Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 23, 1904, Image 4
6EKEV0IENT ASSOCIATIONS Of America Use Pe-rw-na For All Catarrhal Diseases. THE CONTES! GROWS IN IN TEREST. lis.Entcrprisc Publishing Co. Mias Jonnis Brown of Cairo Hoads the Uat with Miss May rtopMns Socond—Nln«t**n Young Ladles Now In the Race for ths Trlpto the World’s Fair with Expanses Paid. Twelve days ago the Tiraes-Enter prise started Va big doable barrel prize contest. Any subscriber new or oM who pays his ■sbacriptioa to the Daily or Weekly Tinns-Enterprise gets one- rote for the most popular young lady la the county of Thomas for each cent paid. The one receiving the meet, rotes before November IS, Sl-SSOBIPTIOS ftSTKX. -Weekly, One Yeer ** Six Months “ Three Months.... Hatty. One Year...... *• Six Months............. - Three Months.... “ One Month whom Tom rays had to eat dirt, and from my. standpoint I can’t see how any Populist can support hi* paper, unless lie gives each oue a piano or free pass to the World’s Pair at St. Lonls.” We ar.1 surprised that our friend. Ed ttor Wind should glm space to such an attack on a paper whose editors hare devrr loet a chance to show their friend, ship for him, botli editorially and per. Only the week .before, he pnb- VVoman’a Benevolent Association, of ‘ Jsokson Park Terrace, Woodlawn, > Chicago, 111., says: , ' “T suffered with la grippe for seven Weeks and nothing helped me until 1 tried Paruna. I felt at once that I had at last secured the right medicine and kept steadily I mproving. Within three weeks I was fully restored,”—Henrietta A. S. Marsh. ' Independent Order of Good Templars, ot Washington. Mrs.-T. W. Colllna, Treasurer I. O. G. T., of, Mrsrott, Washo has used the greal caferrhat tonic, Peruna, for an aggra vated case of dyspepsia. She writes: "After hsvfng n serero attack of 1» grippe, 2 aim suffered with dygjxtpsl- A/U-r taking Peruna I con’d ea t uiy reg ular meals with relish, my system wan built up, my health felnrned, and J ha vo remained in excellent strength and vigor now for over a year.”—Mrs. T. W. Collins. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tho use cl Penu-.n write at oUco to Dr. 1 larhnan, giving . fall statement of your esse and he will be pleased to giro-you hi* valnable ad- Vice gratis. Address Dir. Hartman, President of -Official Paper of Thomas County guaranteed Circulation 3,400. If Roiwevclt is re elected some of ns swill relnss to believe that toxpopnli 1s ■VO* del. sonnlly 1 lishod an attack on one of Thomas conn. 1 ty'u best officials from the same mis guided "Uncle Jake.” Does Mr. Wind iutenil to turn his paper into a month piece for (his anonymous contribnior? If so, ho is dojiarllng fnim the standard of newspaper ethics erd rho path mark- ed ont for himself when he . first took charge of the Messenger. Now we do not know Uncle Jake and from Ids writings wo don’t iraogl ie he would lie a very desirable acquaintance. Tho peoplo who live near him evidently know him and do not think favorably Of him. Two weeks ago he remarked In Ida column, "I have often heard the expression that, the merchants hod rath- •Th- Macon News observes tl|at the mvotoge daerieaii family is 7. - Often "ft" is ilie, 1. *’A vetonia of two wars; - he Thoiuasvillo hoy who went to Mapatfas and Camilln. Xndalnsia is a County represented at fha World’s Fair. That’s where tlioy grow ’ BndB.'’ PROPERTY INCREASE Tho English yarn-splnners will b- in* Vl cd to a oonferenoe in Oharlotto N. C. Pitlon not editorial, M Cooticfge Is One-third Ovwr Last Yaor. Other New*. , (By H. B. NesiHth,)- The busiest p!a-e In town, now, lx tho ronton ginnery. Mott of bur t , < xw,s evlA-ntiv know agt|<iri thing,. Judging tin- way lisa wagon. -.‘With vrh* at approaching tho two del- ^*r a boahtl ranrk the flower of the fau • Ur UdlMw a ncvrtisttiJw. b.ieg. tho eaSsou If the -Ti d*o wuii’i 0 pM ho|OJ|itv will g<» P» riir x.e* to Ksopmu mirronce. I M**t Ibuwi#- Ul»U» Mrs. Kama Jb**?<* and Mi*. W Karim dy, v«mo •># vbe luuuAy capita* .;L*MLiy. Jiu^iioo T. vu Otiut.’f aud R. lit. JV? >. mitlt nud MciultrinAtomhip- iilwfr LOttil) F*V*k|fc» U C'X-HH’Ull' to* W- turn bourn t!i» w«i«. She* nntj- hwp vh&in* her biwtmr. o. I* ■ 1£v*rm.,uC j io ttp Albany, ivu^eouw tiittu. At ihb eleutnm lurid liy the Ootnioifc Ttefdnjr night Mr. W. VV. Story va* elected u* chlyf of Pol ice. Oar old friend, Isa** Wfn<wr,. <rf! Pjvto. gave n» iajAwuaft* call-cuetp4tn~ ; mg tbUweok. We lovb touaeeL tvfttu oar parents* old friends swl hear them, talk about by-gone days. Tho po*i~ tiona of these old people wHLl. soon bo . vacant to be fttle! by other* who aro younger. How important then, for each one to bo preparing hitmUf or h*r- *oit for tho re«po»».*)b?** places V'«n to b*'vacated by them. Aud yec suaie people act in this life just like the ex- ' peel to live hero forever, and never do 1 anything for themselves, family or ! country, aud yet always grumble, mat- 1 ttr aud complain at every thing any oue else does. Mr. P. K. Murphy loft Wednesday for ' Perry, Fla, a here ho will remaiu for a week ot mort looking after tho large interests in hogs which ho owns near there. Aoou v dnig ii> t*»e report u.’llioSeerc* * Uo»:Lj i»kH> words do not luuonuk roathrip Wo agr^e witli- him that Tom Wu -in Isonr saiwrlor in fcfoiosfcj overythij-g b,tc poHMi-h. Am a man wo admire him. Tim edtroi* of this p went to Sf I.on**, but did nor W< uitv i dirt, having boou a coiuisteut su^iuru-.- of Jurigr Parker long before Ida nomi nation.' Unde Jake says he does not see how any Populist can support the Times Eu- terpriso. Thoro may bo some few Popu lists who cannot see any more than Un de Jake, bnt the vast, majority of them soo very easily hew thuy can import us. They are too sensible and broad winded to let a difference In political belief in terfere with their friendship, as is per finoftly su^gesfj»d by their leader, Mr. J. S, Ward, Jr., in another column of this morning's paper. The Populists have uo quarrel with the Times-Ehterprise, and Uncle Jake's Illy mouthing* cannot rnakooue. They, n common with meu of every other party and every creed have always re* ceived aud will continue to receive nb sola My fair treatment from thin paper. This Ua Democratic paper with Demo cratic priuciplos and beldfs, and as :i | matter of course it ffglits its partj 's but tles juct as tho Populist,'. light theirs. It has Iwen fair aud opetc in conflict. It has stated that it bell* ves tho People’s jiarty is honest, that \t exerts a valuable influence over the two old parties, aud like exiiressious galore. It has never attacked Mr. Watson’s character wit/i vinification uud abuse, nor has it follow- | ed the lead of some of Ua exchanges aud | denooncod him as a hireling of the Re- | publican party. It has exerted the same right as it extends to its opponents, that \ of speaking for Us couvictious. Not ouly have we acknowledged the free right o? every man to differ with os in opinion, but wo have invited them to express thosp differences in our own columns. Tins invitation has 4 beeu ac- * An i* suggests that the roisou tho AuftraHan ballot system is not i»p- vlarwitii Georgia legislate™ is that most of them got iti the other \w>*. 'la’ffi-eaViug of Thomas county’s tax sate the Pelham Journal says: “In wiew of t)ie fact that the commissioners tisve to raise 16000 extra this yoar to pay on tlie jail debt they have done ex ueedingly well to keo,: the rate this low and nm to l>o congrutulatod for tholl «!ose financing." .The trustees of the Uuivcrrit.v of Georgia have named two new buildings Terrell hall Terrell hall aud Do Oonto. is named for Dr* William of by-gone dajs. aud not for Guvemor Juo. Tne one eyed plow toy of Pigeon Roost it tneouly governor great enough to have m domUory dowered with his coguomen, Oa idler Hall. Hal wrelcortevi w.-lv joy in the laud. Bspvr ally the :eturn of the Indy school Cent-her. Titer ceuie back from their snmtvcr hetfiu to mouutaius or kc i re- fnvli ^ oydlurmd contact with nature, riouutac* it is a summer school that dial, kta claimed their attrition during the r«?ation portqd. Audit is whispefed chat ocn of the priuclpul courses in tlwso ftore-criaiwed iuBtitutions is a course in Their vacation is never creased in wealth jutt oue-third over last year. This seems to bo very good gain for a now town jost fourteen miles from two county sites. We already hear a rumor of two rno.o large brick stores to be erected. ?mie oil 30o—5 gals, 00c. Sida, meat, per lb. 11 to 13>2 Meal 80c. jer bu. -Flour §8.00 to 41.00 per bbl. Western hams lfl l*2o. Lard, compound 0c. Leaf He. Hay, #1.25 per 100 ibs. Bran <<1.50 per 100 lbs. Cotfon. seed meal §1.40 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed hulls, 75c. per 100 lb&suck. Seed Ilyo #2.00; Oats nature, a vacuum, it is generally a joy-jammed period of liealthful recreation. Wlien j ahoy ivtorn they shed sunbeams in t'.eir | path. Idmlr presence in a distinct ml- litiou to flic social and intellectual life i of the city, so fortunate as to possess a half dozeu or more of them. The' Marrlaga Announcement- Cards have boeu issued announcing the npproaching marriage on Nov. ii, of Miss Jesaio'"Sanford ono of Thomas- villo't popular young ladies to Mr. % M. Miller. SOMETHING EVERYBODY KNOWS Everybody knows that headache, billtousness, sallowuess and constipation are caused by a disordered liver. But everybody don’t know that lasiness, that tired feeling, despondency, the blues, irritability and sleeplessness are also due to the same cause. If your i liver is actiug well, your skin will be cu'ar, eyes bright, spirits buoyant, ap petite good, health good. Rvdale’s Liver Tablets will make your liver act right aud they will do it in such a picas- j aut way that you will* hardly realize that you are taking medicine. RydateV Liver' Tablets are guaranteed to cure chronic oonstipatiou and all liver diseas'- ■ es and disorders. Your mi»uey refund-; ed if these tablets do not give satisfac-1 tiou. For Sale by J. \V. Peacock. made a remarkable record as,* curw^ir [ stiffuess of muscle and joints. It a^f. f ten not whether the trouble was caused \ by a sprain or strain, rheumatism or ! other causes. It ViU rehere the sore- I ness and pain at once aud socu reduces ! tho swelling and removes tho stiffno.«. j Every bottle is guaranteed. Full half* DMTJ U”UIU »*» Ruoiainwiv *mMH i pint bottle 25 cents at J. \Y, ?eacopi. PICNIC SALE THE BIG-PICNIC COMES ON SEPT. ' 23rd, BUT THE Bigges THE MARKET.u The PMeeet Which Ttrinp Buy and Sell—Corrected^Weekly Local* buyixo n« 11 no. Thom^svil'e' Ga.,—Sepfu. 1004— Ugga-^M* «h>x. 21, to 2*!c«> Best butter 26c. Medium butter, 20c to.—c. Chick- eus, fries. 25 to* 27*^o; hona.20 to 82#c. Sweet potatoes. bOo pox bu. Fodder per JPOdbs, 75 to 80c. Country hay, per loo lbs. 30c. to 60c. OJd. Syrup, 20 to 2f*o. Country hams, 12; t» l3o. Coun-.. try l#»d. * to 9#c. LOCAL ftELUkO- PtllCKS. Tiu>in»avil!e, Gx,—SejH. 0, 1901;— Qoffee, ArbuckleiL t3c. Green coffee, fnir 12 l-2c. CUu.«e 15c. White gran- la'.p'i sigar, 5 1-2 oeut-. Brown i-ugar, tary -Treasurer of oar tym it 5 k 8 »' V"’*.*- Crack LOST.—Nea» Susina, dark bay mus tang Pony, small size,, blaze face, long tall, branded' F J,' on left hip. Kef uni toSusiua, Ga. ’ fhW~Hw. PJanirtg Mill Maeag*r Wantt'd. Some oue competent to run » rall planing mill. Wfft make either s-ilaiy o jKvrm rs!> nrrkpyMmnt, A«Utvsa E. O. iw-jilfr i. u, Fav'i. (m, *> y-4*. i-osts for Sale.. 90,000 or mors cyproa* fanes posts. Thsy run from O 1-2 foot snd up, 5 to 6 Inches. Hosrtst lilt's end of posts AdOroaa.J P. Carter. *** Mnylo*.- Ga SALE.- Remember Wertz nrtd So«lb Wg Annual Auction of Uncalled for Goods and meny new Odds end Enda, in Gune. Sporting Goods • to "Hlghes bidder, Sopwmuvr 'ZZfJ 0.3-2* clmtQ.iei*,. and therefore ,ve urge everyf"** Min^tor to rejnombor wo give, a. liberal quantity of tlio Longman &-.Martinez PUgi toward the painting, Wears and covers liko gold,.. Don't pay #150 a gallop Joe-Linseed OiJ.fjwnrth f>0 cent?) which you do when vox buy other paints x iq^can. wttli u label on it. S & 0 makes 14, therefore when yon. want 14 gtOlous of paint,. ,huy only eight ofL. & M., and six gailuus pure JLin- t»od Oil with it, and ti ps get paint at U>$& than #1.20 per galjon. Many liouses are well painted with four gallons of L. «S| M. aud three gal lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith. These Celebrated < Paints are sold by O W. Cochrau, Thomasvillo, Ga. G. L Dnrep,,Moigs,. G;l, 9-U 2m Thomasviiie Bus iness College. If you are- interested in a Business Education, you will do well to investi gate the methods of the above-named Institution For fall information, ad dress or va]j C14, ANSON W. BALL, President . 18 GOING ON AT OUR STORE ALL THE TIME, WHERE EVERY- BODY ISFEAri TING ON THE I=lCIiTIC o£ ALWAYS ON SALE' FOR NEXT MYEEK HOWEtf R; WE ARE OO'.NG TO OFFER SPEGIAI* PIGNIG See our parade, picnic dky, advertising Ox Breeches That alone will b* wortl^ comiug miles W. S. BROWN, Pent 1st. Q2;ee .over Natnnal Bjnk, Tpomasrilie, Ga ’-'hotto 110 2. S.\TBFAGTION GUARANTEED. B.-. rc^c. iakes no sutnmer •Rjcf'lc:-!. it yc- • r>«ed BsjK and Ok-utt s Lmiiisioti summer as In winter. SVyI tar. trev szpzpx. SCOTT & SOWNE, Cbeaibtt. W»1 Pearl Str«t, N« York. »*• *®4f *-ob ; ah 4nijgi»u. Siaoe- forldds our naming prlSb***.*^ come to our Store, get the prioo list allowing PICONIC SALE BARGAINS and for every #1 CO you truie with u*i, we’il give, you a chance in tlu* - $500.00. ' CORN CONTEST Yon stanza* goad chance as any- Oiw else of getting $‘100.00. * IN GOLD. A. F. Churchwell STARKE CORNER. V nr