Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 05, 1904, Image 7

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;«»ys y ■HMRnHnng TTMES EVTKIIPl.’SK. TIIO^A^VI'.I.K C'-V'luil4i'-KOST 5 i'nd| nHBM f EGOMING It an ardea) which alt women approach with _ - indetcribabfe fear, for luVff jrC#C?*Mh nothing compare* with uwm%M m 9mBELBr& t uM. 1 p ?i n .* n i ho " or ? f -.. ~ . . , , child-birth. The thought the (uttering and danger in *to(e for her, rob* the expectant mother of all pleasant anticipation, of the coming event, and cait* over her a uiadow ot gloom which cannot be ehaken off. Thou.ands of women have found that the uao of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robe confinement of all pam and danger, and in.urei safety to life of mother and child. Thu scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at tho time of their most critical trial. Not only doe* Mother’s Friend carry womd safely through tho perils of child-birth, but its use gently prepares the system tor the coming event, prevents “morning sickness, and other dis- * stsissn MOTHER'S *1.00 per bottle. Book ■ 09 containing valuable information free. ETtSSttTRM Tha Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, On. BT ScBELgWBJB VETERINARY HOSPITAL OF DR. J. C. SCHENCKE. Is located on Broad street, opposite Piney Woods Hotel, i:, an up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs. Up-To-Date Implements for performing all kinds of operations oil animals. Examination free. Board at cost. Address, J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S., Thomasville, Ga. Offers courses leading to A. B. and B. S. degrees in Mathematics, Physical Science, Philosophy, Latin, Greek, French, German, English, Histo ry and Bible, Physical Culture and Elocution. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES IN MUSIC AND ART. Eight Specialists in Faculty—Careful government —Every incentive to study—Best climate in Southern Ga.—All churches represented. Total cost including Physical culture and Elocu tion $228. titS* write for catalogue l COCHRANE HUNT, PRESIDENT. Thomasville, Ga. MOl >101tIV FAMILY HOTEL Peachtree Inn, 491-403 PEACHTREE STREET. ATLANTA. GA. Rooms single and on suite. Public nuil private liatlw, Daily, Weekly. Monthly ratea J. L. DICKEY, Proprietor. H. S. CAVE, Manager. HEALTH AND VITALITY Th« Ore*t Remedy of r greftUtIon Andy for ‘ ‘ »of either *ex OR. MOTT'S NERVINE PILLS. ceuMveuneor Tobacco ot wi.icii irt.ii* L’on-minnUon««ud lnwaulty. With every $5 order we gaarmuee to lire or refimd themoney. Hold ut *1.00 per box. dboxwt for (S.00. By Ffttter»m> Dr nr Co UK M tTTrtCtl KM IOA1. tX>..lClev«lnnd. Ohio. “Blakeslee ft Clas and Oasllone Engines Stand Supreme For All Power Purooses. SIMPLICITY itsalf. Buy a BLAKESLEE and keep your re ligion. No profanity necessary. —A FULL LINE OF— Stationary, Portable, Pampin^ lod Connection Ontfits. You can see every movement. Nothing hidden or complicated about the BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly high grade. Write for our catalogue and prices. WHITE-BLAKESLEE MFG. CO., Birmingham, - - Ala. Woman’s Home Mission Column. In. Jr. F Inn) A BLESSING. The Lord blcsa thee; How shall lie bless thee? With the gladness that knows no decay, Witli the riches that cannot puss away, With the sanshlne that makes an end- ten day— Thus shall ho bless thee. And keep thee; How shall he keep thee? With the ull-crowuiug shadow of His wings, With the strong lovo that guards from evil things, With the suie power that safe to glory brings— Thus shall he keep then. The above sweet poem was sent, to the writer bv Mrs Grace Stott, who was in our uiidst a few weeks ago in the inter est of the China Inland Mission This opportunity is used to pass it Others. Mrs. Smith is now in Northwest Canada pleading for her sisters that sit in heathen darkness in far away China. This is a divine mission and wonderful ly blest of God. She was the first young woman that offered herself to this work. Fully consecrated, accepted by the Mission Board, while awaiting in Loudon, making fiual arrangements for leaving, God saw* that she was not suit ed for Foreign Mission woik. She says of this: “One night, when on my knees, tearful confessions of self will, it seemed I heard a voice saying, ‘If you still want to serve me, go back to Glasgow and take my message to tho Salt-Market and the district surrounding. My heart al most stood still. The Salt-Market wm one of the vilest and most wicked places in Glasgow: inhabited almost exclusive ly by thieves and women of ill repute. It was hardly fit for a man to go in such a place. Oonld it Iks God w’ns sending a young girl there, uucallod by man, unprotected and without means of supiKjrt—could that be God’s will for me? I knolt in silence. I dared not say ‘No,’ wnile I feared to say, ‘Yes.’ At last the answer came—Yes, Lord, if thou wilt go with me every step of the way.’ ” She trusted and obeyed. God kept her in this Homo Mission training school three years and a half before she was-qnalifled for tho Foroign field. So, God is today suying to the women of our town, “Go down ipto tiio slums of your city, see the wickedness that is being harboured,tho characters blighted, the seed of disease sown that will cer tainly contaminate the next generation. Knowing this, can you sit idly by with folded hands and say, “it is not my mission to carry His message into these places;they would uot believe it if I did.” You liavo this promise if you go iu His name: My word shall uot re turn unto me void.” THE AUGUST BULLETIN. Has jnst been issued from the press replete with bright, uewsy items of interest to overy Auxiliary from Cali fornia to Florida. FUTUHE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST. Mr. Shiramuza, a Japanese Ohrintiau of our Alameda School will enter the Sne Bennett School in the fall. His ex penses will be paid by a generous Home Mission woman wtio has recently made a gift of $100 for the expenses of a student in this institution. Dr. Reid, writing of Mr. Shiramn/.a, says: “He is at present the interpreter at our Ala meda School; speaks good English; and wm a student at oar Qaausei O&iaiu University at Kobe, Japan, but did not unite with oar chnreh until he came to America. He is now an earnest Chris tian worker and wishes to prepare him self for mission work in Jaisiu. ASSASSINATED. RUSSIAN MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR VICTIM OF A BOMB. Whllo Driving Through Streets of St Petersburg M. Plovhe Torn to Shreds I Coachman Killed and Other Atten dants Wounded. Was Power Be hind tho Russian Throne St Petkwrui’ro, July 28 - The min ister of tho interior, M.* von Plevlie, was assassinated this morning while driving to the Haiti:*, station on his way to visit tho emperor at Petorhof Palace. A bomb was thrown under tin* min ister’s carriage, and iu exploding com pletely shattered the vehicle. Von Plevlie was terribly mangled. The crime was committed at 10 o’clock and the assassin has boon arrested. -The coachman was killed, and the wounded horses dashed off witli the front wheels and axle of tho carriage dragging at their heels. The animals had not gallo]Kid far before they fell, with pools of blood under them. Tho minister’s servant was on the box with the driver and was badly wounded, and two officers in the cab were injured by flying splinters. The assassin was wounded iu tho eye, and tied, but was overtaken and is now under arrest. The roadway was strewn for a hundred yards with tho wreckage and pieces of the red lining of tho min ister’s overcoat. A fow yards from von Plevlie’s body lay the shapeless heap of tho coachman’s remains. Tiie Emperor, at Villa Alexandra,was notified immediately. Ho w’as over come with tho tidings, coming on top of bad news from tho seat of war, fears of international complications and the strain incident upon tho hourly expecta tion of tho birth of an heir. Only indignation aud borrow are ex pressed for tho act, regardless of what may be tho motive for the crime. Von Plevlie was appointed minister of tho interior April 18, 1902, two days after tho assassination of his predeces sor, M. Zipyagin. Ho was formerly director of police and had beeu forty years in the public serrice. Ho was sixty-six years old at tho time of his death. He was regarded by many as tho power behind tho tiirouo, aud was dreaded on account of his control of the secret police. It is also alleged that he controlled the press of Russia The Kind Yon Have Always Bought* and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne tho sif-natnro of — and has been made under his per- 80,ml supervision since Its Inftincy. *** Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good 1 * nro hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Karcotle substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tlio Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OCMYAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY ■YRICT, NEW YORR CITY. STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE OUTFITS GRIST MILLS R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find good prescription For mankind. Tho fi-cent packot is onongli tor tuna) occasions. Tho family bottle [ftOct*.} contains a supply for a year. All drug gists sell them. 5-9 Mr. Mnruaka. of our San Francisco School, will enter Central College at Fayette Mo.) in tho fail. He, too, was converted through the influence of our schools aud is now preparing to go back to Ilia country as a missionary. Is it not a Messed thought that if we are faithful as Home 'Mission workers we can have a part in evangelizing the world? CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN READING MATTER OFFERED IlY TUB Weekly Times-Enterprise. Weekly Timos-Enterprise I year and a splendid man of Georgia, the United States and the world, $1 00. (Tho map alone is worth the money.) Weekly Times- Enterprise aud the Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both one year $1 40, Somi-Wcokly Savannah News both ouo yearll 50. Weekly Timer,-Enterprise and the Three Times-Weok Now York World, both ouo year $1 50. Weoklv Times-Knterprise and the Boston Times, both one year $1 25. . TAYLOH w SAW MILLS Newly Equipped Boiler Work* Machine Shops and Foundry Woven Wire Fence, Fire Proof Roofing, Spray Pumps, Mowers, Rakea, Separator^. Wo will Make It to Your Interest to Figure with Us. MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. ... WACOM. CA. Satisfactory Berrtoe 1* til* Hid people nil Wfcan «• renelTea tli* wort* ot hi* mousy h* 1* utliSel and eoau MAM» Our Work Hunt plea*# on cnatoqwra. We I men who "kiov how." Carriages, Buggies and Wagons Repaired, Painted and Trimmed* H0R5E-BH0EIN0 AND OBNERAL BLACKSMITHINtt A. W. PALIN, 264-256 SOUTH BROAD, THOMABVHAft, Oik Opposite Piney. Wool* Hotel James H. Brown, Interior Decorator. Paper Hanging, Painting, Etc, P. 0. BOX 2118 130|N. BKOAD ST OCHLOCKONEES NEW DRUG STORE Weekly Times-Enterprise and the Sunny South and the Weekly Atlanta Constitution, all one year $2 00. Weekly Times-Enterprise and South- orn Cultivator, $1.50. Weekly Times-Enterprise and Chris- tinii Union, a clean, high-toned inter denominational weekly, $1.50. Almost any other combination you cau want at a price to suit you. If one of these combinations doesn’t suit write wh at you want. TIMES- ENTERPRISE, Thomasville, Ga Carries a complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes The only up-to-date .Soda fount in town, serving all kinds, of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. A fine line of Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family Groceries. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting same in future. H V. BUNTIN « COMPANY Ocklockonee, Georgia.