Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 28, 1904, Image 5

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    OCTOBER 28, 1904.
Urg» Amount, still P.ld by
State. In Bounties.
Th» wolf 1. mor; dreaded of hu
manity than any other animal. No
doubt we of to-day inherit that dread
from ancestnm who had occasion to
fear the lonc-fhnced quadruped, for
there are few portion) of the World
today whore the wolf ia really date
Serous to mankind.
Dn*g&oi>& fo Mn’a pocket, to his
herd, had Socks, he is still to-day in
fnany portions of tho country. A
ranch In Montana or New Mcxloo
may pay many hundred* of dollars
a year for tray wolf seetph. Sn'ch a
scalp la cheap at |l2 or $15 to the
rancher, tor the gray robber would
'certainly have destroyed many times
that ralue in calves or colts from
the range- Tet in eplte of all tho
warfare made Upon them, and all tho
price* {mt upon their heads, these
Ureaded, mysterious, ghostlike, terror
Inspiring creaturoB still hold thoir
own. Outcasts for ages, hated, per
secuted, they still endure, each for
Afmaelf, and without 1 friend oh
earth, ?ven among his own kind.
Last year the State of Minnesota
paid WWr 86,000 a month In the best
Of the wolf season. One day of thd
month of hut. March the Stats Au
ditor paid 86,168.60 in wolf bounties.
The tots! for the few months preend-
Have Entirely Adopted Occidental
Education Methods.
In an article In the Far East, Hme.
Uohida, wife of tho Japanese Consul
General In New York, tells of tho
Japan mo women as they were and
are. she says: ■
. ", In our tebttafi' generation the
gltlS Were taught simply trt becom*
good wives to their husbands eng
good mothers to their children; there
fore they were educated to be mod
est, obedient and capable of Control
ling themaolvoa. They Me taught
Sled how to keep house, how to sow,
how to read and wrlto, how to ar
range flowers, how bo make and servo
tea, and very often they also studied
KiUm«y Fill* Saved Her.
Mrs. Sarah Marine, of 428 St Drain
tree*; Cteorado Spring*. Col.. Preel-
enWsf the Glen Eyrle'Ctab, writes:
_ - “I suffered
Jr for three yeare
f with severe
/ /JSsm \ hack ache. The
f V doc tora told
r « mo my kidneys
were affected
jaMWBand prescribed
medicines tolr
'rSsSSlf me - hut f found
HteVit was only
« waste of time,
i and money to
take them, and
organ to, Tear
that I would
neker gilt well.,
A friend advised me to try Doan’s Kid
ney Pills. Within a week after 1 began
using them I was so much better that
.1 decided to keep up the. treatment,
and when I had used a little over two
boxes I was entirely well. I have,now
enjoyed the beat of health for more
than four months, and words can but
poorly -express my/gro titnde."
For sale by all deal'
cents. Foiter-Mllbun#)
A Price CO
, Buffalo, N. Y,
matinef x £ccb3 S0R1ES-
*>»»«•» good time)
OcTtle <\d, lovely, lovely; J
““tl-Afu the play
I hM 5h S? hew
hat a/ d ^ ^ ^ Uc|ous cart
with me.-dnbUrfiaa Commer
Mr9; Hughson, of • Chicago, - ^ whose
letter follows, is another woman in .highr
position who owes her health to the use\of-
Lydia E. PifSfeham's Vegetable Compound**
“DbabMm. Potcham:—t Suffered for several year* with general,
weakness and bearing-down pains, caused by womb trouble. Mr type-
I would Jto awoke for hours, and oould not sleep,’
) weary in Qie morning than when I retired. After
advertisements I decided to try &e merits of I>ydi*:
than decreasing.—Field and Stream.
tite was fitful, and I would.
until I seemed more wet
reading one of your iZ~ . ,,
B. Plnlchfun’a Vegetable Compound, and I am so glad I did. Noon*
fan describe the good it did me. I took three botttes faithfifily, and
besides building, up , toy general health, it drove all disease and poison'
out of my body, And .made’ me feel as spry and active as a young rirL
Mrs. Pinkhams medicines 1 are" CertamJyall they are drimea to be. —
Mrs. H. B. Huohson, 847 East Ohio Sty Chicago, Hi. <
Uni. Pfnkhnm TelW How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displacements. 1
Apparently trifling Incidents in woman’s dally Ilfs frequently produce
displacements df the. womb. A slip on the sUIrt, lifting during menetruetlon,
standing at a oountei', fanning a tewing machlna. or attending to_the most
ordinary tasks may result in dlvplseemont, slid a train of oerious evilsi isstarted.
The first indloatlbn of such tftmble should Bathe signal for quick action.
Don’t let the oondltlon become phronlo through neglect or a mistaken Idea'
that you can overoome rt by exercise or leaflag it alone. v , T |
More than amlllltm women have regainedHealthby.thensHof LydiaE.
pinkliiun’s Vegetable COtrtjpaund. N >
. If the slightest trouble appear* which you depot understand
write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Bynn, Mfcw* f<* her, adtipft.oyd a few
timely-words from her will show you tHd right thing te do. This
advice costs you nothing; but it may mean life er happiness or hoth. ■
^eftt Mrs. Lelah Stowell, 177 WelHoSton^
St., Kingston, Ont., write* s' ^ >
“Drab Mbs. Pixxbam:—Ton a» indeed a’
\ godsend to women, and if they all know what
W. yon could do for them, there would be no need.
B 2 of thoir dragging out miserahle lives jn agony. >
#ary • J-Sr “I suffered for years with bearing-down painjL
v womb trouble, nervousness,and cicruciatmghcad-
£ ache, hut a few bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'*
yi'-'ZX. Ata 9 Mr ftaw.wonwJ mnrln lifo I/VUT
i Wo guarantee a quick
and lasting cure in all
cate* ot SPECIFIC
Imnnrtant Lcathorman i Bentley
iSEStffl ^ the on »y M^efalUta in
AtlaatA Vn6 treat their cases themselves.
Wrifa y° n cannot call And describe
ir i iiv your troubles and rcoclre by re-
tnrn mall, free of ohargo, our diagnosis
China's Msdleal Schooii
The Dowaget Empress of Chiaa has
(liven A sum of money for the eslab-
Ishment of an Institution for teaching
.. ’ ’ » con-
medicine, the management to be
tided to the missionaries.
How’. Thl.;
w« 0ff.rOn- Hundred Dollars Reward tor
’'WbaL 1 ’ ‘asked the female suffrsgo
advocate with the square chin, “has
become of our manly men?”
''8ome of them. 1 ’ replied the meek
and lowly cltisen, ’’have married
womanly women and are now engaged
In raising childish children."—Chicago
Drs. Leatberman & Bentley,
Cor. Marietta and forsyth Sts.,
“Young man,” said. Mr. Dustin
Stax, ”1 bad to work for my money."
"Well, father," wax the ohlily re
ply, "enough poopls In our set are
throwing that up to tao Without your
talking about It."—Washington 8Uf.
House of Correction for fraudulently
representing himself to bo a • clergy
man to obtain half-rate tickets.
FITS permanentIV cured. No fits orhorvonsi
ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great
NerveReatorer,t’itrial bottleond treatise free
Dr. R. H. Kuwsjitd., Ml Arch 8t„ Phi la., Pa.
The United States leads all countries U
a consumer of coffee.
American Tourist Galls Attention to
a Railway Ding at Prayer.
1 have often remarked the fervor
ot the Mohammedans, says Jerome
Uare* lee ik.s TLaI. .*.1.4
Plso's Cure cannot b. too highly spoken ot
•s a cough cure.—1. W. O'Uaisx, 833 (Third
Avenue, N„ Minneapolis, Mina,, Jan. 0.1300.
The .rerage coat of labor in the produc-
tion of codec i. 4.7 cent, a pound.
Dyeing 1. u easy m
Hart in the Argonaut.. Their strict
attention to their religions rites is
unique among denominations, so far
as my observation goes, for wh«n the
hour of prayer comes, whether they
And themselves in public or not, they
go through their devotions. I ad
mire a man who has the courage ot
his convictions, religious as well ax
political, and the unaffected devotion
of the Mohammedans has always lm-
pressed me.
On the outskirts of Cairo one day
we saw a row of workmen on the
railway lining up Just as the mues-
tin’s call to prayers rang out from
an adjacent mctque.
-"Look,” cried I. "There Is another
Instance of Moslems’ devotion fo fflolr
religious rites."
“How sot" I was asked. "What do
you meanT What are they standing
in a row for?”.
“To pray,” I replied, sententlously.
"Don't you see they are faoUg toward
Now they were ell standing in a
row. As I spoke—si It at a given
signal—they all went down.
-See!" I cried.
ham n hack mvcujd*
iy a* washing wHen Put*
Dyes art used.
Thf (Var aid piny r 80,000 Bcrrants.
■gr 0 .".'-**—•. U.O.A.
Malsby & Co.
41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta (ul
rz ^Urt •dsuiuvAH a attermn
BhorthAtitJ D*p|., *. o. OricWlo*.
The Watkins “Boy” Hay Press
, Irtttf avllU
7 Portable and Stationary
Engines, Bpilers,
Saw Mills
OtmfltU tint carried In rtoehjfr
IMMMDUTMtMpount. ••
BeM MaAluary. IowuMm and Bret Tonaa
Write us for catalogue, price*,'
Two boy. ren operat. It (no other power need*
edt and bale tlie crop right in the field at leer
than euet nf haullns to bln preae. It done lota
of other thlnge and eoate only as*. Write
nr at once for cl renter Mo. 37.
E. E. LOWE CO, Atlanta, Georgia.
"They am prostrat.
lng themselvca. In a moment you will
see them twain to" bow toward the 1 ti
ered city end go through ail the elab
orate forms of Mohammetfan prayer.
Ah, Is it not interesting to see s
group ot ordinary workmen Interrupt
their toll in the middle of tue day
and turn to their raligionT"
We were all much Impressed. I was
particularly so. .
But as we gesed on theri, with re
flex religious interest, the row of men
arose. With a unanimous grunt they
root, hearing on their shoulders a
long steel beam, which they proceed
ed to walk away with down the rail
way track.
Ah awkward silence followed. [ Im
agined I heard a faint snickerlnr, but
I affected not to observe it There are
momenta'when it is Just os well not tc
Remove* all nrellin* la Store
day*; effect* a permanent cure
in goto 60 day*. Trial treatment
given free. Nothingcan be fairer
Write Or. H. H. Orctn’a Sons.
Specialists. Box 8 Atlanta. 1c.
etc., before buying.
WANTED nen and Women to Try $6.00
Worth of Sample* Free,
Send no money. Only send your name to
W. C. HUG HEN. Atlanta, Ga.
Beat For
The Bowels
Thojnpqon’t Ey« Wflttr
y Take-Down Repeating Shotguns
i, ( Don’t spend from $50 to $200 for flsun, when for so
f much less money you can buy a winchester Take*
] Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and
I outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun,
I besides being as safe, reliable tnd handy. Your
nd ask tor tickets via l. • «. ororovxs | Mot i, w _ H ' m . And what did you
iAOWBD at MAMMOTH CAVE. - ! Bay to tbit?
All kinds of Information furnished on ap- | Willie—I said: "Get the© behind me,
Ueattonto J. Q. HOLLENBECK. j SaUn!” tnd walked right oft and left
Dist. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Oe. f him.—London Tit-Bits.
besides being is' safe, reliable tqd bandy.
dealer can show you one. They are 6old everywhere.
FBEKa Oar 160-P.vt DasinUd Catalosac*
Old Manager—A contract hey?
Shell break It Inside ot twenty-fc-ir
hours—Detroit Free Preon
To cure, o^noneyrehmdedbyyourmerohantrgo why not try it? Price soo.‘
<’ Beaded shades are in high favor for
candles. They are not difficult to
make, and the making of them Is pret
ty occupation foi spare minutes. There
are so runny kinds of lovely beads now-
miays that one can hardly make an
l ’o*y shade if one selects delicate, line,
translucent beads. Gold beads, sllver (
beds, very pale turquoise, green and
crystal b*ads are charming, but, as ai
rule, they are not mixed. .If one Is ex
pert, a little pattern may bo strung
into tho strauds that go to compose the
similes; but even this is prettier for be*
Ins kept low and refined In tone. The
light shining through the beads gives
them a wonderful brilliance.
According to our Consul at Liege.
Belgium, a certain company in that
historic 'own Is manufacturing dishes,
tho resisting powers of which exceed
the wildest dreams of long suffering
The treasure trove is a disu of hard
ened crystal closely resembling trans
lucent china in appearance, and hard
ened by a special secret process.
.Submerge one of these hardy new.
•dishes in a pot of boiling water and
take it steaming thence to plunge It
into an ice water bath—no noticeable
damage is done.
Plates, to test tLeir strength, are
hurled to tho stone floor of the ware
house. They go bounding along the
who!? length of the building with ^
greater i u.*ruai Injuries than
received by a rubber ball in the
aCNCE. "
Not fioap, but. tmr^ rtonId be
• ,,sed 1,1 fae wa * er " tth which window,
tm- washed ,f • bright glass is
desired. It is , (3itw i tllat , amp chlnj ..
nej s rubbed , Iry 8alt a(ter walk .
iug vt ill .oqulre unusual brilliancy,
^ nelc> . made of several thicknesses of
new? jested together are moth
l n0 jf for clothing, provided the gar-
v .ents are thoroughly brushed and
shaken so no moth eggs are lodged In
I'thea*. These sacks ohould be pasted
Uogetlior, not tied.
Never use enrnmeal to clean a cat-
per. as It wilt nttract vermin. Instead,
tor the weekly sweeping try handfuls
( damp salt. Matting Is best cleaned
1 Ly wiping with cloths wrung out of
warm, not hot, salt water.
Clo(in the straw matting with worm
• water in which oxalic acid has been
dissolved, applying it with a scroll*
Bing brush; then rinse carefully with
clean watjr, using a soft Old cloth and
/wipe dry. Clean t«t a email space at
f a time.
lu patching* cracks In plastering, If
plaster o{ p rt ris Is mixed with vinegar
instead of water It can be handled bet*
tcp ». as it will not set so quickly as
."'Yi’.en water Is used. Strong'hot vine*
’fcnr will remove paint from window
Exact copies of costly brocades ot*
the three French Louis periods can
now be obtained In cretonnes, In linen
taffetas and art tickings, which make*
charming cushion covers, window and
door draperies.
tion Free. Everything confidential.
Wafilos—Two eggs beaten well, yolks
nml whites separated. Mix one tea-
hpoonfu! of soda and a little salt in
lmttcrmilk. which and to one pint of
'Hour. The batter should bo as thick
as strained honey. Beat Into this baft*
trr the yolks, one dessertspoonful of
incited lard, and lastly the frothed
whites. Have the w’nfllo irous bof,
grease well, and pour Into them from a
pitcher the waffle mixture. They
should coo!: quickly, should be golden
yellow, thin and crisp enough to be
eaten from the fingers, just ns crack-
Preserved Peaches—Weigh the fruit
nfter it is pared and the stones extract
in', and allow q pound of sugar to
every one of peaches. Put tho sugar
in a preserving kettle and make the
syrup as directed; after it is strained
put it back; let it boil steadily until
they are tender and clear. Take them
out with a perforated skimmer and
lay upon flat dishes, crowding as lit
tle as possible. Boil the syrup almost
to a jelly; that is, until clear and
thf*ck t skimming off all the scum. Pill
the jars two-thirds full of the peaches,
pour on the boiling syrup, and when
cold cover with brandy tissue paper,
then with clotli, lastly with thick pa
per tied tightly over them, er put
them In airtight Jars.
Fresh Vegetable Salad—Boll two-
Louisville and Nashville Railroad.
If you ore gotog to the World’s Fair yoa j be too observing.
want ths b*st rout*. Th* L. k N. Is tho * ■ — ■ 1 •
shortest, qyieksst sad best line. Three ! NOT OUT FOR A GAME,
trains dolly. Through Pullman Sleeping : Willio-^I met onr new minister on
poui.d can tomatoes, six sprigs of pan-
ley, one slice of onion, six peppercorns, j
eight cloves, blade of mace, for twenty ! ui i pining Cars. Low Bate rickets | way to Sunday school, mamma,
minutes; strain and add while hot one j . ^ mto. from jour loeol went i and to “ kea me lf 1 «»er »>»*><*
tnblcspoonful of vinegnr, one teaxpoon- \ *° ,a <UUJr ’ ^ ! mxrblex on Smri.y.’’
fill of celery salt, one tablespoontal of j “ d “ k ,ot * lck “** V| * L - * 8tom ™ j Mother—H’m! Am
gelatin ditsolved; let in .water; stir
until gelatin Is dissolved; set In t pan
of lee water and stir slowly until it
begins to thicken, then xdd one grated
cucumber, three large boiled artichoke# j
cut into small cubes; turn Into n bor- J
dcr mold set on Ice to chill end be- j
come firth. When serving nnmoid; nr- j bn* x bod cold?
range stlced tomatopa on outside tnd j Youthful Manager—Yes;
four tnblcapoonfnls mnyonnhlie, mixed j traded It
with six tablespoonfuls of whipped 1 old Manager—^A
er;am in centre.