Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 24, 1904, Image 9

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TIMi-o-iiNIEEPMSK T HO^ASVILfiE GE0G1A JUNE 24 1904. The Bisli Racket Sit There is but one way to do business and that is To Buy Right. To Sell Right. To Treat Everybody Right. We practice all. Give us a chance to serve you and we will prove to you what we claim for ourselves. Here are Some of Our Prices. Grocery Branch, .Opposite Post Office. Octagon Soap 6 for 25c 2-lb Tomatoes 8c can. Sngar, 18 lbs for $1.00 Kingan Hams .... 14 I-2C lb Breakfast Bacon 14c lb. Boston Baked Beans 10c can. 75c Tea per pound 50c 35c Java'& Mocha Coffee] 25c Racket Store Branch^ 118 Broad Street. Dinner Plates 5c 10c Cups and Saucers 5c 50c Galvanized Tubs 39c ioc Baking Pans 5c ioc Chair Seats 5c 5c Water Tumblers. .2 for 5c Jelly Glasses, doz 25c All 5c Laces, yd 3c All ioc Laces, yd 5c $1.25 Men’s Pants. 98c 75c Bleached Table covers 49c Everything else sold at reasonable prices. Come and see for yourself. 4 ALEX S. YEAGER, Manager. BATH TIBS AT COST. I have 12 magnificent guaranteed porcelain bath tubs of which the regular price is $35.00 each. For a short time L will sell these tubs at $25.50. This is a close price and you probably never had such a tub bar gain offered you before. Think of being able to Keep Cool for $25.50 FOR FREE ADVICE Every Woman Should Write Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium.' Mrs. Joseph Lacollo, Ottawa, East, Oat.Canada, writes* “Peruna la better by far than any other medicine Bold in the Dominion for the troublca peculiar to the aex. I Buf fered with backache, headache and dragging down palna for over nine montha, and nothing relieved me • par ticle nntU I took feruna. A few bottle* relieved me of my miserable half-dead, half-alive condition. I am now In good health and have neither ache or pain, nor have I had any for the paat year. If every suffering woman would take Parana they would toon know Its value and never be without it."—Ura. Joaopb Lscelle. , Free noma Advlea. In vtew of the great multitude 01 women anffering from some form of female diaeaao and yat unable to find any oura, Or. Hartman, the renowned specialist on female catarrhal dis eases, has announced bis willingness to direct the treatment ot as many cases as make application to him during tho summer mouths without charge. Thoae wiablng to become patient, should addrcaa The Penns Madlelnt do., Columbus, Ohio. * Other plumbing fixtures at cost. Come to see me, ’Phone at residence. 200 TaCl-csson Street. Telephone Connection. JOHN B GRANT, -^CEEEOLA.' - ' Choice Oats, Corn, ami Wheat Bran ground together. The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled as a milk ind butter producer. np-u-riiin.©- Just receivedja fresh car of this renowned feed fot Hcrses -and Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bills down. Highly endorsed by all large feeders, , We have a big stock of fresh com, oats, bay, wheat,bian cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let us serve you when in need of anything in the feed line. Try a case of onr assorted Soda Water and Root Beer. We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarauteejpunty and excellence. t The Thomasville Ice Company •PHONE NUMBER <3. SUMMER- RATES. Those wbt wiih day board or plane, ant none with hoard can be accom nha homelike, good and prompt aer* toe given to an. Phone 171. £ Masory Hotel. OUR ED HIS MOTHER ef RHEU MATISM. “Mr mother has been a sufferer for many veers with rheumatism,’ says W. H. Howard, of Husband. Pa. “At timee ■trews a unable to move at all. while at ti mes walking was painful. I peeaented bar with a bottle of Chamberlain's Fata Balm and after a few applications she decided it wrethc most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact she is never without it now and is at Ml times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that the was formerly troubled with. For Ml* by f. W. Peacock. <UtW TOO NEAR HOME. Thomasville People Can Sea that Fraud Could Not be attempted. Residents of Albany which it near enough to Thomasville so that any at* tempt to deceive would be futile, dc dare that Doan's Kidney Pillacure kid ney diseases and backache and they stand by what they say. . It is easy for any .Tbomasville sufferer t.’verify tbit proof. Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 157 Broad, street, Albanv, Ga.. says; “I have de rived a great benefit Irons tbe use of Doan's Kidnev Pills. My baeir was causing me ifmott continual misery. The pain was right across the small of it—a heavy, dull, bearing down pain and a weakness. I used many different medicines, without apparent reault, and also tried liniments, but tbe pain still remained. 1 saw l oan's Kidney Pills advertised and got a bos and gave the n a thorough trial, l am very much pleas ed with tbe results. The pain has left me and I teel very much better in every way. You are welcome to use my name aa a reference.’ Emphatic enrirrsem-nt chi. be-bad right here in Thomasville. Drop into R. Thorns. Jr's, drug store and ask what his customers report. For sale by all dealers. Foster-Mil, burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole agents (or the United Stales. . , Remember the name— Doan’s - and take no other. Our Meigs Department. By T. S- Searcy. 41144 This is a Lucky Number So it la a lucky person who bays from as. as they get good value and good work when having at to do It. Best Bicyles on earth, and ire are giving a cash diaconnt on all of them of 20 per cent, till July lat. 80 now la the time to get a wh^el and sundries at cost. WERTZ & SON, The REPAIRERS. 'Phone 88-). 131 E. tackaon St LOCAL LEGISLATION. ice la hereby given thi tloo will be mode to the next the General assembly for the passage of the following, towitj^ to be entitled an act to amend the not approved October, t, 1880. entitled: “An act to re-incorporate the town of Thosnasvtlls aa the City of Thomasville, and for other purpossaV—so aa to con fer upon tho City of Thomasville the ' to buy or build and equip an - - - Plant In said city tor Mrs. Wiley Alligood, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Griner, and Misses Lon and Lilia Pilcher went np to ‘Albany a few days since to the Masonio barbecue. Mrs, Wiley AUigood although raised within a few mile of the railroad, has not found time, from thejeare of eleven children, till her trip to Albany a few daya since, to take a ride on the cars. Mr. George W. Sweat of Pinliook, Florida, came np Saturday. He was accompanied on hia return by Mrs, Sweat, who has been visiting relatives here. Mr. Lucien Boswell and wife of Le land were visitor! here last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. .Rosa of this place are away this week, attending the Bowen-TlirailkiU wedding at Gordele. Miss Kate Powell of Camilla has been a pleasant visitor at the home of Mre. M. J. Wilkes this week. Miss Genie Stubbs, left last Thursday for Chattanooga where she will doubt less hear the 'Vofford lectures, and will go thence to Girard, Ga., to apend some time. . Rev. T. A. White on last Sabbath, told in tlie moat beautiful language about "The Ohriattan Woman.’’ Hit sermon was replete with aweet and striking retninisconccs of -'Anld Lang Syne” that made me live again, for the time, in the influence end atmosphere of a mothers' love. The beautiful shade trees are grow- log. One knows this, because the limbi on tome of the street* have grown ao low, that ladies moat adopt tho old ad age “Stoop and go Safe.” No doubt the males and horses that come to this town will breathe a prayer to tbe town council, or some humane member of it for the oommodloui abed a tiiat have lately been pot up, for their protection from theaooroblng ana and oold winter nine. Earl Ward Pearce will be heard in the auditorium at this plaoo on the even ing of July 8. Mr. Pearoe give* the first in thettoon* of five entertainment* for which this town aabeoribed several days ago. With each entertainment the McConnell Library Association will givo the town thlrty;.dollara worth of book* of ite own selection. Everyman woman and child in tbe oommnnlty con tiguous to Melgi is personally interest ed. Tho chance to get a library free does not pass this way every day. Eveiy body will go to hear the greatest humor- lat of tho day. The grand Masonio rally billed for Jnly flth at this placo "will bo the great est plcnio occasion since the time Tom Watson spoke here," aatd a gentleman yesterday. Everybody who ia interest ed in this vicinity will bring something to help feed the crowd. There will be some fine speaking and JthoEorqifd will be enormous. Onr people will not forget that the next anion meeting of the Tacker Asso ciation, will be held nt the Baptist ohnrcli here, embracing the 5th Sunday in Jnly. Mr. John W. Jones, Who was a for mer citizen of this place came op from Florida to see us last Saturday and Sun day. Mrs. J. R. Hambleton who lias spent some time in Florida, came op from Jacksonville Sunday and is now at home. Mayor E. E. Wilkes and family, Mess. John and Mai com Wilkes, and their families, and Mrs. Mary Wilkea and her daughters Misses Annie and Esther Wilkes, acoompaniadby Miaa Kate Pow ell of Camilla spent a night and day at Miller’s Spring this week. Grape peeking is in foil blast. It is hard to say which is the greatest attract ion the beautiful, luscious grapes, or the beautiful, luscious girls who pack them into the baskets. Mr Clarence Brimberry and Mrs. J. T. Owens of Camilla were the guests of the family of Mr. W. A. Daren this week. Theschool at Pino Grove aohool house near town has outgrown itself. Many extra seats had to bo provided. Quite a number go from this place. Misa Leila Pilcher to now the effi cient oastotaat teacher of Pine Grove aohool. She was formerly a pupil in 4^iter Hill aohool, and to well known among the patrons of the aohool. Shell thoroughly competent and to giving very satisfactory semoe. Mr. A. J. Bond, and Mrs. Ante Hand Harried came np from Moody Fla. Tues day. They will perhape, make their home here. Mrs. Carrie Hall and Htoa Zoe Simpson, nnder the ohaperonag* of grandpa'At- kinsoa are rusticating at Miller’s Spring this week. Mrs. W. 0. Branon, and little Mis* MabLe Crowell hays returned from visit to relatives at Whiteaboig Ga. The shipment of melons from thto place has been quite active during the pest ten daya. This first oar as stated In thto paper was sold by Mr. A. S. Brae well for 8180 on the traok. Theae mel ons are of a better quality than to nan- ally shipped away. About 900 copies of thto paper oome to thto office. The occasion of the big Masonio picnic will afford an excellent opportunity for onr merchants to let the people know that they are still in business, either through the paper or by printed matter distributed. the purpose of furnishing Electrio forth# streets and buildings of said oily and with power to operate noli a’ plant for bar own benefit and to sell Electrio Lights and power to ooosuatn, and to 'act all neoeamryoffioaniudampfoyers > oparat* mid plant and to oootret the "no——dte Ga. May 18,1604. •■FT Lightly of the important of elegance in a wedding prese nt In the month of June when the flowers are in bloom yon are likely to be getting invi* tations. Let us help you se lect the response, oath Georgia's Up-to-date Jew elry Store. L. H. JERGER, JEWELER, T. N. HOPKINS, Attorn ay-at-Law, Office 101 Upstair* Broad Street, Tbomasville. GsroglA. OTMbaeyto lean on Thames Chanty BeC Estate at 7 par cent Jutnua. 50,000 r I Free Samples i You Can Get One. [ * BLACK WEED, the groat vegetable remedy far Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidasy and Madder complaints, baa mat With almost Instaataaeoaa laooass bo oses* to has atads aw noteworthy carta at vary ssvsro saas*. Ur. John Post, ef the Atlanta Pin Dapt., writes: " Par asoaths I laffsred with my Ud- asys. 1 mad# every effort U get relied, hat failed antfi I aoridrotelly seme to no—mho of a bottle ad Bleak Weed, foe relied abtaiaad from Ha asa waaaa great before half the first beta* had Sees aatd. that I pat aride all ethm msdicfaMS and am new stand aad wen, haviag been eared eomptotelv by, Black WeedT At the earn* tfeelW— ag gravated oses ef Cetamh ef the heed aad throat. Mask Weed has 0—glilily •and thto, and my head to new aa dear as a bell." 'BLACK WEED to seld Vy all drag- gists at $1.0* a bottle, or we will eaed prepaid apco reesipt of price. Cf«J Vttf Hama and address OvhI IVIl InWII" || ibm foe • trial sample ef thto great remedy, whtok Will he seat absolutely free, ts- getbsr with ear book oentototeg vain*. Btack Wood Medicine Co.. Attmnie. Cm NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA CVRED BY BYDALE'S STOMACH TABLETS. Ur. R. E. Jones, buyer for Parker A Bridges whose large department stores are located at. 8th and Penn. Ave Wash ington. D. O., writes under date of April 14, '04, as follows: Last Februa ry, one year, while in New York an business tor my home, I caught a se vere oold, which laid me np for several weeks and left me weak and nervous. 1 had little or no appetite, and my di gestion was very poor. My physioiana could not get nt the cause of my troub le. as my digestion seemed ao much im paired. I decided to try Rydale’a Stom ach Tablets, being assured by n friend, they were a good dyspepsia medicine. After using them for a few days, 1 be gan to realize that I was getting bettor. I gave up the doctor’s prescription -sJ have gained 90 pounds while using two boxes of these tablets. I never felt bet ter in my life, and accredit Rydale’e Stomach Tablets with having cored me. 1 can recoommend them, moat heartily, to sufferers from nervous indigestion and general run-down conditions of the pystem. For sale by J. W. Peacock. Nerve Teoeloa. At tohealth is nerve tension, acme times dne to harry and worry, bnt nine; times out of ten due to poor indigestion a bad stomaoh, a torpid liver or ooastt- pation. These condition* all react On the mind and will keep yonr nerves on edge if you do not remove them by us ing Green's August Flower. There to to better stomach medicine in tjie world, than August Flower, and no snrer cure for Indigestion or dyspepsia Trial bot tle. 75o. At S. H. Price A Co. DR. J. A. DICKEY’S Painlsss Syi Water. A quick and aafe euro, a oartain onre, ■ nil nl fw euro for INFLAMfiD AND WEAK EYES. Ita equal has never been aisoovered for GRANULATED LIDS. Prepared only by Dickey Eye Water Cu„ Manufacturing Chemists, Ettfaule, Aha Successors to Dr. J. A. Dlokey, Bristol, Tens.; Pries 15 cent*. For, s by Druggists. 91 dw AN OPEN LETTER. From the Chapin, S. 0. Newt: In the spring Jmy wife and I were I with diarrhoea and so rovers were tka- pains that we called a physician wba prescribed for ns, but hie medk—sa failed to give any relief. A frtond wbo- had a bottle of Chamberlain's Cotto, Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy od baa* gave each of at a dote and we at ones felt the effects. I procured a bottle and re sting the satire contents we. were entirely cored. It to a wocdarfuT remedy and should he found in every household H. 0. B alloy .Editor. This remedy to for tale by J. W. Peeooek. THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIMM an the good old rammer time, wbesr bicycle throng thoroughfares, and fame animals and roadsters are all kept busy, accidents to man and beast are of fntto qnent ooouranoe. Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment to the most serviceable so dden tend emergency liniment in It relieves quickly and heala cute, contusions braises, sprains, etc. You get one-half pint for )fic., and yaw et yonr money back if not satisfied, 'or sale by J. W. Peacock. POSITION WANTED as from over- ter. Am sober, tteody and experienced a a a_a m —re—f # 180741 WORLDS FAIR. St. Louis Via Central of Georgia Railway. Low rates, shortest route, quickest time! Choice of th-ee routes via At lanta, Montgomery or Birmingham, Sleeping cans all the way. From Albany season tickets 835.03. 60 day tick— $2q>5 15 day ticket *21.00. Coach Excursion Tickets good only in cotcbe on sale from all coupon points, 8i7.tS limit ten day*. Proportionate low rates from other point*. For full particulars, World’s Fair Lit erature, maps, etc, call on or write your nearest ticket or I. O. Brinson, commer cial Agent. Albany, Ga. One of the greatest blessings a modest man out with for ton good, reliable rot of bowel*. If you are not the happy po—eeor of such an outfit you can great ly improve tho efficiency of tboro you have by the jndiotou use of Chamber Iain's Stomach and Urar Tablets. They - are pleasant to take and aggn—bla ha effect. For sale by J, W. Peuoook. A 4 W. Aa—al Meeting Greater Georgia As sociation, Atlanta, Juno 23,1904- For above oooasioo the A. 0. L. B. B. will roll Uokete Thomasville to Atlanta ~ and return at one fare plus )5 cents foe round trip tickets to be sold June Mod, and for trains schsdolsd to arrive in At lanta before noon of the 93rd. .11—1 limit of ticket Jane 94th. for foil partfoalare apply to A.N. Turnbull, Ticket AgL J. A. Taylor, T. P. A. W. B. Leahy, D. P. A. . Land ForSale. 9700 acres freeh fam lands for Hale te nets to iriit customer. Write E. B. Pawcer, »-17-0 Thomasville, «a