Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 22, 1904, Image 1
Hnb South Geovota Iproaress. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1904. THOMARVILIjE TIMES. VnU * THOMASVIU.K ENTEBl'RIsE. VoL. 17. MR. J. L. HALL DEAD. HOUSE BURNED. Consolidated Returns An Old Owner ©f the Enterpriser and Former Solicitor Die© at Moultrie Mr. Joseph Herne Loses Home at Metcalfe, wth no Insurance- PROBABLE THAT ALL SECRET. ORDERS WILL JOIN IN GIVING ONE. REMARKABLE GAIN IN TAX* BLE VALUES. The Figures by Districts For Thomas County’s Tax Returns as Compiled by Tax Receiver John F. Howard and Tabulated by The Times-Enterprise. Mr. James L. Hall, whose death or- cored Monday at Monltrie aLd Who was buried„ there Tuesday was well known In Thomasville. - Mr. llall was bom and raised inly four miles from town. He was the son of D. J. Hall and after receiving his education at the University ot Georgia he entered the practice of law here and became solicitor of this Citi cuit. For a time he was owner end editor of the Southern Enterprise, one of the parents of.the Times-Enter prise. Mr. Hall moved to Monltrie hardly ten years ago. in this short, time lie gained the same prominence there that he had enjoyed here. He served in Metcalfe, Gt , July 3 , 1904.—Tues day night an alarm of lire was made while most of onr’citisens were yt the Methodist church attending the services going on there. The congregation Will hurriedly diamiaaed and ait turned out to the fire, which proved to bo th6 leaidenceof Mr. Joseph Horae.By hard work practically all the furniture and furaialiings were aaved except the things in the dining room and kitchen The strange thing about the fire is that part of the family were sitting on the front porch when the alarm was given and •eat Year’s Marvelous Re cores Smashed and a New One Estab lished. Gain In Two Yeara Is 23 Per Cent- of Whole. Figures to Be Proa Of. Meeting Held Monday Afternoon ' Committees Appointed to Secure Oeeperatlon of ell Lodgee end Buel- wees Men. DlSfKlCT TliomaavUle Cairo Boston Ochlockonee Meigs Pavo Murphy Ways Metcalfe Spence Glasgow Duncanville A meeting of a number of the repre sentative citizens ot Titomaavilla was held Monday at the stable of Gandy and .MaUette. The meeting wae raised The consolidation of the tax return* for the year 1904 was finished Monday by Tax Receiver John F.. Howard and Ins assistants. The total' gain in tax’ values for the year was almost ffloo.od-x This is a most remarkable lucres** and will scarcely be firoportiiiately im plicated by any other county In Georgia. Tho result comes as a pleasant surprise some of the children asleep in thnliosse Thomas County. Mr. E. M. MaUette waa chosen cluiinuau and W. M. Hardy secretary. v After a fall disonssion of all phases of the question a motion was carried di recting rlieapiwiutmeur of -a committee to secure the cooperation of all the sec ret orders of the city in the picnic move ment. Messrs. L. Steyermauy, Jne Grant, W. M. Reese and W . P. Gran tham were appointed ou the committee. They will urge all the different lodges to appoint from their membership in dividual committees. These several committees are to meet at four o'clock ou Friday afternoon and perfect plans forholdtng the'affair, 'they will ap point HobcommiUees to take charge of different departments of the work, ar range an agreeable dato and name methods of going about the uudertak- dug- They will report te a nuts* meet ing to be held ait their call. Messrs. J. F. Evens, J. T. -Culpepper and Ralph X«ct were sppoiuied a com mittee of citizens, not members of the secret orders, to represcut the business men at thn_geu«ral committee meat tug. Tiie Masons 1 and Odd Fellow*, it will be remembered, were the ones who con ceived the pieBie idea, and they have already appointed committees aud have determined tit at tils' p lan -ehali be a success. U is the general idea that the barbe cue feature be added to the usual basket dinner. It isafso probable that a brass band will be engaged ifor thd oectudou end a number of speeches made. Everyman, woman and child in Thomas county will be invited, and such soother gathering aa this fraternal pic nic will be hasn't been had in Thomas?, ville for many years. BASE BALL AT MEIGS. Total values Total net Increase wore rescued with difficulty. Tho Iiouko caught froth the stove iu the kitchen, u hich had been used in preparing sup* pr£ The ft mount of the Iosh Is not Liiuvvii. Thtr« ih uo insurance. to the most optimistic? and too much can- the state legislature and was one of the n>t bwKHid iu praise of Mr. Howards careful uud couseientious work. , The exact gaiu wob $594,807. TJfia treiueiKlous increase couics after ati in crease of $508,207 lor tho year 1008, and beats that pbeuomenul Record by $86.100. The import of these figures is So pj^nas to need noexplanatiou, but is so fraught ^i(h tidings of the wonderfal ftfowth awl ptosperity of the couuty as to cause much congratalatiou. The figures are as follows -. Total "White 1004..........$5,247,JOi “ - •• JSKM 4,7lW4» White increase 618,332: Total colored 1004.. ' 403,667 *” 1000........... W7,4«Bt Colored increase 1004, 76,07». Total increase 10O1.... m,m Total polls flKU. 44J6 •• ' •• I1M 4074 Polls increase ill Total iuoreatw iu.two year, $1',1U2,514V Tho tux values in 1903 wore,$4;51«,434 Iu 1904 tltuy are $5,650,938, .Thia fa a total increase in two yearn, of almo.It s» percent. Tito lnoreaM, fir polls-of. 4il. raeauz at the lowest estimate an mnmaso- in population of more than 3000. Tb« figures are oloquont and will careful study. In brief their etory is that Thomax is the most progressiva county in tho slate, bar none., The complete figure* ihowinir the gain by diatricti will xoon be ready and will be publishod iu full in tlteee column,. Cairo’s Waterworks in this section of the Pavo Personals. [My Cary MuUruwj Miss Marie Culpepper returned to Moultrie Monday, to (lie regret of- her many friends at this place. -Mia* .Viable Paul of Way cross is vis- ifingtior brother J. C. Pawl. . Mrs. Geo. Baker of Doth mu Ala., was called to the bedtJde of her father J. R. j Wilson Tuesday. We are glad to say j4to whs improving wlieu she arrived, j Rev. A. V*. SiuimouH ©r Valdosta, and j Rider ritohbs of Statesborough, are in vur town conducting a very Miccesstui meeting at the Primitive choroli. , £ Miss Nellie Soiith <ef Thomasville is visiting friends and ireUtivessmar Pavo. Mrs. T. -K. Dixou-of Metcalfe returns ho uit* this-morning. She will be accoin- , iMUiiml by her mother Mm. C. R. Gro- msr/io who intends vixitug her sister i M rs. Hal Mitchki of near .ThomaaviBe. Mr. I>.P. Harris and O. W. Broaa/' ■ returned from-North Georgia last -Sat-. t urdav where they have keen visiting aid- i ativeaund friends. best kuowu State. The deceased was about fifty years old. His demise has caused profound rrgret here as well as at Moultrie. And Other Topics of Interost as Discussed BARWiCK NEWS. Salem Conference Protracted Meet ing and Other Happenings. itty It L Yiinlxundlusbeni.) Cairo-. Ga., July 21«f, 1604^—Mrs. Newberry ami Mrs. Roberts of Arling ton are visiting Mrs. C* R. Mouidiu and Mrs. B. F. PowelL Mr. Albert Little ot Eatonton *i»<j»*t J i day or two with hi^fcrothwr Prof. R' i G. Little tills week, • Miss Zaehie Crawtord who lias bmi 'visiting the family *nf J. B. Crawford left f©r Bainbridge Saturday where she will spend astrort'time with friends end relatives before setnmingite her hsvue in Fiorina. Mrs. Okra. Evan* and -children who have been visiting Mrs. -fi. A. Lindsay and brother, returned to their -home in J^keoftvilla, utfew dayx ago. The Messrs. Wight who have iw»utly bored«« Ariesiau well for their own <zmade ■ the town a proposition under which we can have w small waterworks,plant andtffre proteotion in tlis bafliness dfeftrigt. ffhe city -council lias tbs matter under adviseasent and wiUdeoide-at4he next regular meeting on Tuesday night the Slkk inst., whether -or mot. to sreept tlie ^roposi- Susina News Items tlty H. M. H.'iK’li) Wo begin to think that Mr. W. M. Hardy ii true to his name in returning to Thomasville safe anti whole aft or Ills experience at the 8t Louts exposition, aud convention. Mr. EraestBrlmof Herodcame tlowr t* visit friends last Tuesday. Mrs. K. L. Brown returned to.^hsr r heme In Macon last, Friday. She was 1 tnoompnoied by her sister, Mrs. I-izzie 3. Blackehear, who will spoud. soverul weeks in that city. Mr. M. M. Mash of Metcalfe came ' over Oo see us last Saturday. His saw mill on the Ward place lias been out of repair for several months, aud it is his .intention to have the necessary repairs male at oaosb so he can resume sawiug. -fudge and Mrs. H, ’V. Hopkins of 'tnHonuuniUt’came down, to their conn- ■By home Saturday afternoon. Judge tbrotrght eutslown a oopy of tlie Anqtral- ; .ten Ballot Sill as paased by the Aoaem- thiy, dor-oar perusal. Mrs. W. .D. Gwgltney, and herneioe Daisy Lee Gwollney, have beeon spend- lug an'enjoyable four weeks visit at the drome of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hines of Miooosahic, FIs The tragic death of Mr. Drew Gwal- siey, who was killed iq a railroad aed-' Mx. G. L. Branch of Wnighara w»s in our town Saturday visiting relatives. lUst Nora Williams of near JWnro will taturu Friday Mm Otter Greek Fla.-where-ehe lias bsra'visiting her els. ter Mrs. Fisher. Mr..Hugh G. Food,-cashier of tlie Bank of ilavo is-on joying a Week at mtsc hi* oidJiome, OartemvUle Mr. O. T. Beggs, -saiesmaa far Seal* Drug Go. at Waynaow la at home ona raeatian ot ten daps. Geo. W. Obestaat, representing the Times-Enterprise waa in town psater- day. Messrs Cary audiH. K. MeGraw. Miss Mahle .Faol and Mies Leona Hora. .at-' tended services at Berwick Tuesday night.sod heard a noble vision amongst tlie halts to the estate of Mrs. Martha Slater. Mr. Stan aland speaks amusingly of Ida experience whilst surveying part of the property which it in the Ochlocbnce river swamps aud aftaost Impenetrable., Mr.JMnrry represehtlng,tlie Deering Machine Oo. and Mr. Hansel Oonereuem down Thursday. Mr. Murry 'came.te put up tlie Deering corn harvester aud shredder which Mr. R.. Whitfield had purchased from tne company. Tlie farmers say we have had too much rain which hie caused, cotton, to Whlgham and the Thomas County 1 Town Trying Conclusions. (tty J. A Heer,.y.t An interesting game of ball wee played on tlie local diamond between Whlgham and M^ige last Thursday, re sulting in the score of Id to U in favor of Meigs. Tlie game wee interesting from start to finish. ‘•daliT-i end by Rev. Christie of Valdosta. Mr. Xsither Barerick who holds si po sition, in Moultrie, is spending tide week; with Ids parents. of her son. Rather than have the earn ga to oanct the company oampromind by paying the sum of two thousand In cite Asst part of the gaaae Whigfaam was iu tbs lead. But later the batting eyes of the home boys opened, and they did some nice batting. Mo aquabbling ooearred. The Whlgham hoys were friendly, and seemed to enjoy their visit. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Clower Brock near thia place died Monday night and was buried at Midway ceme tery Tuesday afternoon. Rev. J. A. Gone conducted the funeral rites. Mr.- C. G. Battle of this place is a genius in more ways than one. He keeps a borberehop in this place. He has a neatly written sign on the wall, "Ho credit.” But eomettmss the boys forget to bring along the proper change. On the opposite wall he has tacked a large piece of pasteboard with the name of the customer and amount of his in- debtedneas. Mm. J, B. A oilman spent Tuesday in Pelhami < A game hat been arranged forThms- day flat st Whlgham. May our boys be Ttetorteua. A crowd of ladies win go from here with the boys to help them shed its fruit. The protracted meetiug at the Hew Ochloobnee Baptist church caaro to a clow teat Sunday having last ed a week. The Rev. Charles Hall, the will cram bate ben tkte afternoon. Mr. B. Beaty and daughter Hire Mag gie, retarned Mooday from Jennings, Fla., where they have been visiting Dr. Jim Beaty. Mr. G. W. Ohesnnt, the clever repre sentative of the Timee-Eoterprire passed through, Berwick Monday. . Rev. D. H. Parker of ^Boston, at tended the protracted meeting here to day. / Mr. L Cochrane Hunt, president of Young's Female OoUege, left Tuesday afternoon to spend a mouth at his home in Richmond Ky. He has dooespiendid work for tbs ooUege and will return in ample time to make all arrangements for the opening, Hr. and Mrs. Lee Heel, Mire Sadie Flowers, Mite Bama Evans and Messrs C, N. Neel, Edward Jsrger andRhett Pringle formed a delightful party that picfdoed Tuesday afternoon at Bine Mr. A.1I. Wateen yesterday contrac ted with Mr Henry Arnold for the erec tion of a handsome -cottage. The heme will be boilt at the edge of town, next to I ho Finn gtaoe, Ogoatx. It will be one of the prettiest belonging to any res ident of lihomaaviile, and will oost $10,000. The house will be one story in height and of a unions style of architec ture. Plane for building will be carried oat at onoe, and one more will be added to the list of ThomasriUe’e beautiful the lute pastor. In spite of the inclement weather, were indefatigable in their fl efforts, which resulted in the addition to the church member, of Misses Grace D E. Beach and Bessie Hall, and Mr. Gas * Bell. h( m Mr. George Hall and Miss Ada Wor- a| rolls were married at this place last u Monday morning. Mr. 8. H. Beach, J. P.'tied the matrimonial knot. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Kra. Joseph Worrells who reside two n mils* north-east of Cairo. The groom ^ issue of oar indutrioue young tenners, n audit the sou of the late Mrs. M. F. th Benton. We wish tlie young .oouple M very much happing* in their wedded life. Onr county enrreyor, Mr. A. J. Stun- ar aland, oame down Tuesday to survey ti e no Slater plantation preparatory to itsdi- tu V' . - ; V .V; mills had eeve&l hired fellows, among them Williams, of Thomasville, whom the looala were not willing for the vis itors to play in the box. Camilla would not agree to cut Urn out; so Revival serviow will commence at Pieros Methodist church, near Cairo, on Tuesday night, the ^h. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. L.W Walker The pubttj oordilly invited to attend. I $3,197,014. $356,650. 660,689. 182,294. ! 506,166. 38,827. i 347.850. 39,681. 338,573. 47.702. 212,86*1. 32,383. 134,652. 88,596. 131,697. 19,022. 101,116. 89,762. 6,965. 78,669. 28,208 71,54(5. 4,050.