Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, August 26, 1904, Image 11
riHKS-BNTJiRPKlSE, THOMASVILLE; GEOltUiA., AUGUST 28, IC04 —• G'-'M “V II you had a noase that brought you au income of $100 each year wouldn’t yon insure it for $1,000? _ • You Certainly would, all good business men do You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get bac?£ one cent you have paid for this insurance. If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate it you do not protect them by taking out life insurance? You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you have paid in. Or that after a certain period, 'f you are still living, you can get back all you have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by making application for a policy of insurance to the II ■ Oat "this oat aud mill to. Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information. C. M..& ED. H. SMITH, ' General Agents, Thomasville, Ga. Coupon. 0.11. A E. H. Smith, General Agent*, The Prudential • * . In*. Oo. of America." Thomasville, Ga. Dear Sin: * _ Without expense to me and without committing my; •elf to any action, will you tend nie further inform*, tion as to Insurance policy on my life. I was born on the <*®y of •. 18 My occupation is Yours truly, — Name. Address ww11 u rtmi nmiinwtirmiwww Just Arrived at A new lot of 2 piece Homespun Suits and Blue Serge suits that ought to be sold at $13.50 and $15.00. We are letting them go for $10.50 and $H.50. A nev7 line of Men’s all wool Summer :: Pants Soldffor $3.75 and $4.25 now at $3 The prettiest line of neck-wear brought to town for 25c. MALLARD & MRNEDOE’S. SOCIAL REALM. Miseex Nellio and Sydney Smith are in Savannah visiting friends. Or, Harry Ain.wortli ho* gone to Brevard N. C. to spend a short vaca tion. Mr and Mr*. Mike Atkin* have rc tnrned from a two week* visit ■ to the World’* Pair. Mr. P. A. Bedding, one of the best citizens of tne Morphy district, we* in town on Tuesday. Mr. Q. M. Bulloch, wlfo aud two little twin girls have gone to Ohctockonec to visit relatives,—Oordele News. Difficult to get Pickers. Mr. J, N. Donaldson, of Merrillville, I was a visitor to Thomasvillo Tuesday. Mr. Donaldson says that cotton ia open ing rapidly in that neighborhood, hat .lief the farmer* are having great rtidi- cjity in wearing pickers to handle the crop. The same stale of affaire is re ported from other parts of the county, yet plenty of negroes find time to loaf ou the street corners and play baseball. Moves Next Week. The grocery store of J. P. Pittman and Son will move next week to the •tore next door to Chisholm aud Diliou’a, formerly occupied by the bowling nlley. The store is now being cleaned up for nso and the popular firm will be ready for business hi the new stand on Sop- tember first. Mr. T, B. Dnreu went, op to Meigs Tuesday. The children of Ills brother Mr. George Dnreu are seriously ill there. Mrs. J. E. Vauu and little daughter have gone on a visit to relatives in ThomasriUe and Tallahassee.—Way- crose Herald. Mrs. I. E. Moore aud her nephew, Mr. W. M. Hardy, who liave been keeping house at the McCartney residence on Hausell street, daring the absence of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCartney, are now with Mrs. E. Lee Brown on Jackson street. The Daily Capital, of Tallahassee brings the nows that Colonel T. N. Hopkins of this city is taking part in the wet and dry campaign in Leon county aud is assisting the former side. The paper says: Col. T. N. Hopkins, prosecntlng attorney for seventeen years of Thomas connty will speak. He will discuss the effects o! prohibition ip Thomas connty." Mrs. Kelly Dias. Mrs. G. W. Belly died at her home several miles oortli of towa ou Thurs day morning. She was pa excellent woman and loved by all who knew her. The oanxo of her death was fever. She leaves her hnsband and one child to monru her loss. Rummsgi Sale- The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. V, O. A. decided yesterday, at a meeting to hold the proposed "Hnmmage Sals” on Thursday, Priday and Saturday, September 8th, 9th and 10tii The sale will be an event that will go down lu history. A Falsa Alarm The police officers wont down ou lov. ■ er Jackson in a hnrry Tuesday after noon in rosponce to a telephone call from Hartstteld'a market. They were informed that a big fight was in prog ress. When they got there they found everything serene and no one willing to shoulder tlio responsibility for the call. \Homo From the Fair. Several of the Thomosrillo sightseers at the World's Fair at St. Loai? are at home again. Among 1 the number are Mrs. E. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rocnwell, Misses Mamie Merrill, Dettie Merrill, aiid Hartley Patten, Mr. D. C. Barrow. All report a most pleasant time, and say that there are lots of Thomasville and Cairo people in Sc. Lonis, all of whom are well and seeing all there is to be seen. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bonchelie and and family, of Savannah, are the gnesta of relatives here. Mr. and Mr*. Mrs. J. W. Hightower and John Jr. are at home again after a visit to'Atlanta. OUP Bargain Bulletin. We will sell the following articles at cut prices, begin* ing Monday Aug. 22, until Saturday Aug. 27, inclusive,- 35c stand lamps v: 25c 25c house brooms 19c 15c wash boards... .■ 10c 25c water pails 15c, 75clapboards 50c 90c bird cages ( 59c 35c ash market baskets.. .r. 25c Basting cotton 3 for 5c 25c syrup pitchers 15c 50c child pants 35c 2 qts tin dinner buckets 5c 8 qts dish pans 10c 75c granite dish pants 50c 15c tin coffee pots 10c 2oc water kettle 12c <1.00 bowl and pitcher 88c 1500 hardwood toothpicks 5c 20c box of paper ?. 10c Men’s shirt waists none better-made at any piice to close out 75c. Ladies Shirt Waists. We have a few left we will clofce them out at your price. It will pay you^to come and see us. THE BOSTON RACKET STORE H8 Broad Street. Alex S. Yeager, Manager.