Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 19, 1904, Image 10
IIMES-ENTERPE^E, TIIOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, AUGUST 19, 1004 SECOND-HAND MACHINERY For Sale. Newly Overhauled. One 33 H. P. Tubular-Boiler suntbed to Typhoid Foyer in Ma con Yrotertoir Morninfl. The Monona of Cairo hede Greet Time Friday. Vertical Locomotive Friday wee one of tboeo great deye [ in Cairo for whloli it it famoofe. The I Cairo Masonic lodge held a celebration with a picnic feature ee chief drawing . card. , Sissons from moot everywhere were ,i present- Tliere were TO of them in the , line of inarch. Several candidatee were pot through the toils of inltation, and the afternoon aeteiou wee greatly enlir- ened by the conferring of the honorary degreee on eereni ladle* of the commu nity Worthipfnl Muter J. B. Wight pre tided, and Her. R. G. Jackson of the Ochlookonee lodge occupied the chair of Junior Warden. There wit dinner to throw away, not withstanding the'ontlaught of a big crowd, and erery body gained onto them selves that satisfied feeling which per mit! of no diiturblng. Among those who attended from ThomuTille were Miami Rena Boa- chelle. Hurst*and Gandy, Dr. L. B, Bonnheile, Sheriff Higlit, J. J. Cone, 0. M. and A. G. Robinson, Major R L. Wylly and others. who 'do not find it conveni ent to come to the city. We make bnying an easy task by sending to yoar homes two or three styles of garments to select from. We carry SHIRT WAISTS, SKIRTS, LEADING CORSETS, FUKNISHINOC AND UNDERWEAR. who cannot come to the city when in need of clothes we make a specialty of fitting yon at your home. We. carry the finest makes of Clothing, Hats, Furnishings and Underwear, and no mat- "W what your sire is, stont, slim or short, MARRED THURSDAY. Mtaa Thomas Becomes Bride 'of Mr- C. S.Berwick. Time Tabic Effective July 24th, Trains Arrive Thomasvillc Quickest and Beat Line to Macon Atlanta, St. Lonia and all points Wcit. Finest equipments in the Sontli, Coaches electric lighted, with fins m summer and steam heat in winter, makiug travel comfortable and easy, Tickets on sale to all points in the United States. If yon are contemplating a trip, ask onr Agent for information—we may be able tqaave yon money and time. Important Cato Hoard. Judge‘Robert G. Mitchell Friday, hoard an important case in ohambers. It mi that of J. F. Fonder of Valdosta, va J. N, Brown & Co. and J. N. Horn Jk Co, both flrmt being in the naval ■tores butlneu in Berrion county. The case wu brought by Mr. Fender, who had been a partner in both businesses, or a dissolution of partnership and tor a permanent receiver. B. H. Jones of Valdosta, was temporary receiver. Judge Mitchell appointed Enoeli Bowen «r Tifton u permanent reoeiver and a ■ale ef property wu ordered for the first Vnetday in September. Trains Leave Thomas ville 7:40 a. in., 4:15 p. m Daily. Oa., Aug. li.—Rev. W. K. Stanford died at S o'clock this morning after a month of illness with tjphoid fever. Dr.,Stamford wu well known phi- luthropist, haring devoted fifteen yean to the care of orphan children of Geor gta Industrial Home at Macon, where can hundred and fifty children are cared for. He wu a Methodist minister and former newspaper man. The above dispatch will he read with "Universal regret • in Thomuville Rev. Stamford had often been here with his Boy’s Band. His nnseldish labors in be half of the children left in hia Care earn ed the admiration of every one. There am several Thomuville children in the home. The fnturo of the institution is unoertaiu u if wu kept jdlvs solely ..through Dr. Mum'nrd'i endeavors BUYS HOME. Mr. Roseoe Luke Purchases Stanley - Houee bn Heneell Street. Friday papers were signed by which Mr. Roscoc Luke become* the owner of one of the most desirable plec- 01 of property in ThomasvlUo. He pnr- obared tip lionre on Hantell street be tween Remington and Smith, formerly occupied by G. W. H, Stanley. Mr. Stanley purchased the house a few months ago from Miss Bettlo Chase, but , it was put on the market when he remove •dtp Macon. The cottage is modern and the grounds spacious.. Mr. and Mr*. Luke will occupy their now home at once. The sale wu made through J. S. Montgomery. J O. EUBANKS DEAD Away : Friday Afternoon and Funeral waa Saturday Mr. J. O. Eubanks died Friday af. teruoon at five o’clock, at the corner of Hell and Colton avenues, in But Bud. Belbad been sick only for ten days, and hia death is a source of great grief to his friends. Mr. Eubanks wu born in Dooly eounfr on June 3nd 1808, and had been witli the Olrby plaining mill for II years. When tint company established its plaut here, he moved to this oity. Though lie had been here, but a yew and a half ho had made rnauy warm friends. He was ouo of the most en thusiast,c members of Piuev;Woods Lodge i: S I. O. O. F. end was one (ol its officers. His lodgo brethren liavejrpndered him •vety assistance In las illness and have been with him constantly. They are doing alt in their power for his widow and in* only child, a boy 0 years old, a id his father Mr Jolm Eubanks who is here. - The funeral will took place Saturday sutler tliu auspices of the Odd Fellows T le sormon was preached at the ttsideuce corner Colton avenue and Hall street. The interment took place at Laurel Hill, and the beautiful funeral service of the Odd Fellows was conducted at tile grave. At three thirty o’clock Tlinielay Miss Sadie Thomas became Mrs, C. S. Bar- wiok. The ceremony wu quietly per formed at the home of Miss Thomas' father in But End, Rev. Robt. Berwick a brother of the groom, from Fav. flristlug. Mr. Archibald Cole, of Ciucinnattl, assisted Mr. Berwick, and Mrs. Frank Jones, of Baiubrldgc, a sister of Miss Thomu, acted as matron of honor. Little Sdissos Harriet Seymour and Elma Smith were pictures ot beauty u flower girls. ’ Almost immediately after the cere moay woe performed the couple left for Atlanta from where they will go to Old Point Comfort, Va., for a short stay. They will then visit Boston and Now York, later returning to Pelham which will be their future home. Mils Thomas lias innumerable friends in Tbomaaville who are loathe to give her np. Ur. Berwick is a mem ber of one of the oldest families in in Thomu county, and is a young man great future. TEN TO ONE. a*. A8lngle Stalk of Corn Produce! Eara V by the Deter An addition wu made yesterday to the Timea-Enterprise museum. It wu a freak stalk of corn of another kind. Instead of spreading out perpendicularly at the fomoua HI footer chose, this eye opener spread horizontally, Tne stalk was grown by Gaudy and Matette aud had on it ten distinct oars The freak is on exhibition aud doubting Thomases may count for tluynselvee. Somo of the oars are of eutirely respect able size. ' ‘ Gandy and Malotto’s farm, three miles from town on the Groom's Ford road is the home of other notablo products ivoudeiful as this, MRS. SANDERS DEAD. S-aler ol Hon. E. P. Denmark Panes Away at Cairo. Mrs. Flossie Senders, widow of the leuXit Sanders of the Micoosuke neigh borhood, died very suddenly yesterday at her beats in Cairo. Mrs. Sanders had met been in good health for. iome time, bat bit death wu entirely unexpected. Sbe. Sender* wu t Mire Denmark be- amber marriage, being! sister of Boa. B.r. S. Denmark, of Valdofti. ,.8be leamataucfaier. Miu Mettle, to mourn •feelou of a devoted'mother. SPECIAL TRAIN. Pitcher 4 3roughtl;rom Albany Thursday Afternoon. Mr. E. W, Maynard was a mucli set up man yesterday. Ho was telegraphed for to pitch the game against Madison and wu soheduled to get here at ten thirty. The ten thirty train came how ever and no Maynard, bat instead a telegram saying that ins train had r ed connection at Albany. Thomuville folks are not made out of the stuff that downs. Some of the sports palled themselves together and said “Here, a matter of 5<l miles is uotliiug. We have three hoars yet left. There is a railroad to Albany aud ttiere are en gine galore." Even the words of these sports spoke not so loud u their action. At tweatyjminotes put two the specie) started and one hour and forty minute* later pitcher Maynard wu stepping of! the platform at the Piney.Wooda Cross ing. The minlnnm price for a special train on the Ooeet Line is |30. and the regular price lot distance tf M miles is $100. The Gobi Line had the opportunity of doing Thomasriilo a good tun and of getting a bit of glory and aooocdiog this regular figure wu cut in half. Sole Agents for MANHATTAN SHIRTS, STETSON HATS, CARHARTT OVERALLS. In Our Boys’ Department can be bad everything ready-to-wear for boys, ex cept shoes. B J. LEVY, BRO. 4 CO, SAVANNAH, OA. . - 8 wheels. One io H. P. Vertical boiler and «n- gine. I No. 2 DeLoacb Saw Mill, Simplex Feed. 1—48 inch Inserted tooth saw. 3—Small *aw*. ■—Soule steam feed rope feed as good as new, 1—15 II. P. center crank engine. 1-35 .. .. .. ' .. » as good as new. I—Bat ton saw mantle. 1—So|"36 stringer logging trucks new a—Sets 36 pole „ „ „ 1—3# Duplex Steam pump, ne%r. 1—2 1-2 Gardner governor. „ 1—21-2 „ „ good as 1—2 1-2 King governor. 1—2 1-2 Monarch governor. 1—3 1-2 Pickering governor. 12—Sets 12 Pickering Carriage truck, new, the best made. Prompt attention upon work. We will be prepared to furnish cane mills ii 30 days. THOMASVILLE IRON WORKS Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot. P. O. 102; Telephones 184 and 210. H. C.-McFadden, A. L. Spicer, General Passenger .Agent, Thoinasville. L G. Knapp, Cora. Agent, Fitzgerald: Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran ground together. The best and cheapest coWfood known and is unexcelled as a milk and butter producer. IF’ just received afresh cai of this/renowned feed for Horses and Mules. Keeps your stock up and feed bills “down.” Highly endorsed by all large feeders. We have a big stock of fresh>corn, oats, hay’, wheat,braj. cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sacks. Let ns sem you when in nfied of anything in the feed line. Try a case of our assorted Soda Water aud Root Beei We are bottling all the popular flaVors aud guarantee purity and' xccl’ence. / The Thonusville Ice Company •PHONE NUMBER «. Cutbert, Ga. Fiftv-First Year Begins September 14. To those parents who are looking forithe right school for their daughters, we submit fr.r consider ation thejoll injvfdcts: Andrew Female College is iti a high and healtr ation above the wiregrass in oxe of the most beautiful section* of Georgia -The cost of attendance is exceedingly low considering the excellent aduautages offered in all department^; Literary. MurIc, Art, Elocution, etc., and theabundattt provision for the conveni ence, comfort, safety, and welfare of those who shxre her home life. Andrew offers an education eminently practical. Andrew’s curriculm is broad and high. Andrew’s corps of instructou is a body of men and women who feel called of their work and who labor with painstaking care to tliow themselves approved in the polish of mind and heart, and life of those who are committed to their training and care, a Andrew’s special departments are powers of strength, es- \ p peciallj it this true of the Music department. One of oar leading ' [ teachers has spent five years in Europe, besides having enjoyed the A ; best advantages which Amuriim affords. v If yon want to send your daughter to a school where die will receive the very best attention while "Curing unexcelled advantages, write for a catalogue and fall particulars. Homer Bush, President. SUMMER - RATES. Those who with day board or pleas* aut rooms with board can be occom dated. Everything clean, comfortable* and homelike, good aud prompt service given to all. Phone 171. Masucy Hotel. WANTED TO BUY TEN MILLION CAR LOADS -OF- WOOL -AND- Cow Hide Fur, Beeswax, Etc. » HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. J. W. WATKINS i CO., ).B. WATKINS. . . . ManaR Office at William*' Stable «8 W action St., Thoinasville, Ga. BEST TIME TO CURB DYSPEPSIA , L J. W. Peacock, Guarantees Mi-o-na Will Cure If Used now. The warm weather mouths are the best iu the whole year for the treatment of dyspepsia and stomach trouble. The oat-door life, the fruit aud berries which are so liberally eaten, all help to restore tone to the digestive system. I, J. W. Peacock, am ready to refund be money if Mi-o-na does not cure in digestion and stomach troubles at any season, but urge all who are afflicted with dyspepsia to begin the use of Mi-o- na now, knowing that the cure will be more quickly effected. • If the food you eat gives you pain and discomfort and does not digest readily, a Mi-o na tablet taken after each meal will soon bring relief and complete free dom from alt stomachtrnnbles. Mi-o-na soothes and heals the inflamed stomach lining, mingles with the food, aids di gestion, gives tone and strength to the whole system, and makes complete and permanent cares in the worst cares of stomach troubles. If by any cliancds Mi-o-na should not give yon perfect satisfaction and do all that is claimed for it, reinrn the empty box to J. W. Peacock and he will refund yonr money without a question. You are the sole judge. A 50c box contains two weeks' treatment, and tliis guarantee covers two boxes. Take^ulvautage of the summer the best time in the whole year to regain good health and to enjoy it. -TO- Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok California, Cloorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington and other points West, Northwest and Southwest |. G. HOLLENBECK. Dist. passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R Georgians! satisfaction, new pair or your money back on “President’ Suspenders Comfort tad Service. Non* or leather to toil the akin. 50 cents sad ft at. LOUIS STE VERM AN’S, THOMAS VIIXB SHOH CO., asdother atorca. Made mad Guaranteed by The C. A. BDGARTON Mff. Ca • SHIRLEY, MASS. • A CONTINUAL STRAIN. M.uiy raon and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term “a continual strain” because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and dirtresHcs them both mentally and phys ically, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evil of constipation, loss of apjxjftto, sleeplessness low vital ity and despondency. They caunot, as a rule, get rid of this*‘continual strain.” but they can remedy its health-destroy ing effects by taking frequent doses of Green’s August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insure! healthy bodily Inactions, gives vim and spirit tc one’s whole being, and event ually dispels the physical or mental dis tress caused by that "continual strain.” Trial bottle of August Flower, 25c; regular size, 75c. At all droggists. Annual Excursion to Savannah. Via Atlantic uoast Line Wednesday, Angust 17th. The most delightful trip of the year. Boating, fishing and ocean breezes. Train leaves Tliomasville at 11:05 a.m. Rate $2.50 for the ronnd trip. Seo agent ot the Atlantic Coast Line, or address, T. J. Bottoms . Traveling Passenger Agent. Tliomasville, Ga. Application for Administration. GEORGIA—Thomas County : W. W. Brooks, having made applica tion to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of Joreph Mallard,late of said coun ty, notice is hereby given that said appli cation v ill be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for natd county to be held on the first Monday in Sep tember, I904. Witness my hand and official signature this 18th day of July, I904. •29*5t W. M. Jones, Ordinary. GET YOUR MONEY.’S WORTH. You get your money’s worth when you buy Elliott’s Emulsified Oil Lini- rneut. A full half pint little costs but 33 ceuts and von get year money back if not satisfied with resuls. You’ll not be disappointed. J. \V. Peacock. SPARKLING SODA. There are many ways of making Soda Water, but only that which insures good quali ty finds favor with us. Our Soda is Made Pure and sold Pure. It is delightful to sip our Soda, and our patrons say they would delight to sip it all the day. Try it; it’s sparkling, invigorating, and the very es sence of goodness. S. H. PRICE CO.