Newspaper Page Text
The Board of Education ha* requested
the Board of Aldermen to see to it that
amide prote lion is afforded tlie school
ctiildren of the city at the Atlantic Coast
tine crossing* ou F.etclier and Jackson
streets. The matter has 1 eeu referred
to a special committee for reiiort.
The Times-Enterprise hopee that the
council will see that this matter is prop-
Only the mercifol
Bainbridge Odd Fellows Thank Thoip-
asvllle Brethren of the Order. J**
Nitun-a Giftlfrom the, Sunny South
erly attended to.
dispensation of a beuiflcent Providence
has guarded against accident or loss- of
life in ^he
Now that the grades
have been consolidated and the younger
children will go to the South Georgia
College building, some arrangement for
their safety is absolutely necessary and
must be provided. The case admits of
no argument. Protect the children
Can be set and ready to saw in two hours. Variable Fric-
on Cable Feed. Stationary Milts, any capacity. Portable
■Kfttkmary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies.
Mr. T. C. Bayless of Lexington, Ky„
is lie re for tlie.melon season and ia at
the Manure. He ia one of the moat
prominent melon borers who n.ake this
place their headquarters.
A. B. Crenshaw was here from Paro
Arkausaa is allright at heart. It has
just instructed for Parker.
Tliere are wotte things than an onion-
another shipment of
Star Brand Shoes
We enn .how you almost any
style of Shoo you arelooklrg for.
Poe our line of Oxfords, the
Shoes yon want for snmnor wear,
and yon kfiow tlmt
John H. Ooyle
is president of I
^^.^^siaiwr3WelflSflHa>«ir.l&^ ^
Chauncey Depew
■Is Ilfs worth Bring»■ Hs replied! “It
i ths Uver. K
Chauncey eras
partially; right but he might hays added
stomach and ths
W uUL 5 Its work. The moment yon put lard-
^ / cooked food In your stomseh yen are
I If l sending.out a pressing invitation for dye-
" ’ t pspsia to call upon you. This may sound
(exaggerated, but 1st us reason it out.
Lard is made from hog fats.;The hog isn’t ths moot olsanly antasj
In ths world, and why shogldVard be any more dlgssUble than fat
potkf It isn't Yeu are simply Uldng chances when you use lard In
cooking; If It doesn’t barm yoiU you're lucky.
Tho best shortening in thttmlrsrss Is Cottolsns. It is mads from
refined vegetable oil and choice‘beef oust
It but whet Is puce, wholesome; and dij
will do the work of Cottolsns. You musl
inferior produst Which are you going to dot
Guard against substitutes. Cottolsns oomsa only In sealed tin
pails (three sizes) with a red label and band. In the center of the
label Is our trade mark-* •tsar’s head in cotton plaid w«ath. Cot-
tolens it not open to contamination as Is bulk lard; tbs quality is
always uniform tad guaranteed. .
Ask your grocer for a pall of Cottolsns and start yoursslf on ths
right road ts successful cookery.
USB 54 LESS. Cottolsns being richer than either lard'or oookmg
butter, one-third tosslls required.
FREE ifil? S’ ’SiS
Are Better.’
T. J. & H. Megahee,
Th9 Drummers Livery Stable
Having just |bnilt anil equipped a modern Livery Feed and Sales Stables’
with Qrst.class Oarrisgts, Bugs os and saddle horses. New Buggies Car
riages and Drummers Rigs. Prompt and courteous attention' given all,
Orders forjquiok services.
The] patronage of commercial travelers especially solicited. Hates
VeryJReasonable. Conveniently located on ltryan street. Two minutes
walk easy of depot near railroad. Call on, write,; ’phone or wire.
Cairo, Ga. JW. D. BARBER, Prop.
Satisfaction Ouarantecd.
The Portable Saw Mill is the Coming Mill.
It is a portable mill that is really portable. Makes perfect
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 5,000 feet per day.
Ruud making machinery is not only
displayed in the palace of liberal arts at
the world's fair but the utility of many
of tho machines is denioiistrntei!,' by
showing them in actonloperaliou One
of the exhibitors in this section lias ar
ranged a circular read of earth and opon
this track several miniature machines,
exact working models of their larger
prototypes, - perate. A 1 roadgrader
turns np the earth, aroad-roller smooths
it down, and wagons, scrapers, and
other vehicleafoUow. The earth Is being
worked over and over daily, a perfect
road being produced every few mluntes.
Thomas county jieople who are Inter
ested in good roads, and everybody
onght tc he, should look np the exhibit.
It is in the northeast corner of the liber
al arts building. If Capt E. M. Smith,
"original” good roads man goes to
Loais,he is certain to be found there,
The Georgia State Dental Soeiety will
meet in Athens on June ilSth. The ad
dress of welcome will be delivered by
Hon. T. W. Reed, editor of the Athens
Banner, and will be responded to by Dr.
of thle city. Dr, Coyle
the state board of ex.
the institution of Oak
234, 1. O. O F., several
Woods Lodge, Mo.
138, were kind enough to be present
ns and assist ns ip the orgauiza-
oar Lodge, and made fliem■
sel-os very agreeable and indispenaS'
hie to us, anil endeared themselrrs to
ns, inmmywiys, tin -afore, be it re
That the thanks of Oak City Lodge,
Mo. 234, are hereby tendered to tho
Piney Woods Lodge, and the visiting
brethren, and that, the links of the
chain may erer grow stronger between
ns, and tliat we may Imre the pleasure
of again having these brothers with ns.
. Resolved, farther that this resolution
be spread opon the minutes of this
Lodge, aud published in our local papers,
and that a copy be sent to the Piney
Woods Lodge.
C. W. Wimberly,
D. L. O'neal,
B. F. Lewis,
Professor Woodrow Wilson of Prince
ton takes a calmly sensible view of ex-
isting conditions. We ooglit not to be
misled, eeys he, into supposing that thie
ts an age greet and material beyond
preoedent, more debsaohed by greed or
intoxicated by material power than
thoee gone before. The spirit '.of men,
he declares, waxes ee strong now as ey-
er anil gives itself to works as mighty
and influential.
The Georgia industries keep comiug.
Last woek's list includes:
Savannah—$25,000 cooperage plant;
fertiliser factory.
Atlanta—$23,000 medicine factory.
Oordele—$0,000 cotton gin.
Carrollton $45,000 water works, elec
tric light plant and sewerage system.
Some of the northern nowspapers are
pleading for a "sane aud sound Fourth
of July.” The sound will be there all
We would break into a cold sweat if
we thought there was any probability
of. that man Hearst being nominated.
There is a magic iu the name of Ism:
Stephen D. lias Just been nnanlmoosly
chosen to lead the veterans.
When it comes to answering the free
pass question, four of the flve legisla
tive candidates say "I pass."
Illinois is uow pronounced with a de
cided accent on tho “ill.” It instructed
for liesrst.
. Grover Cleveland is too fat to make
a good dark horse at the National Con-
The Chicago Mews suggests that few
uieu are wife beaters—'when it comes to
Georgia Not Allowed Increase In Sol
diers Quota to Manassas.
Adjt. Gen. 8. W. Harris hat received
* letter from Gen. R. O. Corbin, com
manding the Division of the Atlantic,
in which he declines to increase Geor
gia's quota of troops for the fall maneu
vers of tlie army in September beyond
the 1,500 already allowed. Georgia has
2,100 men desiring to go, so that some
of them can be there for only one week.
About 1,000 of them, however, will be
able to remain there for the fall two
weeks period.
If efficiency ooonts for anything Co.
K. from this oity will go and stay the
entire time. The company hoe more
than 60 .members and ie drilling hard
twice a week.
If you have never tried thie
great remedy
for a free eampte and etatt
your eymptome.
He simply ask you to try it
at our expense. He know what
it will do.
Thacher Medicine Co.
Valdosta Bankrupts.
Referee J. H, Merrill heard a bank
rnptcy cose of more than usual interest
recently. It woe tliat ot the Valdosta
Furniture Company. The principal
owner of tlie etook was E. B. Henderson
ot Macon. Mr. Henderson waa former
ly auditor of the Macon and Binning-
liam aud is aocnaed of having embexxled
$50,000 ot the road's funds. He olaims
innocence and declares that General
Manager Julian Lane ie the gnilty man,
Both have cases pending agaiust them.
Mr. Henderson waa here daring the
progress of the case.
Extra Hallo Case.
Friday afternoon an additional
telephone booth was installed in the cen,
tral exchange. Daring the melon sea
son the wires fairly hnm with conver
sations in regard to sliipments of the
striped beauties, and the former
rangemeata wire inadequate to handle
the business. Manager O. O. Stone
gives Ilia patrons every; possible conve
Roof Bumad a Bit.
The lull of tlie noon hour was rudely
punctured by the tympanum tearing
toot of the) fire whistle Friday, at 12:
45 p. m. The department hiked out
Dawson street on the double quick and
found the roof of negro house on Young
street, back of the Barnes residence, in
flames. The fire was extinguished witli
only a paltry loss. '
Every Day.
The Flint River and Northeastern
road between Pelham and Tii kuor are
now nsing a double doily train service.
When tlie rood was first started no
trains were ran on Sunday.
BY Tire
Weekly Times-Enterprise.
Weekly Times-Enterprise 1 year and
a splendid man of Georgia, tlie United
States and the world, $1 00.
(The map alone is worth the money.)
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one
year $1 40.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one
yearfl 50.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Three Times-Week New York World,
both onq year *1 GO.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and
Boston Times, both one year $1 25.
Weekly Times-Enterprise and the
Sonny South and the Weekly Atlanta
Constitution, all one year $2 00.
Almost any other combination yon
can want at a price to suit you. If one
of these combinations doesn’t suit write
as what you want.
Thomasville, Ga
Florida’s Famous
“Chicago ft Florida Limited.-’
St. Augustine, Jacksonville to Chica
go, end St. Louis.
This train is operated over the short
est line between St. Augustine, Jack
sonville, Chicago and St. Louis, and a
fords the quickest schedule by nearly
two hours.
This train is the standard of perfeo
tionin passenger service, consisting of
Pullman Vestibuied Drawing Room,
Sleeping Compartment, Dining and
Observation Cars.
Leaves 8t. Augustine 6:20.*. in., Jack
sonville 8.40a. tn. Arrive Chicago 4:10
p. in.. St. Louis i;35 P- m -
VILLE, TENN,, MAY 12 18. 1903.
To Delegates and Their Frien .s:- *
Your attention is called to the offi
cial route, for the above meeting. South
Georgia, North Georgia, North Carolina
and South Carolina lias selected the
Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis
Ry, from Atlanta to Nashville as the of
ficial route (The Battle Field Route.)
The special train will leave Atlanta
Wednesday morning at 8:20 May ilth.
he Florida delegation can join this
par«y in Atlanta by leaving Jacksonville
at 8:05 p. m, May 10th . via the “Dixie
Flyer Route”; through sleepers Jack
sonville to Nashville; no change of Jcars
or transfer via this route. Tickets on
sale Mav loth . nth and 12th, returning
limited to ten days. Tickets can be ex
tended until Jane 6th, by depositing
them with Special Agent, at Nashville,
and payment of fee 50 cents. The rate
from your city is one fare (first class)
plus 25 cents,
Ask the Ticket Agent to sell you a
ticket via the ’Dixie Flyer Route,'
“ Fla. Pass. A
E. J, Walker, Fla. Pass. Agt.
Eggs For Sale.
Brown Legliorn eggs for sale. 91.00
per setting of 15. Address Mrs. J. O
Neel, Boston, Ga. 3-24-5
River and .Northeastern
Railroad Co
Effective April 6, 1904.
Daily except Sunday.
Leave Pelham . 10:30 a m
Arrive Ticknor 12:30 p m
Leave Ticknor 2:00pm
Arrive Pelham 4:10 p m
D. M. Rogers, Gen’l Supt.
25 Horse Power Boiler. Good as new
W. P. Sparks,
6 10 4t Thomasville, Ga.
Test your eyes
IFit them with the
•proper glasses and
adjust the frames
to your face property. Goods and work
guaranteed by J. R. Salter, proprietor
of the Eclipse Optical and Medicine
uy, ThomasviUe, ~ “
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok*
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
THE LADIES favor painting their
churches, and therefore we urge every
Minister to remember we give a liberal
quantity of the Longman & Martinez
Paint toward the painting.
Wears and covers like gold.
Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linseed
Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when
you buy other paints in a can with a
paint label on it.
8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when you
want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only-
eight of L. & M., and stx gallons pure
Linseed Oil with it. and thus get paint
at less than $1.20 per gallon.
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of L. & M. and three gal
lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith.
These Celebrated Paints are sold by
O. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs, Ga.
Low One-way Settlers' Rates to
the Northwest and California.
From September 15 until November
80, 1903, the Burlington makes very low
one-way colonist rates to California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana
Tlie redaction is from 25 to 40 par cent
from the regular rates.
The Way to Go.
The Burlington, with its strong main
Unee and free chair cars, best reaches
the West and Northwest via Denver.
Billings or St. Paul.
“Tho Burlington-Northern Pacific
Express’’ is the great daily through train
with chair cars and tourist sleepers via
Billings, Montano, to Puget Sound and
intermediate points.
Homeseekers' Excursions
There ore run the first and third'Tai
days of each month at approximate
half rates for the round trip.
It will be a pleasure for us to giro yi
_n accurate and informative renly to oi
inquiries. ^
J. N. Merrill, Gen'I. Southern Agt.,
L- W. Wakeley, Gen^S. 0 !^
St Louis, i