Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 14, 1904, Image 11

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•UM£S-£NTE tPRIJii.. 1’"0S^.SV1U K.^ROrstA. OCT iRHR 14 1901 [ NOTICE. I Here will be held tu Hie oltT of riiomatville 0»; at the court boose ii j sofa oily, the some beiugalio only e’ecl- The I ranklin Life (nsuiranee C c ‘ ion precinct within tlw limits of aqid city; ou the 10th day of November 1901 aa election to determine the question whether debt shall be incurred by said city of ThomasvilJe Ga.. to the orooau* of thirty-five thcoaiid (|36,000 00J dol lars, for the purchase of securing for the city of Ihomasville Ga.,\ au electric tight and power plant for the generaUnp electricity to ho used by the said city, it-* residents and these living in terri tory conttgiot/s to said city for lighting aiicf power. Those using said lights and That tw,d debt Apringfield, Illinois Illustration of the New 40JPERXENT. GUARANTEED DIVIDEND POLICY 20 Payment Life—20 Year occumulation W- GUsiw? Amount fio.oot—Age 3c— Premium^ 2 7,10. Total Payments for :o years,' should the insured live so lone lower to /Say for same ■(hall he paid in annual installments of four thousand ($4 000.00) dollars each, on the first day of Feboary, of each and avert your after said plant shall bo in o.<era» ion by the said city. ‘The terns of the contract under which eaicl delt is to be incurred to bo such that, sold hibt shall bear interest at a rate net ixcee.ling fl per ceut per annum, and r.hatsuid animal payment of four thoor- uu} <<4.003 00) dollars Ehall be ^ap plied: 1. To tlie payment ofjtho imrest luo on said debt at the time of said payment. 2.. To the principal of said debt, and be further coiiditioiie.l‘so that the said city shall have t i e right 'of applying to the principal of sahi debt any anir.uu* of net earniugs of said plant not liceet* surily committed in Wie maintenance of non c, and In sue i ©Hjysions of its wire system hh may be necessary to make available to the citizens of said city the use of its current; and that tlm ballots at said election shall be worded as ollows: “Fcr incurring dobts for electr o light plant,” for tlie u«eof these favor ing the incurring of said debt, aud "Against ii caning debt for electric Iv'ht p'ant.’’ for the n<e of tbone opp •tig incurring said debt. This notice is a true extra-1 from tlie ml.mtei of the City Council, of Thofu* anvil le, On., held Sept. 10th, 1 i)D4; aud this tu *?iou is jmVliahel in parsmtuce of the ami’'!) taken al tint time KT. M i-lean. J-a -4t. City(;;».ji . A civiccnd'ccdilion' of $130.84 will be a<?ckd£to tl.e-oiiginal amount of ti e j olicy each k* • J ;; 1 1 f • '« 1 «t < 13: « \ ii j |]< mo u vlatimjjcricd- To mabe lliis-plaii er .'till, if tlie dtain cf ihe d 5) culcl occur at any 1 jre,£fjor, tlie fostto tbe twentieth jc&i, the face of tbc j ciicy 1 $ io^cco, leguher with forty per cem.Jor all j reniiums[paid.will be paid r lie] luu fcf; U 'J lii> v < l id u tie tbe AclUAi.TT>T of the jiotecticn lo be only sixty per cent. ot ti:e fieiniums paid. A man can buy fti.ccrKf this insurance as cheap us tbe man who buys J jo,oo >. ^ The cq£t| is lit.s fc.r \ci and more; fcr[oiJ.KR men. *, TaTf'llif ]'r.])<y Vcw,{frd{i’f <£<rnf«.J! Ccn;jjrj}||\vi!li[jtui| r '[(.\ui Twcr.t) Fajment Life yokeic; •(un'ess y< u InyctliJs kind), and see the difference: Compare it also witliTwkat oiliers are offering you. Most men who have bought Twenty Payment Life policies within the last Vcar or tv.o are paying a iakgfr pnnmtmjihan isjehaeged for* this policy besides they are only insured for tv enty^years for ihe FACE of the policies,$10 cco, ni d tio[adtlili<‘ns. Are you one of them? Ask yours:lf that question. It is as nu-’h tq YOUR interest to save the dollars as it is to any one’s. We do that for you. This is only one of the groil things about this poliev. If. the insured is uviNg at the end of the accumulation.period, [twenty yea-s, lie vrill have Six Very Choice Options to Select From. If-yoit care to know what these are, or if you want to know just what one of these pol i ies will edit you, an 1 the benefits ihefer.i, etil oa, or wiite to the uiidersigued, p'ving' age and amount of injitrance wanted. You shall have the information for the asking/ DAVID C BARROW, General Agent For Southern Georgia, Th'onnsville, G.t TO RAISE 3500 00. Wood’s Seeds. Wito Men of the East fn Concfavtf Hero. Prcebytorlsit CommlUao Will Work fonYccrfi'* femn c College. VIRGINIA GRAY The Oenenit Ahm mb!v mid Triennial Session of the Grand United Order of Wiso men of tl<c East i* meeting at VickoraHull in I homHSville. Tldaiaa negro fraternal n\d benevolfcnt H.ciety I with 3,t 00 merubors Boattercd over Ilf# srati’8 Two.years ago they met Uc*u in an- nual aeftiioo nn 1 their gorgeous a treat pnrado ia rumcmb* rf*d to tliia day. Tliia ia a bigger nirtir than ti ai tua ml which only Georgia delegnfr* wtia prosam. TIU* (.wo tlwre ure risit- or» nro here frein teverai sfule* Timy were called Io orde r jeaterda? by D. Eutsay, of Florida, Supreme Vico Grand Ohiof, audiheirdeliberatioaa wfil bo prcaided over bjr fheir Supremo Grand Chief, T. A Lumpkin. They will bo addrefltv'd by Mnvor Hoddonbcry t'-night. Tiny w.U r©n<ttia in, K'fjfion ail.tho week pti I F iday nf»-r- noon a.. 2;SO (/my u iii / avo a big H inirado. MvaPiunur, of t’ord'^e. 1 , Io vu, "Ouo of nir children WUh siihjeet ic oronpT.f a m*vmre t> i>e, and lltegivii e of i Ch inherln u’« Cough rrmedy promptly I ti brought* icli-.f, M:mv moihor.a j tu rhi* neighborhood think the t»;»mo hk Ido ahont this remedy and wnnr. no olhor kinrHor ih-ir yhildr u. For sale b>'J. W. Poaroek ‘w | Tlui recent inctdh.g of the Mr.eon piVEbyfcr m ih.- rn<Mhpr.e nunc It be>ir» nee nip i-hot many iuiporiaur rliitigH but uoihiugit d:tl was of greater import IJ»an Ihe do*.orann.»i| »u lorahe ♦500 for Young a Fem-ih Go lege. Thin i»o.f)»u*i <n is hiido" i/o eonlfol. of Im P-o-bMer.v nn I is • nteiing upon h o,inter of g eft* n o’utno K. wiili bright PMJO..I-. I Ins ►pen iid donation will *:o frir 'oWiird ‘n * .riu^ i ».* * cc.i.-h and ulfieienev of ilm m*1h»'I. A ••••niiiiitlee i f tho h"ft wor. e h in Pr* hb tirv Sow Early For Best Results. On Trade Hark Brand la tbe beet and cleanest quality that it ia pouibla to procure. Bonn with Winter Oate, makes the largest possible yield of tbe beet and most nutritious bay. Write for prices. WOOD'S DESCRIPTIVE FALL CATAL08 Tells all about seeds for fall sowing. It is the most valua ble and helpful publication of the kind Issued in America. Mailed frfo on request. CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste-matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by'the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys, corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder disea&fes ifi hvery form, tones up the CUBED OF BBiOHrs disease. whole system, and the diseases .that have -resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear* -^^M'^^;^;S^r,^.^r?,TiJ , ^^ , ±K^ w becauS^ , the'cad»d , hd« bBen removed. Com- • FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE MM, te* ««“. ? f danger.^. Do; not risk Ah« nanfe of the wonderful medicine that cartd me i SVSSi&SiSS^&a having Brights Disease or Diabetes. * luut tried it tue failed to be beoefitted. * £ ~ ^ " •' — Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00. ■■BBHHHh SOLO HID SEOOWlSilOEO BY J. W. PEACOCK. , I Afex S. Yeager, Manager. INDISTINCT It U getting cool now Is it not? Wrll don’t be a bit surprised if it gets ev;>n cold in a f&w days. Don’t let ir worry you in the least we are well equip*--. ped for all emergencies and- v we uav<3 everything to make £ life a comfort and not a tor- • ture. We pLiC-i our'gcousUn a p 'sition that anybody’s purse can reach thtm. Wc have 200 Undershirts -received a few days ago. Well you will be surprised how fast they are selling. They come in glass and black sateen, nice smooth silky finish well made garments going at 75c, 98c, $1.25, $1.75. We don’t see how the dressmaker can afford to make them at our prices. Talking about top shirts we have the latest creations in black, navy blue and oxford gray cloth worth $2.00 up, Others charge almost double our price. Whave about 200 shirt waists for fall and winter wear. They are made out of Flannel, Sateen, the best designs and best workmanshipathat money and talent can prodaee. If you want nice dressy garments ■ e money here is the place to get them. Children’s dressing sacques and Jackets made out of - thick heavy cotton flannel 25c each. Tint quR-tiou li.’t* been Hubert—tu * 11 *■ way aro Cham her! aiu'n m d Liver Tablet*HiitKtrior lO »ho nr.lMia y quit tttln and liver pill*? Oar answer t^Tln.y ure oaatef and u>"r‘* pb’aMWit to i»b« atnl their»ffect 1« fo gentle in d RKTHKikto that «pe l.nrrty . E ,fq,- of j lnwu Ilidtli 1» protloPertbynniuiIH'liie Tl " n , Witl , m.H, ii f# K.jrl a "if, uotV'ily uiftvelhe bawls >'“t (ha , lb#Ml on * provn the nwwtiU. kwtnid tbs rt.p. snor. | w t , „, e lll)d , hw . Fo.*M!e«S.'*l«bortlbbyJ. W. I’ev ( „ w . m |» ased to lb-b ..'c a I/,. Ha,, * l>y the college Hntliuritiea \ir B. A. Norton <f Ihureu uponC ! Mi wUy in town. we bought 25 rolls cf matting sold almost 20 rol’s. [We findj|w.e have about 5 rolls left, before the new lot arrive we will clean ’em up at 19c yard, our former price oa same wa 24c,}others charge 35c,