Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, October 28, 1904, Image 6

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TBOMABVltLE, 6roHUU, OOTOBBR M'1M4 | Thursdays court sevmaUAsesr i immensely, bat no matter wlwre I have, oeen or what X hare bjen doing, l am 1 more than glad to get been to Thnmxs- rille." . • Steadily add tbrely tlie superior court grinds n*%}i and tho hefty docket that confronted it at the beginning of the week lias been chewed op by the justice mill Uhnrsdaytbe com of Judge W. M. Joitee against the Savannah Florida and Western railway was oontteved to General Hardware, GUNS, PISTOL8. AMUNITIOHS. STBAWFITtlVOS BKMTKG. PIPEING, MILLSUPLIKS, WAGON AND-CART MATERIAL, —tUiiafacicnn of--* TURPENTINE, FARM WAGONS, TIMBER. OAtiTh, BUGGIES. STFA.UTANKSANOgyABORATURfl P°H * i WANT HARDWW LUMBER ANY SIZE MEIGS - - GEORGIA. A PRETTY TO’VN. Nearly every person ■who comes ns a stronger to Thomasvilie corn cu the beauty of fcb* towa. Mr. A1 Dviscri of New Tort. . manager of ' ilm * 1 >p*>F Hooligan Company, p;ti4 yester&i? tint “For what is worth in anything Bat so much money as ‘twill bring.”-But!er. We delire to call attention of pur cuetomera thia week to a large lino of ' . , Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. , —We handle the-— Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon;' the Oxford Buggies and the Rex Buggies, and tire McFarianc Buggies and Surries. PICKED UP Wo have combination corn and cotton planters and combina tion guano and com drills. We have the belt line of Fertiliser Diitributnri we ever saw. Von ean put out with them from one hundred to two thoniond pouudr of fertilixer* per sore. We afe, .'firry » full linn of. two hone riding and walking cultivator* and. woederi. We ore still offering bargains in ftdif g Go, ilOUTUJi, GEOWIiX. FURNITURE COMPANY. Carlo, Georgia, JUST RECEIVED die next term of court. The caws of B. A. Linton against U. A. Fleetwood, ndmiPistmtcrwa, decided in favor of the defendant. In,the suit of Geo. Banka against W. M. Carlisle, Judge Mitchell after hearing the evidence de cided .that the land lines as laid oat by the prooesstoners did not comply with the law and the ease wse dismissed without being submitted to the jury. In tho salt of D. Y. Knajn against thj Savannah Florida and Western railway. Judge Mitchell was disqualified. Tboparthw to the suit were unable to agree upon n judge, so 8. A Hodden bery was ippolit te-B bv Clerk J. W. Groover, aa judge pro»hoc to try rhi* ease. The ease of B. Kelly ta E. J. OralMn , J. A. Cbuxtain, gamitiier, was de eidtd in favarof Chasten. The ease of Knapp ys. 8. F. & W', wrr continued to tc-dsy. HERE AND THERE. NEGUO DEMOGRA 18. lie cou£itluml Thomaaville the aomest city he had seen on his Sou* f.-iu travels. “I would come here again evr n if 1 hadn't Itad a good house, ior the* pleasure it gives my company .to V isit a city like youre,*’ wore liis farewell- w *. “Did Stanley P. Mltchc j organise t> nogtia Parker club while) » woe here fear days ago?" asked a county official the newspapir nun yesterday. So * tt as cun be dlacovei ml hn did not. Mitchell is • sharp no gro. He war ar rested while here a ye or a;ro for on al leged endeavor to col< set funds from e>- slavos to push the H sttna clave pension ! midi linye on bund yeh some select! Norf.b.ekrolina.ijMdlW D de» fejpBSt:-v: ; Rempru|>n,r,th#(;,(vo,8iya.wiji»,o W l,,26ooi»«lt,i*mel)ttiK>i aticketeu- liflinB you to ,a n,biin 9 e at yiAheawifni Amca.sbicli.ieiifcT „„ about cn c"T diiplay, in oar window, whfcfe.will Im» RjveuiiutAjf. an. MUr y 28th. On** ’. nf olir onitomera wiU-g,t,tHi, bep.mifiil,-r«„t*l( OT 't. * mav bo the lucky oue _CO,\V£h,tp,iep uu v ' To Meigs W ith Your Cotton The J. N. Carter Compny desire to say to their friends and patrons that their modem gin plant is now in operation and that Cotton intrusted to them will be handled to the satisfaction of the grower. HEAVr REGISTRATION IN THOMAS COUNTY. Many Whits and Colored Viters List ed foy National Election. The registration lists for the nutimuf elect ion which takes .place ou Tci.aday Not ember eighth, dosed last T t d.iy anti have been inspected by tho i oanl of Registrars. They wore conm-vi for tlie first time yesterday afternoon and a'nowed the heavy tottl of 840S Cif these 3287 are white nnd 1120 are i-olor- «d. In the southern part of the only the colored registration oxcee-is the -white. The • list by districts is as follows: ' ■ White. Colored. Thomaaville MS , 353 Duncanville........... 45 123 Metcalfe 57 83 Glaagow...- 34 S3 Boston,, 230 103 Ways... 131 84 - Povo 133 l« Murphy 114 2-1 Ochlookonee lOOsotfi Pare White Chinn Cup* and Saucers. Good size, and seusible shape. 75c tvt. Nice assortment of the best Heating Stoves on the market 51.75 to «7 rO. A big lot of glassware and l*mp«, at .-tr-ractive prices ' J-S gallon gloss pitcher !5o. Unt cove: cd glass . - A big assortment of Glassware jour of the lot 10c. Oar line of Bed Boon, Soils. Odd Beds, Dressers. Chairs, Rockers, &c , is c mplete and our plica ■ vry lew. Don’t forget that'we make Picture Frame, and Mirrors and reviver Old Mirrors. Window glass, all tiztf, always in stock. Come to See us. We can do you good. Cario Furniture Company. Cairo, Georgia. ' R. L. VanLaNDINGHAM, Manager. Linked Sweetness Mil. Hewoa aequi Med however. He i Spence. -2133 The fact that the canty tin 1 f 70 . <cd a bos lately organ!* sd a micro libeiC > party with a negro uunetl Taylor os in' candidate for PreaUnnt. He runs -> paper (tailed “donthem iientimeni,” hi Memphis in the Interests of the party m ^ orl * ,or “^uley and Honan He uys they will poll 2 W,a» yuesib | yelWM. ago has boei vecMl-d thenorth. If they do of oourre * ho “ who like “> w '* ?* volt will be the ore. hurt and Parke* Interested in foremA-iing the von .o, helped. Societies colled "America -1 ue « raonlh - °( com.« all of the „1 ,r Jed vote will be cast for Roosevc*!. oertain per rout of tla white vcic - is about to be long drawn out. Don t wait till the J frost rests on j-our sugar c me to prepare to grind it; a J dolay might occur then that would prove costly. 1 ? d mu» BoyyoorQ a ne l£ill TcHUy Wo nro sole agents in Thomaaville for Goldin’s New Model Cane These manufacturers have had 18 years experience, and this mill is tho product of thoir liigl eat genius. Goods are too Best—Prices tlie lowest, Coleman & Adams, HARDWARE, J«okson. St. rhomasville, Ga. go to Watwon, but urii’fs nil Thomas county like most of tlieeth* in Georgia will show* a .reewt-br.\A:\ majority for Pnrker and Davit*. METHODIST COlITtvfBUTIONS. Patriots" are ergnubnd by .turn to help tho negro liberty party, fl at oven if snob a society was organized by him in TliomasriUe it would be nr no fore because the N. L. party has m * eloctorti i tloket lb Georgia, The newsp aper mao thinks that tlto negro vote hn « as else- where wiU be.solid foe BotMv» elt. USE Tflfc BASRLTS . I "Give the average (JciKgiai» aetaii-' sold n northern man who mow lives I eve "and lit. la happy." Ho is t-> ve'd contented that he uevor amces tvitern he throws the chswod-np ntneand stalks The can sequence Is tl u>l Tliomawille s streets and ekdawalki leok Uketl.otlocr of a huge vonu »fiv Nou- tig^:ctoskea of that ih'.iQ.iunat'.' ugly wneta bMkets. tliat confront t,i., jsdreadv looking forward to their pedestrian at every tnru, are certain!,- annual gathering notornasasats. Il.thoy ere not to bo use. folthog might luttvr beromoved. Why can’s.tho cona chewers form a and throw the refuse in tb« trash bas kets. Carter $5 Borough. Valdosta, Georgia, Largest Organ Dealers in U. S. g<j\l iiio reliable ESTKY, OEOi^N, ?uid Ludden and Bates Organs at lower | pricos turiu tim sanie grado of OrgauB can ho Hold el^whero. Every one o e ‘hem ! fully ffMtooteod by us, and our gaarautee is tnado good iu ycur homo without t Mviieu^e to tfiQ purchaser. ! 1 \\> IUO alKo Slate Jgcnfa for tho LESTKR. MATHUSHEK, IVEES & ! POND. LUDDKN BATES, CROWN, CHlIOKK'iING, and McPHATL Piumn. < .’atnlosiuus and pricer t urushed on your inquiry. I Repre»cnV3d in Southwest Georgia by VV. F. LEE, of Cairo, Ga. i and otiicrv. O.VRTKR & DOP.nUGTl, Valdnrta anil Tifton, lit., 09 LUDDEN S BATES PIANO WXI-L BE GIVEN AWAY IN THE TIMES-ENTERPRISE "AND" CONTEST. A / Thameevine Church Has Larne Shore | In Conferenco Collections- SAW MILL MACnIHERY. Tho couf»mu» year of tho Mt thaili, dmroh.ln drawiug to a cio*> and Hi 4X1NVKNT10N ECHOES. There are many interesting incident.’ vjnaected with the great uicunial con vention of tlie Episoopnl ohercli tit Bos ton, Mom." said Hov. G. S. Wbttnoj who bos Just returned ft out there. “One of the most intermriog woe wild 1 BiWo society aa Indian ddegatn offered a resolution ; p rinttng siiuutea We have eliminated ever feature of middleman’s profit and and are in position to pa the highest possible prv.-csj for all cotton coming to us. It shall be or.r polic to protect full the interest of our patrons, therefore we*donot hesitate to solicit their business. We a re wtll ftp in all lines and von can make no mistake if jcu buy of us sucli goods as you may r.cea. Onr prides flip always in line. w ■ —- Every transaction with us—At the office or over the courater— will oe bto.igln to a satisfactor conclusion. J. N CARTER COMPANY, Dealers in Ev erything, eips.d *- - Ga- Ar rltl* Ktkthet*Lig ai< hnaneiki refort> nre mo*io ana with church desires to have llio asset--uenr \\ald. The ThommviUo church h uu« of the most importauc in tlie south Georgto coufereuco. It bears its more of all expenses as wiU be seen friar, tho following schetlute of oortfgrtw’.; col- lections, raised by the churches. Superauuated preailieis and widov-i aud orphans of deceased preachers.i': ® -W Qhuroh extension *’> »» r » teducatiou U t» to Bishops 4d against lynching. His^stMs was state t in tho rear of the huge uhuxoh wher the sewious wore held, 'lue Georgia delegatee were well iu front wbaie tfc«; could easily catch the eye of the piv tiding ollire. The Indian came down j *» laadc lie “ SU,Kll ‘ y - la tho Georgia pew and uskod for a vcif, 1 • -, where he could seen-e recognition fremf wWIilU O rHln IrituMLO Expense of Delegates to General Cohferenct* IS Total lrtuul payment> on this amuun i Manufacture the best Saw Mill on the . market. Engines, Boilers, Ginning Machinry, Grist Mills, Shingle Mills. MACHINE SHOPS COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AND FOUNDRY. . Mallary Bros., Maolrinery Co. Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA. the chairman. Tlie hospitable tenth | erners accorded liio. a good place, and j. lie U60d it to read in a sieiirorian voice, j sumo drastic resolution* nu *iust lynch* - ing. Nearly every ouo iu tlie hour* 1 * thought tlie motion camo from Qeorgi:* t aud this created quite a seauruloa in the j COME TO CAIRO. Fair In the distribeucm 11 Yv T or] prices Thomas county o£ course ’ her chart-. There were not rosny ex- Iiibttors from this coanry but thos: u he did aend displays were fortunate. ’Tin. , . , . . , , . , . Georgia cane syrup from the B;vup light of recent events. Anotlior, i I City Of Thomos brougic tile til woocausddby resolutioos condomuiui. r , ,, , , , 1 W.B. Roddeuberv of Cairo, Bishop Potter for his part iu the fstuou.:; _ : ■Subway Tavern.’ These were iuire daoed hy a big North CaroUntan, per hap, as a retalitory meunre. lioti. ^ • I ' or P orsot1 ' 11 resolutions were tabled.’* Mr. 'Whitney I th * “® w * of continued “I enjoyed the to 1,16 ^P 16 °f ,hu * ecUou • Cargill-Wight Company of Cair. \ Columbus each secured « ?ilver r. T. Mcliean, Tliomasvillc, Ga. Healths CCIDENT F IRE Insurance S ; >!L.TSh.V J »tm bring youy walchcs, Clocks and Jewelry lo “e, and I will cheerfail) give you an estimate, c : ’2 w of k !o be done, and warrant when work is i p isfied that you will be pleased. C.G. GOEHRING, 120 South Broad Ct .-V sr