Newspaper Page Text
Won't be Heard Until September!
Twentieth by Albany Commissioners. |
Contagious Blood Poison has,wrecked more lives nud
caused more misery and suffering than all other diseases
combined. Some are inclined to treat it lightly, but these
so on learn that they have to deal with a powerful poison
tiiat i.5 slowly butsurcly breaking down the constitution.
Contagious Blood .Poison not only metes out punishment
to the one who contracts it, but others may become inno-
ccdt victims of -this vjlc dis- trembled v.-it
General Hardware,
aUNS PISTOLS, AMMUNITIONS, steamfittino, bki
-.._,Manafactur( rs of —* .
TtlRPENTINE. FABdf' WA(50N8, 'OAtiTh, 15 U<
cooking -sVhup
It has been a good many woeka since
the tempest took tin lid off Albany's
teapot. Most people rvindwlwr Dr. Lcn
(}, Broughton's salty changes against
Albany’s chief of police, tlie chief's at-.;
Thomasmile, G,
' •
How Sweetness' Long Drawn Out
Wlfl be Made.
Tbomasvillu will soon have tiro largest
syrup factory in the south, devoted ett-
lively to the rntmnfocturo of pmo cane
•yiap. Not everybody in Thcraubvillo
bus realized the importance of this he
plant which Is being cro/ted, jest north*
oast of town. If- probably means the
growth of Thomastik; into the leading
orap mohriiw'tvtrhigciiy of iha south.
Tin- plant is now nearing completion.
Tiro building is finished, and most’ of
wiiiuory is in place. A represe:
osi; maliz
;y, l*a.
but leave
t.five of the Timeu-Enterpi’iso'visited the j dm fall of Port Arthur Last night's
concern yesterday, aud was shown over j. Albany Herald brings the news that tho
the entire place by the manager, Mr,
. The building is four fjtoriea high. Tl o
. •. u For years I wets troubled with tho
ease through inheritance. If nun t typo of chronic blood t
tack oh die Doctor .snrt the formal f -your Mood ia tainted you may SV
li ve to r,ee your children bat- constitutional blood tronld
tling with the same disease— few i-.ottlos curcd w
i • t i i • aider £»« S. *>. tho bst-- iovjc
puny and sickly, made xmser r takimr it my weight lucre
able by disgusting sores and improved in every way.
- .*? ° Tr , .. 2603 PerrysWile Ave.
skin eruptions. Under the.
mcrcury aiul potash treatment all signs of infection may
off these minerals and you soon find out the poison is sti
just as bad off n3 ever. S. S. S. is the only antidote foi
Poison. It destroys the virus <
injuring the system. It is a *'cr
we offer £i,ooo for proof that it
mineral ingredient. $. S. S. wot only works poison
out of the bldod thoroughly, but restores vigor and
strength to all parts of the system.
Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, describing the
different stages aud symptoms and c6ntainjng much other interesting mlor-
mation about this most despicable of all diseases.
charges preferred by a committee of
citizens against the bead cop.
Every body supposed that the trial and
investigation of the - chief's couduct
would coino imme iately but it lias been/
]»ostponed and deferred even ' like unto
investigation will not take place before
September 20th. The ostensible cause
of the delay i» the absence, either
> is ground up at ihe pile of from I prerenc, or future of some of Albany’s
to three tons per day cm the ground j police comuiigsiouers.
■; Fj
Ihe Drummers Livery Stable
Having just built and equipped a modern Lively Feed and 8#!es Stable#
with flr.t.olai8 Ofltriagls, Buggies and saddle horses. New, buggies t.'iir-
riiipes and Drummers Iligs Prompt iitul courteous attention given all,
Orders for quick services.
'J he 'puUomigo of commercial travelers especialiy "solicited. Kales
Very Reasonable, Conveniently located on Bryan street. Two minutes
walk easy of depot near railroad. Call on, write; ’phone or wire.
Cairo, a. W. D. BARBER, Prop.
. Sailstfictioii dannlid
The Portable Saw
It is a portable mill that is re til’
lumber. Capacities 2,000 to lS.OCt
floor. From bore tiro juice ,h pumped
nl the rule of J 600 gallons jwr hour to
tho fourth door. The first btep in the
long downward road to t*mip is the
puling of the juice thrmign Kulpbur
fum*. s. Thw x’fcp tends both to purify
and bieech if, and is an important one.
From the rulphur blcacbery tho sweet
liquid yawn's into four immense vats, on
tho top floor, bolding 1500 gallons each.
After being slightly heated aud skimmed
litre it is allowed to go down to settling
Court Got
Busy Friday!
“For \Piat is worth injanything
But so much money as ’twill brin".”--Biitter.
vats ou the third floor, ' Here the juice j chance fcp wear striped trtrasors.
County court convened Friday
morning to hour the cases of .three lie*
grcc.s who had waived trial hr jury.
Dave Howard who had stolon a pair cf
pants from another negro, will have a
is allowed to stand for several hours.
Then it is forced through tho filter
aud all is ready for the transition stag
Up to this point the product is juice, but
here on thusfccound floor it runs info
tho evaporators and comes out syrup,
the best in the world. Tho IL(M) gallons
that was pumpod up to tho top' of tl.e
building in the flrrt hour has now' di
minished to 200 gallons, most of the
remaining ilvo sixths having boon con*
verbal into steam, and having drift ou
off into ethereal nothingness.
Almost the entire product of tho mill
will be* put iu one gallon cans and ship
ped :o the northern markets. A great
any thousand gallons have already
been sold.
When tho mill first begau building, it
us feared that difficulty would Is.; ex- :
porhmeediu gottiug sufficeut
keep it going all through thu season.
Lately however, this uneasiness l\as
Iwou entirely abated. Koeoguisiiig the
business'methods of tho now company
many funnors are offering thorn their
preferonoe to grinding it thtm-
Gune will begin coming in dur
ing October, aud it is oxfiectetl that the
i start rp.rutiou about the 2oth
of that month*.
Altnongh every li
l>OF.»ibki has been secured, aud although
fhe luaohiuery is of the latest, pattern,
fifty men will l»o employed during
fined fifty dollars and costs
months. Winter Furline, had two charges
against him, obstructing a legal process
and larceny. Winter will winter in the
convict camp. He was sentenced ou the
first charge to$50 tuid cost or 10 months,
ai d on the second to $30 and costs or tt
mouths, Boh Collins, a gambling man
w.'is sentenced to $39 and costs or - d
the^cuppernong grape.
U- S. Government is Investigating the
Culture of the Luscious Gfobuto.
Wo desire to call attention of our customers this
lino of .
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
\Vc bandit' tho
Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, aud the McFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combina
tion guano an t (t. 1 ti ;
scupporuong grai>c is a favorite
m this section of the state, and
arc many fine vineyards in Thom*
nty. Those who cat, us well asj
lose who raise tho fruit will be inter- !
ted in knowing that the United States !
rtiuout of Agriculture is investiga- j
.he grape, with a view to deter, i
ig Ihe best varieties, methods of j
o, piumng, training, etc., us well i
s to which the fruit can be
Duo of tho features of this iuves-
size,' color or quality of |
» some other important jkir- j
u - n ^ a a
ortiible. Makc3. perfect
cot per clay
I nit.
the icadv market tl
ill growers of cane,
ms!net if they do i
Can be set and ready to sc.w in : wo hours. Variable Fric-
lion Cable Feed. Stationary Mil’ any capacity. Portable
end Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies.
" ——— ALBAfLT, QEC -'G!A. ========
MHnDMBK.T'::■ ■ yjt! . ■ aMMWMM
Thonas County Tax Incr
ceeJcd by Only
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGOS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
r for ex^mmat
I homosville, Ga
My pretty maid? I’m going to Tybco, Sir, fIio mid
that's the place where the tropic un» going this t
have a good time.
1 orchestra, its
tlie most ixipula
Hates \>
S2,\00 Reward.
Wo htivo the be»t line of Fertiliser Distriliutors wo over saw. You
can put out with them from one hundred to two thousand pounds
of fertilizers per acre.
We also eftrry u full line of* two horse riding and walking cultivators
and weeders.
Wo are still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and linvo on hand vot some select North Carolina Seed Kinders
Remember that wo give with encli 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chance nt the beautiful Ames stick seat run about on
ou which is considered of partie- j di8 ,, I#y iu our willdoff> w | lich win bo givL(M1 ttWfty „„ Mny 28th>
Ulor mqH.rt.uu-e is the locatiug of vines | of mlr customers will get this beautiful run about. You may bo the
of this type, oiU,or wild or in cnlttoa- i aoky oDe . COME to see us.
iug ilovico | tjon, tlial are knowu to excel iu pro-
duct i von
fiuir, or
in tfiis connection, tho Viticulturist j
Bureau of Plant Industry, who i
has i ho work iu charge, will bo glad to !
reersvo reports on such vines frrw per- j
sons who know of their existence stat-!
log the facts regarding thmu and the;
poiuis of special merit that have been!
observed in them.
Correspondence regarding such vines :
shoulT bo uddrcbsod to Geo. C. Hus-1
mai.ii. Viticulturist, 'ilnrcau of i’Jnut j
Indcstiy, U. H. pojKirnnent of Agri
culture, Washington l). O.
Ti c Department # will upon applici
tion furnish sjiecial mailing boxes and
Comfort Trading Co.
Announcement of
Proprietors of Meigs Big Livery Stab c a
beg to inform thu puime t.»at »h. y are
now full3’ fitted up and prejiared to servo
all with very best accommodations.
Having recently bought oat the firm of
\\ H. Hurst-& Co., and in combining
the two they will conduct, a first-class
Lively, Feed and Sales Stable. Best
turnouts, all kinds of new and up-to-date
vehicles, Dtuutmers’ Kigs and Fine and
Fast Horses. Hates reasonable and
satisfaction guaranteed, (’alls answer
ed promptly. Phone, wire or write.
7• 1-1 m Meigs, Georgia.
Witn its many attractions,
' .jgjl bathing aud its excellent eui
resort ou the South Atlanta
*12.60 and $15.00 jx^r week.
’ The Pulaski House.
Two Sad Funerals.
,y was a day of mourning m
,villo. At *.»: « in the morning
sad riles Wen* .s,.id by Rev. G. S {
r over the body of. Mrs. Bet tie ’
Daniel. Tin* funeral took place
brother’s borne on Hansell street.
lock in the afternoon Miss
25 Per Cent Off.
For the next 60 days we will sell our entire
stock of
I S’
Florence Visser was laid to rest in
Laurel Hill after funeral ceremonies had
been held by liev.
family home ou Madison street,
vvea'rh of floral offerings was sent
each • ilace by sorrowing friends.
- tvani)ah and should in? voor^S
Is tho roost popular place
ieadquarters wben.inlhc city. Write fo. Illustrated Ifooklet. 2
CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 2
Visitors from Met.a'fe
30.) bab‘a of cotton have beeu
A vward ot' twenty-five dollars will
Im* ]; ia by ihe undersigned for the are
rou with proof to convict any person
gui iv of a criminal trespass on the fol
low Tig lands iu Thomascocuty Georgia,
to-wit: Lot 3, 4, 5. 37, 3S, 30, 43 and
44, in.the IT district. Consult D. L.
Bulloch Ochlockonee, Go. E. W. Swift,
Columbus, Ga., . ;-22-12m
At 1-4 off .tin? regular price.
White acth«. We h;ivc a large assortment of attractive patterns in both
Clmia and Japan goods and the prices range from 12
1-2 to 25 cents yard. Dont’s allow your floor
to go bare when you can cover them so
We have “BARGAIN DAY” prices on “FURNI
TURE of all kinds and it will pay you to call on us
when in need of anything in this line.
We take Country Produce in Exchange
Oaii-o Furniture Company,
K. L. Van LiuJingham, Mgr.
Contagious Blood
ijiipleUJy without
table remedy, r.nd