Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 23, 1904, Image 10
The test shoes your money can buy. Do you want to feel sat- .r._j that vou will get your money's worth or your money back. isnea I ri connty , eUi sh00S of „. m , kind. They don’t know one more whnt’. in them than yon Cm torn jobber, and yon get “Job lot.” when yon hoy them. Huy your Shoes from the only ezclusive do. They hoy ^ ^ ^ made to order and don’t sell cheap Shoe.. If yon out; cheap one. look up Shoe Store in the ' ^ one , to n». Remember wo (with otl oh) will give aw.y *500.00 on Dec. lit, to the other fellow. J * ptiat ot corn ia 4 qa art jar.. 118 price. from|/,0) to 8100.00. One gum he persons gueslng nearer , THOMASVILLE SHOE CO. , Now W.ll Under Way and Will be Hand.orroat Ever l.aead. The booklet committee, and secretary opkin. of the Board of Trade are orking in conjunction to get out be liomasvlUe booklet. The printing ,d engfaving i. being done by • Binner. 'ell. and Co. of Chicago, one of the remoat d. signing Arm. in the country, my are now at work on a number of ,e view, of the book. A recent let- r ,o Mr. Raifford RoMwn of the xwlet committee »!*• " T *' e V ll0t0 ' aphi are excellent and will make Hue igrating.." , ., , There vrill be WOO of the booklet, mod. The work will be done inttvo^ lo„. The cover will be dark and will we a special deign In white or gold, he booklet will be .ilk stitched, rnd 111 be the handsomest piece of a ter- dng matter ever gotten out by 110 wn. It will be ready for dHtrtbntton about a month. The co.t of the edi- jn will be 87M.00, The committee aka about 8180. of having .nfflotent md. to pay for the book and will call xm the cttliena for contribution, later, he booklet will be . worthy exemplar the city’, nnparalled advantage, and .traction, aa a winter resort. FIRST MONTH FREE. vary Parant In Thomaavlila Invltad to Band Thalr Children to Kin- dargartan- The tro.loe. of the Elliabeth # Mor- 11 Kindergarten have decided to make iltiou there free for one month. Till, ep la taken because so few people on- trstand what kindergarten work really Every parent in Thomawille having rtldren between 8 and « yeara old i» ivlted to mud the child for one month ginning tomorrow. Mis. Ida Alex- tder the teacher In oliarge -will give >em every attention, aud at the exptra- onoftlie month, both pareuta and itldren will know more about the Im- x twice of kindergarten work than iky ever knew before. There will be no obligation wliatever > continue the child after the mouth it nt, because cf having taken advantage [ this free offer. MISSONES OPENS law Millinery Store at Old Proireaa Stand Mtw Laura Jones opened her mil’inery OK* to the public yesterday. Miss >nef ha* just returned from New York here she purchased a most beautiful 36 of hats of every description, and bite by do means all of these poods ive yet arrived, there are never* tele* a great plenty to jut-tify iuspe«;- «l Wa Jail* D. Wilkinson of Charlotte, 0„ and lately of J& s G Johnson’s illinery hone# in New A orl^, has ar- red to aoceptjthe peaitiem of hat trim* irftjr'Miaa Jones. [be new Arm oaVffiS* .«><» >^'1 Negros. Who Attacked Officer Walker are Captured. Scott Oonyer,'. Theodore Oonyer and Will Oegghi have been pat behind the bars. The first'will probably (have to answer the charge.of resisting arrest, in addition to being drunk -and dlsor- deriy.SThe second|ltwo are charged with>.sanlt;with intent to murder. “Certain it iit| that' they lacked but little of murdering OfllcerlWalker. The etory was told in 8nuday'. paper, how they strnck (hirntwlth brass knocks. Mr. Walker ha. hardly been able to either talk]or eat since the assault. His face i.’ewollen oat of all| shape anil Ills teeth are almost dlslcidgod from their socket.. . f The capturing of the] negroes was a good piece] of work on the ofBcera’ part. MISS RIGSBY DEAD. Former r.ThomaavIlle Girl Paaaea Away In Wayero.a Monday. | Mlsa Ella V, Rigsby, a yonng lady ol only 18 years, well known In Thomas- ville, died early Monday morning at Wayorom.1 .Her body passed through Tliomasville , ‘Monday to Balnbrldge where]the bnrial]oocnrred. Mis. Rigsby was a daughter of Mr. L. H. Rigsby, for> long time in the employ of A. W. Palin of thle city. She was pra.tioally.rai.ed in Tliomasville, her father ltaving moved toN Woyorosa only about a year ago. She waaa lister of Uie. W. M. Parker of Thomasvillo. The yonng lady dted’of fever after a lingering illness. Her loss will be severely felt by her many friouds. KILUNGTAT BOSTON YoungIN.gro Shot hla Wife and la Jailed! Hera. | i Leslie Harrison, alia.Dnnlnp, a yonng negro, was pot in the connty jail here Monday morning on |the eliargo of mnrder. The deed which resulted in the death of his wife Bessie Dan. lap l was committed about two rnilea from Boston on Sunday afternoon. A coroners jury consisting of D. F. Knapp, foreman, J. G. Taylor, W. W. Barney, R. B. Mardro, W. R Fan ester, and O. P. McRae, pronouuc. od the fallowing verdict, ”vv’e Ike jury sworn tojnvestigalo the death cf Bessie Dunlap,'after a careful and couscien tiuns investigation find the cause of her death to bu a shot from a Winchester rifle in tlio hands of Leslie Harrison alias Dunlap and]] we prononnee pthe same murder.” Mr. B. S. Horton who was a witness tufore the jury testified that the negro oime to him and testified that he lied killed his > lfe and wanted to kill him self, "i That a quarrel had arisen over t ie fact that his washing was not done, ills wifo made at him with a razor and h > shot in self defense. Sheriff Hight brought him to the corn:- V jsil'aud lie will be tried id October. SRH I suffered for a long time with s bad cade of Catarrh, and took a great deal ol medicine without any benefit I had a continual headache, my cheeka had grown purple, my nose was always stopped up, my breath had a sickening and disgusting odor, and I coughed incessantly I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote you. I commenced to use it, and after taking several bottles I was cured and have never since had the slightest symptom of the disease. Miss Mary I,. STORM. Cor. 7U1 & Felix Sts., St Joseph, Mo. Wheelltw, W. Va., May 39,1903. I had Nasal Catairh for years for which 1 used S. S. S. with very gratifying results. I tried local applications for some time, end getting no permanent relief I came to the conclusion that the seat of the trouble was in the blood. Knowing S. S. 8. to be a good blood medicine I began Its use, aud after using it for some little while it did awsy entirely with the offensive W ens in the nostrils, and I did not have to hawk and apit, especially in the morning, to dislodge the catarrhal matter. >t 1637 South St. Frkd H. Frrssy. throat, tnd are absorbed into the blood. Cstarrli then becomes con stitutional,and the only way togetrid of it Is through the blood. Write us if you have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise you _ without charge. Tha Swift Sptolflo Company, Atlanta, 6a. SSS BLUM-COX. Marriage Monday Night at Brighton Hotal. Last night nt the Brighton hotel, Rev. X.ttead performed a marriage that will bo a surprise to the friends of tho con tracting parties, as. well as an affair ot great intsreat. At that hoar Mr. Gordon A. Oox was married to Misa Myrtle Blum. Misa Blum only recently came here from Fitzgerald. She ia a yonng lady of many charms and after a brief and romantio courtship plighted her troth to Mr. Cox The happy groom ia the son of a well-known family of this vioinlty. He Is a prosperous contractor and builder, and is foreman for Mr. H. N. Stantod at Col. O. H. Payne’s imild- tngs at Greenwood. Scores of congratu lations will be showered upon tho happy yonng conplo. The wedding was'a very] quiet affair witnessed only by a few frionds. They will make their home at the Brighton, HANCOCK-HORNE. Sunday Marriage of Thomasvillo Man to Young Lady of This County. Mr. Charles A. Hancock, ttie papular e’erk for C. B. Dixon was the recipient of many congratulations Monday. On Sunday evening atjhnlf past six o’clock he was married to Miss Anna Horne at the Baptist pastorinm by Rev. Alex. W. Bealer. The groom is a gen ml young man with a host of friends in the city. His bride is n sister of Mr. S - . L. Horne and formerly lived six miles from town on .the Cairo road. She is one of Thomas county’s most charming yonng women. The happy pair will make t'-elr home]at"]412 yonng street. An interested, crowd of Tliomasville peoplo gathered among the|due* Moj- diy afternoon at ihu new, hospital sjte to witness the laying’,of tire corner stone ill due aud ancient form by the Grand Lodge of Masons-. About fifty of.the craft were in line and marched from thelrjintl out Gord, n Ayenue. At thejgronnds they found everything in readiness , and shortly after four o'clock the lodge circled around the comerjstone’andlwere called to order by Grand Masterptosbin After prayer by Rev. G. S. Whitney, himself a Mason, tlie choir composed of Messrs. T. J. Ball, James Watt, Mesnamrs R. Wolff, J. H. Morrill. W. O. chiodgrass./T. J. Ball, Jas. Wait aud Miss Bessie Merrill, led the audience in singing, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ N me." Mr. Whitney, President of the Board ot Trustees, then gave a short recital of the work of the Hospital Association by the put and their hopes for the future. He then tnrned over the work and hot- pital tothe city Of Tliomasville. Mayor S. A. Roddenberry, responded briefly in behalf of the city. Dr. A. P. Taylor In a few well chosen words spoke of tiie gratification that die medical fraternity felt at iliepros- peots of the]horpital. Then Dr. T. M. M'llnio.-h made' a most interesting ad dress, tracing the history of hospitals, from the earliest day to the present and closed with an eloquent peroration. Hon. S, G. McLendon is at bis best on such 911 occasion, and made h most graceful talk'of congratulation for work,done, aid of tilings hoped for. Tho Grand Lnlge then took charge of the cere monies. The laying of a corner stone is a interesting ceremony aud was con ducted with precisions:]! solemnity by Mr. Rnslun and his assistants. The following articles were placed in tie cornier stone: List of officer*, trustees and beard of lady managers. History of the institution by E. M. Mallctfe Secretary and Treasurer. Name ot thfe building committee, builder and arclit tot. . ; Copies of tha Times Enterprise and Press. Various coins The corner'stone was prevented by M . R. A. Weldon of the Tliomasville Marble works. The actiiig officers of the grand lodge were: Grand Master, J. M. Bnshin. Deputy G, M., W. J. Taylor. Senior Grand Warden, G. W. Heirirg Junior G. W„ W. M. Footer. Grand Treasurer, S. A. Rcddenbcry. Grand Secy. M. A. Fleetwood. The usual trial by the square and plnmb line, the ponriug of the corn wine tied oil ami other ritualistic forms were observed. Rev. K. Road ( pro- nonuced the benediction and the crowd dispersed atfi:30aftera most irspiring afternoon. ANOTHER ORGAN. Presbyterian, Decide to Purchase Pipe Instrument. A congregational meeting of the Pres byterians was held on SntltUy morning after services. The.matter of pare has ing a pipe organ was taken under con sideration, and; after a very short dis cussion, tliojquestion was decided ia the affirmative. After aboat ten minutes work, the committee appointed to'solicit subscrip tions reported almost tho entire amount necessary. The organ will lie an excellent instru ment, almost a duplicate of that pur chased last week by the Baptists. It wUljbe]operated by a wa'ter motor and will bo modern In all respects. The musically Inclined PresDytcrians and Bvnristsare growing enthusiastic over tho splendid music in prospect. Among the Masonio visitors of note Monday were J. M. Rasliin, High Priost of the Boston chapter and Win. Forster, Master of Boston lodge. Mr. C. 0. Worst, one of the promi nent yonng men of the Ocltlocknee neighborhood was,in town yesterday. 10 bfcAtn ify YOUR COMPLEXION IB 10 DAYS, USE Satin ol^. AN UNEQUALLED BEAUTIFIER. A few applications wiTl remove tan or eallowness ana restore tbe beauty ot >outh. , SMtlnoim is a new discovery, guaran teed, and mcney refunded it it fails to remove Freckles, Pimples. Liver Spots, Blackheads Discolorations and Erup* tions. Ordinary cases in 10 days, tbe worst in 20 days. After these defect- are removed the skin will be soft, dear and b< autiful. Price 50 cents at drug stores or by mail. Thousands of ladies irstily 10 tbe merits of Satmoia. The daughter of an eminent physician writes: Memphis, Tenn, Jan. II, iqo4 Gentlemen:—! have used Satinola and Egyptian cream for a y»*ar or two, ano unhesitatingly recommend them as, the finest preparations l have ever used to remove pimp! .*3, freckles or any other facial discolorations. They cleaT and beautify tfcfe complexion as no other pre- parmions wi!. Mrs. Evelyn Porter Ringwald. National Ioitet Co., Paris,*Tenn. Sold in Xhomssviiie bv H. Thomas, Jr and all druggists. TAKEN VVITp CRAMPS. \Vm. Kirmse, a member of the bridge gaii^ working near Littloport, was taken suddenly ill Thursday bight with crarn^ s aud a kind of cholera. Hid case whs so severe that he had to have tho member- of the crew wait upon him aud Mr. .lifFord was culled and consulted. He told them he had a medicine in the form of Chamberlain's Golic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought wit Id help him out and accordingly several doses were administered with the result that the fellow was able to be around next day. The incident speaks quite Irfghly of Mr. Gif?ord > s medicines. Elkador, Iowa, \rgns. This remedr never fails. Keep it in your »t nwv life. For sale by J. VV.-Peacock! SECOND-HAND MACHINER Y For Sale. Newly Overhauled. . One 23 H. P. Tubular B^il**r " 20 •• “ M M “ 10 *• ** Vertical " •* g “ 4 Locomotive ** ow wheels, One 10 H. Pr Vertical boiler and sn- I No.2 DeLoach Saw Mill, bunplex Feed. I—is inch Inserted tooth saw. Small saws. I—Soule steam fetd rope feed as good as new. * l—15 H. P. center crank engine. 1-35.. •• ” M good as new. * 1—Button saw mantle. 1—Set 36 stringef logging trucks new a—Sets 36 pole „ .. » 1—Duplex Steam pump, new. 1—2 1-2 Gardner governor. ,. t—3 1-2 „ .. gooff as 1—2 1-2 King governor. I—2 1-2 Mouarch governor. 1—2 i-2 Pickering governor. 12—Sets 12 Pfckerirg Carriage truck» new, tbe best made. Prompt attention upon work. We will be prepared to furnish cant mills ie 30 days. THOMASVILLE IRON WORKS Work, near A. O. L. B. R. Depot. P. O. 102; Telephones 184 and 210. SUMMER. .RATES. ALLEN NORMAL AND INDUS TRIAL SCHOOL A Boarding and Day School, inolnding Primary, Intermediate, Grammar and N ormal Department,. Special attention given to Sewing and Cooking. In,'fno- lion given in Fiano, Organ and Voice. Fall term open, Tneeday, Oct. 4th. For term, and fnrtlibr particular, ad- dross ttie Principal. Misa A. B. Howland, 0-fi-ln, Thomaaville, G*. RUBBER NECK Rnbber neck or joints with Elliott’, Emulsified Oil Liniment It will re move all stiffness and soreness It Is much better than planters for lame back, or pain in the chest or side. El* Mot’s Emulsified Oil Liniment cure, muscular Rheumatism. Fall 1-8 otnt bottles, 2S cents. J. W. Peacock. Blok Headache. For several year* my wife was tsonbl- rd with whnt physicians called sick head I. ,-im of „ very severe character Siie doctored with several eminent physici an, and at a great expense, only to grow worse until until she Was unable to do any kind of work About a year ago she began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets aud today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well,” says Mr. Geo. E. Wright, ot New London, New York. For sale by J. W. Peacock. d. & w FALL MILLINERY. Just opened up a complete aud up-to- date line of Ready to wear hats all colors and prices. Also a beautiful line of ready made skirts iu all the new colors and made by one of the best N. Y. Tailors. We have an experienced dressmaker in charge of this department who will change and fit these skirts without extra charge. All are cordially iuvited. , Mrs. J. A. Epply, Store Masory Hotel Block. Phone 171 September 28th, Georgia D»y, World’s Fair, St. Lonis, Excursion Rates Via Central Of Georgia Ry. Tickets will be sold on Saturday, Se *t. 24th, and Monday, Sept. 26th, gr od to return within 10 days of sale. T ckets are not good in parlor or sleep ing cars, apply toyoor nearest Ticket Office. Those who wish day board or pleaa- ant rooms with board cau be accom, dated. Everything clean, comfortable- and homelike, good and prompt service given to ail. Phone 171. Masu>’y Hotel. WANTD TO BUY TEN MILLION CAR LOADS WOOL Cow Hide ' Fur, Beeswax, Etc. I!l< BEST CASH PRICES PAID. J. W. WATKINS a CO., J. B. WATKINS. - • - Man** Office at Williams* Stable • 228 W aexson St., TbomasviUe. G*» ■ ■■-■ ■ mil h im i , . Texqs, Arkansas, Louisiana, 0k> California, Cloorado Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington and other points West, Northwest, and Southwest f. G. HOLLENBECK. Dist. Passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. They Ar* Fins. Plyni'nth Rocks and white Wyan dotte, cliickena yonng stock at a dollar each. C. W. Cochran & Brother. 9-B-lmo HOW TO SECURE A VIGOROUS BODY AND MIND. Health ot body and mind depend upon the health of the stomach. The brain, the blood, the nerves, the longs, in fact every organ of the body depend npan ttie stomach for Tlie stom ach’s power to digest and assimilate food measures tlie strength of body and mind. If yon are below the normal in strength and flesh, Rydyle’s Stomach Tablets will help you ont of your trouble. They insure perfect digestion and assimi- 1 ition and these secure health of body and mind. Rjdale’s Stomach Tablets core the worst formsof dt spepsia and indigestion aud all forms of stomaoli trouble. Trial size,'26cte. Family axe, 50 jets.* TJje large > size contains 2 1-2 times]the quantity of the trial size. GET YOUR MONEY’S WORT Yon get yonr money’s worth ■ yon buy Elliott's Emulsified Oil ment. A full half pint bottle cost 38 cents and von get yenr money if not satisfied with result. Y not be disappointed. J. W. Pea