Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 05, 1904, Image 2

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SECOND-HAND MACHINERY jsnim ^STOCK Wits in many attractions, its One orchestra. iu splendid bathing and its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside: resort-on the Booth Atlantic Coast. Bates 13.50 per day;: . ,112.50 and 015.00 per week. * The # PuIski House* Is tlie most popular place in Savannah aud should be your • headquarters when In the city. Write for Illustrated booklet. ChAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Tokio, July JO.—Owing to the move ments of the Vladivostok squadron. Pacific mail steamers fbr Korea will l>e field at Vokohoma and Siberia and Kobe until safety is assured. The raid of tlw squadron lias been extremely dis astrous. It is estimated that two hun dred thousand tons of chartered shipirfug has been held ten days, at a loss of mjv en and a half million dollars. v the former, bat can hardly do to in the latter. Their reports have not yet been reccivrd, and to this date Thomas heads the list. That all of South Georgia is prosper- pus however, in showu by tha returns of neighboring counties which, while they do not equal ours are very creditable. The increaso iu the Pelham and Camilla districts of Mitchell county amounts to $890,000 apd that of'the entire county yrill be almost 9300,000* Colquit county's increase will be but little short of I--2 1-2 „ „ good as new. 1—2 i-2 King governor, t -2 1-2 Monarch governor. I i—2 i-3 Pickeriqg g-vernor. 12--Sets Is Pickero g Carriage truck, new, the best made. PVompt attention upon work. We Will be prepared to furnish cane mills in yo days. TH0MASVILLE IRON WORKS Works near A. C. L. K. R. Depot. P. O. 103; Telephones 134 and 210. London, July 30.—A dispatch to the Ocntral NownAgency, dated yesterday says a report from Uslilmjt annonuces that the Vladivostok squadron was seen this morning fourteen mile, off Ir.n, which is seventy miles sontliwest of Yo- kohoma Poor Japanese ships were par- suing the Russians southward. TO PRESIDENT. Chicago Strikers Appeal to Roossvslt For Relief. \ -The Vladivostok Tokio, .Tidy 30, squadron passed Tsnparn Straits on the o'clock tills af- way to Vladivostok at tenjoon. who cnimol coino to the city wheu iu need of clothes we muko n specially of„‘fltting you at ymir home. We curry 'the finest^ makes of Clothing, Hats', Furnishings and (Jndcrivuur, qml no mut ter wlint your size is, stout, siim or shor(, who do uot find it conveni ent to come to the city. \V_e make buying un easy tusk by sending to your homes two I.r three styles of garments to .elect from. We carry SHIRT WAISTS, SKIRTS, LtADINO CORSETS, FUKNISMINIIC AND UNDERWEAR. Chccfoo, Jnlyao. -A Jnnk wliich left Port Artlmr Tuesday reports terrific dgiitlur on laud and sea, wliich had be.ii going on three days. Tlie highest Japanese authority horn says that the army and navy command ers of the besieging forces had planned tobogln a final nstaale last Tuesday, and ex;iectod to effect the capture Fri day,hut chayuo official reiiort is expect ed from Ilia army (>r Admiral Togo Sole Agents for In Our Boys’ Department eon lio 11 a d -everything ready-to-wear for boys, ex cept shoes. MANHATTAN SHIRTS, STETSON HATS, CARHARTT OVERALLS. *» jfood kmttif crilR eot> of negio labor, i*i Htriko. If corton gouit up tiio Republicau* will claim tho credit, and if it gov* down thoy blaiuu rite Democrats T. Taggart ims a prep'mdorauoe of ••IV' iu Ida uainu aud ho \% ill tease tiio Uepublicaus before the campaign over. —* ■ n . Cldcago. July 30.—Bnforo the meet ing of tiio allied trades which was held todav a resolution was Introduced de manding that President Roosevelt order crin nisi proceedings against the big packers who, two years ago, were per manently enjoined from combining to fix prices npou flnishod meat products and live stock. Sheriff fearrutt wns called open last for protection against thu police tho'striko leaders, on tlie ground of lawful acts of thopolice. tor Hnut said to-day: "Let tiio alicnff come acroy my lines with riupu- to interfere with the polico aud 1 siiail arrest every man, Barrett and all, and lock tliemnp.” INDEPENDENTS RUMORED. Two Possible Candidates Agsinst Judge Qobsr Mentioned. » . Aliantn, Ga, July 30 —It Is rumored in polil leal circles hero that JudgeGeorge Oobcr will Unopposed for Jndgo of tiio Bins Ridge Olrcnlt by an independent candidate. Judge Gober won the nom ination uver Speaker Morris by a small nsajorttrlla bitter fight wliich was eonte.ited aud which caused muuy charges of corruption uud fraud. The possible eaiuUdatea mentioned were at torney It P. Moss of Cobb county aud Senator Tom Lewis. Adding to It (From lilt Tirton UoxftUt.) Mr. Geo. W t . Chestnut, the olerer cir- Delating agent of the Thomatville Times- Rnterprlii*,* was in Tifton Tuesday. Sir. Chestnut la an affable geotloman and is uddlug much to his pagpr's al xeady large circulation. He is of the opinion that if tlie pupera of tho state, large and small, paid as much attention to the development'of the vast resour ces of Georgia and the proper advertise ment as thoy do to politics, the state would be a great ileal better off, and in this ho U eminently correct. of an Infant July 29, sorrowing Laurel Hill Ceme nt Rnbie Emerald, daughter of Mr. and the funeral sonrices K. Read at the The sincere iu the baba. May they words, "of & Company time beenccn- buti- its affain gone out yet made his Mr. Daren soys The motto "Lot well euoagli alone' io being shouted by Republicans. But the Republican record is uot “well enough." Quitman has a preacher, broad an aensible enough to eay it Isn't wrong to go to tho olrcus. Tlie youth of the land ought to send him a gold model. The oouuty officers association in session at Macon recently ndvocqted making all oouhty officers, terms four years. That was the most natural thiug in the world for themto do, but short terms are the beet guarantee Of faithful eervloe, that the people can hare. The ThomaavUle Timee-Enterprise etna to labor under the Idea that a IS,- OJO salary will bring bigger men into the gubernatorial chair. Tlie (alary, in all probability, has little to do With the calibre of the candidates.—Savannah Tbs Ttmaa-Euterprise labors under the painful knowledge that In the re- otnt post while the salary hat been •mill the calibre hat been mailer. Nor doee it believe that a It,000 increase will increaee the oelibre. .Still, Alien D. Cendlerwou't run again. GIVE A MILLION Tlie Georgia legitimate is now consul- ering un Increase In the general appro priation bill giving the common schools of Georgia n,000,000 Instead of 1800,000 as heretofore. The investment of the extra $300,000 would bring returns such us oould be obtained in no other war, common schools are for the com They have been too long and half provided fir. The will be out of lg- unless improvement if made. The common schools should have all the moasy they want, or at any rate all the elate can afford to give them. Lop toms of the appropriattona for • the higher institatiaoe of leaning if good of the ooa- MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Wear ness.increase vigor and banish "pain* " They .ire ' Ll T E SAVERS," aiding development ot organ*‘and body. No Known reihe dv equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PEk BOX BY MAIL. Sold by„Pattcrson Drug Co. DR. MOTTS CHE MICA . CO.. Clere* land, Ohio CEEEOLii. Choice Oats, Com, and Wheat Bran ground together. Therbest and cheapest cow food known and is 'unexcelled as a milk and butter producer. HPuL^im-SL J ust received a fresh cat of this renowned fetal for Horses aud Mule-,. Keeps your stock up and feed bills “down." Highly eudorsea by all large feeders. We have a big stock of fresh com, oats, hay, wheat,bran cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let: us serve you when in need of anything in the feed line. Try a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Beer. We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity and xcellence. The Thomasville Ice Company PHONE NUMBER fc$. Tim® Table Effective July 24th. Trains Arrive Thomasville 12:10 p. m. 7:35 p. m Daily. ' Trains Leave . Thomasville 7:40 a. m., 4:15 p. m Daily. Quickest and Beet Line to Macon, Atlanta, St. Looieandall points West. Finest equipment! in the South, Coachei electric lighted, with fane in eommer and steam heat in winter, making travel comfortable and eaey. Ticket! on tale to aU points in the United State*. If yoo are ooatempUtiag a trip, aek oar Agent for information—we may be able to aav* you money and time. H. C. McFadden, A. L. Spicer, General Passenger Agent, Thomasville. J. G. Knapp, Com. Agent, Fitzgerald: For Sale." Newly Overhauled* One Tubular‘Boiler - to « ‘ - *• ‘ *L. * - >0 V.~ Vertical - " 8 ■" * Locomotive** 'heels. One 10 He P. Vertical boiler and en- tine. 1 Ho. t Di*Loach Saw Mill, Simplex Feed. 1—48 inrb inserted tooth saw. -2—Small saws. 1—Soule steam feed rope leed as good as new. * *—15 H. P. center crank engine. J “”^5 •» » v. „ as j you will find many temptations! "Rood as new. , things that tempt not only because of r^rr ra r e - , . ! their'fine qaality. bar still 1—bet.36 stringer logging trucks new 3—Sets 36 pole ,, ' .. „ I cause of the 3Jji Duplex Steam pump. new. WONDERFULLY SMALL PRICES ■2 Gardncr governor. THIS WEEK good ay RATES. Those * who wish day board or pleas ant rooms with board can be accom dated. Everytliing clean, comfortable- aud homelike, good aud prompt service given to all. Phone 171. Masu'-y Hotel. WANTED TO BUY Oar present largo assortment and tcany amazing bargaius a)fe sore to awaken much interest, so early comers will fare best. 8. II PRICE CO. BILIOUSNESS IS DANGEROUS. When the bile is not flowing freely into the bowels, it is takeu up by tlie blood aud is deposited in all parts of the body. Every important organ, iu fact, every tissue of the body even to the skin layers, are affected by tho poison ladeu bile. It sai* the energy**- dulls the brain, weakens the lungs aud kidneys aud invites disease germs. It affect’s the heart, «romarli bowels, emsirg mnrk**d functional distn-bonces timt may result iu disease. A bilious or jaundiced condition of the system is very daugerors and shonld be corrected at once. Rydalo's Liver Tablets si>eedily cure biliousness. They act specially on the liver, bile bladder, bilo duct and the bowels. They never fail to cure liver and bowel troubles. Price per box. containing 60 tablets, 25 cents. J W. Peacock. ' TEN MILLION CAR LOADS wool. Cow Hides Fur, Beeswax, Etc. HIGHEST CASH FKICKS PAID. J. W. WATKINS a CO., J. B. WATKINS. - • - Mantg Office at Williams' Stable ::8 W aexson St.,-Thomasville. Ga. Executor’s Sale. GEORGIA—Thomas count.-. rder of rhv.Cou t of Ordinary of ►aid count v. will be sold at public ontcry, on t*>e flrsr Tuesday in September, 190-1, at the court hou*e in said county, between the* legal hours of sale, tin* following real estate situated i iu Thomas couutv, to-wit: A certain i lot in city of Thomasville, being on West side of Crawford street, between Smith Ave. and Fletcher street, lying between lets of Mrs. Harrocks on south and Mrs. Massey su north, said lot hav ing a frontage oa Crawford street of 79 feet, north side being *215 feet.south side 174 feet and rear line 50 feet, according _ to McSwain survey aud kuowu iu said survey ai lot No. 2, aud having tuereon a 7 room dwelling. Terms cash. This 1st of August, 1904. W. B. Webb, Executor of will of Helen B. Foote. Property pointed out by E. M. Mal- lette, Agt. 8-5-4 Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok California, Cloorado, Utah, Wyoming, > Oregon, Montaha, Washington and other points West, Northwest and Southwest 1. G. HOLLENBECK. Dist. Passenger Agent. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE.R.R. * Georgians! satisfaction' new pair or your v money back on v . “President” Suspenders lbSc and Gaareatred by The C. A. RDGARTON Kf|. Co. SHIRLEY, MASS. • Ouardian's Sale. GEORGIA—Thumas County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry at the court house door in the city of Thofha»ville, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in September, K)04, be tween the usumI hours of sale, a one half (4) interest in the following real estate, situate in the town of Boston and countv of Thomas, towit:—One lot on corner of Main and Jefferson Sts , fronting on • Main St. 30X90 feet with one story brick store building thereon covering lot. One lot fronting on Jefferson St., Bos ton, Ga., cohtain'ng one acre more or less, witn a five (51 room dwelling house thereon, bounded on the North by Jeffer son St., oa the East by E. R. Whaley, on the South by Rev. D. H. Parker, on the We*tby W.R. Forster. One lot treating oa Stephens Sl, Bos- Asn, Ga., containing one acre more or leu. with a six (6) room dwelling house thereon, with servants bouse, bounded oh the East by St-phens St„ on the South by H D Philips, on the West by Bapti’t church lot, and os the .Vrth by lacksoa Street. One lot in Boston. Ga., fronting on Green Street and A O L. R y contain ing one halt (J) acre more or leu, bound ed on the West bv Green Street, on the North by Levi Hayes, on the East by Mrs, Missouri Horn, on the South by A. O. L. right of way. Also ten do) acres of land. Lot No. fronting oo the Thomasville and Boston public road four («) miles west of Bos ton Ga, cleared but uot under caltira- tion. The sale continue from day to day be tween the same hours until all of said property is sold. Tortss CASH. This and day of August 1404. J B Brooks, *-5-4t Guardian of W J Brooks.