Newspaper Page Text
Road What the Mayor
of Dothan, Ala. says *
ofL. L.L. .
Lamar’s Lemon
The greet family mediolne
for Constipation
for Disordered Liver
for Indigestion
for Headache
for Biliousness
for Dizziness
Use it often and pre
vent Malaria.
Sold by good druggists
Manufactured only by
Umar, Taylor & Riley
Drug Company
Doth a it, Ala., Apr. 10,1901.
Messrs. Lamar, Taylor A
Riley Drug Co.,
Macon, G».
Gentlemen:—I have been
gelling Lamar’s Lemon Lax
ative for Rome time and
recommend it to all who suf.
fer from disordered liver or
any other ailment that It is
recommended for. T like It
and use it In my family. I
have sold lots of It and have
never hod any compiulut at
Yours respectfully,
J. K. Youwo,
Lv Atlanta, C. ol (Ja, 7.60 am 4.00 ptu< 1.2U*iu
Tiiis’Sale begins
0 SL- Z£2CL-
and lasting only Cjworking days until
the following Saturday night.
By inaugurating this sale we' have two"mani-
fest purposes in view One is to ,
make room for fall goods and the
second is to give our patrons the
cream of this year’s bargains
which we think would be
Embroideries. | Bowls and Pitchers.
Embroideries, edgings and in-1 Our qSc white bowls and
sermons that we sold before at j pbchers/mly 75c
ioc now 5c yard. j H * H
—...... j Saucepans.
Ottr 501 granite seamless sauce
p ins only 39c.
Chinese Matting.
the best that could be had in
this city for 30c, our price on
same 17c yard
all the ioc goods will go at 6c
per yard. The 5 cent goods
will go at 3 cents a yard
10c Ribbons.
Little off colors of course but
they will sell at the price we
name 3c yd.
Fast Colors.
5 and 6c calicoes our deep cut
price is 3.3-4 yard.
Childrens $1.50 suits now 98c
Men’s 50c laundried shirts 29c
Tea and Coffes Pots.
The best 25c gfanite seamless
saucepans that could be had
our deep cut price’*on this
staple 15c
Tin Coffee Pots.
2 quart tin coffee pots ioc any
where, our price|6c.
i,Dish]Pans. ]
73c pans 43c
la«In| Customs That Still Exist
Amoapr the Pe««ntpy v
Some quaint customs* still survive
imong the peasantry of south Wales—
at least in the/remote villages. One of
the oddest is the “bidding.'' When a
young man and woman are engaged
a circular Is printed, known as a “bid
ding letter,” and distributed at market
anil outside tbo, chapels on Sunday so
that ull may know of the event. The
form is always tbe same and runs as.
follows: . v ^
As we Intend to writer the matrimonial
state we are encouraged by our friends
to make a bidding on the occasion at tbe
young man's father's bouse (here follow
the a (I dree* and date of the entertain
ment). when and where the favor of your
good and agreeable company is most hum
bly solicited, and whatever donation you
may be pleased- to bestow on us will be
thankfully received, warmly acknowledg
ed and cheerfully repaid whenever called
for on a similar occasion by your obedient
servants. JOHN EVANS.
All being ready on the day, a party
goes to fetch the bride to the bidding.
She hides and has to be sought for in
all directions, but being at last found
is escorted in triumph. Her procession
is met- by that of the bridegroom, find
they all repair the church, where
the wcddtfg eerembuy takes place,
after which all return to the groom's
house to make merry and to count tbe
gifts. These are generally lu money
and vary from a shilling up to half a
sovereign. ( \
Each item is carefully entered In* a
book by the “bidding clerk,” together
with thp donor’s name, so that It may
be repaid when he or she marries. As
all the money will • probably not be
tailed in for ninny years—some not at
all, if tbe givers remain single—the
young couple receive a tolerable start
in life. Oddly enough, the bridegroom
is expected to provide the kitchen clock
and table, the glass cupboard and the
kitchen dresser, also the bedstead. 'Khcli
of. the young people is supposed to
bring half a dozen chairs, tins bride’s
especial contribution being the bed
ding, \ the crockery ware, the parlor
table and a chest of drawers. Things
are dona methodically In that payt of
the world^—London Tit-Bits.
Wit that stings Is ukiu to crime.
To hold up another to ridicule is not
wlttV, but vulgar.
To laugh at Another or to cause an
other to be laughed at is common.
The merry laugh and the joke go
round, but somewhere there Is an ache
There Is no pest like him, this r:,..r.
whose thoughtless wit starts the laugh
The uinu that makes others laugh at
some one elso’s expense is always caus
ing suffering.
To start a laugh Is the ambition of
some men. The how or the where, the
why or the effect is never considered.
Wit is a joy forever so long as it docs
uot base its success upon the misfor
tunes, tlie peculiarities, the weaknesses
of men;
When a wit has to depend upon oth
ers’ peculiarities for his subject matter
it is time for him to close the “wit
shop” and hang out the sign “To Let.”
.-Indianapolis Sun,
UeUniuft MU Position.
Years ago there wus a member of an
eastern legislature named Murphy, a
good politician, but hardly a statesman,
indeed his notions of parllameiimiy or
der and debate were crude. Ho was
so frequently out of order that the
speaker got In the habit of crying as
soon ns Mr. Murphy rose, "The gentle
man is out of order!”
Once, In the midst of an important
and exciting debate, be leaped to his
feet. Tbe bouse murmured, and tbe
speaker brushed him asido with the
usual remark, “Tbe gentleman is out ol
Murphy sat down, but presently be
was on hfs # feet again.
"Mr. Prfshllnt, l rise to a point of
order. In justice I must explain that
tbe thing I intinded to say just now
when you called me to order bad noth
lug to do with what, I did uot say.”
Jelly, Glasses,
Our 30c tea nr coffee ^granite we twill close , out out jeU v
iron pot 20:. ,-TS | glasses_at 24cjdozen. /M
X 18fBroad$Street.
Birds’ Nests.
In Scotland a naturalist has found
golden eagle’s nest that contained a
rubber ring, carried thither by the
birds as an adornment. An observer in
California has reported that a pair of
golden eagles there decorated their nest
with sacks. "When the kite builds
look to lesser linen,” says Shakespeare,
alluding to the robberies committed by
those birds from tbe hedges when
linen was put to dry. The late Mr.
Booth described a kind of bower made
by so pie aesthetic eagles In Scotia ud.
Ills Planets,
A young gentleman was passing an
examination in physics. He was ask
ed, f’What planets jvere known to tbe
"Well, sir,” he responded, “there
were Venus and Jupiter and”—after u
pause—"I think the earth, but I am
uot quite certain.”—London Tit-Bits.
A Shylock.
Little Elmer— Papa, wliat is a Shy-
lock? Professor Broadhead—A Shy-
lock, my don, Is a man who is called so
by the people to whom he lends money
because he expects them to pay it back.
—Town Topics.
A Hard BlnfV to Hake.
The very best poker players look as
If they were caught stealing sheep
when^they go to explain to their wive*
how sorry they are they’ve got to g<
away on business.—New York Press.
■Alex^S.--Yeager “Manager. V$f
—7 ‘ 7* '•£*
nu Voice CUlgl.,.
Ethel—How funny your brother’,
voice sound, now! Edith—Yes, papa
■ays he’s outgrown all his clothe,,
and now he’s outgrowing his volet, I
guess.—Yonkers Statesman.
Cotton Warehouse
Williams & Mitchell, Props.,
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Cotton Seed.
We buy all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE and pay the
highest market price at all times. When’you have some
thing to se t see us. -
, Watch, Clock]and Jewelry Repairing.
This branch of the business wegmake a specialty, being
e ;uipped in every way to give you such service and workman
Slip, which gives satisfaction, a (rial is all that is necessary.
Plain and fancy engraving is done by us.
LG. GOEHRING. . Uewler IZO.South BroadlSt
To Meigs
W ith Your Cotton
The J. N. Carter Company v desire to say to
their friends and patrons thattheir^modern
gin plant is now in operation and that
Cotton intrusted to them will be handled
to the satisfaction of the grower.
We have eliminated every feature of middleman’s profit and
and are in position to pay the highest possible priees
for all cotton coming to us. It shall be^our
policy to protect fully the interest of our
patrons, therefore we do not hesitate
to solicit their business.
We are well up in all lines rvou can make no mistake if
. you buy of us such goods as you may need. Our
[prices are always in line.
fi,very transaction with us—At the office or over the counter-
will oe brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
Dealers in Everything,
Meigs, - - £|Gei.
Disease takes no summer
if you need flesh and
strength use
Scott's Emulsion
summer as in winter.
Ste-d for free sample.
^’Shipping tags, printed and with wire
fastener^ attached for marking ootton
Cheay. Timea-Enterprlae.
Have your ootton reoelpta printed by
the Tlmea-Entererlao.
I negotiate fiv<»‘i year* [loans on farm
1 U at lowest ratost of interest;. Oom •
fission charges reasouablo. A small
intrant tee, consistent with the amount
if work and trouble involved, wilt he
■h.-rged in each case. Bring your chain
f title with you
Attorney-at Law.
<i..'v Moultrie, Ga, *
■ ■ I
A small tt*.Tnin Thomas Co., prefer j
h'y near Ttiomoaville, suitable for dairy!
vid track. Addresj W A. Waldorf, *
J-26-5t. Valdosta, JGa. j
Posts'for Sale.
50.000 or more cyoress fence posts.
They run from 9 1-3 feet and up, 5 to 6
inches. Heart at little end of posts.
1. P, Carter,
bi-3 Naylor, Ga.
AGENTS WANTED,- *$10.00 per
week. Good opportunity for advance
ment.' Answer quick. Give three good
references. Our now negro book “fells
like that cakes ” Jenkins, Herteli& Co„
Atlanta, Ga. 80-2 w
One Lnify’s Itrtoramendatlonj Sold
Fifty ISoxe* of Chamberlain s
■ Stomach and Liver Tablet*.
I have, 1 believe, sold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain’s Stomach«nd Tiver Tab
i-ts on the firstmmend <tion of one lady
here, whohave bought a box gf them
about a \ear ax a. Sne never tires of tel
ling her neighbors and friends about the
good qualities of th*se Tablets.—P. M.
Shore; Druggist. Rochester. Ind. The
pleasant purgative effect of ^these Tab
lets makes them a lavorite with ladies
everywhere.- For Sale by J W Peacock
“ Ft Valley, *•
“ Americas ••
“ wJiumb’JB, “
“ Mont*’m’ry. , ‘
*• Union Sprgs.
“ Kufanla, ’*
“ Cutbbert, ••
Lv Albany V. of Ua.
0.05 pm
10.$ pm
t Unify except Sunday.
All trains ere dully except win*.. »*~
“ action ut Albany with
nil |M»lnU North.
,uv.;.i,uu, *"•'»’ '“ ,1 nt A1
A. U L. H^K- for
Drawing room bleeping cars between Alba
ny sind Atlanta nu train IuhvIok Albany W*
m. and Atlanta 1:20 n. in. Car open fb*
■AKieugerx, Union Depot, Atlanta, 1CKX) p. nu.
For prompt and reliable service «*« that
your ’.cket reads via
Central of Georgia Ry.
For nuttier lnforiimlKm apply to
r.J. Bottoms, A. N. Turnbull
T, F, A . A. 0. L„ Ticket Agent, A.C. L*
TUoumxvUle, Ua.
I. (X Brinson,• J. W. Blount,
Coraincr«JVjrt C.oFU.Ky. T,H.A.,u»tfa I
Atbany.Ua. Macon. (4* «
Dr. W. W . Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
Tenflora li!« professional serric-’s
to the public.
Office, over Chisholm ffc.Dlllpa's
Phone 323-3 rings, of
CJ. <J. Cocroft,.
. Thomasvllle, Oa.
Pianos and prgans.
Representing Phillips S Crew Co
Atlanta, Otorgla.
Htslnway, Knahe, Flitcher llnrOmun, Prank
lln, Harrinston, Kimball, ltadlo 'Piano*.
Kimball Reed and pipe OKQANS.
Shorthand and Typewriting.
Stenographic Work Neatly Exe-
ented. ’Phone 373.
Mlsa Janie Alexander.
O aldse'N.ext doorto^lmopEnlerprlM. ,
. About what you will give
that friend who is going to
get married. Simply come
down here and tell us how
mneli you want to spend.
We’ll do the rest—and guar
antee that the present wilt be
elegant. You do;i’t have to
spend a fortune . to obtain ele