Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 15, 1904, Image 4
POLITICAL RUMORS. We hoar Bomo interesting rnmorej clown thin way in regard to the future plans of those gentlemen who contiol Georgia’s politscal destiny. nP^f’llNf two that will nuke most people sit np and take notice. Hon. O. B.Sterene state commissioner of agricnltnre will succeed Hon. Pope Brown as railroad commissioner, at the expiration of the latter’s present term. Hon. Dudley M. Hughes is stated to take the place of Hon. O. B. Stephens. These are im portant if true, and stranger things hare FOUND-A MAN. The Democratic party has been mak ing history so rapidly during the last — few days that most of ns are sitting up, robbing onr eyes, and wondering whpre we are^at. The conrention speJt four dart and niglita in session. Scopes of such wild disorder as to put adjeetires out of busi ness, marked the action of Democracy's chaotic cohorts. There was nothing ent and dried abont the proceedings. They were unoouth, unout and decided- ' lydamp. But in tho slang of the day— ■‘Besulte—that's It," and the results are decidedly satisfactory. The most Important dlroorery of the ) oourentlon is that our Party has 'get > hold of a manly man, ' for president. * Judge Parker's friends eren, hare been 1 pleasantly surprised by the strength of J character lie lias displayed. Pew men , would quibble with conrictlon when ; . oonfrouted by a presidential nomination. , Host of them wonid grab It aud say nothing. But Judge Parker, since lire 1 platform was silentstm the money ques tion, in a frank, manly fashion declared that he was for the gold standard, aud . furthermore that If the delegates did not want a gold candidate he would resign. , 1 By this act he atrengthened, wlut ap- 1 pealed to many as a weak spot in the 1 platform. It was more than a weak •pot, it was a hole. Ae a sop to the 1 Brranites the platform committee. ' orawlcd Into the hole. Judge Parker silenced the carping critics ana dleoi- I pies of Yap, who hare bayed forth loud mouthtngs about Ida alienee. He ha< < •poW owl when he dirt speak he said t , •raetliiug. No mealy mawnderlngs, l no ilauuelea fulmiuatione. unt straight t forward statement marked li s qorle. 1 We are glad that the Democratic party haa found a man. This paper has el- d ways bwu for Parker and wa boilded y better than we knew when we support- t| •d him. Cairo, Cairo. Wilson M. Hardy. President. John D. McCartney, see. A trees. At the Time-Enterprise Building. Thomiwville, Ga. Got. Terrell will some day In October ae Georgia Day ait the World’s Pair in St. Louie. He haa not yet de- dded on the exact day, but will seen do •o. President Frauds has written him that any day wonid ke agreeable So the fair management, and the Gorsnor wants a day lu the fall when he can ex pect a gootl. attendance of Georgians. SDnSCItlPTlOX KATES. Weekly, One Year.... • Six Months. “ Tliree Montlis Daily,One Year....,...., ” Six Month “ Three Months, " One Month Official Paper of Thomas County Susina News Items (Hy It. M. Heschl Mis. Mary Hayes and daughter-la- law, Mrs. J. W. Hayes, went to Thorn- asTllie Inst Tuesday to do some shop- King. , Messrs W. W. Wright and Sam 81a ter, went to riiomwville last Wedues- Dcmooiatto harmony is so thick til it you can ent it with a knife. CHAMBERLAIN'S COL10, OHOLE KA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. Thia remedy Is certain to be needed in elmost cTcry home before the mm- merle oven It can alwapaba depended up. a even in the moat severe and dan- *<• > us It is espeaially valuable lor summer disorders id cbiluiwu -It it plcasaat to lake aud never fails to give promph relief; Why not toy it now? 11 may save your life. For sale by J.W Peacock' •■Our Judge Parker ain’t no Berkor,' might do for a campaign slogan. Grover Cleveland’s plethoric idcliri- tudo didn’t spell fuueh in 8t. Louis. Tho Rtraji'oniotlipdjof Increasing tlie governor’s salary might giro us better governors. Henry G. Davis of We.| Virginia, la a conservative, proeoerots bus.i.ess man, of wealth, and prominence. Bin name will add strength to the tioket in business circles. Thoagh-lie is 81 yearn old ho la bale and hearty. • The platform, now that there Is no misunderstanding about tl.a u.oney plank, U strong aud satisfactory. Honesty and eoooomy in poollo affaire are itreesed, trusts condemned, tariff principles re-adlrmed and tin usual declaration of Democratic priituiples There will be a regular flood of details almut Jodgo Parker'e duck's and the color of tlieir feathers and the like, now. 'ZoOTi On tho whole, there It much hops for the old party. Disunion aud .disoonl have token o book seat, and it’a all together for victory. ■snarer X. L. Ledford, of the Fortieth •Met riot haa Utoodneed In the senate tin interesting ateasafe, ike object of which ia to require a lioense of all who tell or carry on a berioeee in domestic wines reach ae are made (nos grapes and fruits •town ia Georgia. The MU introdioed by Senator Led- M preecritoe that all who eeU such wines shell per o regularly fixed Ucenae As tha eity. townor ccunty In which ■nch xrlaee are offered for eale. Under the present laws lbs tala of dmaastio wines la not restricted, there being neither tax nor lioense. Then .are earn* however, who think that aoore restrictions should be pot oa the sale of aoch wins*, and it wa« aa o result of negiitta trxan many of there that Sana- tor Ledford has introduced the measure. LY T1MES-F.NTERPR5SE. AND South Georgia Progress. Published every Friday by the ; i nds-Enferprise Publishing Co. Guarai lerd Circulation 3,350. There ore five candidates for Moyer of Atlanta. It is snroly pleasant to havo a respect able candidate. May bo the venerable Davis has got his second tight. The Atlanta News urges youug moil to stay in tho country. Tills country lint been run on the Tediplan long enongli. Oil wells are knojvn at “gntlien" and “pampers.” The samo distinction might bo sppllod to spmo people. How Jersey lint a citizen who hasn't aleptlti ten yearn He wonid make a good secretary for our Board of Trade. Tlie TUtox Gazette hopes {that Bcsa- ■ II ijff dUpH—’Mii to create state and conn tv boards of tax aatasaor's will beoome a law. “Bah, Bali black sheep, have you any wool” is a favorite song la Colquitt. They sold 40000 ponndi tliero last Tlie Savannah Press succinctly re- “The Bank «f Pavo earned 18 nt last year. Booth Georgia Is is plaoe to cocas to make money in ay line ct tsidnere or Indostry." m . Augusta Chroniole says. "Tha s-Bnterprire will gladly join a 11 of American newspapers sworn ootto mtattoo Bryan's name for tlx reretba’’ says Thomaivllle't bright Why not let's make U six Iraadrat while we’re about It?", Suite Thiele the noble tlx hundred yon Metcalfe Mentions. Miss Lou McBec of Einderloa it e vis itor here, guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Young. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dixon are In Cairo for the week visiting the parents of Mr. Dixon. Mr. Brad G. Bote hre accepted and is teaching the Ward school near Sonny Hill, Fla. Tho 1011001 however ia In Georgia. Mr. sad Mrs. M. M. Kendall of Syl vester, Ga. have moved here sad are oc cupying the Vann residence. We glad ly welogsae them to our town. We regret to lore from par midst Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker who fox some months have resided here. They ao <0 Ochlochnee for tho present. Mite Maggie Stringer ooe of our pop ular young ledleeis teaching music at MioooenUe. Florida. Mrs. James Vann of near ThomssViUe is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Horne, this week- The Meeting ben is In program, the 0eetor being assisted in the preaching by Rev. Reese Griffin of Colquitt. Mr, Griffin it a young man of culture and. power and we feel sure good work la be ing done. The services will last the m- |tirp week. Connell Scott, the six months old child of Mr. and Mrs.diaries Thomson, dieo lien Sunday afternoon, tho 10th after on illness of several days. The parents of the oliUd reside at Ellen, ■on, Florida, pnd had oeree here on a vials to.Mre. Thomsons parents. The sincere sympathy of the whole oommu uity goes out to them In the boor of tlieir gredt sorrow. My stock of General Merchandise at Cairo most be sold out at oace. I have sold my store building and most give possession by August, jst. , , Shoes, Dry (tods, Hats, etc. Less Thaw Actual Cost. Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods. <L L. DUREN, H. W. Monofcfv M'fr. Cairo, . . Georgia- 6-26-fm vr ONE PAPER- (Krom the Tilton ofselto^ TheCordelo Newt end the Oordele Sentinel have been consolidated, and tlie two are now Issuing a highly oerdit. able eight-page dally paper. In this consolidation Oordele makes a distinct gain, and prone that city has teamed thr lesson already experienced hy Moul trie, Tiiomairllle and other cities yra might mention, that than ia 1 in a small town tor two papers. Besides dividing bast that la only too mail'to rapport Into a precarlo ox sxtstsnoe fur it, plurality of newspapers Is apt to give voice to local partisanship sad, probably unintentionally, ferment municipal strife and discord. Oordele will give oco uaespsper ample support, aud oue good paper, is undent to Oordele’s needs. The change ia a wise one. ANN AGAIN. Ann haa had her day and brickbats are as old u the hills, bat now Ann's whole family comes in for an introdno tion to the brain worker of Tliomazvilto. This one Is the beet yet and after you have spent several of you valuable boars upon it you may look Into tha mirror and find that you halt is gray and that there ia a weird and peculia look in you eyes. Here it is fresh from the puxxle editor of an Indiana paper. “If Mary ie twioe ae dd as Ann, and Ann’s eat Is twtoeas old at Mary's dag, what would be the difference of ago between Mary's pigeon and Ann's dock, U Mary’s pigeon wee seven yean older than Ann’s oat when Mary’s dog wee three yean youugtr than Ann few years sgo. and their combined ages was >7? Bow old ia Mary and Ana?” John Flstdier and Bra Shepherd, rotated meet he the employ of Floyd etui Howell hail a little misunderstanding last Wednesday out at tlie dd Dekit place, aud tried to settle tlie rtlipnte with shot gnae. Both , were peppered with small shot, bat no serious damage was done. Mr. 4- M. Castleberry is building 0 neul ooltase 011 the Mason plantation opposite to the tatranciH. "Satina." J. W Hints end son Ernest of Mic* eotnkta, Flo. came np Sunday to attend the monthly services at New Oohloch. nee church. Mr. Hinaa who la nrenty- etght years of ago, wan born and raised in this district, and there aw few left here who knew him as a boy. J. W. Whtddor, who has hem over seeing the Jeff Whtto plantation for Mr. Dan Gwaltney, who now owns it la ao longer In that gentleman's employ, sad hft moved bock Into the Cairo dis trict. Dr. A. H. Manning of Hampton, Flo. is assisting with hit anal energy and friendly interest,' at tho protraoted meeting at the Baptist church at thia nlaae. For nearly a decade wa bare aa J. P for|tlda district acted ae a manager; at all tlie elections held here, and at near ly every election we hare had eome dlfll- oultyin getting raffletant freeholders to serve aa managers. Looking oret the tax books we find revealed the oauae of this supposed absence of public spirit lu ou etttaena. We hare vary few free holders. This prompts ns to remark that the opportunity for the poor map to own hie farm ie rapidly passing away, (auid which want begging a few years ago at two dollars an acre la now being told fu three and fou times that amount. If yon are a renter, we gay to yon, buy a home If possible. If yon hare not tha puoltaae money buy on a credit. When Hearet yoked himself to Bryan he practically tied a mill stone round hie neck, and cast hlmatlf into the po- w tr IHEOLA, Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran ground, together. The best and cheapest cow food known and is unexcelled as a milk and butter producer. ^SjLIEiXLSL i tist received afresh car of this renowned, feed! ftir Horses; [ules. Keeps your stock up and feed bills ‘ down.”* Highly eudorsea by all large feeck-i s. We have a big: stock of fresh torn, oats, hay, wheat,bran cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let us serve you when in need o£ anything in the feed line. s Try a case of oar assorted Soda. Water and Root Beer, We are bottling alt idle popular flavors and guarantee purity aad xcel’ence. The Thomasville Ice Company 'PHONE NUMBER «. THE GUARANTEE PROTECTS YOU IfMt-o-na Does Not Care Dyspepsia, J. W. Peacock WiU Retain You Money. Whom you buy a box of Hie na, na- tare'aeare ter dyopepeia,. hare him sign the 'allowing guarantee. This protects you absolutely ugaliitt lose, should the onto you GUARANTEE. 1 hereby tores to refund the money paid for Miio na on return of tho empty box. if ttopumhaaer that it hoe failed to cure dyapepam or stomach trouble*. Thiaguaruntee eovera two 60c. boxes, on, month's treatment. (Signed)! Any owe- who htto dyipepele, indiges tion, headache*, dirtiness, or specks be fore tlie eyes, or any form of liver and stomach trouble*, should take advan tage of thU obaneoto be cued without risking a penny. The guarantee le plain and absolute. It MLo-na done not do allthstiselalaedforiMf It does not give perteet Mttatectton, if it dost not cure dyspepsia In any form end give perfect end natural digestion, you mon ey Is returned on demand. J. W. Peacock gives o positive guar antee with every box, showing most conclusively Ills faith la tilt* remedy. It Will Bear Inspector!. THAT.IS. THE KIND’.OF j Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do. T5! 7hy rat hare you work dowe so yon will not to liable to a case of typhoid fever in yoiuzfamily? We know-how to do] Pizst-Claso TTv 7 " or Jsz and thxt ie all the kind we expect to do. When in need of that kind cell on oa We prunriintree'nll new work tor 1 yenr. PARKER it HIMST d W 10i Madisod Street. 'Phone 161 The TeeOh •hooMiba well eared for from the cradle to thograre. We have a large aarart- men* of Tooth Brushes and several kinds of Ttioth Powder WarranSod to be pore ■ndiWniflfial NAIL BRUSHES, H sir Brushes, Bath Broshe*, Fine Soap* domeatto and ImportedLaplwMlld Sham- poodbr the hair,and ail Toilet Requisite* of good quality at moderate prices. 8. H. PRICE CO. Sole Agent Jacobe. Oundies. Land for Sain. MOO acres fresh term lands ter a le in trncta to rail customer. Write E. B.Paxxxa, 6-17-6 Thomasrille. Ca» SUCCESS SODA. OinctlMB hr Making Good Bread: Use] one feveled' teaspoonful” ■SUCCESS SODA « to e| quart of] sifted ?flou; add enough soar milk to kneodgtha dough. When soar milk Is not used, two ports of Oreont of TUtar and one of 8uooeee Soda are the oar- rect proportions. SUCCESS SODA Best udgCheapest. Abont what you will give that friend who is going to get .married. Simply come down here and tell us how much you want Jto spend. We'll do the rest—and guar antee that the present will be elegant. You'don’t have to spend a fortune to obtain ele gance. L, H. JERGER, JEWELER TO BEAUTIFY YOUR COMPLEXION IN 10 DAYS, USE Satin o la. THE UNEQUA1LED BEAUTIFIER A *ew applications wilt remove tan oa fallowness and vestore ;he beauty o£ >outh. Satin la is anew discovery, guaran teed. and m< ney refunded 11 it fails ta remove Kreckie«, Pimples. Liver Spots, Backheads. Decolorations and Erupv- lions Ord nar> case« in 10 days, the worst in 20 slays. After these defects are removed the siem will be soft, clear and b> autiful. Price 50 cents at dru^ store- or it* mail. Thousands of ladiei testify toftne merits of Satinola. The daughter of an eminent physician writes: Memphis. Tenn. Jan. it, igo4 Gentlemen:—I have used Satinola and Egyptian cream tor a y-ar or two, and unhesitatingly recommend them ah the finest preparations I have ever uietl to remove pimpl is, freckles or any other facial discolorations. They clear and beautify the complexion as no bther pre parations wil. Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwald, National Toilet Co , Paris.tTer.n. * Sold in Thomasville by R. Thomas, Jr and all druggists. SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION mzyu u « taWje to cany the wtakcacd mi •Urwd eytoa eleej wrifl it cm ted tem amosit la etdiaire laL • aqqwrtlaenlhuiytaod. tokrtan scott aaowNg,