part of the property held
by it except aa above >tated.
No intoxicating liquors are ever to be
sold and, end no game of chance per
mitted upon any property purchased
with 1 be funds herein referred to, or beld
by said corporation.
Said corporation shall have power fci
contract and be contracted with, to sue
and be sued, and have all other powers,
rights, and franchises necessary and in
cident to the objects of said corporation;
and the same being ih alt respect* elee
mosynary in its character, and not for
personal train or profit to the members,*
it is to have no capital stock, and the
contract* of Ihe corporation are to bind
ing on it in ita corporate capacity alone
aud not in any _ sense or manner upon
the members individually.
Your petitioners pray the granting of
an order investing them and their suc
cessors to be appointed as heretofore
provided, with the corporate powers
aforesaid and creating a body corporate
upon the terms herein expressed.
J. H. Merrill,
Petitioners Atty.
GEORGIA—Thomas County:
Clerk Office Superior Court.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true copy of the original now on file
in my office.
May 25 lOoi. J. W. Groover,
6 3 4t
Notice to Jail Contractors.
Sealed proposaL will be received at
Thomasville. Ga, by the Board of Com-
Marconi Wireless
Telegraph Securities
! afford the best investment ever offered the public. Tho company is .
rive* 1 Thomas^ rounty f< ja*" *PUn“"aJd i } i,bed and in °l*r»«°n. *1* working plants on 100 ocean steamships, and
specification, now on tile at the office j is also used by the leading navies o r the world. Messages are received
°’Each bidder wUI be'aUowcd and cx . |by the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies at their 60,000
peeled to furnish with his bid .pecifira- 1 offices, and the company is earning money every day It is the greatest dis-
mraeria’l and'Sction'he^ropolef cov( ' r y ,h ® worl<1 has eTer “ and wi » eicccd the telephone, telegraph and
to furnish conforming to site of cell, j electric light in usefulness and general application. We believe that invest-
'!ndd«s P must furnish with proposal m, ’ nts made now >“ i,B » bare » wil1 return a hundred for one.
a certified check for $$oo made i stable | Tbepriceof Marconi Securities will be advanced|2o percent, as soon a$
to E M. Smith Chairman to assure said the present allotment is sold, or on June 2c at the latest, so order now to secure
curity bond for double amountof his bid I . Through managers for the Marconi underwriters who control the stock of
(as the law directs). Same to be satis- thc company now ottered for sale we arc enabled to offer Marconi Certitic ties at
factory to the Board otherwise said *$ oo each, and will accept applications at that puce until June 20, subject to
check will be forfeited to the county. I trie *-°ndition» *P? v . e * . .
The right is reserved to reject any Prospectus and full information on application by mail, or in person,
“ d E.‘raub: ! A. J. McBride,
ChVm. Board of Com ol Roads &R 1 i 0) j Prudential Bldg. Atlanta, Ga.
Hentz’s Curative Bitters.
One doee of Hentz's Bitten proves its power better than columns of argument.
Get a free earn pie botUe and TRY IT.
It u the Safe, Pleasant. Natural Cure for all Stomach and Bowetl Troubles, Including Catarrh
in the digestive tract. '
In all ita half century of cares it haa never failed to give quick relief from all acute pains due to
Dysentery, Bo well complaint, Cholera Morbus, Acute Indigestion, Babies' Colic Ac., &c. Tbs
bust remedy, used by physicians and hospitals, for Dyspepsia, Malaria, Depression, Nenrousues
Neither a Stimulant nor Narcotic, bnt Sedative and Tonic. Purely vegetable and safe, even to
infanta. We have arranged with the following leading druggists to supply free samples of Hentz's
R. Thomas, Jr., Patterson Brag Oo., J. W. Peacock, S. H. Price Co. Tbomaarille, E. W. Dan’
lei, Boston.
Don’t WEl.ctto gat afrascepv -Its ol U».