Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 22, 1904, Image 6

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1IMK.S-ENTEUFHSK, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, JOLY 15, UX CHARGES PREFERRE 1. Had Their Inning at County Court Thu,adey. Albany Pollea Chief at laet leArralgn- ad for Mladreda. T.r.:nar'.: Lemon Laxative euro* Constipation, B11- louuioso, 'Indiges tion zrJHeadqobe. Act:: promptly tin! powerfully on the bowels yet la Cenllo mid pleao- r.ot i.t action doc.i not gripe or sicken. It can’t hurt you iteau help you. . Dothan, Ala... April 1#,’<H. I hate i|»ed La- mxr’s Lemon Lax ative In my family and would not be without It, It la certainly a valua ble medicine. J, A. Hay, Chief al Police. Sfi Tone of bar Iron, all aizea. 1 ton extra due carriage and wagon bolta, all alaea. 3000 feet rubber and oenvus* belting, i'to 13 inches 2000 feet piping, all aizea up to i Inches. 1000 feel ,tf Inch 1-8 Inch 1 wire rope. 1 carry the beet line of Cook Stmes and Store ware iin the market. I hare the largest anil boat line of (leiierul Hardware ever brought to town. I manufacture (Jnlranizrd Steel Tank* for ayrup cooking by ateam orotherwlae. Aim Ix>g Parts, l.uinher Trucks, farm and Lumber Wagons,'Buggies and farm implemente. Send In your T.F.Dyson, Meigs, Ga Our Valentine. EVERYTHING GOOD IN ellow X We fagnlali IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY REST Tlila yon already knew, the word, we .peak am .nrely TRl^E. We nre too buy AUiog order, to look yon np, but if you want the beat of any thing In onr Una qolok, 'Phone 3M, and the old man will do the reit. Ont by the tlrate Faotory on Boeton roml. Vi.itor. are welcome, day or night Kirby Planing Mill. NOWflREADY AND COMPLETE AT CAIRO. r The Drummers Livery Stable Haring juat built and emiipfed n modern Lively Feed nnd Sale. Sl«bl, a* ~ gli, lliigg'es and nidtlle hone.. New lliiggie. (/im i’mni|it mill ctmrieou* nllenlion given nl with flratrfslaia Oarring riageaand Drummers liiga Order* for quick rori'icea. Tbe Iputmimge of traveler* es|ieciuliy eoiioiled.. Rule* Very Seafonable. Conveniently located oii liryau street. Two’minine* walk easy of depot near railroad. Cull on, write, 'plume or wire. Cairo, a. W. D. BARBER. Prop. Satlafactlun Uantsd. The Portable Saw Mill is the Coming Will. OUR MILL 18 THE COMING PORTABLE MILL. It la a portable mill that is really portable. Make* perfect lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 15,000 feet per day. TAKE YOUR MILL TO THE LOGS. Can be set and ready to saw in two hours. Variable Fric- - tion Cable Feed. Stationary Mills, any capacity. Portable and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies. WRITE US TO-DAY. BACON & COLLINS SUPPLY CO., ALBANY, GEORGIA.=*=*=== T‘i,« eonilly court liegci it. aearioi early Thunafi-y morning nu.l n uiinuu I until lain In I lit. evening. A number oi'wi.ih, ).!Of>l« niumrod ivforo the trlliunnl on vsriuus ciiirty.-K, nu.l a •mailer number of tlm offender, than u.uul were of hoe. G. K. Ingrain and Jake Lovett who worn accused of enticing hand, away entered a plea of uilauoma and their plea waa sustsiued. Marion Wadsworth wn. fouud gnilty of tlm uiiosunl cliargu of using profn laiiguugu in ilia preannee of female. And was fl :ol by ibe court $.15 and coat. Ju|i . Hev imid wa. found gn^ty of assault and tiutiery and flued *60 in eluding coal, Allied Cone, an aged citizen, waa afi- cased of .oiling liquor. Tike evidence filled to convince like |ary that lie waa guilty and lie wee acquitted. Tlie following were the oolored peo ple who were tried. Elijah Berdlue—larceny—forfeited ♦ 100 bond. Frank Whitfield, accused of laroeny hod Id. cuae nolle prueeed. Anderson Oliamon, iu court for cheat ing and swindling had Ida ease nolle prosed. Dan Foremen, get into difficulty involving tlie purchase of 10010 oat a. He wu accrued of oheatlng and .wind ling and demanded indictment Jemie Rhode*, located of larceny waa. found guilty and paid $1.00 $ud coat. The following saaee were continued. Oliaa. Lewis, John Smith, Alton Junior, Mattfo Jnulor, Alf Parish. Court ad journed for the mootli yesterday even ing. Superintendent Marwick Hera, Mr. Allen J. Berwick, Thomsavllle'a new superintendent qf schools arrived In the olty Thursday from his home in Kinston, N. O. and last the Stuart. He liae oommeuced active work prepar atory to the opening of the oily schools in September. CouservatismJ* on the top of the hei p just now. Come to think of,it. Governor MoLen. don lias a very pleasing sound. That waa a splendid crowd of ooanty citizens who were here yeeterday. A I any. G.., Jnly Util, 1304.- Tha (Margos against Chief of police U N. Westbrook, premised by Dr.. Len G.Brongluou, lime at last been officially preferred. They were placed in tbe lumda of Mayor A. J. Lippeit yesterday after noon by Mr. W. O. Watson. Ur. 'Wat son is chairman of Hie citizens commit tee, the latter consisting of about twen ty prominent citizens, who voluntarily relieved Dr, Broughton of responsibility and the necesity of personally pressu g etiarges Mayor Lippitt stated yesterday after noon that he had not read the chargee, and that they would not be opened on tit a fall meeting of the board coaid be cored. He did not know jiut wben that would be. Chief of Police Westbrook bas not bean suspended, and will remain on dnty until tlie chargee are taken np when he may be suspended by the Oopi mission, pending the final hearing. The chief espressos confidence in his ability to disprove any ohargee that reflect upon him aa an officer sworn to do his dnty, and that he does not fear tlie final issue. —Albany Herald. Blood Troubles • Bad blood is tbe source oi numerous aches and pains and the cause of nearly all stubborn, long-continued dis eases. When the blood gets out of order, disease germs and poisons of various kinds find their way into the cir culation and some serious trouble is the result. Rheu matism, Malaria, Old Sores and Ulcers. Scrofula. Amctuia, and many pustular or scaly skin eruptions, like Eczema, Salt Rheum and Tetter, have „ ... . _ . . At, • in-ir inti in it in KaA Tsars a#o my blood was bad, as evidenced by tneir beginning in baa p.ooa, eruptions and other symptoms on differsnt and only a remedy that enters par ts of the body, so i concluded to try s. s. s., into the circulation and de- knowing it to be highly spoken of. After using a strovs the germs and poisons number of bottles—my blood was thoroughly puri- k.v* anv nArmanpnt tr/vJ and 1 was rslisved of all eruptions and can have any permanent good H^nifeffitatlona of impura blood. I belleva your effect Upon a disease Of this 8.8.8. to be an excellent blood medicine, and character anyone in need of such medicine would do w«ll Youcan't check a Mood *°r.«.r.on disease by any external treat ment ; the sores snd eruptions that appear upon the surface of the body are only manifestations or symptoms of some internal disorder that cannot be reached from the outside. S. -S. S. antidotes the poi sons, humors and acids that are the real cause of disease, cleanses and enriches the blood, and builds up at the same time the general health. S. S. S. _ invigorates all the organs and parts of the system and stimulates them to greater activity, and strong nerves and renewed health is the result. . If you have any blood trouble, write ns. < No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA* “For what is worth in’anytbing But so much money as ’twill bring.”--Butler. BARBECUE AND CELEBRATION. Pro pas.d big Gathering here under Auepleee of Maeone end Odd Pet to we. Candidate H. G. Davis is qolte au or ator. His middle name ia Gasaaway. Ho', getting more like Grover every day," is wliat the old linen ate saying of Parker. A horse named High-ball has broken Ills leg. Hero's a good chance for a temperance lecture. Sometimes we wonder if It la caUed stieel tax because its resalts ate a tax on the imagination. Thoiuax county roads are tunduy from frequent rains, bat no mnd is slung lu the county campaign. Mr. William J. Bryan has announced that lie will rapport the ticket. Every little lielpe and Bryan's is a big little. Tliomasville gels her daily rain with as much regularity a, a New York clnb man smokes a post prandial perfecto. We sometimes think people who live outside of Thomas county must feel like a linen suit look* after a rain storm. 41 Months. Tlie aggregate ot tlie sentences im posed at tlie session of conuty court on Wednesday and Thursday waa 41 mouths. The conuty gets $11.SO ptr month for each convict sent to the camp at Oooledge. Tlie amount received for the two dpya work waa therefore $437.56, besides several lines paid direct. The coets will he about $100, so Hie T.e SavslinshPitMiays: Tie county wUl profit from the misdoings pr.ivi ling for the division of the school | of tta reddeuts. to the tune of mo,. : fu-ids of Georg a letwt eu the races iu ****** priporltou to the amount of taxes paid The state should Is) hats off to the H use of'RepresAitattves which passed t -e Australian b.dlot hill by a vote of* 102 to 40. The Masonic fraterpUy held thrir regular meeting Thursday and diaoost- ed with favor a proposition, tint bad previously been laid before the Odd Fellows of the city. Tbeplan istohave a huge Joint celebration, barbecue, pic nio and general good time under tlie auspioee of the two orders. The big day will be set sometime within tlie next six weeks, and the de sire is to have the resident! of the conn- ty come to town and spend an enjoy- able day with their friends in town. The members of tlie K. and A. M. and the I. O. b. F. throughout tlie oountry, and then are hundreds, ol will of coarse attend, hot the plan of the promote ri la *o get every citizen in the ooanty, secret order manor not, to oome. Tlie. 1 accompaniments of music, speeches and good things to eat will of oooiaobe provided in abundance. A good old-fashioned picnio celebra tion, inch as the town has not seen in voire, is planned, and from the char actor of tlio men behind it there is small donbt ol the grand success of tlie plan. BOUGHT WOOL Cairo Firm Makee Big Purchase of the Fleecy. Mr, James L. Mauldin, of tlie Arm of Mauldin Brothers, of Cairo waa in the city Thursday. He waa on his way home from Camilla, where he made a big pur chase of wool. Every year tlie Mitchell conuty sheep raisers pool their crop and sell it to tlie highest bidder. A number of dealers were on hand to bid, bnt Mr. Mauldin'a price reached tlie persimmon. He paid 3< cents for 8901 pounds ot white wool and 34 cents for 3fi3 pounds of black. Tlie total transaction Involved $3401.13 and the hustling Thomas ooanty firm will make money oat of the deal. We deeire to call attention of onr customers this week to a large line of Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. We handle the Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and Surries. , We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina tion guano and corn drills. We have the best line of Fertiliser Distributors we ever saw. Yon can put ont with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds of fertilizers per acre. We also carry a full line of two horse riding snd walking cultivators aud weeders. We are still offering bargains iu —Flour, Sugar and Tobacco— and have on hand yot some seloct North Carolina Seed Finders Remember that we give with each 26o cash purchase n ticket en titling you to a chance at tbe beautiful Amea stick seat run about on display in our window, which hill be given away on May 28th. One of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be tbe lucky one. COMR to see ns. Comfort Trading Co, BOSTON, - - GEORGIA. Announcement of W. M. SINGLETARY & SON, Proprietors of Meigi Big Livery Stables beg to inform the public that they are now folly fitted np aud prepared to serve all with very best accommodations. Having recently bought out the firm of W. H. Hurst A Oo., and in combining Hie two they will conduct a first-class Livery, Feed and Sales Stable. Beat turnouts, all kinds of new aud up-to-date vehicles. Drummers' Riga and Fine and Fast Horses. Rates reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, Calls answer ed promptly. Phone, wire or write. W. M. 8INGLETARY & SON, 7-i-Uu ‘Meigs, Georgia. nONEY SAVED Thoroughbred Chickens. Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte JBGGS. Price'per setting 15 eggs. C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ga. by each is not apt to pass the legisla ture nud become a law. it wilt serve a useful purpose, though, u'l warning to the long-distance friends ot tlie ue- grow that the patience ot the white pet- pie of tlie eontli may some day become exhausted end measure# of this nature of the states of this Mr. Reuntree Sick. (Hprclal to Tlmre-Knlerprlar,) Berwick Ga. July 14, 1U04.—Hon. J. B. Rountree is at home sick. He is 11 reate usd with a case of continued fever. It is hoped, however, that he will, in a few days, be able to return to Atlanta to notune hi* dutUe in the leg islature. Thai's Srhat it means to !o trade with us. We have an up-tmdate stock of Bed room Suites, odd Dressers, Beds, Tub’* s, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, Et \ « We al o carry ihe BEST LINE OF STOVES ' ever sold in the So--th. Our guarantee it behind evety one and if you ste needing a stoi'e it will pa/you to see ns. We are making some specially low prices on Matting, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Hammocks, Mos- quhor Canopies and other Summer House Furnishings. Come to see us and we will make your visit profitable. Yours for business. ’ Cairo Furniture Company, R. L. Van Landingbam, Mgr. Cairo, Oa