Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 05, 1904, Image 12
1 sarance i|le Begins MONDAY August 8, IB/B. $.««*.) Dr-tW. H. Watkins ran down to Mon tioello on Mornlar night's train on bn»i An,old name but a new sale, Onr Mr. Churchill is now > in the Eastern mar- t kets purchasing . goods for the ’. ; ’ ooming , season. *•' We need the • room, not going pack up any summer stuff, going to sell it We depend on our prices to do it. Here arc a few of Them Good 7c fancy lawns, been telling at 5e during sale, yard 4c lOacd.ia 1-3lawn's, tale price....'/ 1-a IS and 8<i c bwlties, Lace Stripe ghilegoods,etc loc Bleaching, yd wide 7c grade Sc lo yards, good jc check homespun, sale 43c 60 inch Bleached Table JDanutk yd 25 c IS inch (i yd duality, mercerized Table Damask T;c -Counterpanes, large enough for any double bed, one kind, marseilles finish, 81.14 value, for 89c SUMMER CLOTHING AOIve Away Price-on all left. EXAMPLE. ur $7.50 suits for $4.39 ■ne table all kinds, worth upto $2 choice 75 Men,s Brogan Shoes 89c Men’s Elastic Brogans 99 LADIES SLIPPERS Close at 49,99 and $ 1.49 MEN’S FELT HATS, Ewo lots, values worth up to $1.25, choice 50c 'Those worth up to $2 $1 A valuable present for every dollar traded Misa Maggie Stringer, left for Cairo on Sunday, where she goes to enter the millinerj bntiueM, After spending tome time with her grandparents at Ozell, Misa Nannie Monroe returned home Saturday. Among the Hnnday visitors from onr town were Measrn. H. C, Copeland and J. C. Connell, who spent the day at OeHocknee. hue. Crowder, of Tallahassee, who fot some tinio has been visiting friends Oere,|left for her home Monday, ac companied by Misa Allie Montgomery, of Oclilockneo. Mr. Charles Bead, of ThomaaviUe, was here Monday conferring with the school authorities concerning the teach- ing of the school both the ensuing year. Some time since some of pur citixene subscribed to a course of leolure and a free library to be given by the Aldahest System nf£Atlanta. Friday night was the date for the first lecture to be given by Mr. Fearse. A' large house gathered bat no'JIectarer came and alf turned homeward debating as to the came of the disappointment.' Saturday a tele gram waa received by tlie managers here asking that the date be placed for that night but enoh being impracticable the company waa notified to cancel all con tract#. And so stands onr prospect for the present. The (annual revival eerricee at the Baptiat church ore to begin next Son day. We do not know what, if any, miniateriallhelp the peetor, Kev. T, A. White, will liaye, bat wo predict for the attendants preacliln# of a high order.' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AU THORIZE FORMATION OF MERRILLVILLE DIS TRICT. Llnee of Pavo District will ha Some what Changed. Committee Report ed Favorably on Bridge at Hadley'i Ferry. Bilie Ordered Paid and Rou tine Business Done. . Leap Year 1 Sale. Postponed until later in - the year for various reasons. A. F. Cfaurchwell I r & Co. $ STARKE CORI.ER. THOMASVILLE, GA. New Idea Patterns for fall aow read}; Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Thomta Oonnty : To the Superior Court ot said county: Tho petition of M. M. Cooper, James Gribhen, Jas. B. Brown, L. Steyerman. F, W. Boyer, W. L Mclntire and W. C. Snodgrass, all of said state and coanty, respectfully ahow: 1st. That they desire for themselves and tlielr associates, successors and as signs tobeoome Incorporated nnder the name and etyle of the ThomaaviUe Elks’ club.. 2nd. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated la for twenty years with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3rd. The capital (took of the corpora- Hon la to he $6000.00 (Five Thousand dollars) divided into si lores of $10000 (One Hundred Dollars) eaoh. payable in monthly Installments of $2.00 (Two Dollars) each. Petitioners how ever at the privilege of increasing the sold cap ital (took from time to time, not exceed ing In the aggregate $10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars.) 4th. That more than 10 per cent, of told capital (took of $6,000.00 haa al ready been actually paid In. 6th. The object of the propoecd cor- potation la to promote the social inter course of its members, and to baUd and to *"-i"r»i" on Elka* olnb in Thomas- vlUeGu. Petitioners desire to exercise the usual powers, and to do all usual necessary and proper note which per tain to or may ha connected with the erection and maintaining snob an insti tution, as herein specified. To have all the right# and power* provided In sec tion 1862 of the civil code ot 1826 of Georgia, and to have the right and pow. er to borrow and loan money and to ex- eente all necessary notes and mortgages or security deeds and other instruments ot writing to evidence such loans anil to aecnre the some. 6th, Petitioners desire that their per sonal liability may be limited to the amount of each individuals unpaid stock subscriptions If any. th. The principal office end place of business of the proponed corporation will be ThomaavUle,;Ge. Wherefore petitioners pray to be mode a body corporate nnder the name and •tyle aforeeaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the Uabilitlee fixed by law. M. M. Cooper, James Gribben, Jas. B. Brown, L. Steyerman, F. W. Boyer W. I. MacIntyre, W. O, Snodgrass, pe titioner#. . s July. 7 1904 I certify the foregtfing tobe a true copy of original now on file in my efflee T J. W. Groover, O. E. O. ‘July 7,1101. Thoxabyiux, Ga Aio. 2, 11104.— Board "met in regular meeting all pres ent. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Petition for change of rood as peti- titionedtor by Gandy, Halette, and othera and reoommended by road com- .missloners, ThomosvUle District granted upon terms of petition. The foUowing report was mode by committee on building a bridge at Hadley’e Ferry. "Yonr committee to whom woe referred the petition to erect a bridge at Hadley’s Ferry beg leave to report that they have examined the premises and find It practicable at a cost of from $600 td $700, and would recoin- end that petition he granted so soon as proper arrangements can be mode with Decatur county. W. A. Pringle H. O. Copeland J. Q. Bryan Report adopted and ordered pub lished. ' The foUowing report of Commission- era appointed to lay out the new district of Merrillville waa read and approved and ordered published: “We, the commissioners pointed to lay off and define the boundaries of a new militia diitrlct to be known as tlie Merrillville districc do make-tliis ai onr report accompanied with the plat certified to by (he coanty surveyor: Beginning at tlie aoutli east corner of lot No. 128 of the 1.7|h district and ran nlngthonce north to northoast corner, thence east to southeast corner of No. 916, tlienoe north -to Air Line public road, tlienoe northeasterly along sold public nmd to where sold road inter aeots the east line of lot No. 261, thence north to Big Creek thence westerly along aoid creek to where sold creek enters the Ochloekonee River, thence itherly down said river to where ■old river croeeee the weet line of 102, thence south to the southwest corner of lot No. 106, thence east to storting point. 0 A. J. Owens, D. W. Murphey, - A. Way, Jr., Commissioners.” The followiug resolution was onac- lmonaly adopted by the Board. Ad*Way Jr„ A. J. Owens and D. W. Morphy who were appointed at tlie July termjof this court, commissioners to lay out, andjdefine llnee of tlie new militia district to he composed of a portion of the Ways, ThomosvUle and Morphy districts, laving filed their report In wliiali the establishment of the new district Is reoommended, sold report having been approved by the board, it is therefore ordered that said new ml Utla iltetfict be estabUshod, that a cer tified trsiuaript'of the proceedings la reference thereto he at onoe transmitted to thelGoTernor of the state and that proceedings be published in the Thom- asvitle Tlmee-Enterprise for 30 days as required by law. E. U. Smith. Chairman, Board of Commissioners Roads and Revenue* Dr. L. B, Bouclielle, county physician, and commissioner Bryan, report in fa vor of placing Charlie Brooks on pauper list and allow him five doUare per month. Report adopted. Dr. Bonchelle reports no sickness at jail or poor house, at the latter one hoe died of consumption. L. B. BonclieUe, M. D. To the Commissioners of Thomas County: We, the undersigned residents of both Pavo district and also the proposed ad- dition to sold district, pray, that we be grouted said addition to said district, the oddities to consist of all that part of Way# district nortti.of the Coelidge road from Pavo running by John Li. Martin'# and east of Big creek: M.D. Bedfeorn. B. O. Reese, D. O. Bakes and othera. On motion the chairman appointed A. Way, p. W. Murphey and 0.0. Baker relay ontan'd report on change of districtline os peti tioned for above and report to tie Board. Bridge Sapt. was instructed to have peceseary repairs made on bridge ne. r E. O. Redfearn’a over Piscola creek at once; also to repair road at foot of Grooms bridge over Ochiocknee river. Action wae deferred on the claim for damages made bj Floyd Howell dk Cc. * On motion, Sheriff Might was ordered paid $62-66 on his bill rendered at Jnly meeting of this Board. UOXTHLY "report "Or JOHN t. PARKER TREASURER. For month ending July 31 1904. RECEIPTS. From balance on hand as per lastreport *3894 37 Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas Coanty. To whom it may concern: G. L. Daren having made application to me in doe form to be appointed administra tor upon the estate of P. F. Daren, late of said coanty, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of tho'Court of Ordi nary Jf or said oonnty, to be held on tlie let-Monday in Sept. 1601. Witness mf hand and official sign* tare this 1st day of August, 1204. Wm. M. Jones, _ Ordinary. $3894 37 DISBURSEMENTS. For building and repairing court house, jail, bridges, ferries, and other public im- provements 339 54 For Sheriff’s, jailer’s, and oth er officers’lees... 346 91 For bailiffs at court, non-resi dent, witnesses in criminal rases, servant hire, station ery, and the like 33 00 For jurors at court 48 00 For support of the poor of the ounty *°7 58 For other lawful charges 53 Cash—Balance on hand 1 <ff> 31 $389$ 37 Respectfully submitted. . John F. Parker County Treasurer The following bills ordered paid: E. M. Smith *5 °° W.A. Pringle.. v... 5 00 If. C. Copeland 5 00 J.D. Barrow S 0° • Q* -Ptyan W 5 00 Judge C. P. Mansell 83 33 oe Callaway.......... ... 15 00 L. 13. r.ouchclle prot. services to 00 . S. Montgomery E. Brown 600 Gordon Hattiway pauper 5 00 P. A. Adams, pauper 600 E. Carter, pauper 5 00 Redden Carter, pauper 5 °d P Haskins, pauper Mrs Wright Warscot paeper... 5 on H Godwin, pauper 5 00 So. Bell Tel. Co 10 50 Mower Hobart Co 260c W A Fuller, lunacy.. 75 3U E M Smith, freight 1 9 s Jno. Sampdclle 5 ice and Electric Light Co 74 to J L Floyd. T Stewart Western Union Tel. Co Elders Stable W H Burch A Son. wood Coleman & Adams. 2 50 6 21 1 20 6 00 ■ 00 4 10 Chat. Gandy, inquest 16 00 A J Stanaland, Surveying.... 25 co Willard.Bean, Bridges 3 00 W H Sanders, Lumber 1 J* Robt. Hamilton, IWood 5 00 W M Jones, Lunacy.. 2200 JW Groover... 1 41 West Disinfecting Go 13 5« Sapp Haidware Co. 2 40 D O linker 8 92 W A Pringle, pauper supplies. 5 53 T J Hight, fees 21 T J Hight. Jail fees *48 30 W T Woolford *6* W T Bugler !<» W B Singletary, lumber 16 06 T Groover & Son. Lumber.. 6 55 T Pittman & Son. Poor House ... A | Oumbest, Poor House.... _ F Parker, Com B Singletary,Bridge Supt. .... Chat. Brooks, pauper Owens, Murphy -nd Way, New District TS Copeland, lumber'... R J' Beasley, lumber T J Hight, June bill 62 66 B Eason,lumber 4 34 Board adjourned. J S Montgomery P. M Smith Secretary 30 46 10 60 11 60 129 60 5 00 30 00 4 59 23 98 Chairman. .Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Thomas comity. J|jr virture of an order of the Conn of Ordinary of said eoautv, will be sold at public outcry* on (be first Tuesday in September; 1904* at the court house in M^d-eoonty, between tlie legal hours of sale, the following real estate situated in ^lomas countv, to-wit: A certain lot in city of ThomaaviUe, Ga., being on west side of Crawford street, between Smith Are. and Fletcher street, lying between lets of Ifrs. fTarrocks on south and Mrs. Massey on north, said lot har ing a frontage on Crawford street of 79 feet, north side being 316 fee;,south side 174 feet and rear line 60 feet, according to Mc8wain surrey and known in said surrey as lot No. 2, and haring thereon a 7 room dwelling. Terms cash. This 1st of August. 1904. W. B. Webb, - Executor of will of Helen P Foote, Property pointed out by E. M. Mai* lette, Agt. * 8-6*4 Application for Guardiim GEORGIA—Thomas coanty. To all whom it. .may concern. Emma J- Groover having made apj 4ion forgnardinnaliip of the personi nd property of C. F.-, Edna, -Margaret \ nd Katharine Groover, minor cluldren' of' O. p. Groover, late of Brooks conn! deceased, notice is hereby given said application will be heard at my fice at ten o’clock a. m. t on the h Monday in September, 1024, Thia Jnly 18, 1901. Wm. M. Jones 8-6-41. Ordftn Ad Valorem Tax. * Constitutional Limit, A PROCLAMATION. By Hi« 'Excellency, Joseph 'M. Terrell* governor of the State of Georgia. Executive Department. July 27th 1091 Notice. Application wilt rufmaae to the lion, R.JG. Mitchell, Judge of the Superior (Mart Southern Circnir, at, Chambers in ThomaaviUe, Ga, on the 10th day of August, 1204, by Janiei O., Richardson, gaardian for Owen p, Richardson, to sejl for reinvestment the following property: AU that tract of land lying and being in Thomas county, Georgia, described as foUows: benuded on the north by lands of Mrs. Clarke Watkins; east, by lands of D. A, Groover; south, by lands of E. O. Nelms, and west, by lands of T. C. Stanaland, and in the Thirteenth (13th) district of said county, beluga part of lot No. foar hundred and thirteen (418) and containing forty (40) acres together with all tlie rights and privileges thereunto belonging in fee simple. The said land beiug tho property of the uid Gwen O. Richardson. The reason for said application being tliat said guardian resides without tho limit of Thonu^onnty and is unable to properly lookflfir said property, and that tlie expenHoior keeping It up will soon exceed the value of the property tself. 7--1546. Mrs. J McR. Williams left yesterday for her home in Macon. She lias been the gnest of her father Mr. C. T, Sm art for several weeks. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Hi Rind Yon Have Always Bought Booh the Sguatoroof T. N. HOPKINS, Attorney-at-Law. Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street. ThomaaviUe, • Georgia. M?ney to loan on Thomas Coanty 1 OT Beal State at 7 percent annum Guardian’s Sale, GEORGIA—Thomas County. By virtue of An order of the Court o r Ordinary of said county, will be solu at public outcry at the court bouse door in the city of Thomasville, Georgia, bn the first Tuesday in September, igo4, be tween tbe usual hours of sale, a one balf G) interest in the following real estate, situate in the town of Boston and countv of Thomas, towit:—One lot on corner of Main and Jefferson Sts., fronting on Main St. 30X90 feet with one story brick store building tbereon covering lot. One tot fronting on Jefferson St., Bos ton. Ga.. containing one acre more or less, write a five (3) room dwelling hou?c thereon, bounded on tbe Northhy Jeffet- son St., on the East by E. R. Whaley.on the South by Rev. D. H. Baker, on the West by wN* Forster. One lot fronting on Stephens St., Bos ton, Ga., containing one acre more less, with a six (6) room dwelling bouse thereon, with servants house, bounded on the East by Stephens St„ on the South by H D Philips, on the West by Baptist church lot, and on the North by Tackson Street. One lot in Boston. Oa„ fronting on Green Street and A. O’ L. R’y contain ing one-half t J )acrc more or less, bound ed on the West bv Green Street, on the North by Levi Hayes, on the East by Mrs, Missouri Horn, on the South by A. C. L. right of way. Also ten (10) acres of land, Lot No. -— fronting on the Thomasville and Boston public road four (4) miles west of Bos ton Ga, cleared but not under cultiva tion. The sal? continue from day to day be tween the same hours until .all of said property is sold. Terms CASH. This 2nd day of August 7904. ‘ J B Brooks 8 $-4t * Guardian of W J Brooks. Whereas the General AssembU, at *ts session in 1903, proposed an amend* ment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in Act approved August 17th, 1903* to wit: Section i. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Georgia* Yba; article 7, section 1, of the Constitu tion of this State, be amended by ad ding to said section tbe following para graph, as paragraph 2: I be levy of taxes on property for any one year by the General Asseptbly lor ail purposes, except to provide for repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, or defending the State in time of war,shall not exceed five mills on each dollar of the value of propery taxable in the State. Section 2. Be it further enacted, Thai whenever tbe above proposed amend ment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected . to each of tbe two houses of the Gen eral Assembly, and the same has been entered on the Journals, with tbe yeas £hd nays taken tbereon, the Governor shall, and he is hereby authorized apd instructed to cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each congressional district in this State, for at leas* twomonihs next pre ceding the time for holding the next genera! election. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That tbe above proposed amendment s,hall be submttted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held, after publi cation as provided for in the second sec tion of this Act, in the several election * districts of this State, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote wuo is entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. AU persons voting at saia election in favor of adopt ing the proposed amendment >to the Constitution, shall have written or printed on their ballots these words: For ratification of the amendment to article 7, sectiou 1, of the Constitution of this State* so as to limit .the levy ot taxes on properjv fer any one year by tbe General Assembly to five mills on each dollar of the value ot the property taxable in the State, except for tho pur- pose’of repelling* invasion, suppiessing insurrection, or defending .the Scat- in time of war”; and ail p»rsons*eppo*ed tt the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballot the words: “Againstatic ratification et tbe amendment to article 7, section 1, of" the Constitution of this State, to as to limit t^e levy of taxes on property tor any one year by the General Assembly to five mills on each dollar of the value of the property taxable in this State, ex cept (or the purpose of repelling invas ion, suppressing insuinotion, or defend* ing the State in time of war.” And if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote for said amendment, then shall said amendment become a part of tlie Codstitution of this Stall. Now, therefore L Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of said State, do issue this my prociumation hereby declaring that th» foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution is submitted tor ratification or rejection to the voters ol tlie State qualified to vote for members of tho •General Assembly, at the general sloo- tion to be held on .Wednesday, October 5th, 1904. By the Governor: Joseph M. Terrell, Philip, Cook Governor* ^ Secretary of State. 8-5-tdi Rcglstratlen Notice. Registration (or County Primary will close August the 9th. Office at 00ur? bouse XhomasTille, Georgia. Respect fully, . P. B. Heath, *6t- x Regiat