Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 14, 1904, Image 7

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TIMES-ENTERPRISE, THOMASYILLEUgKOHOlA. OOTO W &T& B jv^B And many other painful and serious x V tt aiimerits from which most mothers ^§11^ suffer, can be avoided by the use of a “Mothei’S Fflaad * This great remedy is a God-send to women, carrying them through their most critical ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses ‘ Mother’s Friend” need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, aud leaves a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is also healthy, strong and good natured. Our book ‘‘Motherhood,” is worth its weight in gold to every woman, and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfieid Regulator Co. Atlanta,Ga. VITAL OF DR. J. C. SCHEMAS. Is located on Broad street, opposite Piney Woods Hotel, is an up-tc-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs. Up-To-Date Implements for performing all kinds of operations on animals. Examination free. Board at post. Address, f. C. Schwencke, D. V. S., Thomasville, Ga. J- WEEK OF PRAYER. Monday will begin tho season here. Other Mission NeWs. (By Mrs. dan. P. Evans ) PROGRAMME FOR WEEK OF PRAYER OCTOBER 10-10. 11)04. Let earnest prayer bo made tlir.t rmm- nors. workers, and office r« o? the Wo- ...-an's Hoino Mission Sieiory may re ceive anointing for service during this season. Also ask for largo gifts of mon ey for the general work. All moueys collected daring the Week of Piuyer ate devoted to current ex penses of the general work. No sum from this collcution can bn used to cu- roll names on the Memorial Roll, Preachers’ Wive.i’ Loan Fund. K.luc: - t onal or City Mission Endowment Funds, or for local enterprises. Money collected this week may lie counted as part paymeut on the dollar extra p< r member which the Board is urging from each auxiliary. Monday October, 10th 4.00 p. w. “The United States as a mission flHd.” MissMollio Lowinpu Tuesday October, 11th, 4:30p in. “Ncocl utul opportunity of Mission Work in the South.” Mrs. Ed. 1*\ Cook. Wednesday October 12th, *4:30. p. ni. “The connoctioiml work of the fc**o- cietv.” , • Mrs. Jos. F. Evans. Thursday October 13th 4:30p. m. “The need and opjiortuniiry of model schools.” Mrs. Lilia Clark. Friday October 14th, 4:30 p, m. “ The Individual member’s R<»s]ionsf- bility.” PARDONED BY GOVERNOR. Young Man Who Killed His Father’s Assailant Let Out. Atlanta, Go,, Oct.. 7, -Robert W, Al* ox-unler, » young] man- couvi:rt*‘d of manslaughter .‘n Early county ab m a year ago and sentenced to live years’ imprisonment, was today given a pardon ly Govern >r To*re’t u|>»n the recom mvnriniion of the board of pardons. It seems that young Alexander and his father, an old man about seventy y«im of age, liad a difficulty with a man, who, grabbing a piece of iron, struck the old man on the head, knocking him down. The son then shot the alsailAUt of his father, killing him. The pardon wan uranic 1 upon the recommendation of the ottl ids of the county of Early and a large number of citizens Mr. Alexander'is a member of the family of that name well known in Thomasville^ He hitmolf liasheon heie in the past and the news of his rele&m will he of interest 'to people, in thb citv. Cotton. “The smile that won’t come oil winch adorned the farmer’s face fer soveial weeks, is now on a vneatior This is duo to the fact] that “cotton in the local mnrket is now quoted at 9 3-1 to ft 1-2. This a comoared with whnt cotton used to bring is very satisfactory but its ljwer than earlior in the season hence the eon-smiling countenance. New York January opened at 10:18 and' closed at 10:21. Savannah was easy at 0 3 4. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, And which has been In uso for over 30 years, has home the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-good" arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and .Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In,Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCMTAUR COMPANY, Tf MURRAY STRICT. NEW YOON CITY. Thoroughbred Chickens. Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte EGGS. Price $i.oo per setting 15 eggs. C. VV. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ga K.T.Mel Thomasville, S£ils life, lea Accident Fire ] Ga. lilt ani Insurance Stationary.^Portatile, Pupil and Connection Oats. “Blakeslee” T.Zl Engines Stand Supreme For All Piwc-r Purooses. SIA1PI.ICITY itself Buy a BLAKESLRE and keep you, re ligion. No profanity necessary. —A FULL I,INK OF— You can see every movement. Nothing hi.idcn or complicated about the BI.AKESLEE. Positively SAAK. Strictly high grade. Write for our catalogue and prices WHITE-BLAKESLEE MFG. CO., Birmingham, - - Ala. THIS PHARMACY May be relied on. YVe sell only goods that we know about snd can recommend. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST. All tile Drugs we sell are the purest and best that can be obtained. l ine T jilet ;r- I TAX NOTICE. FIRST RONOD. Metcalfe, ThumluyJSepl. 20. Merrillville,'FriOay Sopt.[30. Pavo, Tuemlav Or, 4, foreiioou. Patton, Tu-mlay Oct. \ afternoon Uairo, Thnrrdaj t Oct. 0, fonmon. SECOND ROUND j Duncanville, Mouda;./):t. I‘J. { Boston, Tuesday Oct. II. ‘ Coolidge, Wednesday Oct 12, forenoon Merrillville, Wednesday Oct. 12 aftcr- } noon. | Metcalfe, Thursday Oct. 13 ■ Ochlochonee, Friday, Oct. 14. j Glasgow, Monday Oct. 24 i Meigs, Tuesday, Oct. 25. ; Cairo, Wednc’-dny Oct. 23, afternoon, j Cairo, Thursday Out. 27, forenoon. J Pavo, Friday Oct. 28, for* noon, i Patton, Friday, Oc'. 2*. r.fternoon. iSjKince. Monday, (Vt 31. tides nt popular pi ices. af llPBICECO I will be at. the coart house daring Its first week of ooart. Resixu-tfully, P S lice tli T-’ O. OCHLOCKONEE’S NEW DRUG STORE Carries a complete line of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes The only up-to-date Soda fount in town, serving all kinds of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. A fine line df Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family Groceries. Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting same in future. r H V BUNTIN & COMPANY Ocklockonee, Georgia. Cotton Warehouse Williams & Alitchell, Props., DEALERS IN Horses, Mules, Cattle, Cotton Seed. We buy all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE and pay the highest market price at all timas. When you have some thing to se’i see us. , Sirs. M. R. Malletto. All friondnare JnvPed to those services held in thu Ep worth Leap no room ol M. E. Church, South. It is greatly desired that this shall bo a season of great siprituwl uplift to tho members aud officers of the W. H. M. Society, now mo inhering 37080 women and girls, each one, a soperato, distinct individual, each one responsible to God for her acceptance or rejection of this great uplift of soul. Not one so weak or insignificant that she too con not claim a share in this groat work of “serving humanity build ing character and saving souls. “God has chosen the weak things tlmt are might}’.” But some mother will say. I have no time for this “Week of Prayer.” My husband, my children, my home duties claim all my time and attention.Now, it is a well known fact that people, with possibly a few exceptions, do just what they want to do with their time, talents, and substance. So that excuse is thro, d bare. Let mo urge you, take tirno to be holy, take time to consider your ways give some thought to God, and in earn est prayer ask him to .make this way plain to you. Let each day of the week find yon in your placo. Talk to him face to turn. Then you can givoout spiritual stiength that will lead others to seek Him fsce t > face. As the Lord hits prospered you, g ve of your substance cheerfully, liber- ully. Let’s make a strong effort to raise oar assessment duriugthe week. God has wonderfully blessed onr lab-' ors. Our city mission work is one of the results of our first week of Pray* r held four years ago. At that meefinj, God so deeply impressed tho need of a tarained worker in the hearts of several ernest women that met daily to learn of him, that they did not cease their o f . forts until euo wa* secured and placed in the needy field. The results of k< r labors are well known to all—tho noblest of which is the VoAhti Home for home less and friendless girls. With such results to prove the “i;ll suffiemey of God” to those that seek Him, can any member of thu Auxiliary pass this’week of prayer with indiffer ence to this call? THE MONTHLY BULLETIN. The October Bulletin comes to us this montti bright, newsy aud instructive. Three thousand copies are distributed monthly by its editress, Mrs. Ed. F, Cook; thus disseminating knowledge of general interest to II. M. Auxiliaries from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. Ti ls issue gives a concise though full sum mary of the Vashti Home. In this way the home is far reaching. Ccronoro Jury Renderod Verdlot. Tho coroner’s jury impanellod to in vestigate the finding of the negro infant, body, in tho old well, met yesterday morning at ton o’clock in adjourned sessiou. Thoir previous session was held Se.plember 30, the day the body was found. Tho jury listened to a grea* deal of evidence and were in session five hours. Their final verdict was that the child came to its death at the hands of Gooigia Ann McLouil. Tho evidence has previously horn printed in these columns. The McLoud woman is still sick and is being guarded at her house. Mitchell Return*. S. P. Mitchell, tho negro orator who was hero last winter and who made a number of speeches to tho colored race, is back in Thomasville. Mitchell spoke on the slaxo pension bill and similar matters, and was arrested but after wards released He edits a paper in Washington and is the organizer of the Negro Liberty party which has a presf-* dential ticket in the field. Mitchell says it is to help the cause of Judge Parker. He is conducting a revival servico at Vicker’s Hall-in this city.. Have Your Collars Laundried Send them to the Tliomasville Stcrrn Liundry, We have an agent in alincst every town in Thomas connty. See him about tho goods. CLUB SUBSCRIPTIONS. SPECIAL IIAUGAINS IN READING MATTER OFFERED; BY TUB Weekly Times-En'erprisc. Weekly Times-Enterprise 1 your and a splendid mao of Georgia, the United States and the world, $1 00. (The map alone is worth the monoy.) Weekly Times-Enterprise aud the Semi-Weekly Atlanta Journal, both oue year $1 40. Weekly Times Eufornrise aud the Semi-Weekly Savannah News both one year $1 50. Weekly Timeo*Enterprise aud the Three Times-Wcek New York World, both one year Al 60. Weeklv Times-Enterprise aud the Boston Times, both onoyear $1 25. Weekly Times-Enterprise and the Sunny South and the Weekly Atlanta Constitution, ail one year $2 00. Weekly Times-Enterprise aud South ern Cultivator, tl 50. Weekly Times-Enterprise and Chris tian Union, a clean, high-toi|ed inter denominational weekly, $1.50. Almost any other combination yon oan wnntntaprioetosuityou. If one cf these combinations doesn’t salt write what yon want. TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ThonuusYllle, Os. Ry dale’s a new, scientific remedy for the Blood and Nerves It purifies tho blood by eliminating tho wwUm matter and other Impurities and by destroying tho germs or microbes that Infest tlw blood. It builds up the blood by restoring and multiply ing tho ml corpiMcl.'N, making tho blood rich and red. It restore* and stimulates tho nerves, causing a full free flow of nem; force through out tho entire nerve system. It speedily cure* unstrung nerves, nervousness, nervous pros tration, and *U diseases of tho nervous system. Tonic . a real cum for RYDALE'8 TONIC Is a specific for fU form* of Malaria. It acta on a new principle. It kids tlio microbes that produce Malaria. The cause being removed, the disease .quickly disappears. RYDALE’8 TONIC is guaranteed to cure tbf most obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chills snd Fever, Ague, etc. We authorise all dealers handling our remedies to refund the purchss* price for every bottle of RYDAUTO TONX3 that does ’tot give satisfaction. RADICAL REMEDY COMPANY. HICKORY. N. C. Fi, EFJLIJRIJSTGr ■v Bring youv watches, Clocks and Jewelry to me, and 1 will cheerfully give you an estimate, work to be done, and warrant when work wdBr ished that you will be pleased. Malaria.