Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 15, 1904, Image 7

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UMES-BNTEUPBSB, TUOMASVILLE, GEOiMHA, JULY 15, 1J54 A GEORGIA CRACKER MEDICINE? Tells his Impression of tho Middle West. What he saw and what hr IT COSTS Heard NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE. There is no one who does not need a ! Liver Medicine occasionally. y The symptoms of Liver Complaint are well known to every one, such as consti- f iation, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, sleep* esaness, headache, a tirea feeling and j many others of a similar nature. Thousands die annually by not heeding | the warnings of nature. Many acquire some chronic disease front which they never recover. Many of these could be spared for years of usefulness, by keeping in the home some reliable remedy. i We believe that we can convince any i fair-minded person that there is no bet ter remedy for the Liver known, than Dr. Tlincher’s Liver and Blood Syrup. The formula is known, consisting of: Bnchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow j Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, : Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You ; know just what you are taking. How many other formulas of a liver medicine are published ? Ask your druggist about this. It is already prepared and can be taken immediately. The strength is extracted in the most skillful manner, certainly superior to any powdered preparation known. (We also manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow dered form, with which any druggist can supply you, but this, like all other dry Liver Medicines requires preparation.) j Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup is pleasant to take, doc9 not lose its strength, as Liver Medicine in dry form, i and will keep in any climate. Your doctor, however skillful, could 1 prescribe nothing better. There i9 no opportunity for a doctor to make a mistake in writing a prescrip tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake in compounding the same, (besides a doctor’s bill and the cost of the medi cine.) You can be absolutely sure of the proper proportion being in every dose. Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blobd Syrup has been used with the greatest confi dence and success in thousands of homes for 52 years, and is prepared by a phar macist of 25 years’ experience, in a labo ratory equipped with the most modern appliances for the most perfect safety. i ! If you do not understand your ease, write iotlay for a Free eampl• bottle and | “Dr. Thaeher’e Health Uook. ,t Hire symptom* for advire. We simply ask that I , you at our expense. We know what j \rQK SALS RT ALT. DRVOOI5T5. ' 50 cent* and $1.00. THACHER MEDICINE CO. , Chattanooga, Tonn. ' To lb-i Editor of :he Times Enterprise.— While on a visit to St. Louis and tin? World s Fair, the writer was impressed with many things of interest which to huu who having always lived in the! South, appeared in a different lijht from what he had been accustomed. Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in uso for over 30 years, has borne tho signatnre of — and has been made under his per- f . mortal supervision since Its infancy* * 74 Allow no one to deceive you in this* All Counterfeits, Imitations and 4t Just-as-good”are butt Experiments that trillo with ancl endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, it wduid ho o.-clesK for me to attempt i to describo 'the glorious sight of the Fair. 3ulllcuir to s-.iy it beggars all forms of description. A bird s eye vie *v wopld indeed ln> not out of pin e how ever. On entering tho fair .ground> you nrw imtnediu'.cly impressed that it. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* Boric, Drops ttiid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant* It coutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic* substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms aud allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend* bly imagine. In size the grounds arv spacious and about the size of the city of I’liomusvilh*. Tlu* first thing to do i.- to employ an automobile and ride over the grounds The chati'eur wi l point out tim buildings of interest and when you see the agricultural building yon will bo amazed, because it covers 2(» acres and is jiossibly the largest ground space ill tho world. ThouituviUe'H Par adiso Park contains just 2(1 acres the size of this one building and tlio walks in this house are 8 miles. There are real gondolas and Gou doliera to boat one over the beautiful artificial lake. 1 was told that they employed a river to supply tliu waters GENUINE CASTORIA always yp Sears the Signature of , DR. J. C, SCH ENCKE. Is located on Broad street, opposite v Woods Hotel, is an up-to-date II .• ; I. .1 for for sick horses, mules ami dogs, Up-To-Date Implements for perforinitirj all kinds of operations on animals. Examination free. Board at cost. In Use For Over 30 Years. w TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE GINNING OUTFITS j. C. Schwencke, D. V. S. Tliomasville, Ga. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous liecatise so decup le j III II t'il'm tivc. Many sudden ' ' caused Newly Wg&Mnm&tiROc 1 Equipped ^Boiler Worke Machine WEwyyy Shops and Foundry Firm Proof Roofing, Spray Pumps, Mowers, Hakes, Separatory. We will Make It to Your Interest to Hgort with Us. ■ heart * failure or kidney trouble is iillowcdtoadvaticc the kidney-poison ed blood will nt- tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, of the kidneys thcniselvr** break down and waste away cell by eel Bladder troubles almost always resu from a derangement of the kidneys at, a cure is obtained ouickcst by a projw Ireatmeiit of the kidneys. If you are fee’ ing badly you can make no mistake h taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, tli great kidney, liver ami bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the cxtraorilitiarv effect of SwninjvKoot is soon reulized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. . Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-doilar size lioltles. You may have a sample !>otUc of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells nil about it, both sent free, by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Bingbamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer iu this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name,Swamp- Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamo-Root, and the address, Binghumtou, N. Y., on every bottle. MILL SUPPLIES ing what a God blessed country \\o had down hero in the wire grass of South Georgia, aud what could bo ac complished if wo had this same class of farmers. Thrifty and economical, taking advantage of everything iu sight, keen to the advantage of improv ed farming implements and tho em ployment of skilled labor. Wo should wake up to tho fact that these are desira ble ]>eoplo to induce to locate iu this part of tlio terrestrial globo. 1 understand that the city fathers in conjunction with the Couuty Commissioners an? about to get up an advertising pamphlet descrip tive of Tliomasvillo and Thomas county setting forth the advantages of thisl>eau tiful countv. N I’liis is a step truly iu tho right direc tion. And it should bo the first busi ness of tlio Youp^'s Mens Board of Trade to set? that those books timl then way into tlio homes of the Northe n formers. Be sure Mt. Writer (of there (lamphlets) not to touch too lightly on Thomas county and the wonderful re sources of her lands. These people evi- MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. MACON. CA. Thomasville Satisfactory S.rrlce U th. kind p«ple want Wk.n on. racftTW Di. wortn of hl» money ho In utliflni and eomat afti*. Our Work Must please our custom**. We keep nous HI rttM men who "know ho*.' 1 Carriages, Buggies and Wagons Repaired, Painted and Trimmed. HORSB-SHOEINQ AND QBNBRAL BLACKSMITHINd. ' A,. lays are Dangerous. r J HEREFORE Buy Today. The MARCONI SYSTEM ei. It is no»v t inplo>ed on over loo OCKAN STKAKSHII'S and bv \ illS at the leading nations ot th** world. The U. S. GOVERNMENT has given the Marconi Company a contract to build three stations in Alaska, thereby rcc-. . gnu i.g it as an aiisoiuto necessity. A very important tact is that the POSTAL A hSTKIi.N l'NI<>N TELEGRAPH Companies receive and transmit mes- -age** lor tin MARCONI SYSTEM Irom each of their 50,000 offices, thus giving the MARCONI COMPANY the benefit of their HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS invested in receiving and opoiating plants, and thus enabling the Marconi System at the present tune to have an office in every town in the United States and Cana da. We advise immediate application, in*order to secure certificates before anothet ntvar in pri . j give an idea of the possible increase in the value of the Marconi Securities, the stooc of the English Marconi Co npally, which was first offered the public at per share has since sold at $22 ncr share on the London Stock Exchange. The AMERICAN MARCONI COMPANY otters as great,if not greater opportunity, and the stock is now on the eve of ;* pronounced advance. ’ * Applications are received in amounts of not less than $120. and it is advisable that immediate remittance be made. T hrough the tnarfagers for the underwriters who control the stock we are enabled to make the present offer, but have only a -limited amount of these cert.fie »tes to offer at the present figure. For Prospectus and fell information ad a dently Were all from Missouri tacaust tlioy want to be shown.*” “.Show- me” say they and wo will not ho slow to shake the snow and ice for w ork hi d mouey—But while these sights and sw ings were delightful -indeed to the crack er's eye—yet when he saw again the red hills of cotton of Alabama and dear old Georgia-Old Thomas county a feeling of tost aud peace came over him anil lie was glad to welcome back to ids heart tho scenes of his boy hood days. .Yours truly, I A Geoimiu Ckackku. 15 Prudential Bldg. A. J. McBride, HEALTH AND VITALITY Tli * < Ketnedy ot r g rest tat inn ftiitly for «tf»eaM«?* of either sex i-li a* Nervon* Prostr* >n. Mental Worry, ex DR. MOTT’S NERVINE PILLS. o-* u««-isnacmor iu nipt ion Hint Humility. >Viili tVerv (5 order we gnaranee to Muni at |ia» |*er box. o box** for $6.i0. By i*attersou Drag Co DR MOTTaCtiEMICAlj CO.. L'lev-iaud. Ohio,. Opium ?-'uud llie OHIO MAN BUYS Gets Stegall Farm for Poultry Raising , Purposes C. L. 'Whitney, of Warren, Ohio, has purchased through K. M. *Malletto, the real estate agmt, the John Stegall farm north-west of Thomasville. It will be remembered that Mr. Wlntney bought 100 acres of tho Maynaru place on the Groemsford road lost winter to put in pecans. •It is tho purpose of Mr. Whitney to have the Stegall farm occupied by his son-in-law, H. I. Soathwick, also of Warren Ohio. He will engage in poul try raising on a large scale. CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN HEADING MATTEK OFFERED 1IY TIIE Weekly Times-Enterprise. Weekly Times-Enterprise 1 year aud splendid mat) of Georgia, tho United Stales and the world, f 1 00. (Tho map alone is worth the money.) Weokly Times-Enterprise and tlie Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both ono year $1 40. Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one year$l 50. Weekly Timec-Enterprise and the Three Times-Week New York World, both ono year HI 50. Dimes-E ?, both one year |1 25. Weekly Times-Enterprise and tho Sunny South and the Weekly Atlanta Constitution, all one year $2 00. Weekly Times-Enterprise and South ern Cultivator, fl.50. Weekly Times-Enterprise and Chris tian Union, a clean, high-toned inter denominational weekly, $1.50. Almost any other combination you can want at a price to suit you. If one of them? combinations doesn’t suit write us what yon want. TIMES-ENTERPRISE, Thomasville, G» A. W. FAL12T, 254-256 SOUTH BROAD, Opposite Pine,. thomasvhJjX as. t Woods Hotel Would Gall Attention To the Columbia Disc Grnpltophoun which is bringing no much pleasure to thousand-? of homes throughout this broad land of ours, and which you OUQ en joy just as well • they arc proving everything that have been said of them, aii en tertainer in thcJiontc. A number of the newest models can be aeon at CHAS. G. GOEHRIYG, Jeweler, 120 Broad St, OCHLOCKONEES NEW DRUGSTORE Carries a complete fine of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes ..... The only up-to-date Soda fount in town, serving all kinds of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. A fine line of Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family Groceries. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting same in future. H. V. BUNTIN & COMPANY Ocklockonee, Georgia.