Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 07, 1904, Image 4
Mr. J. X Pan-amore andMra~ T. B. Barrow aftora week ’a sojourn. at Hamp ton Springs Fla . returned, borne last Saturday. T. S. Leakand,J. 6. Burney arailed themselves ofthe excursion last Sunday and hied themsolvas off .'to-Perry, Fla,, instead of going, to Sunday School aa good boys ought to hate-done. Mrs. L. B. McQueen, bought bar ribbon stock from the rectory and will aave you money. Go. price her large line of ribbons—you will be sure to buy. Mr. G. W. Chestnut, the efficient and pushing .gent of-the Times-Enterprise was in oar city tliis week in the interest of tiie paper. When this scribe was a boy be always had. a mania for chest, nuts, and he finds himself liking this itinerant Chestnut meet aa well as those he masticated when in, his swaddling tyhilimouls. We'regret to leant that Mr. _ W. X confined to iiis bed with (By H. O. Jordan.) C. L. Yost, of MootieeUo, Fla., for merly of Boston waa here laas week transacting business, Judge M. Baum, of Quitman, was hare last Monday on legal business. Judge Geiger, of Mavview has had as his and Mr. Geiger's guest I ha past two weeks, Miss. Norman, of Savannah who left for her home last week. Go eea that nobby line at ready-to- wsar hats Mrs. McQueen bought under price, end make your selection, Mr. J.-W. Moore who has been absent this past summer engaged in railroad work tot the Seaboard Railroad in North Georgia is enjoying a much needed rest ■this home on Stone street in North Boston. Mr. Mews Kingsley and Ilfs wire from Brooks county werelwre last week visiting their son 8. J. Kingsley and family. 8mail hats will lead thla season# but or course large cnee will be worn when moot becoming. Mrs. L. B. Mo- Queen has a fine assortment of both. Mrs. Dr. B. A. Shine of Tallahassee is bare visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Brooks at their home on South Main street Dr, J. W. Fembeongh of Ellijsy, Gs, 1s here visiting his brother Prof. W. B. Fsmbrongh. J. B. Jordan end wife visited the 1st 1 ter’s parents at Homervilie, Ga., last ' We know we can save you money on them. Not be cause of ther quality of the goods is any lower, but because we know how to buy advantageously, when we buy bargains (which we always do,) we give our customers the advantage, that’s why they always come back- Hm forever passad away. ■ A precious one from ns has gone, A voice wo loved is still. - A plsce is vaesnt in our home , Which never can be Ailed. Q id in bis wisdom has recalled Tho boon His love has given, And though tho body slumber here, The soul is safe in heaven. A silk mixed, all wool worsted, in black and gray, regular Our very low price, suit $8.95,. Peaoefol be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in thy grave so low, Than no more will joiii our number, Thou no more our sorrows know. Tot Again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life it fled, And in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed.” price $12.50. A double breasted, indigo blue, storm serge, all wool wprsted, square cut.' A great bargain at, suit $7.98. ' ' An all wool cassimeie; brown and gray, an exceeding big bargain at $7.50. A good all wool suit, dark brown, with black and gray stripe, coat made with raised double.stitch seams and; padded shoulders, suit $4.98. Official Paper of Thomas County Brown, who if a case of continued fever at ilia heme in North Boston does not improve as fast as ills friends and ills M. D. wish. Miss Maggie Burney will maije you a beautiful sllkair velvet hat St avery reasonable pries. She knows how to put on the ctyllsh.touch that makes her hats go. County Solicitor Roecoe Lake was in Boston last Tuesday spying ont the land to sea how it lays. Lee Neel of Tbomasrilie was attend ing to business in our metropolis last Tuesday. A. H. S. Cook, one of the citizens of Thomas county’s capitol waa here last Tuesday. GANDY & MALLETTE OFFER TO-* DAY. Guaranteed Circulation 3,400. Maybe It will be Hot-tober, but wo hope not. 1 steel gray walking trot horse, splen- did animnal. Youth’s Suits. bi nation. 1 lady broke bay driving horse, .good style. 2 pr. driving ponies, matches, they are beauties. - 1 pr. good brood mane, Urge number general farm stock, ootton moles eto. At their etablee 00 Madison St., between’ warehouses. Tbomasrilie, Ga. An all wool cassimere, in black, brown and olive, small hair line stripe. One of our biggest bargains, suit $6.87 All wool, 14 oz, black clay worsted, latest style cut, suit $4.98 A goed many others not mentioned, also a full line of boys snits at prices to suit your pocket book. Come and See Them. Booaevelt baa beod having toothache. HEADQUARTERS FOR Jall-brsaksr Caught—Rain Nesdsd. Personal Items and Qsnersl News - ■* - (By J. 8.8earcy.) d an ' Neighbors were hero last Friday night irna £or 0 cask** for Mrs. Sol Chastain who l,i D g died in the eastern portion of the dis trict. , Dr. T. M. Molntosli, of Tliomasville bled was here Saturday to aid Dr. Ialer in now performing a diflcult surgical operation itlon ib hln practice. Conductor Ward says tlie ladloa of ... u.,' Ii— #1 133 Broad St. Thomasville. Ga, Money Savers to Mankind A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, horses, hog* and <* pigs. A fence Miaca 1 that, is strong, practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi cient under, every possible condition. fnl horse and buggy a few days since. Daring ber short stay at homo Satnr. days, she; delights her friends with pleasant drives. Altogether she and her turnout tnnko an nttraotive sight. Sheriff Smith Of Baoonton, came toseo lier. They are all quite old and Iiave not seen each other tn several years. The tlireo sis ten, Mn. Susan Bowles, Mrs. Bottle Parham, and Mrs, Phronie Steele, are oach quite 70 yean of age. May the quartette live fur many more yean. Miss Jettie GUnsoir of Pelham, who has many frlonds here was a visitor at the Boswell house a few days since. Mr. Jasper Berwick made a business trip to ThomaavUle Monday. iyc* this ptneo when thoy go to loave are the isi> "ontkitalngest,’ crowd on Ills branch of We, the road. 8oniq time ago, a crowd of •in youog ladles on departing, were oxchang- ieir ing osculations long after tho "all aboard" was given. It Is requested that everybody who I* can, go to tho Baptist Sunday school next Sunday at 10, sharp. Tho older l, e people of the town and the memben of tho’chnrch an especially requested to be on hand. It Is probable that some one will be on hand to make a talk. Should arrangements be perfected now t0 in progross, yon may, expoet something good. '* I am Indebted to little Russel Davis IQ. one of my former Center Hill popils, and son of Mr. Warren 0. Davis, fora lot of very largo and excellent sweet po- bio tatoos. Rnssal evidently knows liow to no makoa whole family happy at one of Mow. Ily Mn. Minnie Palmer of Jacksonville, sr- after several weeks visit to her daugter Mrs. J. R. Hamilton of this place lias returned homo. Mr. Pieroo Jackson'of Baconton, was tho guest of relatives hero Sunday. Clever Diok Robinson went down to Oohldckonee Sunday to breathe some l fresh air. l - Mr. J. W. Jones is now at the head of J; tlis novelty works at this place. Mr. b Jones has had a long experience in tli&t , line of work, and Is capable of handling I almost any emergency. , I thought from the talk that we oer- i tainly would Iiave by this time had at * least one military company organized in - J this plsico. Now, surely, we wont let 1 I to important a matter pass, ' I i I The rain has been so scant during the ( I sammer and fall tliat [stock of every , I kind is snfforing for water. The branch ( I et about this place are dry, and the peo- * pie should see to it that their cattle and l hogs Iiave water. 1 Miss Hattie Hunt of Tliomasville 1 | spent a portion of this week with tier i sister near Gopher Hill. ( 1 Dr. E. L. McTyre went to Thomas. < i ville Monday 00 business. Miss Emma Boswell, who is attending £ I school at Young's Female college In A ThomasTillo treated licrsclf to a"beauti- *' Last Saturday, Mitchell oonnty came down from Ca milla bringing witli him one Jonaa Vel vet, the negro who bnmed a hole in the door and made his escape from the guard house in this place several days ago. He owned when Ont arretted that he had robbed several homes about town bnt on being brought book after liia escape lie denlod even knowing mar shal Arlino, who was kind enough to allow him to sleep in his hotel 'only a short time ago. Jonas It sorely a toft velvety caee. 'Mr. agd Mrs. T. E. Ross went np to Camilla Sonday. Mr, J, 0. Alllgood who lias lately been Installed as railroad agent at Tar- ver Fla., visited fils home folks near town a few days since. Miu Beatrioe Hay, was a pleasant visitor bare a few days tills week, the guost of her sont Mn. W. M. Singlets* EVEfiY ROD OF ELL WOOD FENCE IS 8UARANTEE0. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and sen tho ELLWOOD PENCE andilet us show you for how little money you: can get absolute satisfaction./ Sold by Jno; G. Burney, HARDWARE, BOSTON, - - - GEORGIA. For Sole Three horse farm, six hundred bush els of coni and a good water mill with the farm, located three miles north of Boston on Piscola Creek. Call on or write A - tV. Battle. Boeton Ga. 2>4t iWatch this Space i Yon will see bargains quoted hero * that will bo worth while. 1 B. N. SOHOENIG, II DRY GOODS, 11 Thomasville, Ga., Jackson St 11 Wanted to Buy. Paul Searcy was bitten by a ground rattler a few days ago, and lias since been laid op. He was returning from school near town, and in a few minutes was unable to walk. Several farms in Thomas county ranging in size from 25 to 500 acres for spot cash He was kindly town by Mr. C. E. Kemp who lives near theBChool. Miss Essie Hall after a pleasant visit to Miss Hattie Lightfoot, near Ocnlock- oneo is at home, A list was circulated in this place last Saturday to raise thirty-five cents to re imburse a young faimer living near this Mace. He decided to trv the Pelham cotton market the day before bnt, being a luoky man lie only lost thirty-live cents. Of course the amount with mncli good advice was quickly made £ is robbed of it* terrors by ti the fact that the best tried- j* leal authorities state that ii ^ is a curable disease i and P one of the happy things % about it is, that its victims i rarely ever lose hope. S You know then art all sorts of • secret, nostrums advertised to cure • consumption. Some make absurd • claims. We only sty that If taken J in time and the laws of health are property observed, : SCOTT'S : EMULSION | will heal the inflammation of the 1 throat and- lungs and nourish and 1 I strengthen the body so that it can j I throw off the disease, i We have jhousands of testi- , | menials where people claim they , I have been permanently cured of i I this malady. < .11 dmt.Ui. 4 ( I SCOTT 4, SOWSE, N.w York. . THE LADIES favor painting their chnrchep, and therefore we urge every Minister to remember we give a liberal quantity; of the Longman & Martinez Paint toward the painting. Wean and coven like gold. Don’t pay (1.S0 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth flO cents) which yon do when yon bay other paints in s can with a label on it. 8 & 6 makes 14, therefore when yon want 14 gallons of paint, bay only eight of L. & M., and six gallons pure Lin seed Oil with it, and thus get paint at less than (1.20 per gallon. Many houses are weU painted with four gallons of L. & M. and three gal lons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith. These Celebrated Paints are sold by 0. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga. G. L. Daren, Meigs, Ga., 9-9 2m O. C. Cocrolt, Thomasville, as. Pianos and Organs. Representing Phillips & Crew Co AtlantN, Georgia. biefnwny, Knabc, Fincher Hardman, Frank} lln, Harrington, Kimball, RaUle Pianos* Kimball Reed and Pipe ORGANS. Also stock in bank ~ in any Thomasville. Dr. VV. W. Jarrell, Physician and Surgeon. Tenders his professional services to the public. Office, over Chisholm &[Dillon'* Phone 222—8 rings. Give Particulars and prices. E. M. MALLETTE - Real Estate Agent. . Mitchell Rouse Block, Thomasville, Georgia. Cleanm anfcRepairing, WHITE STAR PRESSING CtUB, G. C. Sparks, Manager. LADIES WORK A SPECIAL TY, . 230 Jackson Street. 9-6-d and w-Um S teiw •; mnmmw Wkuykwmm 'iHUTmtlTtUUnTsHTlTAUTlUVaTlUtiTAUUH'riU' (i 1 t''l»t*A»»V4VH,T t V 1 tATiT|TiTlV4TiViTlVlfAVlViVltlVinV l’ l FA'llATAViTltItiUIAtAtA'Af A'lTAMVa'ATATATAlATAUTATA' «' iTATATATAmtVAnTAnTATmVmtiTtTATiTAVATATmtATAT,