Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 15, 1904, Image 3

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If you had a noise that brought yoji an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yo«’
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowibg that your bouse may never burn and you may never get
bac?s one cent you have paid for this insurance.
. If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you «re sure to die and get back more than you
have paid ! n . - '
Or t Kt alter a certain period, 'f you a*e still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maKiDg application lor a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information,
0. M. & E. H. Smith, General Agents, The PrndentUI
Ins. Go. of America. Thomasville, Ga.
Dear Sirs:
Without expense to me and without committing my
self to any action, will yon send me farther informa
tion as to Insurance policy on my life.
I was born on the day of
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Uy occupation is.
Yours truly,
Mr Will Dopson went over to Boston
l)r.W. B. Ooohranmade a business
trip to Ohclookouee Saturday.
Fred Jones of Pelliam and Edd Jones
of Doran spent Snnday in town.
Mr. L. I. Butler from Glasgow was
among the Saturday visitors in town.
Miss Pearl Smith is the pleasant guest
of Miss Mae Smith in Fletoherville,
Messrs. Joe MoOultnui and W. A.
Williams of Bcmou sjicnt Saturday in
Miss Ora Brinson of (Jalro is the guest
of the Misses Gandy on Crawford street.
We still have 75 pairs
'weight pants to close out at $1.00, $1.50,
$1.75,1.90, 2.00, 2.50, 2.90,3.50 and $4>-
Misses Gostie Harrell, Ross Harrell
and Ethel Perry of Camilla were the
charming guests of Misa Katherine
Coyle Saturday
Mrs. F. D. Dismuke and Mrs. J. B.
Soott are spending a few days in At:
Are the Talk cf the town
We always have something new to say] and
attractive Bargains to offer.
Mrs. Hinson and Miss Emma Hinson
returned from Cairo Monday after
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Lake who hare
been in Valdoeta for several months
have retained to Atlanta.
Willie Cooper returned to Pelham
Monday morning after a Sunday at
Money we Save You
us Y our Purchase
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Grantham and
child of Savannah are visiting Mr. Gran
tham's family in this city.
China Matting 13 c sard,
Japanese Mattings\ard
Window Screens 37c
Screen Wire, yaid nc
Ice Picks 5c
Kitaonaa 39c
Shirt Waist 39c
Child Straw Hats 19c
3 bats Octagon Soap loc
Nice Hammocks I1.I5
No. 3 Chimneys 8c
No. 1 Chimneys (c
Jelly Glasses Dos yx
Fsst Calicoes yard 5c
Torchon Lace 3c
Torchon Lace 7c
Embroidery, yara 8c ,j
Dress Gingham lwc
Child Pants 25c
Men's Overalls Hoc
Fine Razors 81.00
Good Cigars 3c
Two, piece crash and home
spun to go at prices never had
Mr. Lem Singletary who is cashier of
Pelham's bank spent Sunday here with
Mrs. W. H. Blake who lias been visit
ing bar sister Mrs. J. W. L. Yates has
returned to her home in Savannah.
Mr. Fred Smith of Quitman is visit
ing home folks here and retting from
store duties.
FOR SALE—Some choice bargains
in Brooks Connty Beal Estate. Address
W. A. Mar, Quitman, Ga. d-w-lt.
A few more wash suits to
Mrs. O. M. Smith and son are at
home again after an pleasant visit fo
New Orleans linen suits
Mrs. T. O. Cleveland, who bn* beeu
the guest of her sister, Mr*. J. G. Cra
vat lisa returned to Iter huu-e iu Pel
ham to tite regret of her mi„y friends
litre. Misses Blanche and Ethel Cra
vat accompanied her to visit relatives in
Mitchell connty.
Mist Grace Jenkins left Monday morn
ing for Xenia III. where ebe will visit
friends for several weeks.
Mr. L. A. McKinnon and bride of
Wsycrots are spending a few days in
Thomasville with relatives.
. ^ Screven’s Side Eas-
Wjrf&r tic Seam Drawers', the
dkr best on the pike 50c.
Mr. K. O. Moore,who was at one time
the principal of the Pelham High
Selutd, has accepted a very important'
place in the Thomasville pnblio ( schools
and will locate there till* fall. Mr.
Moore lias many warm friends here
who will be interested in this announce
ment and wilt be glad to know that ho
has again located in South Georgia.—
The Pelham Journal.
Min Georgia Millsap and Miss Mag
gie Blanton went down to Boston tc
visit friends on Monday afternoon
M. B. Wingate of Camilla, Georgt
Howard and Thomas Walton lisvi
entered the Thomasville Business Col
lege tor a fall coarse.
A full line of overalls from 50c to $1
Our high art $1.25 shirts going at $
while they are new at
Oapt. E. M, Smith’ left Monday for
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. to attend the
annual meeting of the Georgia Stats
Bankers, association.
Thomasville Business College.
An yon ambitions for a good paying
position? If so, enter oar echool now
and lot ns prepare yon for it. Special
rates lor a limited time. For terms, ad<
dress or cati on,
ANSON W. BALL. President.