Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 30, 1904, Image 9

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Ocblocknee Items.
Lamar’s Lemon
The greet family medlolne
for Constipation
for Disordered Liver
for Indigestion
for Headache
for Biliousness
for Dizziness
U&e it often and pre
vent Malaria.
Road What the Mayor
of Dothan, Ala. says
’ of L. L. 1.
Sold by good druggists
Manufactured only by
Lamar, Taylor & Riley
Drug Company
Have Been Chosen in Merrillville
District—Other News.
Miss Brown of Cairo in the Lead
With Others Close.
Doth as, Ala., Apr. 10,1004.
Messrs. Lamar, Taylor A
US ley !;rug Co.,
Gentlemen;—I have t*een.
selling Lamar’* Lemon L»x-
r.tivu for Homo time and
recommend It to nil who suf
fer irom disordered llveruwr
any other ailment that iris
recommended for. I like it
and use it In my family. I
have sold lots of It and have,
never bad any complaint at
Yours respectfully,
J. K. YotTMG,
When you know you are sick
and don’t know what is the
matter with you, nine times
out of ten it’s your stomach
that is wrong. Read the book
“Cheer Up,” free at drug
stores, and learn how and why
Hentz’s Curative Bitters makes
“blue” people cheerful by
making their stomachs strong.
Cheer Up 1 As sure os you’re
olivo Bents’s Curative Bitters
will make life worth living.
At all good drug stores.
(By J. P. Singletary.)
Quite a number of our citizens at
tended the big picnic last Friday. All
report a fine time. - *
Rev. A. J. Quattlebaum filled the
Methodist pulpit Sunday, the pastor,
Rev. O. R. Jenkins being at the World’s
Mr. A. W. Logue left for Nashville,
Ga., last week, where he goes to look
after J. H Anderson’s branch store.
Mrs. Logue left yesterday. Their many
friends wish them much success in their
new home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens are the
guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
N. Bulloch.
Miss Julia Braswell after spending
several days at Hampton Springs, Fla
returned home last week.
Little Miss Alice Stringer of Fine
Park, has been spending a few days with
her grandparents.
Mrs. Nannie Venters has in stock a
nice line of fall hats. Call around and
see them.
Miss Bessie Jackson of Center Hill
neighborhood ^was among her many
friends here last week.
Hot! hot? How much we would ap
preciate a good rain to cool the atmos
Mr. Pliney Heeth our clever tax col
lector is in town today, and from the
way he is kept busy we think bo is col
lecting mighty well for the first round.
Some of our citizens were soum what
shocked op Monday morning when the
postmaster got a note out of the ulU^c
addressed to Citizen^ of Oclilucuuee.
notifying them that then; was a *'be
fore day Club” in the town ana that
certain of tho Colored ptu^.u ol the
town wore leaders. There wos’i.t much
excitement over it as we think khi.o fel
low wanted to stir up a little excitement.
We think that the colored people of our
town think too much of themselves and
are better citizens, law-abiding citizens
than to have such a thing as a “Before
day club.”
Mrs. Alice Singletary is at the bedside
of her mother, Mrs. Walker at Cairo,
who has been quite sick for the past
Mrs. T. T. Thompson spent the day in
Meigs one day this week with her daugh
ter Mrs. E. R. Singletary.
Bulloch Bros, have been kept very
busy ginning for the past month. They
can torn out a bale of cotton every 15 or
20 minutes. Briug your cotton to them
if yon want a good sample, and then
atop down town and get a good price
for your cotton. We are paying above
Savannah prices every duy.
Undo “It. A. P.” treated ns to a nice
string of fish one day last week, and if
you got ahead of him you will have to
go the day before, and ho will be there
The interest in the voting for the
most popular young lady in the county
oontinues without any falling off. In
fact it grows greater every day. The
.dollars are rolling in. Each one,
entitles the subscriber to a hundred
votes, and also a count at the ands, be
sides of course beirg applied on sub
scriptlon. Someone is going to have a
fine piano and some young lady is going
as guest of this paper to the World’s
Fait at St. Louis, with transportation,
board and admission paid.
Since the last publication there have
many changes in the vote and hundreds
of ballots cast. Miss Jonnie Brown,
of Cairo, is in tfio lead. Miss Alice
Carter, of Meigs, has made substantial
gains. The detailed vote follows:
The Standing.
Miss Jonnie Brown, Cairo
“ Edna Vamedoe
“ May Hopkins
“ May Bess Slater
“ Alice Carter, Meigs
“ LuoyParker .,.,
“ Lillie Williams ;
“ Gertrude Lloyd
" Lila Brooks, Boston
“ Bessie Blackshear
“ Ethel Cassels
“ Carabeile Wilkes, Barwick
“ Jane Vann, Boston [
“ Daisy Dekle 1
“ Minnie Williams
“ Mattie Thomas, Metcalfe.
“ Lottie 1X41*, Ooolidge... ‘
“ Aliev .leukuis
Nwti Pru.ele
E:enioo Supplies Ready,
havo on huudut my office all the
supplies for iiohiing tlm state and coun<
ty election on uux* Wednesday Oct. 6th.
Any visitors to towu from the country
precincts ars requested to call at my
office and take the supplies to their re
spective polling places .
W. M. Joui‘8
Ordinary Thomas Co
Mr W. H. Buckhalt, of Thomasville,
w is transacting business in out town
M mday.
C. E. Stringer and family, of Pine
Park speDt Sunday ip town.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Spauee went op to
Pelham Monday night, returning next
day. Mr. Silence’s father being in ill
health called them to see him.
(By H. B. Nesmith.)
Mr*. J. L. Baldy is indisposed at this
\vsitting with fever, wq liopo however
it will not prove of long duration.
Mr. T. J. Megahee is placing material
for the erection of a large and commo
dious residence on Verbena Atcuuo.
Mr. WeslVP.
Pope and. wife, of Ca 1 -
vary. w:;r visitor List weak in Coo-
lidge/u.e 6 -o»ts of -.r. r rank Po; c*
Some of our boys are arranging for
organizing a lo^ge of tho I. O. O. F.
. here.
The entertainment given at the Insti
tute last Wednesday night was a decid
ed success. Among other amusements
given for the benefit of the school was
a voting contest for the most beautiful
lady in the town or community. Quite
a number were voted for, but the con
test lay between Misses Fannie Folsom
• and Callie Gay. It was a close contest,
the prize finally being settled in favor
of Miss Gay.
Will Drayton Attempts to Murder
Whole Family at Boston.
Will Drayton, the negro who tried to
kill his wife and father-in-law near
Boston two weeks ago, made a desperate
endeavor to finish the job Wednesday.
Drayton’s wife had left him and none
to her father, Pompey Bell. Drayton
angered at this, went to Bell’s house
and struck his wife and Bell with a
turpentine axo. His wife was not (hurt
badly and had improved- enoogh toj be
up again. Old Pompey however is in a
precarious condition and will probably
At noon yesterday the desperado ap
peared at Bell's house with a forty-four
and without waiting for an introduc
tion began shooting #at anybody he
could see. The fire was returned from
iuslde by Pompey Bell’s son and another
sou-iu-law named Sam Stoveus
The negroes must have all been] mu
tually scared to death for every shot
went wild* After his ammunition was
exhausted Drayton tG"k to the woods
uu<l at lust accounts Sheriff Hight was
hot on his trail. The sheriff hud gobd
prospects of trouble ahead, but even if
it should tako a leaden messenger the
sheriff was determined to have his man,
could he bo found.
The Bell negroes live on the. H. P
■Valin place, live miles from Boston,
Drayton was formerly a turpcininohand
in Capt. Way’s employ. He has a bad
reputation, having shot at least one man
before in his life, at Valdosta.
(By J. N. Donaldson.)
An election was held on Saturday
Sept. 24, for a justice of the peace* auo
two bailiffs whioh resulted in the elec
tion of Mr. F. P. Blackshear for justice
of th$ peace and Messrs. A. F. Mathis
and W- A. Chastain, for bailiffs. These
gentlemen are well known throughout
thd community,‘and the town is to be
congratulated upon securing their ser
vices. J
The ice cream supper which waJ to
liave been on last Friday night, for the
purpose of raising funds for the organ
at the Methodist church, was postponed
on account of the big picnic at Thomas
ville on the same date, until next Friday
weok, Oct. 7. All are especially *invi.
ted to attend and lend a helping hand
by your liberal patronage.
Mr. J. H. G. Johnson left last Mon
day for a visit among liis relatives J and
friends in Upson county.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Turner, visited
Thomasville Tuesday, on business.
Mrs. Turner remained in Thonuu-
ville until after the big picnic on
Mr. Miles Blackshear, left, Tuesday
morning for hi^home in .Dawson after
several days spent here visiting relatives
and friends. Mr. Blackshear .was 'ac
companied home by his mother Mrs.
Susan Blackshear, and his sister Miss
Miss Bessie Olive of Moultrie, after
a few days visit, the guest of her pa
rents, Mr. and Mis. J.. W. "Wilson left
for her home Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Lee B. Rogers returned to her
home in Thomasville Tuesday after a
very pleasant stay of twojweeks with
her aunt Mrs. F. N. Garter.
Mrs* M. V. Smith of .Moultrie spout
the day with her sister Mrs. J. N. Don
aldson tho first of last week. Mrs.
Siuit u was accompanied by Miss. .Speight
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson
of the Bold Spring neighborhood spoilt
a few days hero tllis weck;;with their
parents Rev. and Mrs. A E. Stephenson
Mr. Redden Smith of Thomasville
paid our towns business call yester
Miss Rosa Alcorn, after several days
spen£ in Sunset visiting relatives camu
home Friday,
Quite a largo crowd from hero attend !
the big piqpic at Thomasville last Fri
day. AU report as enjoying the day
The writer noticed an article in the
daily Times-Enterprise, relativo to the
amendments of tho constitutions of
this state which is to be voted on iu
October, reminds him ,of tho remarks
made by several voters of this locality
as being against the amendment to ere
ate new counties. He also concurs with
their sentiments.
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arises in the family
every day. Let us answer it today. Try
is for aim. Yon aim toj'get^ the best
values for your money. We aim to
Klve.them to you. We are abundantly
able to give them to you because we
aimed at a scientific purchase of goods
and our success at pleasing our custo
mers shows oar aim was not bad.
Dr. W. W. Jarrell,
Physician and Surgeon.
WSpri St
oek isKeady
For Men
For Ladies
who cannot come to the city
when in need of clothes we
make a specialty of fitting
you at your home. ,We
earry the finest makes of‘
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
and Underwear, and no mat
ter what your size is, stout,
■iim or short, .
We C n Fit You. conveni
ent to come to the city.
We make buying an easy
task by Bending to your
homes two or three styles of
garments to select from,
We carr$
Sole Agents lor
In Our Boys’ Department
0 a n be had everything
ready-to-wear for boys, ex
cept shoes.
B. H. LEVY. BRO. & CO.
Cario, Georgia, *
Tenders his professional services
to the public.
Offico, over Chisholm ^Dillon's
Phono 222—3 rings.
For Infants and Children.
His Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
fjlgnituie 01
We like best to call
scorrs emulsion
a food because it stands so em
phatically for perfect nutrition.
And yet in thq matter of restor- j
ing appetite, of giving new' -
strength to the tissues, especially
to the nerves, its action is that
of a medicine.
Send lor free sample. -
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
W-4U I'tarl Street. NtwYork.
50c. and I t oo; ail druggists.
a delicious and healthful dessert. Prc-
:ing! add boiling water and set to
cool. Flavors;—Lemon, Orange, Rasp
berry and Strawberry. Get a package
at your grocers to-day. xo cts.
R- R. Far* Paid. Moles
* taVem e. s,,f,l'.n RPCT
.... tuition. BEST
*nd cheapest en earth. Don't de’ay. Write to-day.
For Sale
Three hofso farm, six hundre 1 bush
els of corn an 1 a good water mid with
tho farm, located three miles north of
Boston on Pi*cola Creek. Call on or
write C. W. Battle. Boston Ga. 23 4t
Contractor and Builder.
Woik executed according <0 latest !
approved methods.
. Phone con
$ Thomnsville, Ga.
f; Plans, specifications and estimates^
tp famished. ^
W. S. BP.0VYN,
bsice over National Hank,
Thomusville, Ga.
’-'hone 110 2.
We enn mm you money on yonr Fnrnitnro Purchases because we •
aro EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE DEALERS. We can furnish yonr
house from parlor to kitchen and have an immense stock of cheap
medium and fine goods to select from. We have the BEST STOVE
and tho BEST SEWING MACHINE on eartlijfor the money. We
guarantee every one to givo satisfaction or money refunded. We are
offering a Rucker fur gi,75 that will cost yon »3.00 anywhere else.
We bought a lot of them at a SAORIFIOEJ.PRIOE and. while they
last our customers will reap the saving. You >hould see our large
stock of Rvgs, Art Squaros, Lace Curtains and Window sliades. We
boy direct from the manafsetorors and save the jobber’s profit. We
take COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds, in oxchongo for merchan
dise and pay highest market price for same.
Cairo Furniture Company.
Qairo, Georgia.
Chic, Tasty, Stylish.
I have just returned from the eastern markets, and wi
to present a most beautiful line of
Our facilities for trundling are the best.
LOST:—Book, “Pictorial Savannah.”
"Lost laet week in June on Tallahassee
road between Thomasvilio and six mile
post. Reward for return to Mrs. G. S.
Whitney or Times-Enterprise.. 26 3t
C. C. Cocroft,
Thomasville, Os.
Pianos and Organs.
Representing Phillips & Crew Co
Atlanta, Georgia.
Btelnway, Knabe, Fincher Hardman. Fmnk
lln, Harrington, Kimball, Radio Pianos.
Kimball Reed tod P*pc ORGANS.
Office 104 Upstairs Broad Street.
Thomasville. - - • Georgia.
Money to loan on Thomas County
ZgTReal Eiato at 7 per cent annum
Posts for Sale.
50,000 or more cypreaa fence poets.
They run from 6 f-2 feet and up, 5 to
6 Inches. Heart at little end of posts
Address, J- P. Carter,
Naylor, Ga-
the best
Saw Mil!
on the
Grist Mills, ?
Shingle Mills*
and foundry. ,
IVIallary Bros., Machinery Co. -
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA,
• , ■- *' . - - -xr
Bring youy watches, Clocks and Jewelry to me.
and 1 will cheerfully give you an estimate, on the
workjfo be .done, and warrant w.Tea work isfiaji.
ished that you'will be pleased.
120ISouth OroadlCG