Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, July 22, 1904, Image 9

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Oclilocknee. Gn.,July 19.—Protracted Hundred*dfThomasville Reads What It Meant. The kidneys ate overtaxed: Searcy. ' - Sunday in Oohloeknee. Miss SalUe Jordan, of near Ameriofts, is spending a short tilne with the fam ily of Mr. 0. Z. O’steeu. Rev. Mr. Gone, the pastor, isfoudacf- ing a revival meeting fctjMeuant View Ohnreh. There have booh Seventeen accessions to the qlutjfc and the services continue. Vf,: Miss Oharlie May 1 Evans of Troy, Ala., and Miss Lottie Jones of Whigham were very pleasant visitors at the hone of Miss Clifford Davis a few days last week. Mrs. W. B. Hambietou and son Reid of Thomasville, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Last Friday night Rev. Mr. Blitcb, who has been helping Rev. C. R, Jen kins condnot a protracted meeting at the Methodist anarch Imre, preached to satisfaction Tonic of Efficiency. gan last Sunday. The meeting wfit be oondncted by Rev. O. ,R. Jenkins, Pas* tor in charge assisted, by Rev. H. B. expecting a good Have too much to do. new pair They tell abbot it in many’aches and pains— Backset e, sideaohe. headache. Early symptoms of kidney ills. Urinary troubles, .diabetes, Bright's Disease follow. A respected man tells here a certain care. !&tni>bs. _ meeting. Everybody ia invited to come and bring their friends. Mr. Emery Spence of Pelham visited Ur. and Mrs. L 8. Spence Sunday. The writer ht s in hand a large apple, which was grown oy dhr fellow towns man, R. A. Perry (Uncle Red as he is familiarly known) JThe apple weighs seventeen ounces and a half, Unole Red says he has plenty of them. This one the wind blew off. Mr. and Mrs.-E. L. Rollins left Mon for their home at Blakely, Qa., after spending many pleasant days with their patents fir. and Mrs. J. E. Stephens. of vU/ y ° ur M money 1 /m\ back j/\ f The 1 on Beck a “ President* Suspenders B. Sweat, Justice of tho Peace and Notary Public, residing at 52 Thomas street, Wavcross, Qa, says: “Iused 71 Doan’s Kidney Pills and can recom-; mend them very highly. I took them for backache and kidney trouble from which I suffered for a number of years. There was a severe pain across the small of my back, constant, dull, bear ing down pain, and the secretions from the kidneys were dark and full of sedi ment. Since uslug Doan’s Kidney PilU my back is stronger and the piin ha* left me. I think Doan’s Kidney Pill* are a very reliable and a very effective remedv. Comfort «nd Service. No rust or leather to roil the ahirt. 50 cents and $1 nf LOUIS STKYKRMAN’S, THOMAS VILLE SHOE CO.. a«d other store*. Made and (guaranteed by The C. A. KDGARTON Mfg. O SHIRLEY. MASS. ^ MRS. KATE TAYLOR. ’ Mrs. Kate Taylor, a graduated ■ mine of prominence, gives her ex- ! pericner with' Peruoa la an open ; letter., jfer position iu society and' • professional standing combine to gfvg special prominence to her ut terances. W. M. Reynolds who is now stationod at Peiham, paid his family a.visit Sunday. the children. windows, vestibule and all. w.>~ filled. Better have some more sermons to the children. In discussing tlie k propriety of having dinner at the Church during t .»e ap proaching Union Meeting it was told that some poople brought empt y-boxes and trunks to the Masonic picnic and filled them from the table, on which they put nothing. One man dropped Plymouth''Rock Chicken and cake and other daintio* into his closed umbrella until it pressed opeu and refused to shut a tain- It was further shown that these people did’ut live in Thomas coafity. | Truly, ’Man move* in a mysterious way, His stomaohe to supply.' Mr. Glias. Oardin and Miss Eva Car dial of Oohloeknee were visitors at the residence of Mr. W. M. Singletary. Great preparations are being made by the two big ginneries here to handle tl;6 cotton that will be brought here. 1 Shelters for stock, additional room and improved 'machinery will greet Jcus- tomers at the opening of thp season. The watermelon season will soon be over from the looks of the small melons that were loaded last week, then what will us do, all de blackumborries done goue, watermillions all gone, peaches dey most gone and I jist reckon we'll have to draw up our stomachs, and lick our lips. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Loguo are visit ing Sylvester, Parkerville and Ashburn this week. We wish them a pleasant trip. v If yon want, your teeth extracted call on Dr. Oneal every Monday at Bun- tin's store, he'is prepared to do all kinds of dental work. All he wants is a chance. Mr. F. D. Cardin’s singing school wll dose Wednesday. He has been teach ing twenty days and all of his scholars are well pleased with his teaching. T. 0. Beverly (Don as we all call him) says lie will not ask a person to lead for him but one time and If he refuses, he will do liis own singing. Mrs. W. R. Singletary and daughter Inez, left Sunday for Grand Ridge, Fla.,‘ called there on account of sickness of her son Albert. y&fs. J. N, Bulloch it visiting her They proved to be so in iny case after I had failed to get any relief from the use of general other remedies.” Emphatic endorsement be had right here in Thomasville. Drop into R. Thorahs Jr’s drug store and ask M|hat his customers report. > Foster* Mil- For sale by Ml dealers, born Co., Buffalo’ N. Y., sole agents tor the United States. lief I thrn decided to tfy the medicine myself, and did not use all of one bottle before 1 was well and I have never since been troubled yrith that complaint. One cannot say too much in favor oPtbat wonderful medicine." This remedy is or sole by J W Peacock. , w Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. T. N. HOPKINS, Attorn.y-.t- Law, Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street. Thomaavllle. Georgia. tyMoney to loan on Thomas County Real Estate at 7 percent annum. SCOTT’S EMULSION asms as • bridge to carry the weakened sad starved system along until it can dad firm support In ordinary food. Send for [re. tampla. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chimbs,, 409*4*S Ea.fl Street, New York. 50c. and >1.00 j all druggist*. . daughter Mrs. J2 W, Duren, four miles northeast of Thomasville this week. The town council has at last decided to build a shelter over tho town well. We hope they will pat on a now teello while in the notion to do something. - Mr. Wmv Miller was Tonraine on Tuesday. C hicago, ill., 427 Monroo st.— “ As far ns I have observed Perunc Is the finest tonic any man or woman can use who is weak from the aftei efforts of any serious illness. “I have seen it used in a number oi convalescent cases, and have seen sev eral other tonics used, but I found that those who used Pcruna had the quickest relief. •* Pcruna neema to restore vitality, Increase bodily vizor and renew health mad strength In a wonderfully short time."—MRS. KATE TAYLOR. In view of the great multitude ol woman suffering from some form of fe male disease and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned spe cialist on female catarrhal diseases, hai announced his willingness to direct tlu treatment ol as many cases as mak« application to him during the suminci months, without charge. Address The Parana Medicine Co.. Columbus )bio. CASTOR 1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the Signature of By T. S. :me(qs affairs. Treated In Spicy Fashion by Our Prof < J*S. Searcy. Mr. Jinks Atkinson of Savannah, is spending a few days here witli his sis ter, Mrs. L R. Aultmau. Mr. J. N. Hancock, who left- last week to return to his home at Whites* burg has come back to Meigs. Mr. Hancock, it appears, drank of the water from the public well in this place, and it is a saying here, that no one Who does such, can ever afterwards stay away. Mr. Hancock is ready for business. A few days since Grandpa Atkinson, who has suffered greatly for many years'with a wound in his leg, hod the leg taken off. Dr. McIntosh, assisted by Drs. Isler aud Aultmau performed the operation. The wound was made in a battle iu tho Civil war, just forty years aud threo days to the time it was taken off. Mr. Atkinson is well known all over several surrounding counties, aud liis numerous acquaint ances will be glad to know that he is doing well at this writing. Rev. T. A. White of Thomasville will preach the dedication sermon At Pleas ant View Church, about two miles north of this place at 11 a. m. on the fifth Sabbath in this mouth. The Union Meeting of the Tucker Association will convene with the j Baptist Church of this place, com- menciug Friday before the fifth Sunday In this month. Everybody is invited to help make the meeting a profitable one, both by helping to cate-for the crowd, and by their preteuce. There will be “no dinner on the ground. ” Mos.-rs Wyche Linton, TomGandy and! Cox, of Thonmsville, Were hero a few evoning* since to atteud a meeting of the Odd Fellows of this place. The men are expert riders, and cuuie over to teach a number of first and second de cree Fe.iows how to ride the goat. Mr E R Siugletorv and wife, spent WHEN we say “CLEARANCE SALE" we mean it in every sense of the word, and everything in our mammoth stores will have Clearing Out Price on them—Clearing out Reductions on Everything. On Summer Goods the prices will be just about half regular prices as we do not want to carry over any Summer Goods. On high class gbods, of which you will find here the most complete stock in this section, you will find prices at which you usually buy poods of a verv much inferior quality. Every department will participate in this great Reduced Price Sale including Dress Goods, Silks, White Goods, Corsets, oSery Laces Ribbons, Embroidery/Underwear, Shoes, Oxfords, Ladies Skirts, Trunks, Collars, Cuffs, Hats, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Clothing, Jen's Furnishings, Men's Shoes, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Groceries and, in fact, almost anything you can call for. -We Quote You a Few Prices From Each Department:- Dry Goods Department. Our Entire L>t of Ran iants of All Classes of Goods at One Half Regular Price. 1000 Yards Gingham worth Sc at'. - ----- 4 l-2c I Yards White Lawn worth to at-. 7 l-2c 6op Yards Fruit of the Loom Bleaching at 6 7-8c 500 Yards 46 in. White French Lawn worth 35c* 500 Yards High Class Swisses and Organdies worth 33 to 75c at ----- 1 Lot Fancy Parasols worth 1.50 to $5.00, Sale's Price V- 1-Lot Children's Parasols worth 50c to $1.75, , Sale’s Price too Special Good Quality Waterproof Umbrellas worth $1.50, Sale’s Price---. 19c 29c 95c 49c 95c Royal Blue Broadcloth Skirts Trimmed in, Rib- bo: j. worth $;.oo. S*ale’s Price $3.49 Rain Proof Skirts worth $6.50 at $4.00 Millinery Department. 50c Sailors for Y. 33c Ladies' Nice $1.00 White Sailors ... 48c Ladies' $1.50 Split Straw Sailors for - _ - 98c Clothing Department. 23 Men's Suits worth 5.00 to $7.00, Sales price $3.49 50 Men's Suits worth 6.00 to S.50, Sale’s price 4.90 50 Men’s Suits worth 7.50 !o 10.00, Sale's Price 6.79 30 Men’s Suits worth 15.00 to 20.00, Sale’s price \ 1,25 100 Single Coats, Mixed Material, worth 50 to 75c, Sale's Price - 39 1-3 Off on All Summer Coats. 50 Faultless Shirts worth $2.00 ....... STRAW HATS, $100 buys $2.00 worth. 1-3 Off on all Men’s Extra Trousers, too pairs I.adie’s Oxfords worth 1.75 to $3.00, Sale’s Price.- 100 pairs Ladies Oxfords worth $1.50, Sale's prige Grocery Department. Granulated Sugar. Best,. 19 lbs. for Good Rice. . - ’... . v Very Best Rice ------ Iglelieart’s Flour, 24 lb. Sack Syrup per Gallon Laundry Soap, 3 Bars for. . Railroad Mills Snuff, per lb, -- Liberty Bell Tobacco, per lb a— 1.29 1.15 99 ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU GIVE US A LOOK. DON'T FORGET-BEGINS JULY 23, 1904. * * Yours for Low Prices a.ncl Square Treatment, NEEL BROTHERS. - THOMHSSZILLE, GH m -Cl