Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 24, 1904, Image 5

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'ness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratti If
'they will only have faith in the use of
(Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
j women
, , j Compound has
... . --mpletely run down, unable to attend sohool, and
’ ^ j c&tq for any kind of sooioty, but now I feel like a new person,
and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months,
| “I recommend it to all young womei
ness.”—Miss Alma. Pratt, Holly, Mich.
.^All yoimtf girla at this period of life are earnestly invited to
(Tfrito Mrs. Plnkham for advloo; ih6 baa guided in a motherly way
.hundreds of young^women; hor advice is freely and cheerfully
eflt I have reoelved th;
table Compound an.
Nothing is allowed to with studies, th. girl mnat bo pushed to
the front and graduated with honor | often physical collapse follows, and It
takes yeans to recover the loot vitality,—often It Is never recovered.
A Young Chicago Girl Saved from Despair.
Dear Mbs. Pinejiam :—I wish to thank yon for the help and ben-
' '■ ’ hrough the use of Lydia ‘
id Llvar Pills. Whon ]
years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good
health and vitality. Father said I studied too
hard, but the dootor thought different and
prescribed tonics, which 1 took by the
a unit without relief. Reading one day In
ie paper of Mrs. Pinkham’s great cures,
and finding the symptoms described an
swered mine, I decided I wou'
E. Plnkham’s Vegetable <
trial. I did not say a word to the doctori
I bought it mysolt and took it aocording
to directions regularly for two months,
and I found that I gradually Improved,
and that all pains left me, and I was my
old self once more. — Lillie E. Sinclair,
17 E. 22d St, Chicago 111.”
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Is the one sore rem
edy to be relied upon at this important period in a young girl's
life | with It she can go through with courage and safety the work
she mast accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that
her future life may be Insured against sickness and suffering.
A P fill A FORFEIT if oannot forthwith prodn;s the original letters and signatures of
\h|||||| above teetu&onlala, which will prove then absolute gea nineties*.
iPuUUU Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn, KM.
Cotton Must Have
Potash is an essential plant food
which must be added as a fertilizer
or the soil will
I»I1 —w 1 '» -M We j, a v e books
giving valuable de-
tail] about fertiliz
er.. We will eend
them free to any farmer who asks us for them.
jfew Yerfc -SB .\usas Street, er
Atlanta, Oa.~«*H 8a. Bread 81.
“Anything new about the war?"
“An unofficial dispatch has just been
confirmed.”—Chicago Rocord-Horald.
Having a Plo-nlc.
There is something particularly enjoyable
about going to a Pic-Nic. The very word
Pic-Nic brings pleasant anticipations of a
good time. The idea of going out to the
woods and fields or down by some brook or
lake, with luncheon to be served on the
grass and under the trees, hat a peculiar
fascination. The fresh air and exercise
contribute to give a hearty appetite to all
and everything at luncheon seems far
better than the finest course dinner that
a French chef ever served. Wooden dishes
supplant Dresden china, and paper boxes
silver trays, when the “good things to
eat" are spread upon the ground.
Pic-Nice are never complete without the
sandwiches, sweet white bread with a gen
erous layer of meat between. Libby's
canned meats are ideal for Pic-Nic* and
outings. The cans are so easily opened
and the contents so fresh and palatable
that no Pic-Nic is a success without
Libby's “Natural Flavor" Food Products.
A Large Trial Box and book of in-
struct Ions absolutely Free and Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxtineToilet Antiseptic
Pax tine Is In powder
form to dissolve In
water — con-poisonous
and far superior to llqu Id
antiseptics containing
alcohol which Irritates
Inflamed surfaces, and
have no cleansing prop-
| ertics. The contents
I of every box makes
e Antiseptic Solu-
— lasts longer—
1 further—has more
1 In the family and
► does more good then any
antiseptic preparation
yon can buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, forLcucorrhcu, Pelvic Catarrh. Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane.
In local treatment of femalo Ills Paxtine Is
invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wo
challenge the world to produce its equal for
thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing
and.healing power; it kills all germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
All leading druggist* keep Paxtine; price, 50c.
a box; if youn doe* not, tend to us for It. Don't
take a substitute—there is nothing like Paxtine.
Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day.
BsPAXKnrca. 7 Pops gMg., Boston, Kus.
rest of tbeTamily.
SaKSA^TboinpMn’gEyi Wafer
When the back aches and yon arc al
ways tired out, depressed and nervous
—when sleep is disturbed by pain and
by urinary
ills. It’s time
to act. The
kidneys are
sick. Doan’s
Kidney Pills
cure sick
quickly and
ly. Here's
Mrs. W. 8.
Marshall, R.
F. D-, No.
1, Dawson,
Ga„ says: “My husband’s back and
hips were so stiff and sore that he
could not get np from a chair without
help. I got him a box of Doan’s Kid-
ney Pills, ne felt relief in three days.
One box cured him.”
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Mar-'
■hall will be mailed on application to
any part of the United States. Ad
dress Foster-Wilburn Co., Buffalo, N.
X. Sold by all dealers; price 00 cents
per box. ...
Conclusion Reeohed by Profseeor Chit
tenden After Long Experiment.
For eight months Professor Russell
H. Chittenden hoe directed the work
of a squad of United States soldiers
at Tale. His alal wia to discover the
Btokt practicable rations for the army
under verted conditions and, second,
and Indirectly, the diet beet fitted for
the American people, perhaps for the
whole race.
Meat dlsappeard from the menu ot
the soldiers the day after they re
ported. Cereals and vegetables form
ed their food until they departed. At
one time their allowance was cut
down to see what wae the emalleet
amount soldiers, or, for the matter
ot that, an ordinary man, could live
on and work attentively. There were
twenty soldiers when the experiments
Were Started; eleven when they left
three weeks ago. Three deserted, one
or two went Insane, and the rest were
sent sway. It Is said, because they
persistency broke training and ate
meat The climax oil departures oc
curred when the soldiers were kept
down to low water mark ratlene, to
see how little they eould eat and work
well. Without exception the members
Of the squad declared montha before
their time wae up that they were
heartily sick of the diet end would re
sign if thsy could honorably. One of
the squad said philosophically: “The
Japs and Russians In the field fight
ing s hard campaign at zero weather
get no meat rations, and so I think
that we can stand It a little longer
on a vegetable diet at the Yale gym
It can be said on good authority
that Professor Chittenden will not
recommend the giving up of meat as
an article of diet, althought he has
been frequently quoted as holding
that radical belief. He has decided
that: 1. We eat too much. 2. Wo eat
too fast 3. We would live much long
er and do our work better If we ate
only halt as much meat as we do.—
Collier's Weekly.
There wss an old monarch In Thibet,
Skirt dancing he tried to prohibit;
His rule wss so strict,
If any one kicked
He ordered her hanged on a gibbet.
—Carolyn Wo'lls, In Life.
Kuxs, Ltd., 981 Arch St.,Phils., Pa.
Many a man who starts at the foot of
the leader is down at the heal at the finieb.
Csultl Von lias Any Kind of s Sewing
Machine at Any Pries f
. If there Is any price so low, any of-
'for so liberal that you would think of
accepting on trial a new high grade,
drop cabinet or nprlgbt Minnesota,
Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Standard,
White or Nstr Home Sewing Machine,
cut out and return this notice, and you
will reeetvs by return mall, postpaid,
free of cost, the handsomest sewing
machine catalogue ever published, it
will nsms yon prices on the Minnesota,
Singer, Wheeler ft Wilson, White,
Standard sod New Home sewing ma
chines that will surprise you; we will
make you a new and attractive proposl-
tlon, a sewing machine offer that will
astonish you.
If you can make any use of any sew
ing machine at any price. If any kind
of an otter would Interest you, don’t
fall to write ue St once (be sure to rut
out and return this special notice) and
get our latest book, our latest offers,
our new and most surprising proposi
tion. Address
Siam, Rokbuck ft Co., Chicago.
II all won
Into salt pi]
of statues.
“I suffered for tbxee year* with leucqr-
itu and ulceration of the womb. The
dootor advocated an operation which I
dreaded very much. :nd strongly objected
to io under it. Now I am * changed
women.' Pcruno cured me: it took nine
bottles, but I felt so muon improved I
kept taking it, as I dreaded an operation
io much. I am to-day ip perfect health
and have not felt to well for fifteen
year*."—Mrs. Eta Bartho.
Mrs. Senator Roach, of Lartm ore,
K Dak, i Mr*. Senator Warren, of
Cheyenne, XVyo.f Jiclva Lockwood
and Mrs. General Longstrcet, of
Washington, D. &, are among the
prominent ladies who indorse Pe
ru na.
Miss Helen Rolof, KauLauna, Wit.,
“Several times during the past two
year* o rmore ray system ha* been greatly
in need of a tome, and rt those Time* Pe-
runa ha* been of great help in building tip
the system, restoring my appetite and se
curing restful eleep. ,# —Helen Rolof.
•oit, Mich.. District Organizer
ypl Templars of Temperance,
Of t(io Royi
writes as foil
“I suffered for five years with uterine
irregularities, which brought on hysteria
and made- roc a physical wreck.' I tried
doctors, from the different schoclj of med
icine, but (Without any perceptible change
in my condition. In my despair I called
on an <-ld nurse, who advised me to try
Peruna, and promised good results if l
would persist and take it regularly. - I
kept this up for six months, and steadily
gained strength and health, and when I
nad used fifteen bottles I considered myself
entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy
woman to-day."—Miss Munel Araittge.
Miss Lucy M. Riley, 33 Davenport 6t.,
Cleveland, Ohio, writes:
“I wish to-add my indorsement to thou
sand* cf other women who have been
cured through the uce of Peruna. I suf
fered tor five years with severe backache,
and when wearied or worried in the lcaat
I had prolonged headache. I am now in
perfect health, enjoy life and have,neither
an ache or j Tin, thanks to Peruna."—Lucy
M. Riley.
It is no longer a question as to whether
Peruna can be relied o:. to cure all such
cases. During the'many yeans in which
Peruna has been put to test in all form*
and stages of acute and chronic catarrh
no one year has put this remedy to greater
test than the »o*t year. ,
If all the women who are suffering with
any fprm of female weakness would write
to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and give
him a completevdeucription of their symp-
tom* and the peculiarities of their troubles,
be will immediately reply with complete
directions for treatment, free of charge.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Advirtlilnf s Town.
The marvelous growth of Seattle,
Wash, is credited mainly to newspaper
publicity. The business men. of that
community raised a considerable sum
to be expended tot space in Eastern
newspapers, and the returns were
prompt and generous.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of tho
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few yean was supposed to
be incurable. Fora great many yesra doctors
ironounccd it a local disease and prescribed
.ocal remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced It In
curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a
constitutional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney 4
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
on the market. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct
ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
stem. They offer one hundred dollars for
J case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
testimonials. Address F. J. Chbxiy A
Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation
People Blast Be Told.
A writer on advertising says It is the
aim of nearly every business concern
to have a special and original feature.
But when such a specialty shall be
found it must be advertised. No arti
cle can sell Itself without the aid of
After listening to s poor young man's
tale of woe it's up to the heiress to give
him a helping hand.
ii is uie oniy cure tor nwoiien, Bmaning,
Tired, Aching. Hot, Sweating Feet,Corns and
Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Base, * powder
* while
Libby's Natural Flavor Fooda are U. B.
Government inspected, perfectly packed
canned fooda, and are ready to serve at
, a moment’s notice.
Veal Leaf, Vienna Sansage, Ham loaf, Boneless Chicken, Ox Tongues
Are Among tho Many Tempting Incheon Hoots- Aik Yssr Grocer Tor Them.
Bend tor ear booklet “How to Make Good Tbinrs to Sat." f
Libby, McNeill & Libby,, Chicago
"But," protested the typewriter
bosrder. “Adam wasn’t contented
without ■ wife.”
"Perhaps not,' 1 rejoined the old
bachelor, "but at that stage of the
gome be didn’t know anything of good
or evil.”—Chicago News.
Trust not the woman that thinksth more
>1 herself than soother. Mercy will not
lwell in her heert.
remwif, swtNN MfV KUlilg.
tlon allayspela^artesrlnd coHc.2Ho.abottIe
It is difficult to sir* s long headed man
the short end of sdsol.
IsmsanPIso’sCnre forCocxn m ptlon sared
my Ufa Ores yean ago.—Xss.Tsowa Boo-
SIM. Maple 8L, Hoiwleh, K.T„ Feh. 17,1900.
aeldom forgets s faror be does
Feet Hurt,
Sweat,Itoh, blister? Rota?, Foot Wash
ourea them. Removes odors of feet, armpits,
oto.; stops chafing. If not at druggists send
25o to Eatok Dana Co., Atlanta, Oa., for
full size, postpaid; sample for 2o stamp.
One application proves Ita merit. Honey
book if not satisfied.
A pale and dishevelled Frenchman
was sinking Into his deck cfhalr on a
Channel steamer when s passenger
asked cheerily:
“Ah, monsieur, havo you breakfast
"No, monsieur," answered the pallid
Frenchman, “I hsf not breakfasted—
on ze contrary! ”—Tlt-Bltz. -
eontlnninflhi^uVffi* oAtyeften^rMonneodlef
fthffim to my friends. I foci flno when Iris# in the
mom in*. ^Iope to have a c banco to ncoauMafi
° MC “rrad O. Witten, 76 Elm SB., Newark, If./.
^ ine Doweis
Best For
The Bowels
,lr w 0RKwmU T ^l
to car* or yoar money back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or If.Y. 553
“Look here,” said the zour-faced
lady who had answered his “Per
sonal,” “your ad. Is a fake; it dis
tinctly stated ‘object matrimony.”’
“Well—er—um—you zee,” faltered
the man, nervously, “Hiere was some
mistake. The printer omitted a word.
The sd. should have read, ‘object Io
matrimony.”’—Town Topics.
Or. Bigger*’ Huckleberry Cordial
Tha Orest Southern Remedy.
Cures all Stomach and Bowel Troubles,
such as. Chronic Dysentery,- Cholera Mor-
bue, Bloody Flux, and also children
teething. It seldom falls to make quick
and permanent cures of all stomach and
bowel diseases. See testimonial of th*
t0 W. G'RADV.
Dn Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Qa.
Dear tin This Is ths first certificate
that I have aver given at to tho merits
of any medicine, but I take pleasure In
recommending Dr. Diggers’ Huckleberry
Cordial. I consider It th* boat remedy
that I have aver used In my family for
Stomach and Bowel Troubles. Me In
vested In a bottle of this msdlolno to be
used In tho beginning of any stomach
trouble will often save Ilf# as well as a
doctor's bill. I have a friend whose
***, In my opinion, saved by tha
prompt use of Dr. Diggers 1 Huckleberry
word ml. For aalo by all Druggists, 0
and 60c per bottle.
. . (Signed) HKNRY W. GRADY.
Atlanta, Oa., May 23, 1M7.
Haltlwanger-Taylor Drag Co., Prop.,
Atlanta, Qa.
Taylor's Cherokee Remedy 0/ Swiwt
Absolutely Cures
Indigestion, Catarrh, Neuralgia. Rheumatism,
Blood Poison and all other germ diseases. It
has been used for 30 years, and has 100,000 en-
Booklet on germ diseases free. ,
Dept. C—Bsroeevllle, Oa.
swelling fa 8toso
days; effects a permanent rnrp
in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment
given free. Nottiingcan be fairer
Write Or. H. H. Green’s Stas.
Specialists, Box B Atlanta, Qa.
In Warm Baths with
And gentle anointings
Ointment, the great Skin'
Cure, and purest and
sweetest of emollients.
It means instant relief and,
refreshing sleep for tor
tured, disfigured, itching,'
and' burning babies, and .
rest for tired, fretted
mothers, when all a else
4 lee M Dev fe Osn Behy HaawM. 1 *
Malsby & Co.
41 Soatb Forsyth SL. Atleote, 6s.' ,
Portable and Stationary
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Oom,UU Km carritd in ttockftr
Belt Maottta.ry, Pries. And Csss Tsrms
Write us for catalogue, prices,
etc., before buying.
ITT AHD Xxes or oMiATioN. Write for
descriptive circulars. kUnufaeturodby
SALEM IRON WORKS,Wlnoton-flalem,!
The Orest
and W<
Are 6b
No trouble to answer questions. SI mHeo
Shreveport to Dallas. Writ#
Texas, free. £• tobmbr.
This is What Yon Want l
Dare Ton Any Malarial Troubles ?
REGAL MEDICINE C0.,of Stanford, Bonn.,
■kteds sad sfswi of fftore BnUdfaga We furnish ell nutsrUI • ntcrin*
• ooretreclto. Ot Store Pn»w7wdl. ]U .to* jor oroim^knild-
. __ mi
?S3Sr7. 11 I
1 Zioautlful, Bvoi-lnotins
SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO., Owensboro, Kentucky