Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 24, 1904, Image 4

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South Georgia Progress.
. Thankful For Small Favors
The rain Wsdnesdsy Kean to lira
been very general, such as it was. Al-
tboogb the fall continued more than
an boor hen, it waaM light aa not to
penetrate the ground to a very eppreri-
aole depth. Even thia, though, came
moat acceptably and growing cropa,
watermelona particularly, wen greatly
benefltted. It ia thought that the rain
waamneli heavier in tin vicinity of
Ochlockonee and Cairo. *
- circuits. With the former it ia bat ad
inflniteaimal 'percentage Jof the voter*
that can be pereooally aolicited and
>. made promiaea to: neither cad any one
yote or one influence be of aufficient val
ue to be worth the price of 'purchaaing'.
With the Utter, when a majority of
bO voter* haa been known to elect and
when total majorltiee rarely ezeeed
b 1000, each vote ia infinitely valuable,
s- and ia worth the expenditan of Hercu
lean effort*.
Since the publication ot the thort ed-
- i to rift I to which Hr. Ward’* at tide waa
0 a nply, a auggeation haa been made to
q the Timea-Enterpridb which appeala to
g oawpnferable to our original idea of
g of aelection by the aupnme court. Thia
a auggeation call* for the election of the
1 Jadge* in their own home circuita pa
9 now, but their preaiding exclnaively in
: an adjoining circuit. Thia plan would
f completely aileoce our objection* to the
- m elective eyatem, while still preaerving
the democratic machinery.
• It ia hardly practicable to have India-
criminate rotation of the judge* becaun
of the difference in condition* between
* a North Georgia circnit for lnatanoe, and
• the Thomaaville cUcuit. North Oeor-
giana are not able to pay the flnee that
1 would be but juat in South Georgia.
Thia great atate ia po*w*4d of anch
varied reeourcee and varied condition*
1 that a man from the aorthweai can
hardly be expected to be familUr with
oondltlona in the aoutheaat. But aurely
a man of aufficient prominence to be
elevated to the Itooorable poaiticu of a
judge would be of wide enough experi
ence to know the conditions in hla ad
joining circuit. j
Let ua inoteaae the term of the judge
to aix yeari, raiHhl* pay to' at ieaat ,
gAcOO and aubject Um to anaxamioa- ,
lion on tlie law and practice, his com- -
miaaion to be dependant oo the result of
the examination.
The matter ia a weighty one, and ow
ing to onr peculiar good fortune in being
served most satisfactorily by the pre
vailing system, we can dtaauao it* mer
its solely (ran an ethloal ataadpoirt and
without prejudice. The Timee-Enter
prise will receive with pleasure aayhow-
orrble commnnioatlon op the aobjaat.
When yon buy a box of Mio-na, na-
tore’a cure for dyspepsia, bare him sign
the following guarantee. Thia protects
you absolutely again at lorn, should the
treatment fail to cure yon.
1 hereby agree to refund the money
paid for Mi-o-na on return of the empty
Guaranteed Circulation 3,350.
Way’* Building.
World's Fair St- Loom.
Tickets at low rates now 00 salt. For
particulars nppl> to P. S Hay, 8. E. P
A Mobile ..nd Omo R. R. Montgomery,
iil;- s-u tt.
Two Falony Criminal* Tnkaw to Pea-
J. H. Coffee, an employe of the prison
commission, came in Wadncadny afier
two state convict*. He took array to
the 1 amber camp at Fargo William
Lewis and William William*. Lewis
waa reoentlybentenced to life impris
onment for the murder of Sherman
Thomas near Cooltdge. Williams ia th»
negro who waa given eight yean for
breakiug into Oliaatain's atore.
Yovn Money Back ir Hvcmxi Don
Not Club You.
! In reply to a recent editorial in the
Timea-Enterprim regarding the present
tuanner of aelecting superior oonrt judg
es, Hr. J. 8. Ward, Jr., haa writtan a
logical and axoallent defence of the sys
tem now In vogo*.
Hr. Ward votoM the sentiment of n
great many people when lio eays that al
most anything is better than the old
way* of appointment by the governor
with confirmation by the senate and
election by the legislators. It waa ac
knowledgement of this eentimiot in onr
aelvewthat drove a* In desperation to the
auggeation of s plan yet untried, ap
pointment bv the supreme bench.
Hr. Ward flnda only one fault with
the preaetflVrootliod ofeleotlon by the
people, and tliat is the tie re scary
▼ale having to be taken by the elate at
He would lisvu the matter left
r with the people of the circuit
r whicli the Judge will preside.
In this, our opinions are diametrically
opposite, 'if tlio law requiring the dec
ton of every judge by the entire state
were an active force and not a dead fig.
• ore, aa tt is.'we should be far leas anx-
ion Tor e-change. Hr. Wild thinks
that the judges, being onr most Impor
tant officers, should be the ones of oil
-others tobe chonu directly by tbo vote
■of the people. He regards an argument
■wgajnat the encceH of such a system as
‘an argument against the eooeaaa of
>ubUcdn government
Hr, Ward baa lost eight ot the real
boose in the sspulohre. We acknowl
edge that popular alection haa been
adopted In many states that itia the aeem
lug democratic method, and that it ia
the system which brings poaitlve Immu
nity front dospotism. On the other
hand, we do not bdieve "immunity
from influence" to be a trait of human
nature. The public voloe of Georgia haa
raised a mighty clamor against the so-
-oeptam-e of railroad passes by onr legis
lators on the ground that they must be
thereby prejudiced iu favor of tho rail
road. If t)nre be truth iu this claim,
bow much more weighty must bo the
influence exercised over a judge by a
.prominent member 6f a family control
ling one or two hundred votes in his cir
While instances or judicial corruption
la Georgia have been exceedingly rare
in all times, we would call the gentle
man's attention to the fact that the re
cent disgrace in North Georgia was not
anaaddentnoraninoidont, bat a di-
mas. Undar ail three systems this Im
mediate circuit, and mart circuit* In
this section, have obtained complete sat
isfaction, bat the satisfaction has been
ia spite of the system and act beeauae
or it. ,
On ita vary faoa, the idea of a judge
iiltr ftltflirTiftiT-r to i
before him le unjust. If the judge la
forotd to 1 campaign
among tha people over whom ho mnat
yrartde it is aboard to imagine that he
•an be tree from either prajndioe or ob
ligation: It is poesibla in the limited
hoonds of a jndkial oirouit, tor a candi-
data to me and solicit practically
••sty voter In it; in a hot
campaign the Jadicial candidate would
im-re to be of a sped** entirely different
from every other politician did he net
■a. A wink of the cya
rttolha caksssdancf jo*,
of vest imrcrtxaoa.
Use Hyomei and be cared of ca
tarrh," ia what all who have tried it
for that diaeaK say to their friends.
It Is tlie easiest tiling In the world to
stop catarrh at ita beginning it you
um Hyomei. Juat breathe the health-
giving, balagtnio air for n few minutee
and your catarrh will be cured. Iu tlie
ttoaeeenf this diaeaK, ohroaic or
acute, Hyomei used four or five timee u
day ie all that ia needed to soon effect u
cure. '
The complete Hyomei outfit oasis
bat 11.00 sod 00mprises a hard rubber
pocket inhaler, a bottle ou Hyomei and
a dropper. The inhaler will hut a life
time; and additional bottle* of Hyomei
can be obtained tor Mo.
In thia city and natghboring towns,
there am hundreds who can testify to tlie
remarkable powers of Hyomei to jeure
catarrh. Many of the etauneheat friends
of this remedy to-day began Me ok with
little hope that they would be cued,
but as J. W. Peacock ottered to refund
the money if it did not cure, they dee
ded to try it on that plait, and were aoon
restored to health.
For Sale. Newly Overhauled.
One Si H. P. Tabular Boiler
" 2o - " "
- 10 v “ Vertical **
“ . 8 - “ • Locomotive “ 01
One so H. P. Vertical boiler and en
1 No. 1 Dv Loach Saw Mill, Simplex
1—4» inch Inserted tooth saw.
SmaB saws.
'■—Soule steam feed rope Iced aegood
as new.
1—15 H. P. center crank engine.
1-35 C *
good at new.
I—Botton saw mantle.
1—Set 36 stringer logging trucks new
a—Sets 36 pole „ „ „
1—1H Duplex Steam pomp, new.
1—a 1-3 Gardner governor. .,
1—11-1 ,. ., good as
1—2 1-2 King governor.
1—2 1-2 Monarch governor.
1—11-2 Pickering g-vemor.
12—Sets.l2 Pickering Carriage truck,
new, the best Bade.
Prompt attention- upon worth We
will be prepared to foauiab cane mills in
jo days.
Works Dear A. O. L.K. B. Depot.
P.O. 102; Telephones 134 and 310. -
Planete Jr.
It is the verdict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that the
In China, the customary greeting ie PLANETE JR. CULTIVATOR
Howis yo-grliver?" II Hydale'i Liver
M the greatest labor savor and grass destroyer that;, ever
went into the field.
It do® the week thoroughly, quickly and with ease to
the operator.
If you ace not already using them get yourself right and
call on or write
Dm the cough, left by tho grippe—«r
the ocid oemruoted during the win tar,
•tillhang out Rydale'sElixir willows
your cough and heal your weak haags.
It km* tha germs that earns chroaio
throat and ling SIsssM and helps nature
restore the weakened organs to health.
THal else too. Family rise Mo. Tot
swift oy J, W. Peacock.
“ftr what is worth hfanythiog
But so mch money as ’twill bring.”
Just arrived 'a line of extra
pants, in all wool
Homespun, -
crash and wash pants.
Ter Ia&nts and Children.
Hi KM Yn Kan Ahnys Bia§bt
A lint- of wash suits $.’.75 per suit and upward. Out Blue Serge
Cuota for Boys, Youths and men are atilt the go at #2.50 andjupward.
all wool. *
Just received today a line of all wool 2 piece suits $12.00 value to’eell
for $8-50 right from the makers.
A full line of boys knee pints in ill wool Summer weight are expect
ed by the middle of next week-
A new line of Trunks, Bags and Salt case*
ALSO -v r -
Our (1.2J High Art Negligee Shirts are going likej hot cakea’at|Ona
Dollar. S- come and get your share of|the beet shirts 00 earthjjfbr
One Dollar.
We desire t» call attention of oar customers this week to a lasge
line of —
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements,
We handle the
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggiea
and the Rex Buggies, and the MeF.irlane Buggies and
•We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano and corn drills.
We have the best liue of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilisers per acre.
We also carry a fall line of two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weedera.
We are still offering bargains in
'—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have on hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Finders
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling yon to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat ran about on
display in our window, which will be given away on May 28th. Ono
of onr onstomera will get this beautiful run about. Yon may be'the
lnoky one. COME to tee ns.
Comfort Trading Co.,
MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS nesvncreaw vigorand
— hftni.K "wftfcm." They
Wi5!ohim <,I<ibr P * lt *" 0rDn '* C<k DR - M °TTS CHEMICAL cO/Cb