Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 28, 1904, Image 3

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    nfilE8*EPlt'KJURlB •! ’POWAfcVILB GEO< Si '
n' ,T 'i' K;- *>r h>n| #
In the fill of 18951 contracted that fear
ful dise&e. Blood FoMou. It gained each
headway that I waa forced to refign my
position and seek relief at Hot Springs.
Alter spending all the mean I haul wmi
to Memphis. In lets than three weeks I
was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of
suffering I was discharged as cuied. In
less than a month every hone in my body
seemed to be affected and felt aa if they
would break at the least exertion. Again
I was compelled to resign, and I retomed
to the hospital for a seven weeks stay
When I came out I was advised to try
farming. When I first went on the fanpl
prevailed on the only firm who bandied
drugs to get me one doacn bouleaaf S. S.
S. At that time both of mv hands wen-
broken oat with blisters and I was covered
with boils and sores. In the meantime my
druggist had gotten two dozen bottles of
3. S. S. forme asd I began Us toe. and
after taking tka thirteenth bottle not a
ante or boil waa visible. R. B. Fowttu.
East 9th St., little Rock. Ark.
Of all human diseases, Contagious Blood
Poison is the most hideous end hateful.
The victim is tortured with eating ulcere,
sores and ebeceaaes, unsightly blotchc*.
eruptions and other symptoms of the mis
erable disease. 8. 3. 8. has been used
successfully for nearly fifty yearn for
Contagious Blood
Poison. It con
tains no mercury,
potash or other
mineral. Our home
treatment -book
gives all the aymp
toms of this din
' esse. Medical ad
vice free.
The Swift Spedflo Company, Atlanta, (U
erable disease, s. S. I
successfully for nearly
* Contractor and Builder. <
iWork exentil *no.*dl ug to latent*^
Tiiomnnvill*, <ia. ^
ripeciti;ntiO!M ail 1 ti*tiuiar<»
farms hed. ^
Petition for Charter*
To the Honorable Flulip Cook,
tnry of Statu of Ue *tn o of (it iirgia,
. The petition of J. T. Cuipupper, C
M Robinson, A. H 8. Cooke, A. G. llob
iiuon, and itoscoo Lake,' i«4tileor* oi
Thomas couury, »iate of Georgia, rr
epectl ally shows:.
. First. That they, tlwlr f Htwviti*.-
Bncct-Mors and HK-d^us, desire to . wt«i •
jicorporMltd^uuder tiiu Uw.i ot uo,..*..
or the porpupe hereiuatior ni*..ti« n«u
or tl.e lull [xuiod of Jlfiy >eiu>, will,
privilige ot lenewt l.
Second. Thar, die name under wide
petitu nets dTtdie to le incorporate, i »
Home Lst'e Association of itor^ a '
riieie wi 1 Mr mo cmji*cul stock ot -ut
arsonist ion. The »»im and object o
the laid association l euig to carry on .
mat inti or oo-uj.eiHtiVu life mauranc
buidi.e*M. uccuiUiyg to the torim* ut iia
•charter, and ru.ue uu<l U> taws th«
they may hereafter adopt that shall uoi
bb in miy manner in conflict witu the
const nation and lava of t the state of
Thud. ' That they (loin good faith
intend to nu forward without (lout »•
organize hunt association, w»th ns p.sti
cipal ofllce in the city ot Thutuubvulr
couuty of Thomas, state ot Georgia
with the right to establish branch offi
ce* ut such orlier phtcep|iu the Mats ol
Georgia as they may see proper.
Four h. Petitioners show lit »c they
hare given thirty days notice of (heir
intention to apply for'said ty
publication of tutid } ctitiou in tie
Thoraasviile Times-Ettt«*tprise, a news*
paper of general circulation and the
newspaper where the legal advertise
ments for the county of Thomas
published, once a week for four weeks
before the filing of this petition in the
office of the Secretary of State ot the
state of Georgia.
Wherefore, your petitioners Ale this
their petition as provided by law and
pray, that they be made in(orp>rat<d
under said name, under which they will
have the right and authority to sue aud
bo sued, to contract, purchase, own ano
sell real estate and other property tha
they may find of necessity for the prop
er conduct of said proposed busing
and to do any and a l other acts n»2i»
sary for the proper conduct of said bep
iness. They further pray that the
mig t have the right to use a comtno
seal,and to make such rules end b'
laws for the government of said assoc*
ation as they may deem propci not it
cooflict'with the constitution and law-
of tha state of Georgia.
Your petitioners will ever pray
J. T. Ouljiepper
* C. M. RobinsouJ
A. H. S.*Cooke
A. G. Robinson
Rcscoe Luke 10*14 4t
Inspiring Speech «m Interested Hun-
ikvds of PeppVo on Sunday
ThomnVUle pesptoare interestetl in
the Young Mru's Chritrisn A»ocvetan.
Thv it*** often prorad tliis tetom, bat
nerer quite no nui tviy us no ouuuoj
nttnmaou wlien (he uew building Vt tJ e
AunKIt.rt.ii wes dadsated. It was an
iisptring axua. The large up etatrv an-
ditDftam was provided with EOT scat*.
Erery one was fined ends hutiditd
young men and boys stood around tire
room and llltaaal to Ora eremites.
Altar long, eorlpture rending,' prayer—
3. A, Eofljfhthbury, chairmen fit tl e
Board ofTlii dSteen, delivered the keys ol
t te building to J. H. (Uerrili, preside! t
of the As*ocition. Mr. Met rill n
s ponded with his usual eloquence ai d
Said iu part:
“Xu fibcce, th's property for tin
Tonng Men’s Christian” . ! 8 Ociutiou of
Thomaaville the thouglit upiiermost iu
;ny n>it»d js the great obligation on tli<
port of every member of this Associa
tion »"d «»f every citizen »»f Tiiomas-
ville who has at heart the spiritual,
tie «m* i li*M* ai welfare ot lie >oung
men, to that cultured, public-spirited
woman who lias made this institution a
•>AsOi.ny. Uuisittsg to i houtiu»v' *t\-
.>1 years ago aud uniting this place
hi* te po.ary hntue, her duet
tiiu was phiuniug for aud mB^.imriu
>ne. en Vet ion id, the character ( f th-
'ouug men of Tliouissvtile. Her Nborr
V'OUs t. is line round a happy and nsost
■pp'optiatH cu tun muon in hov gilt o'
tor,valuable home here tothii ^»*«M*ia-.
too. With a beautiful geuero-it.v tin
liberated silt-all of her desire to liaV*
i r In me; s ilia site for this work, tuio
1 m*eti*ed »h*»,t bar- property >> m* d
in order that the work, might be Imttoi
Oi>e tUjUia iueali; II. Tjie proceed sol
*»ac property gave ps rhrre-elghrtiV oi
lie* cost of tins entire establishment
oid n ada |j*>»it4e w hat without it could
it >t have |ia eu «1‘omc lor ninny t cat a, t>
r nil. 1 atn sere Injieak thn stmtimeu'e
»f all of yoit t« suiying that thegeaerous
•pint aud iultv ideas ot (Ida uoine w*'
nun, Mrs. Bertha Wanti of.Sr. Paul,
.InnteH M, will ever be held iu giarwul
.lailoviUK remeuibrauco.
We Iicijhj soon to have a life-nized per
mit or tier, this institution** g.eatist
loi.elncicr. and virtual founder to oc« u
ty n irenuaNetlt and prominent place t.
he building: atm onr prayer* shall b*
hat there may be vouclwafed to I er
unity years of l^fs, all lull of b«‘
♦rrengfh ntnl happidess, and that the
ant-el tune ..f her Pfe mnv be hrtvhi,
ulow wi.h r.uliaucu from «he iieavent'
unite, aiwi up irtliug with ti«e pit* iou>
iroiutree ot tiiu Master.”
.Mr J. V Head, ►tale secretary of »!*
i. M. C, A thoroughly •enthnsed the
oidiaoee lir Ins reading of tlu* je:p
■ ve *e*vice ThisiO'idiiig showed tin»;
he building wae dedicated to the savi-i.
•f the time, money, bodies, minds, a' f
ouls of youug in*-n iVe Audience re
» Minded w»tli f^rysor. enthusiasm. **VVi
dedicate this house.”
\V. b. otitUbs powideiit of the V.
J. A. in 8 iVAtmah held tlie dose at t u-
t on of the audience for 40 minutes in
he sitcerh of the afternoon. *t»-
3 ful, direct and earnest man He
that the building was* mauufactu-
ry for making men. He told of the p i
erw, the pro'wss and thn pr»doct,—th
nod-1 vounsr m»u., He said that M*
home depemied upon the niau, and
therefore the town, and naiicit. To
institution was more important fine
any other in Thomasviile. The address
vas scholarly and interesting. It w;
oat of the usual line, but wav well r»
With p •aver, song and benediction
nost inspiring afternoon closed. Ever
one felt that the work liad received a
strong impetus toward success.
Beauty is only skin deep, bit the
forces that create beauty are as dee > at
die fountain from which they flow
Alien the Blood is charged with fmpu’
ies Beauty disappears, when the bio
s pure Beauty blossoms in face a**
form. Rydales Liver Tablets keepp th
Liver healthy and the Rowels regulnt
prevents tlie blood becoming ladene
with bile aud waste metier, make th
^kin Clear eves bright and Beauty mor
ban tirin deep. J. W. Peacock
THfiluYv of thomaaville
You will uk« notion tint under end
ij virtue of *u onUoiuice duly pence
. >y tlie htsyor end Alderineu of the citj
of TltoiniisnUti, Os., there will be held,
at tlie 10th day of November, IDOL st
t‘w uwel vutinir |> aoe iu said city, »t
filnotinnto dent mine whether or not
nzM city of Thomnevlh* sIhsU ihkve
b>td* to the amount of twenty five
thousand dollars, for the purpose of 1st-
Lrsc a main newer from a poiui near J,
8. Bailey’s Jiaoo, between Brand stnet
and Gordon Are,, along and near (be
ran af tlm branch known at the ffleteh
ervtBe branch, te a jaiint near where
the said branch crosses the Albany
hrauoh ot the Atlantic Const Lluo Rail
.load, from thei.oe following near tie
lute of sold rail road to the corporate
Uuiitr. thence to tlie most access 1 Me
photon tl.e main sewer, with snob
lateral branches or sewct.J'es Rhu'l be
Ordered by (iie.Mavi rj eud Council tf
uU ciiv Said to. oh io he of the di*'
no-niuHtio' of fioOO 00 eerh us to filO.OOO
wortlijof tt em and fil.000*49 to the re
m lining 410,000. Bold bon Is lo be fully
paid off; wltlr'n thirty yenra from tl e
date of tlie issbanoe.thereof, and to bear
interest at a rate not to exoeed C per cent
per annua, winch iuteiest 1- to be paid
anmu.ll . The p.-incipiil on raid bonds
is to bo paid $2,000 ter etionm on the
first day of .lamuirv i f cerh V err com*
nieucing -trio 17} U } i i.r In III il.eda
of ihsuo. Tlie interest to lio pcid noun*
ally on the tirn doT of Jsnonry of each
i ear from the date of Issue* is to be
twelve hundred and fifty dollars nnttl
the tiist 'Inslallmeut of the principal
.liellTiitve liecu paid. Mill fnon tbeuce
I hs; hrankiin Life insurance Cc»
Springfield, Illinois. '
Illustration of the New
Payment Life—-o Year oceumulation
Amount f io,ooo—Age 30—Premium $327.10.
Total Payments for so years, should the insured live so 16ns $6.
a dividend addition of $1^0.84 will be added to the original amount of the polity e -i%
lear, patblc ifctulli ticurs dniing tl e accumulation peried. To make this plainer still,#;
the dtaui if tlie mtur>d should occur at anytime, from the first to the twtntieth year, the
face of the jehej Jic.xt, Kgeihtr with forty per cent, cf all j remiums paid, will be paid
• he»r. ‘'JLisvcnJd n.s he tl e actual cost cf.the proiecticn tole only sixtyper
cent, d tlie piunil ms jaid. A'man can buy $i,oooof this;insurance as cheap as the mas
,vho hoys J10,000.
he cci'i' H Li ts fci Ytt'kci k men and more ftr ci 1 Kr mctl,
akt tl.if jo'iiiy lew, aid its 1 f erings. Coni) are with your own Twenty Taj moot
Life I< 1 ties, (tinhts you 1 aiethis kina), and see tie difference. Compare it alto with what
others are 1 Bering you. Moot mtn who have bought Twenty Payment Life policies wjthiai
the last y'ear • n two ; re raying a larger premium than is charged for this policy beside*
they are only insured for twenty years for ihe FACE of the policies,, and no additions.
Are you one of then.? Ask yoursilf that question. It is as much to your iuterest to save
the dollars as it is to any cue’s. We do that for you.. ( .
This is only cue of the ge cd things about this policy.
If the insured is l.iViNg at the end of the accumulation period, twenty 'ye.u-s, lie ,wi
have Jr*ix very Choice Options to irelect 1 torn, . t. '
If you care to hi ow what these are, or if ycu .want to * now just what 'one of these t pul
icies will cost you, and .tl e bench's ilur-cn, call on, or wiiw to the tindersi'ghi jV'p ! vitfg age
•ire nuiiin.i iuterest to he paid irmU n«»l. ^ amount of jiisuiance/Wi nud. You »1.*11 have the infdni.a't:6u’ for K e'a^ki, 0 ,
Agents wittei — Best' (11 tui).. I / \ !T t. I AhROW, eneril’f Agent 1
... •• F-.r toutltiju., Georgia,'
txcfed 6 ;n?f reut rn
turnout unpaid on the first dajr of .Tan
asryof wtcli \ aftta* duduciiug tha
ununl iM4Vin«Mif ot iiit* pniictp .l. Snirt
boiii>*Hr» to be g* M honds and are no
to be sold tor tans than par.
ituoM* ouc tiaiid* and official sigua
tares thistfrd day of Oct, Ifi.H.
S. A. Roddmbcry,. Mayor
J. F. PrraiHU
J, L. Btwcriv
F, W. B iH«r
W. B. tiumblutoii
J**. .1. Lewis
G. VV. Herring* ,
A. Ni.
TlioRiirsvil* , t fc
Tlwm will be l»*-Id in tin* of
Tltumt!*v»lln Ga., at theoouit Iumsh in
• id city, the muu*- t-vitig tlie oplv o’ect
i« n>r»*«liiM»; wirliiit the limiln of said
iij:; on the l«rli dny of Novombcr 11K)4
n •• wfut'i to t^fer »*itm the •4tie*ii<m
If turiliousand* ($4 00at)0) dollars ouch,
ou tlie first, clay of Fotm^ry, of eac • aud
every year afiyr said pluut shall fce in
operation bv tl* said city. ’i!»- terms
of thedcmirsct ui.<U*r wlrch faitl tbbl
•h to Is* incurred to lav * milt that said
..ebt shall bear iuterest at a rye nc
Hxcee«lliig0 per cottl per auunm, an*
that said minnal fiaymeut of four iltoi t%
hi»,1.(#4 OiW.CK)) (lotInis shall aj •
ptien: ,
1. To t.hp ^iiiyptetir. ef flirt l.-»i*ivii
due m rnui debt a» llw time oF
2. To the I'riU' ij’al of mid del»f. hiiii
bn further rond'tioiiedt*o that the wtitf
city sU dl have too right, of applying ti
too prrsRiyol of Mid 4eht any ainootn
of ua*«o*riiiti*« ofvMid plant not ttwen-
Hardy ■couHiifhcd in the n Hiinetiance of
lioniHivilih Us . to (tie nmounc j rtU d in such exteiisiohs *»t its
y-flve rlior>nU(l («J5,00t» tK), del-1 *?*<*'" n * ^
ns inourriug said debt.
Tliis notice is a tnieextfiirt from thk
miautOA of (l»« Oity Conurtt, of Thom
naville. (hi., held Se t lOtli, 11)04; and
tliis mo ion L • tihlis ted in puohiiuro ot
the noil n t.iiou iti'tlint time. ’
K. T. Maclean,
0-!jC-4t, Ciiy Clerk
ilier tl-br. *l «ll in* incurred l»v sulci .
. for the |iarrlM«e ot 'securiog for tl.e available to the Citiietis t f said cjry
or III. inittviite Ga., att v electric I of »Ucurremj imd that li e halo's
ir and jsivver j hint fortiieis«ncrating f Ht M *'*l **l®‘dioii shali be, Wi-riKd , i s
rriejty to tm tincd by tbe' said city, T illow*-:
i(4 residents and those living in ft-rri-| “Fcr incurring debts for Mfcrtnr
orv contiguous to said city for lighting light plant," for rla» u>e of ilu se favor-
ml {tower, TIicmi toJhig Maid lights and ( lug the iucort ing of raid oebt, mid
pmvnrto my for miium. That Bald debt j ’’.Against iucumng debt fcr electnu
shall *•« p«id i i Htmual instalinietits of 1 glit plant.*’ for the use ot tlione oitjam-
Wood’s Seeds.
Softr Earif For Best Results.
Our Trade Murk Brand U the
beet and deanest quality that
It Is poadblo to procure.
Hairy, or Winter Vetch, ,
Sown with Winter Oats, make*}
the largest possible yield of the*
best and most nutritious hay.
Write for prices.
Tells sll about seeds for fit V
sowing. Ik is the most valu J
ble and helpful publication « /
the kind iasoed In Americt f
Mailed free on request.
Rydales Stem neb* TebVls arq, null’s
forihe.btomach eudcrgiuis of naidjvrtfs
ibm and ate not intpn for a “cnie .ait'”
ihe/ eoiibtin roucc.iiiia od aasp'iiA:.>|»fp-
fin. Pure Pmioientin ami ortier *ifcgpe
tiV^ 1 ago ills T* ey .“ontaiu (NovecrfuF
kjuies slid imld Mduinlaitth (but vb.ivea
MpMuiflceffcct on t|ie Brotm^uh and nr-
gunsof HKvimulHtiifU aud wibi-Jli' iiid na-
tme in reconsiniceiiig il»o down
colls und s teiigrlicni •*., tin* flici l mus
cles ot the wiois'11 and digestive org-tns. Utdales ih»nn-
sqh Tablets. n i*erfec^ <fpnnAih
medicine, tjwy r*-li»‘he at enert tied hsoh
cure flie wtjrft. O rsn i V sroriisolrfrpniilSu
PiftOH sJo uuu iiiK vb^ box. J. W. Ten-
Swdswn, - gicknort, Va. {
IsoK jaw, or tcrnmiF, t-
baciduM or germ winch «-xiu plent ifully
iu nireek dirt. If in umciive »o dong,**
exposed to cln*. i . but a ben i .Vried t»*
i.enclt sli*. shin -u .u tl 0 .ouudil cuu^d
)ji lireu.Cou crjw or ,l>p .rp^tv njdj*s>
uniiwlofu the sir i« <■ x:!oleil th«,jwpt
h loused to ttoiivity nu.l ,
most vlrnluut. poison ,,
(P-rius m*y ho deNrDX«I#u ■ Al> *V* ^
of Hu. lockjaw H?oi{lod ■Fpjjjj',
Cli.-ah^rliiiu'i. I-uin RuJ.Ui w'ly M ro-
aa iimlujurT isvecsired. I?.»in B»ln.
an :ui* tcupr (• arfi .cause* cuts, hrii.-
nil l li .H inj-rrim hwhofl ./itliout ran
rail.)), mid UIOIH. thiu4«il the time 10
haired hy dm us>iuV -wetuiuut. It la
for kslK by .1. W. Pelwock dw
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping “it will wear away,” are
drifting towards Bright’s Disease, which is kidney trouhle in one of its worst forms.
(tops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneysydo not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
.causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are
out of order by setting aside for 24 hour* a
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If
upon examination it ts cloudy or milky or has
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float
about in it. yottr..kidnevs are diseased, land
FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE should be takeo
at once. * - ?
G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Tears. *
G. B. Burhaus of Carlisle Center, N. Y., write,:
"About four year* af* | wrots you stating that I had htn i
cured of a severe kidney trouble tty taking less then two I
Foley’s Kidney Curs. It' entirely stopped tbs brick-duet sedi
pain end symptom* of kidney dieesee diseppesrco. I am glad to say that
*nr of any of those symptoms during fa* fear
* m«i never tied s return' of eny of those symptoms dart
years that have elapsed, sad I am evidently cured to eta)
heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Curs to may SOS sui
kidndy sr bladder troubl^.” . ,, ,
j! intHl
TWO Sizes, 59 Gents add SI.OO.
rtf ft