Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 23, 1904, Image 3
. ’ ;* • > > ■ - flMKS-ENTERPKISK. TROMASVILE, GBOKHIA. SEPTEMBER 28 1904. TRAIN KILLED NEGRb 'News Items Prom Susina. Franklin Life Insurance Co © ie Negro AttawipteL other From Oa< Springfield, Illinois. Organized 1884. Below is jfivert the rates for d fferent forms of participating policies of the several companies doing business in this section. Saturday night; about 7 oVlook street officer Dau Walker arrestw.i a negro on lower Jackson street. He had just turn ed to take his man to th«* stat ou when another r.egro slipped up hchiud him and dealt him a fearfn' blow on the head with a pair of brass knocks. The sliock caused the officer to turn loose l\is first negro, bqt before he you!>1 recover from the first lick, the kua«d»t> had hit tinee more times. He reached for his gun to protcc thimself, but as Jie did so the negro disappeared through a crowd of women and has not been seen since. Mr. Walker was severely bunged up. Dr. Taylor dressed his wounds, aud he is doing very well. Both negroes weie- drank. Franklin Life Few York Life , Mutual Life Massachusetts Mutual, Prtdeutial Penn Mutual Illinois Life Hartford Life Sun Life. Canada so,006 Free Samples You Can Get Ons. ' BLACK WEED, «*■ F»»» T»ipt»t*P nmH; for Rhenmatltm, Catarrh, anil Kidney and Bladder oom plain ta, haawA* with almoet initantaneoaa euooee* n—- oanse it ha* mad* eoma aoteworthy/ oorea of Tory aeTora oaaei. Mr, Jolin Poet, of the Atlanta Ptx* Dipt., write*: „ Por month* X anffered with my Md. neya. X made orory effort to (rt relief, TO.,obtain^ M grgjg rreat before half the flmt bottle haA Seen need, that I pot arid* all *h« medicine* and am now aonnd and well, haring boon oured oompletely by Blaok weed. At the tame time I liad an ag gravated eaae of Catarrh of th* head and throat. Blaoh Weed h*< oompletely oured Vhii, and my he*"' 1* now a. cleat a. obeli." BLACK WEED la Kid by air drau ght! at |1.00 a bottle, or wo will and prepaid upon receipt of prioa, Send Your Nam^TZ ft trial sample of this great remedy; Which will be tent absolutely free* to gether with our book containing vales* bie information end sndorseaswtft Please mention this paper. Address^ Black Weed Medicine ^JUtqntm, Ga^_ The bony beauty is in fashion now days bat the girl whose nerves we cush ioned with fat is perliap* the pleasanter companion. Afternoon Train on Albany Division Delayed by Running Over Body. The 6:15 train from the North ou the Albany division was half ffu hour Satur* day wight. The *:<‘»ay was caused by an accident which caused the lifo of Will Guriy, a neyro aged about 35 years. * Camilla has recently opeued bar rooms aud is quite a rendezvous for thirsty people. This negro bad been drinking there and went to sleep'with his head ou the track. Two bottles of liquor * were found in his pockets. The engine struck him, while going at good speed. Dr. Harry Ainsworth was on the train, but could do nothing for the man who died in a few minutes. His death makes a graphic text for a temperance lecture. GUNNERS RETURN. They Have Claim on Prize at Bel n bridge Tournament, * The gnu team from the Cracker club came home Saturday afternoon from Bainbridge where they went to take partin the much advertised tourna ment. The members of the team were C. K. Martin i ale. J. L. Turner^ Bob Va rut doe, W. S. B.owa and A. M. Watson. Other Thomasville gunners who were present were J. W. Peacock and William Proctor. ’ A prize of seventy-five dollars wo* offered for the Lest team score- There were only two vi iting teams to compete—Boston and Thomasville. The Thomasville men tell of strange treatment. It is peculiar but true that the -Bainbridgo men ou their home groueds could not muster a full team. They were grati'ed permission to t ike one man from stare other place. In- stem! of this they took two of the best shots on the ground, Napier of Macon and Gibson of Eufaula, Ala. By the aid of those two cfficks they made a score eight bettor than Thomasville. The Thomasville team protested this score on the ground that Bainbridge had no right to shoot two outsiders. They beat Boston 21 points and on this they claim first monoy. They left their claim iu the hands of arbitrators. They expect to receive their morey next week ami /' IS fiardt to b« supposed that Bain- bridge will be so uusportsmau like to treat her guests in such unfair fashion. HOLD-UP HELD. Mr 4- H. Batey Foil* Attempt of Ne groes at Highway Robbery. Mr. A. H. Batey, a prominent pecan nurseryman of the city, had a most thrilling experience last week. He was returning to his home in Magnolia park about ten o’clock, and was walking meditatively along upper Dawson street when he heard the sound of two people behind him. He- paid no attention to them, not eveu looking around, and thought of nothing unusual until he felt his arm bring grasped from behlud. As quick as a flash ho recognized lie was being held up, but instead of submitting, he bar rio lly pulled out his pocket knife, open ing it as he did so, The knife was the only weapon he had. and it was an in- usually diminutive affair. As Mr. Batey turned, he saw that liis assailants were two negroes. One of them turned and ran at once, but the other readied to his hip pocket as if for a pistol. Nothing deterred, Mr. Batey crowed him with his little knife ami in another pair of seconds, negro number 2 wan s!i<> wing his heels ou the back track like a Hussion cavalryman Incidentally, this made the ninth time iu his life that Mr. Batey has bee held up. Mr. Owen Ball Dead The Thomasville friends of Mrs. Owen Ball will learn with deep regret of the death of her husband in Odlla, Fla., last week. Mrs. Ball was Miss Berta Firiier, and is a daughter of Mrs. June Smith of this city. SheVas raised in Thomasville, and married here, moving with her husband from here to Portsmouth, Vir ginia. Mr. Ball entered business in Ocilla only a few mouths ago, and hi# family was to move .down to Florida with him this fall. The funeral occurred in Ports month. ^ ATTAwK continues Captured Two Important Forts Near Port Arthur. Shanghai, Sept. 20.—The general attack on Port Arthur, which was begun yesterday and iu which the Japanese fleet is co-operating, waB resumed this morniug. The Japanese captured two important forth on either side of Suez- WaUg. i.o.tli of Port Arthur. Monoy InATea Kettle. The railroad friends of Mr. R. L, Goodwin made him a present yesterday. Mr.'Gpodwin was formerly a railroad man himself, and th- boys still hold a high regard for him They got them selves together and presented him with a complete cook stove, with all the uec- eisury utHisil?, aud inside the tea kettle tht y placed a ten dollar bill. The gift was greatly appreciated by Mr. Goodwin aod ties him more tightly lo the friends ho lm* always Consi .tied mvaluablo. (By S.'M. Beach.) fir. C. H. Brown aud Miss Winnie Slater went to Thomasville last Tues day. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Robertson and daughter Mary, wont to Cairo last Tues day. Mr. J. W. Hayes went to Thomasviile last Tuesday. Not a singlo Populist could be found to represent this district ou the Populist County Committee. Mr. S. T. Stephens, of Waycross, who with his family have been visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Mitchell, came over to see us last Thursday. Judges H. W. Hopkins, S. A. Rodden bary, and Mr. Tlioo. Titus, came down Both negroes weisjto “Sherwood” last Thursday to spend several days. Mr. W. E. Stan aland of Boston nephew of oar county surveyor, has ac cepted the positiou of overseer of the “Susina” plantation owned by Mr. A. H. Mason of Philadelphia, and conic down last- Thursday to take charge of the plantation. Mr. Mason owns over five thousand acres of land here, and the position accepted by Mr. Stanuland is an important and responsible one. Mr. William Lester and family, aud a ; sfc«\ Miss Annie Lester, went to ThoracsviPe last Friday. Mr. Tester rotnri^xl home to Bradfordville by him* Bought a Cana Mill- Ou his recent trip to Florida Mr. C. T. Gaudy purchased a large enne mill fer Gandy & Mallette. They will erect it at their place threw miles from town the Oci loeknee road, and will use it to grind their linmenso crop of sugar cane They will make and market a high grade of syrup. Thomas County Lemona Mrs* llvury Wight painted he limes-Eutcrprue Monday wall a clus ter of Thomis count'? lwmcfns that w ould do to send to St. Louis. One of the lemons is 13 inches iu circumference larger than an ordinary orange. The treo on which the frnitgrew is ou Mrs. Wight's place at Cairo, and is not four feet tail Thorns county heads the world for everything.^ ^ • - - Georgians! satisfaction, new pair your money back The on “President” Suspenders Com fort and Service. No rust or leather “> * oil VrS&lh&Tf&i'A LOOTS STKYKRMAN'8, THOMAS VTT f T,v r 8 H Olj CO., ssd other stores. Made and Guaranteed by The C. A. EDGARTON Mfg. C<. • SHIRLEY, MASS. Wood’s Seeds. VIRGINIA GRAY Winter Oats. Sow Early For But Results. Oar Trade Mark Brand is the best and cleanest quality tjiat it is possible to procure* Hairy, or Winter Vetch, Sown with \yinter Oats, make* the largest possible yield of the best and most nutritious hay. Write for prices. WOOD’S DESCRIPTIVE FILL C1TIL0S Tells all about seeds for tall miring. It is the most valua ble and helpful publication of the kind issued in America. Mailed free on request. I. W. WOOD & SODS, Sufcsn, • Riebnend, Va. self last Sunday, and reports things jjuiet and peacableat tliut place. The regular monthly servico was held, at New' Ochlocknee church last Sunday. The Rev A. M. Manning and son An drew came up from Warrington. Mrs. 8. M. Beach and daughter Grace went to Thomasville last Sunday. Miss Grace is now a bcholar at the South Georgia College. Mi s Hattie llervin, au attractive young lady of Houston, T*xas and for merly areal (lent of this place, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Beach. Tax Collector P. 8. Heetli made his first round hero last Monday, but tax payers were scarce. Many of our citizens expect to attend the picnic and barbecue at Thomnsvllle next Friday. Mr. Charles Ward of Tiiomasville came down last Monday to purchase some catt le. Dr. and Mrs, W. W, Bruce of Them- asville came down lost Sunday to cull on Mirt Sallie Mitchell whom wo regret to say is seriously sick. Miss Annie Lou Blaokshear has been visiting iu Cairo during the past week. Mr. A. O, Dickey weut to Thomasvillo last Tuesday. » The equiuox approncheth. Rates of our new 20 pay 40 par cent. Guaranteed Dividend Policy—not written ro this exact form by an other company. ' Age. Premiums. 21 — 27 15 22 — 27 89 28 — 28 23 24 ■ - 28 78 26 — 29 34 27 — no 56 80 • - 82 71 82 — 34 42 8j • - 87 25 Figures Talk. In all that constitutes true excellence the FRANKLIN LIFE leads; A careful selection of risks enables us to enjoy the Most Favoiable rate of mortality the 1 oca tic- of the company in the middle west enables it to earn a higher rate of interest than would he possible in the eastern money centers. he rate of interest earned by the Franklin is a little over 5 1-2 percent, against an average of about 4 per cent, of Eastern companies (some are as low as 3 1-2 while others are as much as 4 >-2 percent. WE can afford to let Figures Talk. ! Agents wanted—Best Contract, DAVID C. BARROW, General Agent For Southern Georgia, 1 - . Thomasville, Ga. A bn* la wntermoloo. Vive to voe sum * The «en ie warmer than the preiiden- flat campaign. • The confederate veterans will meet in Maccn next year. A new comedy is called "The Dent ist." U ought to draw well. FOR SALE Five hundred acre plantation 8 miles south of Thomas ville. Bie value foj price. Price $16,000 E. M. MALLETTE, Real Estate Agent. Vitsin’ Brise Block, Thomasville, Georgia. W. G. Twitty of Pelham is in town. Mr. R.'tt. Mays of Quitman is in the city. See ad of 500 acre farm for sale by E. M. Mailetto. Messrs. Thou, aud W. E. Aycoch if Moultrie are at the Mithell House. ML Walter Hoff, of ^facon, one of the best knowh shots in Georgia is in town. • DElIOIOUS and pure is our Soda Water. We use fresh fruit syrups, and can assure you that our Soda is entirely pure and whole some. On a Jiot afternoon a glass of Ice Cream Soda . is a treat indeed. Don’t pass us by if you’re thirsty. S. II. PRICE CO D towards BRIGHT S DISEASE eglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping “it will wear away,” are t’s Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of it* worst forms. FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do nqt, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action-, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence'taking FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.; How to Find Out. ' * G. B. Burhans Testifies After Fodr Year** Yon can easily determine if yaer kidneys are G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: Out of order by setting aside for 24 hours »• "About four year* ■*» I wrote you statins that I had been entirely bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If cured of • severe kidney trouble by taking leas than two bottles of Upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has Foley’s Kidney Cure. It entirety stopped the brick-dust sediment lust sediment or small particles float pain and symptom- -*■-*-*- glad to say that about in it, vour kidneys are diseased, ana *JridStlrSSwSuyffc&SST FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be takes heartily recommend P PoltiX Kidney Cur« to nay one suffering from at once. kidaey or bladder trouble/’ Two Sizes, 50 Gents and $1.00. SOLD AND RECOLiUEMDED BY t J. W. Pi ACOCK.