Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 14, 1904, Image 10

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SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Compress Placard! AdjureIndustry to TWO BITS OF LUCK. ' T* 4a liddnl la Which the (Mid Bad Bad Tragically Mlaad. - Tie late Senator Vest of Mlssonrl used to telLa atoiy of good luck and bard lack without a counterpart, ac cording to tbe Buffalo Commercial. One day, while he was a member of the Confederate congress,- be lost a month's pay somewhere on the streets of Richmond. Just as the woman In Scripture who lost a piece of sll ter If You Live touting season ~ The plant of tltO/AtUnlio Compress Company liere has recoully been plas tered Overby signs urging tire hands to (ndtatry. Dnriog the cclton. season there It s been considerable complaint about tlio delay In getting cotton com pressed. The cofupreasera blame it on the railroads and rice reran. Whoever, fa at fanlt, Mr.- 0. O. Han- soil snperinteudeac of the company Ims decided to try the effect of— literalure on the hands who battle the halos. He hisjaiiil ont to the Tliomasvilie plant and all the otlier nnmeroaa ones under co'ltrol or the troit vdrlons' legsrda, telling thorn to get bnty. These • signs ' - Dry tall weather makes hueiont sweet potatoes.' Who said possum aud tatois. Town That negro candidate against fon gressman Hardwick might be termed a dark bone. called together her friends and neigh bors and sought jlIllRently until sho fonud it. lie colled hla friends and went with them on wliat seemed a hopeless senreh through the snow cov ered. dimly flighted streets sf Rich- pmnd. 'J'fie chances were a thousand to one sgri lust success. “We hadn’t and you' will get it or And cannot get what you want write us u/ money back. keep goods just a little better than you' the average town. We show this Week 'William Ruidfotph Hoiref advises li« democrats to got together udi g. t bnsy.. r— The only money qaoitiou .iu the ram- tsilgn teems to bo who will lo ik ljic tliirty cents after Xovemboroi jhih. That the country is wild over. All,colors §3’°° ca< d*' Wc don’t kec)> any t«ing cheap If you are looking for cheap stuff we know of lots of places where you can get it. We dont want that kind, we want to with " A correspondent of the Moxitrio O' - server nominate* William O. Branliy for Governor to, 1000 Who Bays women have uo seauo of humor? A Virginia girl wrecked a nil* road traiu “jaet for fun.” GUILDSpCF THIEVES. PEOPLE WHO WANT THEIR MONEYS WORTH Ocrcnii Bo tile* In China Thai TiiHvc on P«e*. Chiufi isTiio country of guilds, anti the grjld of thieve* Jn n«y district might almost lie described ns n recog nized I ody. Jt H frwtod with by nil householders until It hns become n kind of Iii'rrrtjnce agency against tbeft. All gMtokcefertf nnd night wntclimcn pay n #mall monthly fee to this guild In order that no thieving may take place on tbe premises over which they have control. Then. If anything does go wrong It will bo due* to a free lance Only and know when liter fivt-if. If you are that kind buy your Shoes i. If jou dont gel satisfaction it will be your own fault. Tht nattWi ship Georgia will be laaii had next Toeslty pit she's an good a.- tier name sbe’U sweep the suit. Thomasville Shoe Co Eaukf county, tills state wont Demo cratic for the firafc time in twelve year?. We »:• now bonking on Banka. The Savannah New* aaj» South Go3r* gm needs a friend on the Railroad Com-1 l talon. We are willing to take the job. = - A ftw of thoothers are: ••Poor people usually mind other peo..!e*u bosiness and, therefore, have no burros'* of thelrown. i'The world treats you as yon treat thieves In that district. The man copies to tbe oiflee on pay days like other employees to draw his wages. If, however, anything hns been missed from the factory during tl.e month tho vnlne of Jt U deducted from Ida salary until the article is restored, wuicu is In variably tMaj within a abort time, and In full. * -r. Lieut Peaiy is goiug to make auotJier doth for the pole soon. One of Peary’* d *!»#• will pot a period to his life some- iinr. “NotMiig is so expensive ns ' some filing you Van get for nothing." - “.Some one ought o»d<> this or that; you me ilmt some on©. x • No man can be considered grea» who decs not wove onfH ho i« pushed ” I r . Is doubtful if these pert paragraphs have tho effect their sender intended. Many of manager Hadgius' men can-' not read and atop work .to ask others wliat 4 them things is.'' Those who can read are not lightning clocutinuisfo and they speui precious moments in spelling oat the thojghts T ii* efperimert is interesting bat as a producer of results the preverb pla card is It w of a hoecess than u buLV bo*f The peae* congress m Bwto.n hs come to a dose tevfing things j jst a- peaceful as they wore Wore, aud tv more so. KAFFIR3 AND SNUFF. A flnm> Brunei* of Manner* to Tair# a riucla Itaudlas Bp. In South Africa among tbo Kaffir* snuff taking Is 'universal, mid It is a grave breach of manners to ask your host for a pinch when you nro stand ing up. The itkniin for this Is found In the treacherous practices of former times. When one man wished to kill another A favorite device was to ask him for • pinch of kuuIT, and then, while tho un:msjH‘cting victim-was fuuibilug for his snuffbox, the murderer luul u splen did opportunity. As this trick for tak ing a umu at a disadvantage Lsvacie familiar It naturally giew to ho a point of good manner.* to make your request when squatting ou the ground, wbeu clearly you were hitendlug no evil. The Kaffir a miff Is made from crude tobacco grown at every kraal, which is powdered up and mixed with the ash of tho doc, carefully ground on a stone and damped. It is nlwnys etiquette to ask for snuff, imd-lbe donor grants your request grudgingly, lest he should be suspected of pressing upon yon bo- witching medicine with It. The latrslrfsahiou note sounds ns if it ‘ might have oomo from an editorial sure- 4am instond nf a style parlor: '.'Flat tames are fatdiiouablo this year.’’ AuTown woman slept f r live days and nights recently. Too bad we can't got tho formula and apply it to tho n - publicum about electiou*tim<*. We are going'togive to our customers, $500.00 in Gold on December 1st, 1904. Here is the Plan: eAtrmMfvacu* Gig Fire at CHa ret, Fla. Chaires, Fla. a small town between Thorn**vide aud Montieollo hod o' big ll.ooii Friday. \ A flat oar loaded with wood stnudtng ^on rl»c Sea B*»ard Air Lius track, a gin- idn t o-dttblishmftnt aud about fifty bales of cotton were der roved. Tl.o ginnery and the larger part of the cottou were i *»o property of Patterson Bros. "JNJ&E Tinv*'Iin2r"plac&r : Li i quart jaw, one gallon of corn, and .sealed”hiy'Jud-KC S. A. • Rodtffnfcery,- mayor of Tliomasvilie.. Ont of .these,placed pt J?y^|,is.& ! »Sfin , s Warehouse)* one at Neel Uj-os. Store;, one at. A. 1\ CUurcltwelf& Co’s; and one at the Thomasville Shoe Co’s • * Willi every dollar Cash spent with any of the 'merchants signed below .between September t st, ’ 1904 nnd Dec. 1st, yptt'will t>c entitled to inie-guess at the total :muuliei' of grains in tin, four jars. With evcry bnle of cotton ginned at the-Farmers OiivCompany' you will nisi)' have a guess, and another guess with every bale of cotton ^weighed at ” j’H'an.vii.Sp^s NVai^hotise. The f^tving gcntlemeu have consented to act as judges in the contest; W. H. Godwin, It. 1’. Clay,' J. S. Wanl, Jy>J.'Q r ‘Brynn, l»co. M. Tick It, Act. Way, Jr., T. J.Uran- dou and T. W. r I.cwis. floor.” It might bo a good ids* t> r boorgia’* natrsiwper* to noopt the sohemo anlMtilatiug Urn word Georgiy for Tens* Ko s'sto la Ilia onion liar gn»tur nttanctiu.a aud advantage* time oar own. All Georgian liaro 10 do is to let people Inow ah.iut it '— Suspicion*. ' Dr. Sloan of Ayr many years ago said that a friend of bis had gone not long' before to see the parish mluisler of-- Cmigie, near Klltnnrnock, nnd. iiuding bfuTtor the moment engaged, Iind turn- •d iuto tbe ciiurebyurd, where bo sauntered past the sexton, who was at work digging a grave. As the clergy man was detained some time, the vis itor walked to and fra. along the path and at length noticed that the sexton’s eyes were pretty constantly fixed upon bim. At length he stopped and, ad dressing the gravedigger, asked: “What nro ye staring at me for? Ye ncedna t#k* tho measure o' me. If that's what you’re ettiin’ at, for we bury at Uic* carton."—Keminisceuces of Sir Arch ibald Geikle. | t. 6. FOLSOM, ; \ Contractor and Builder. ( I Work exo^utel aicardi ng to lutests] I upprovod methods. 1 Box 113. Phone connections , Thomasvillo, Ua. , ( ^Piuui, sitooificatioa* nnd estimate i furnihlied. i room for gossip to th j newsua|ieia over tbe state. Tho |«ople of Tiioums dc not want any now couuty down here. They showed that plainly by their vote iu lastvWfduohdayii electiou when they gave a decisive vote against the amend ment. But they do uot object to «**<’-„ iugtlie siiecuiatious of other people in regard to the matter. Tlie statement comes tliat north Georgia will endeavor to secure four of the counties. Aoh now as predicted by the Times Barer prise, would be the case if the amend ment passed the prohibition question i» about to be injected into St. The Allan ta J mrual prints the following story from Macon. “A story isgoin& the rounds hore ttiat the constitutional amendment U increase tho number of counties and the' number of legislators will mean anoth er ^tate prohibition tight. The idea i* that the new counties will furnish enough new prohibition sentiment to over come the defeat administered to the pri. liibitionists who will 'make auotherCn^ sault ou the whiskey forces of the state. Whether there has been a clunge o: sentiment 1 he person guessing nearest to the number of grains in the four Jars will get $ \ 00.00 in Gold. Next nearest will get - 50.00 in Gold. 2 next nearest will get - - 25.Q0 each. 5 next nearest will get - - 10.00 each. 20 next nearest will get - ' 5.00 each. 40 next nearest will get - - _ 2.50 each; 50 hext nearest will get - - J .00 each. A» Oddly Placed Charck. The old cliape) of ease at Tuubridg* Wells, England, stands partly In Kent and partly in Sussex; but, more than that. It also stands In three parishes. When tbe clergyman leaves the vestry he cornea out of tbe parish of Front,. In Sussex, and If he is going to ofllciate at the altar he walks iuto the purlsh Of Tunbridge, In Kent. If, on tbe other hand, he is going to preach tho sermon he walks from Frant Into tho parish of TAX NOTICE. - FIRST,KOXUD. Metcalfe, Thursday Sept.’20. Merrillville, Friday Sept. 30. Pavo, Tuesday Oct, 4, forenoon, ratteu, Tuesday Oct. 4 afternoon Oairo, Thursday,Oct..6, forenoon. SECOND ROUND Duncanville, ^Moudaj Oct. 10. Boston, Tuesday Oct. 11. Ooolidge, We lues day Oct 12, forenoon Merrillville, Wednesday Oct. 1& after noon. Metcalfe, Thursday Oct. 13. OsMoohoate, Friday, Oct. 14. Glnagow, Monday Oct. 24. Meigs, Tuesday, Oct. 23. Cairo, Wednesday Oct. 20, afternoon. Cairo, ThanMay Oct. 27, forenoon. Payo, Friday Oct. 23, forenoon. Pattec, Friday, Oct. 2S, afternoon. ' - Spence, Monday, Oct 31. I will be at the court house dnri »g ho first week of rourt. Respectfully, Iu case of a tic for one prize, it will be divided among the peo ple guessing the same. (To explain—Should two people, tie for first, prize, they will receive $50.00 each. Should two (or more) guess next nearest the prize will be divided equally among them, and so ou. Speldhurst. Oa«* ot !Jan’« Elmlnti, When u man talks too much Ills wife pulls at bis coat for him to sit down, and it is not until she U dead and be makes a fool of himself that tho world recognizes bow much of Ills past good record was due to this coat tail censor. —Atchison Globe. MORAL—Bring your cotton to Thornisville; sosad our money with Jus; y -jgtt the best goods for our money (or you needn’t by- them); get into This contest and mabe you will get one of these prizes. . fc EVANS & SON, p * NEEL BROTHERS, • V : , ;L J CHURCHWELL & CO, ; r - • • HOMASVILLE SHOEOD RnmonsMe, Smith—I am the most' reasonable man on earth. Jones—Then why do yon always insist on having your own way? Smith—Because It’s the most reasonable one. - any of the coonfics^which gave n prohibitionist vote in the fonne: eonictr- remains to be seen after 'he cou teat ^pens. The proliibition ; sts clat-n that Iheir defeat before was ‘by, two votes in tho senate " . “Da worst nuisance on earth," said Unds Eben. ‘is tie man dat keeps huntin’ aronnd to see how many nui sances be kin find to kick about”-. Washington Star.