Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 23, 1904, Image 9
Ad ValoremTar. Constitutional Limit. TAKE Lamar’s Lemon Laxative The ijrfat family •'■odlnlng for Constipation for DisorUarcd Liver for Indigestion for Headscba for Biliousness for Dizziness ' Use it often awl pre vent Malaria. Road What the Mayor of Dothan, Ala. says of L. L. L DAYS LAXATIVE Sold by good druggists everywhere, 50 DOSES 50CENTS MnneJacturcd only by Lamar, Taylor & Riley Drug’Company MACON, GEORGIA Everybody has them. Hetltz’s Bitters turns bad days into.* tood days. Maybe you. have eaten sqprefhing you orgh 'not to eat. It took ten minutes to eat. It takes two days to get over it. Take Hentz’s Bitters and save two days of misery. KeepHentz’s Bitters in the house. any liouij;.;. Mil i rnsptvufujfr, J. U. Yon no, Mayor. When you ex pect stomach trouble take a dose and you will be all right Cheer 3 STUDENTS INSTRUCTED 3 IN 2 Shorthand and Typewriting. 3 Stenographic Work Neatly Exe- 3 cnted - "’Phone 27a. ◄ Miss Janie Alexander. < S4d w JS*exi door to TlmeK-EnleryrUe. rvntyVfi For Ladies Read the free book (suet it from your druggists) and learn how to be healthy and enjoy life. HFNTZS BITTERS COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Cleaning and Repairing, WHITE STAR PRESSING CHUB, G. C. Sparks,- Manager. LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY. 2U0 Jackson Street. fl-O-d and w-3m No Bonds 0 Thousands have used this reliable remedy with perfect confidence and success for 52 years, because they know just contains. The formula consists of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion; Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium. Any doctor or druggist will tell you. that this is a scientific and reliable combination of great merit lor all diseases having their origin in the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. After years of crcpcrience and patient experiment, Dr. Thach’cr so perfected the jir. ee.,.. of uifecufacturc, that it never fails to bring the expected relief when taken recording to directions. Thousands of sick ones to whom li*e has beeiva burden have written grate ful letters of tluinks. Sri? *n. Mississippi, Oct. IT, 1902. “ I have sufTared greatly with indigestion, countiyatton, nlso tv severe liver troubte. with loss of appetite. Could not rest w -’.tut night; Intact, had no energy to work or even walk around. 1 felt like I wai picking h heavy load ami, waa easily exhausted, until A took Dr. Thacker’s T.lver ami Bloc.I tty/up, which helped me almuat from- the firat dose. When I hnd t<tken one and one ; 1 u;t like a different man, and I knew that it wna due eraiuly to your rurdkiivr. 1 need hisll three bottles, nu«l consider myself perfectly cured. At this time my Is ECWtl, I sleep well, feel strong tvud refreshed on Arising in the tuurii<n>; ■ T. L. Speed. Jf i/ni* uot il a t-rl^o to-day lor a Vrco sample bottle and n l>r. Thaeher’s Health Hm>k.” ulvo*yuij>iotn* }or mirier, lie tlmptff aitk you te try It atour e.rpOMr. We knout 1 rfutflt will do. Atoll druyylatt. aO tenth ami ft.OO. Thschcr Modidno Co., Choittanoo^a, Tcnn. OLD PROGRESS STAND. Machinry, Orisl Mills, Shingle Mills, HTS A SPECIALTY. MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY. Bros., -Machinery Co. MACON, GEORGIA. . A PROCLAMATION. &L By Hit Excellency, loseph M. Terrell Governor of the State of Georgia. Executive Department, July 27th 1094 .Whereas the Genera! Assetnblv, at Its session in I903, proposed an amend ment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in Act approved August 17th 1903. to wit: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener al Assembly of the State of Georgia, That article 7, section 1, of the Constitu tion of this State, be amended by ad ding to safd section the following para graph, as paragraph 2: lhe levy ol taxes on property for ahv one year by the General Assembly for all purposes, except to provide for repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, or defending the State in time of war,shall not exceed five mills on each dollar of the value of propery taxable in the State. Section 2. Be it further enacted. That Whenever the above proposed amend ment to the Oonstitu’ion shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the metnb£'S elected . to each of the two houses of the Gen eral Assembly, and toe same has been entered on the J0urn.1L, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, the Governor shall, and he is hereby* authorized and instructed to cause said ar be published in at i" in each congressional 1-1 State for at least two men ceding the cilor hvicir general election. Section 3 F-j it further t the above proposed amendment shall he submitted Mr ratifi ation or rejection to the electors of this State at the nex general election to be held, alter publi cation as provided lor in ’lie.second sec tion of this Act, in the several election districts of this State, at which election every person shall be qualitied to vote woo is entitled to vote lor members ol the General Assembly. All person? voting at sat» election tit l.tvor ot .tdopi- ing the proposed amendment to tl.e Cons’.itntion, shall have written of printed or. their bailor* *h<rse. word*.: "For ratification of the amendment to article 7, .-ectiou 1. ot the Coxstittvion of this State, so as to limit the levy of taxes on property ler any one year by the General Assembly to five mills on each ».o h r «;f the value of the property taxable III • S^tc.eNCt -«t for th© ptir- pos^eof repelling invnsio.i. fupp essit g insurrection, or deletn'itir, ihe bia* in time of war"; nnfla-i pT-ons opposed to th* adoption of said amendment shall have written or pr nted on their ballot the words: "Against the ratification ol the amendment toariifl** 7, section t. of the Oonsti ntion of this State, so a- to limit i ! C le. \ *•! liv - < •n p.oi-etty in any one year by the General Assctnbh to five mills on each dollar of the value of the property taxable: in this State,ex cept for tbfi purport of repelling invas ion, suppressing uturreCtion. or defend ing the State it? time of war." And if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of tho General Assembly voting therjon shall vote for said ( amendment, then shall said amendment become a part of the Constitution ot this State. Now. therefore I Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of said State, d • issue this my w v !i» mat ion herebv declaring that the foregexn . proposed an cndmtnt to the ■ Incroaco of Tax to Buy Light Plant. 11 your issue of Sept. 20, you state that council ordered an election for $•’.7,0: 0 0j bonds for purchase of a Light Plant. You were ia error in this. Couucil did not order an ejection for bonds, but rather for the borrowing of No bund is asked for. r>r contem plated to bay au eJxtiric p.’out. It L proposed to buy u light plant, with the 01U. 0.00 now paid each year for leasing lights. The plau isin effect the same «s that by which in a loan association a m eau bn h.mxhi by «uon-hly pay- moots in lieu of 1 ot. Tiurnasvnle o%n aquire'a lipht plant in this way without increase of taxes, other expepso save the amoaut now- paid for leusing lights. Tho receipts from private consumer* of light and power will pr»*b:idly inure tbnu.pHy oj> erutmg cxj>eu.-e». M. Cons or r* j«ctu.i. to the \iii7s rf the Stale qualified to vt ie for members of the General Assembly, at the general elec tion to he held on Wednesday, October 5th. 1004. By the Governor: Joseph M. Terrell, I’Hilip, Cook Governor Secretary of State 8 ;-td Dr. W. W. Jarrell, Physician and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to .the public. Office, over Chisholm &‘Diliou’s Phone 2$)—8 rings. C. CL Coeroiu Thomaavfiir, Ua. Pianos and Organs. Representing Phillips & Crew Co Atlanta, Georgia. Ktelitway, KnaUc, Pitcher ftardmnn. Frank lln, iiarrii.gJon, Khnoall, Kudft Pianos. Kimball Reed and P*pc ORGANS. Pavo Personals. (By Cary McGraw) H. K. McGraw went to Tampa tho first part of tho week to accept a po sition with the Tonsorial Barber Co. Mr Albert Mills who holds a position with tho Oreftut Drug Co. at Moultrie has ntu at homo sick a few days. His miny friends are very glad to see him up nguU Miss Bertha Horn has been spending' a f(J# days in Monltrio with friends. Mr. Geo. W. Chestnut representing the TimL-g-Euterjirise w-as with us Tues day. Mr. J. p. Linton is spending a L\s days with friends at this place. Mrs 8 A. Brady find d «tg 11 rf Cxdiran, will make their hone- in future with Mr C. T. (/oojicr w ho has gone in DU. THAO HEWS Liver and Blood == Syrup ===== CURES BY REMOVING THE CIIISE A THREE-FOLD REMEDY hr alt HU dm* to*1 tloaa! troubles* Acta on the Uver and KUatra 1 Purifies the Blood, at th plan CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought j Bears the Signature of T. N. HOPKINS, A*.tcrney-at-Law, Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street. Thomasville. • • Georgia. Money to loan on Thomas County dTRc-iil Elate at 7 |)er cent annum „ LOtjT- Probably on .tile road from my country homo to Ihcmasville, a check book on Citizens Bank and a memorandum book containing two notes aggregating $J!>.o0. Reward for return tome F. J. Winn, 9-20 d w The masville Ga. Lucy v.ho Las been hold ing a position witli McCTuie Co. in At lanta all summer, returned to Pavo last week to the delight of her many friends. - Mr. G. W. English spent several days; ia Quitman this week with rolarive.-i Mr, English is thinking of moving to Indian Teritory this lull. Tho meeting at the Methodist church j closed on last Friday night. Great in terest was Jakeu r.ud inucli good wan accbinplished. Don’t forget there is prayer meeting at the Baptist churelf every AVedfiesda/ evening at 7 :S0 tho last of the week to enter Pcacno', ’a school for beys. Wo w sit f or him t. most wonderful sacoess aud ; It s many friends tit this place regret very mm h to have him leave them* Miss Sadie G. Cromartio will leave for Atlanta soon to visit friends and to buy her full stook of millinery Mr. H. H. OnoaluudSou have sold their stables to Mr. W. S. Sherwood, of »(‘a r th s place and Dr. Bryan of T'alhi has see. Our Fall term of school opened Mou- faj vHJ« fail r. t. Loug is principal, f he assistant has I nst yd been dwi*;d pn ; Wo w»»t ty V . ,'t frjegd >vho is going to MO tho «oiH»i Jo PaVo fl&Iriitii.. get Uiarned. 'Supply come About what ’you will give Tho troubles iliat* threaten be two/?) I the race, in .South 'ietnybi .cetn to ‘Jyo fu a fairway of utljuHtmeut without bo- ,iuas difledlfr. It won’t bo long before till, ccotioii resumes its normal condi, lion of lhe afonniclt Imppieat land on earth. Tho time is coming when:— The night will bo flliert with no,sin j And tho cares that infest thu <hh . J Will.fold ilieir'tepts like the j And silently steal away. i lowu Jiere and tell us how itiiltjii you want td Spend. We’ll the rest—and guar> antee that (he present will be elegant. You don’t have to spend x fortune to obtain ele gance. L H. JERGLR, 1 •JEWELER. w ho cannot cctuo to the pity when in need of clothes we make n specialty ot 1 fitting you at your home. Wo carry the finest irinkee of Clothing, Hate, Furnishings and Lfiiderweur, and no-mat- tor what your size is, stout, slim, or short. We Can Fit You. Soje Agents lor MANHATTANISHIRTS, STETSON NATS, CARHARTT, OVERALLS. who'do not find it convenit wit to come to the city. We make buying nu easy task by sending to your homes two or three styles.of garments to solodt from. We carry SHIRT WAIsTS, SKIRTS,” LEADING CORSETS, 1 FURNISMIN.iC AND UNDERWEAR. In Our Boys’ Department can be hnd everything ready-to-wear for boys, ex cept shoes. B. N. LEVY. BR0. & CO. CARIO FURNITURE COMPANY. Cario, Georgia, Wo cau wivoyon money on your* Furniture Purchases because wo. are EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE DEALERS. We can furnish your house from parlor to kitchou and hnvo nu immense stock of chonp medium and fine goods to Bclect from. Wo have tho BEST STOVE and tho BE&T SEWING MACHINE on earth for tho money. Wo guaransce evory ouo to give satisfaction or money refunded. We are offorlug a Rookor for $1.75 that will cost you $2.00 anywhere else. Wo bought a lot of them at a SAORIFICEiPRIOE and. while they last our customers will reap tho saving. You Should see our largo stock of Rvgs, Art Squares, Loco Curtains and Window shades. Wo buy direct from tho manufacturers aud save the jobbor'e profit. Wo toko COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds in oxcliauge for merchan- Uiso.nnd pay highest market price for same. Cairo Furniture Company. Cairo, Georgia. MILLINERY Chic, Tascy; Siyiisii. I have just returned from th^castern mirke'ts, and wish to present a most beautiful line of Bainbridge actually seems j>roud of j tlic fact that it Is one of the few wide open towns left. j Dr. Swallow scorns to ha down tho throat of oblivion s son pranced forth. slipped,} 0 Wat-1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY WORLD’S FAIR ROUTE BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS, MO. Superb Dining car Service. Slop Overs, Going and Returning; at Atlanta, Knoxville, Louisville, Ashvilie, and Principal North Carolina Mountain Resorts hats Our facilities for trimming are the best. „ MISS LAURA JONES. '31 BROAD STREET, ' ' THOMSWii 1 c d. .lodge Purber’s letter of will he ittned on Septonihcr wlU be ten columns long aecentHiiee I, S ,‘ n ,[ ' K . h r!ri, '>-’e (higher railroad accept,uiee bridge in Hie world) Fumon* Uluo Grass Hitli. It I Boyion, Lexington end Louisville, , 1 Free reclining Chair Cara and High Class Day Com lies." Through Pnlhnan sleeping ears Jactosonvila! to St. Louis. ~* J " ‘ ’etc., cheerfully fur- _ 1 Folders. rat(», tu,-., ^ Die Savannah Press wants the Bui* j ulslnmppon application. Mines Lillie aud Mamie Pe,^ spoB1 j loci, county o«^rs put iu the asmej' District Pa^i^rAeout aeslay iu Pavo with frieuda. (bout aa the military n»Ji. I 108 .West Bay St. Good middling cotton sold »t this phi,. ' JacksouylUe Ktii Tuesday for 10 1*4. 1 ho coileg-* boy having been away a' j ■ rT _ ^ '.week and exhausted Ms month's allow- i Mr. Hugh O. ForiTand Clifford intos ’ *«., . ... j anco is now writing homo for money. visited Talokas Sanday. ——’ i For Sale Three horse'fann, six hundred. Undo Mr. F. C. Bri-e returned from Tampa j Ao Iudiwas men lies tnveoted „ I of corn and ngood water mill with Tuesday where he has,been Visiting rel- j uree-i of "mule footed si.-jf. ” That I’ nrni » located thiv;- utiles nonhef v ' ri ' -onuds lilte a dtscriptiou of some I CO- ^ Boston OQ Piscola Creek. Call on or Mr J D. Ivey will leave for Atlanta!pie tve know. "rite O. W. Bat^e.-Boim Gi. ij i; We. Manufacture the best Saw Mill on. the market. COMPLETE OUTFITS A Mallary Mention this paper. ^distinct psiin