Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 26, 1904, Image 10

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For Sale, Newly Overhauled.
One 25 H. P. Tubular Boiler
V . Hountr..!. Qr.t.lul.
rj Iiurwiil, Ga, Aog. 80.
Special to TiiMs-Futrniri^.
Hob J. B RooiiWoo' dosirea to thapk
through Hie oolntuu, of yo° r valuable
paper, h a numerous friends throughout
the county for their epleudld suptiort hi
yesterday', priuctry aud to do ao d^airea
the publication ot the following card;
"To mr Mend* tlirougliont ttie coun-
Snmmer Beat Time to Cure Dyspepsia.
Mi-o-na tlie One Guaranteed Cure.
> “ ' io “ •* Vertical •* ‘
•* p “ * Locomotive“ on
wheels, f
One io H. P. Vertical/boiler and «n-
gine. x
'l No. 3 DeLoach Saw Mill,' Simple*
t—48 inch inserted tooth saw.
r—Shiall saw,.
I—Soule steam feed ropejeed gs good
as pew.
I—15 H. P. center crank engine.
1-35 .. .. .. ... .. as
good as new.
I —Button saw mantle.
I—Set 3O stringer logging trucks new
a—Sets 36 pole „ „ „
1—2yi Duple'* Steam pump, new.
1 1—2 1-3 Gardner governor. „
1—2 t-2 „ good as
Unqualified Praise of tho^dvsntoaes
of This City, as a wf lister Resort and
The Perfection of Its Climate from J;
H. Wade, Jay C. Mora*, J. ’Wyman
Jonoa,J- C. Stuwbrldgo and Henry
Metcalf. '
The work of preparation for the
TliotnasviUe booklet, to be isroed this
fall, i* progressing in mojit satisfactory
Tlio booklet committee liavo de-
who do not find it conveni
ent to cornu to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by sending to your
homes two or three styles of
garbients to select from.
We carry
leading corsets,
who cannot come to the city
when in ne^d of clothes we-
.make a specialty of fitting
yon at yenr borne. We
carry the fluent makes of
Clofhing, Hats, Furnishings
aiid Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stnnt,
slim or short,
I want to express to yon my thanks,
end to assure you nf my grateful appte-
eialiro for the couflldeuce you have
put in me in yesterday's,,primary. As
ta file part, I Will. »S one of jour rep-
rawutatives lake pleasure in doing what
I nan for the best interest of the people
of my county withtmt discrimination.
To tlio voters who did not vote for
me. I want to say fliat my esteem and
friendship for vou is the same as before
and I do not feel under less obligations.
m a public servant, to you than to thoce
who support me.”
Youti rory respectfully.
J. B. Rountree.
tennlneo to issue one that is typo daph--
ically perfect, and to this eud have cor
responded with the best engraving firms
io the couutry. Nor will the contonts
be less lutetesting than the illustration*.
Acting a* a member of tho booklet
committee, Ool. S G. McLendon, wrote
to a number of winter resident* asking
their opinion nf ThomasvUte, for'publi
cation. Many entlm.inrtic replies were
no 1 ed.
Mr. J. BJ Wade wh . Is now building
a magulheient country Yipme near thn
city writes, “I am quite willing to give
briefly my reason for building a winter
homo at Thomasviile. In looking about
the soulh I touud Northern Geor
gia and Carolina a little too cold'
and bleak and not fnfficieiit|y green
In winter to he' attractive, ard
middle Florida too humid, aiid
not bracing enough for vtgoronji outdoor
exercise. Of the places between these
In Our Boys’ Department
can Im had everyth lug
ready-to-wear'for boys, ex
cept shoes. *
Sole Agents lor
Metcalf Mentions.
Mrs. T. J. St it 1:» vlBtiiug her par
ents in Glasgow vlciuity.
Mrs. A. F. B^rry,-and daughter Adell
are visiting relatives in Alton Fla., this
Dr. W. F. Robertson, of lamouio,
drove np and •[ cut Monday liero on
Those who wish day board or pleas
ant rooms with board can be nccom
dated. Everything clean, comfortable-
a id homelike, good and prompt service
given to all. Phone 171.
, Mtf. J. W. Carroll roturnod from
Quitman Saturday, after spending set-
•rail days among friends there.
- Mrs. J. E. Vann of Waycrou, arrived
lit town Saturday and.will niteud some
time visiting among iter liost of friends
hero. '
Mr*. W. M. Kendall, the wile of our
papular tu’pintlne man, leit a few days
alnce for Worth cooutyjwhero *ho goes
to virtt Iter parent*.
Ur J..R. Stringer; of Jpeksonvlile
Fla., wa* greeting his friends iter, one
dtiylort we k,
Messrs. J. P. Utardy aud H. 0. Cope
land, Jr. and Mia* Sallio Lon Lilly were
«mong tlie throng wtio visited Savan
nah last week. They all returned Sat
urday tepertlng a pleasant trip.
Theaad news was received hero Tat
erday of the death of. Mrs. Monroe, of
OMfli who luiaaed away there on tlie
morning nf that day. Mrs. Monroe was
the mother of our townsman Dr. W A
Monroe and wa* well known and mncli
loved here for the' noble tiait* of high
woimssly character which the possessed
Our ayupattiy goes out to the stricken
family in itlieir sorrow.
Time Table Effective July 24th,
comfortable and easy.
Leave " Tickets on sale to all pointa^in the , j
'ville United State*. j
/ If you are contemplating a trip,|a>k j
4:iS P' ,n onr Agent for Information—we may te I
y_ able to save you money and time4 t
them all. ill fact iu Tliomasvillu aud
its surroundings, I found tlie ideal place
I had bcenlookiogfor."
Mr. Jny O, Morse, of Cleveland, owi -
or ot."Inwood Plnntatiou,” one of the
handsomest country places in tlio Uuitrd
State* lays:—"Fwlsh to say tin.11 con
sider Thnmasvtile tlie most attractive
idtceju tlie south Therein no yilacn
like it. *Tho vUtnuiii is remarkable. The
drives are superior to alt others, Guise
and golfing cau’t be excelled. Too
much cannot be said oi it* many attrac
In a booklet publtahod a number, of
year* ago Mr, J. Wyman Jone* prert-
dent of tlie M. R. & U. T railroad wroto
a golden opinion ot Thpumsvllle. Since
that tithe he ha* been coming to hts
beautiful place "Elsoma” every year.,
Wheu oaked if experience hid cltauged
his opinion, he rortiouded “Of course 1
can confirm and restate my opinion of
TliotnasviUe after all these year* of ex-,
perlence—17 years. It ha* no equal Id
many particulars, e*|iecinlly in climate.
In all other particulars, it is, in my opin-
ion more desirable for a whiter resi
dence than any other part of Georgia
and lias very few If aiiy objeetiona
feature*. 1 (
nn«T rntyt iwti in south.
Mr. J. C. Btrawbridjo oi tTiitladol-
phia, after tea winters spout at his sub
urban home here writes "After. Inlying
visited about all of our southern resorts,
my spending ten consecutive winte s
iu Thotnasvillc, speaks morelnpdly than
anything I can write, of my preference
for the place for a winter home. Tlie
superb climate, large tracts of original
forest, fine driving roads, tl.c best hunt
ing in tlie south togetlier with tlie many
attractions, sooial and otherwise of our
beautiful country elub, charm all onr
friends and guests as well as ourselves.
Capt. Henry Metcalfe, who is espec
Idly remembered for his interest in
town improvement, writes from Cold
Spuing, N. Y. .
"I have no hesitation iu re-affirnfing
tl,e opinion I once expressed that to the
annual return to Thomasviile of my
late father, Dr. John T. Metcalfe, I at
As I once ex-
Far, Beeswax, Etc.
H. C. McFadden, ' A, L.
Geheral Passenger Agent, Tht
T. G. Knapp, Com. Agent, Fitzgerald:
School Cata’oguc Out.
The catalogue of ThomasvtUe** public
school for IV04-11)051ms just boon issatd
from tlio JTiuicH-Euterprise profs. The
booklet is full of interesting facts and
ffgare* and shows tho schools to bo in
splendid couditiou.
U. S. Warahlpa Will Fight to Pro-
* servo Neutrality.
C. L. Thomson vrunt to Jukin, Ala.
Mr. Carl Dasher went to Cairo Mon*
OA tasiutss.
Comforttad Service. No rust or leather
to toil the Bhirt. 50 cent* end ft af
YILLK SHOB CO., a«dother store*.
Made and Guaranteed by
The C. A. EDGARTOX Mfg. Ot.
tribute hi* longevity,
pressed it, hi* winter visit was like the
winding of a watch that keptitgoiugfor
another year. He had recognized it*
general advantages many year* ago bnt
their potency did not appear until the
general waning of hi* strength made
hie return more necessary and it* bene
fit* more evident,” '
These letten and many other*-will
appear In the booklet eoon tobeieroed.
W. O. Vereen one of Moultrie’* most
prominent dtueus was In town Mon-
Rhnughai, Aug. S3.—An extension of,
Uma to Tuesday ha* been given the Rus
rtan vessel* to leave -this port because
the reeeela couldn't get over tlio bar at
low tide Repaitiug must ceuae. Tlie
A me f'-an vessel* cleared for action,
suid Auuiiral Slerliug la determined tint
Use J.MiAtiose slusll not interfere with
the Russian vessel* iu port. He .has ef
fused to escort them to tho three-mile
suit. The Japanese destroyer is ex-
pqgted to return to-night.
Russia shows a disinclination to re-
cvniettier her refusal to comply with the
Japanese demand that the two ships
leave Sliaughai or disarm.
Tht- foreign consuls are prepatlug a
■statement of the established facta in
connection with the case.
Choice Oats, Corn, and Wheat Bran Rround togethe
The best and cheapest cow food known and is tinexcelled as
a milk and butter producer.
just received a fresh cat of this renowned feed for Horses
and Mules. Keeps- your stock up and feed bills “down.”
Highly endorser, by all large feeders.
We have a big stock of fresh com, oats, hay, wlieat.brat
cotton seed meal and cotton seed hulls in sticks. Let us serve
you wheu iu need of uuylbiug in the feed line.
fry a case of our assorted Soda Water and Root Bee*
We are bottling all the popular flavors and guarantee purity
and xcellence.
The Thomasviile Ice Company
Cutbert, Ga.
Fiftv-First Year Begins September 14.
To those parents who are looking for’tlie right
school for their daughters, we submit for consider
ation tliejoll ing facts:
Out-door life, fruit and berries^ in
plenty, light clothing, and a change
from.the hearty diet of winter, make
the summer months the best time of
the whole year to cure dyspepsia^;
Mi-o-na tablets taken after each meal
will soothe aud heal the inflamed stom
ach lining, aid in assimilation, and di
gestion ; wilt increase the vitality, and
giYe strength and tone to all the diges
tive organs, so that you can forget your
stomach. Mi-o-na is the one remedy
for the core of dyspepsia that is sold on
an absolute guarantee by J. W. Peacock
to refund the money in case it does not
cure. , ,
Mi-o-na gives strength, makes rich
blood, firm muscles, and perfect health.
It puts tho digestive system ii^to proper
working order aud gives such strength
and natural action flint yon can eat any
thing you want and when you want.
* W after you have used Mi-o-na for N a
mouth you do not feel satisfied that it
lias done all you expected, take back
the empty boxes (each box contains two
week’s treatment) to J* W. Peacock
and he will refund your money without
question. Tfie risk is all Jib and you
are the sole judge as to whether tho
remedy costs you anything or not.
J. B. WATKINS. - • • Manag at Williams’ Stable 228 W
ackscn St. Thomasviile. Ga.
Texas. Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok
California, Cloorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
I)ist. Passenger Agent,
Andrew Famale Oolloca is iu a hipli and liaallv ntinn
above the wiregrass iu one Of the most lieautiful tertian* of Georgia
new pair
v money
It is indicated by sour stomach, heart
burn, tongue coated and flabby, stom
ach aud bowels sometime loose, some
times constipated. Person: suffering
from Acid Dyspepsia aro usually thin
aud bloodless. Sometimes the sufferer
is fleshy, but the flesh is flabby and un-
healthy. A radical enropf this disease
can bo effected iu a short time by taking
one or two ityaaie’s Sromneh Tablets
after each meal and whenever the stom
ach is out of order. They are harmless
and can be taken at yiy time am; as
oftqn as necessary to relievo the stom
ach. Trial size 25c. Family size fiOc
J. W. Peacock.
Many men and women are constantly
subjected to what, they commonly term
“a continual strain” because of somo
financial or family trouble. It wears and
distresses them both mentally and phys
ically. affecting their nerve* badly and
bringing on liver anil kidney ailments,
with the attendant evil of constipation,
1n«s of appetite, sleeplessness, low vital
ity and despondency. They cannot, as
a rule, got rid of this “continual strain.”
but they cau remedy it* health-destroy
ing effects by taking frequent doses of
Green’s August Flower. It tones up
the liver, stimulates tho kidneys, insures
healthy bodily functions, gives vim and
spirit tc one’s whole being, aud event
ually dispels the physical or mental dis
tress caused by that “continual strain.”
Trial hottlb of August Flower, 25o;
regular size, 75c. At all druggists.
Application for Administration.
GEORGIA—Tiiojias County : f
W. W. Brooks, having made applica
tion to me in due lorm to be appointed
permanent administrator upon the es
tate of Jo ( eph Mallard,late of saidcouns<
ty, notice is hereby given that said appli
cation \ ill be heard at th»» regular term
of the Court of Ordinary for ►aid county
to be held on the first Monday in Sep
tember, I904.
Witness my harjd and official signa, urc
this 18th day of July, IQ04.
7-2^51 — W. M Jones, Ordinary.
How Often
you '-lose money by buying
elsewhere! You 'may be sure
that we can always undersell
all competitors. We give you
than anyone elsein town. If
you would buy most advan-
vantageously, buy here