Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 11, 1904, Image 5

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I * TIMES .ENTERPRISE, THOMASWb LB, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. Sadie robinson. *■!*(•*»* From Xtrwu* •jfj? Calarrk—Found taofcfc He lief in m iw juuk HOUSEHOLD ? , AFFAIRS A BOSTON "CLUBMAN." Arthur—How Old you enjoy yours CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Wh<in the Back Ache* and Bladder Trouble. Sal la. Get at the Cam. Don't make the miatake of believing back ache and bladder Ilia to be local allmeeta. Get at the cauae and core the kidneys. Uae cured thousands Department and IMHP /esidlng at 2720 Wylie avenue. “It waa three years ago that I need Doan’s Kidney Pills for an attack of kidney trouble that was mostly back ache, and they flxed me up line. There is no mistake about tiat, and if I Should ever be troubled again I would get them first thing,' as I know what they are." For sale by all dealers. Price HO cents. Foster-Ulibnrn CO., Buffalo, N.f. self at Harry’s? Theodore — Splendidly! Harry’s such a fins conversationalist, don't you know. He never onoe through the whole evening Indulged In friv olities for an Instant—such things as the industrial dusstiott, the law of supply and demand, and things of that kind—but confined himself Wholly to such Improving topics as styles lit hosiery, the manner Of .wearing neck ties and creasing of trousers.—(Bos, ion Transcript. A SANDWICH FILLING, By chopping hard-boiled eggs veiilr fine and adding three olive* (chopped) to every egg, moistening with melted butter Snd seasoned to taste a desir able filling for sandwiches la quickly prepared. FINGER MARKiToN DOORS. Rub the finger mark* with a clean piece of fidnnel dipped la paraffine oil, and the marks will disappear like mag ic; wipe with a cloth wrung out of water to take away the ameU. This la far better than using soup and wafer, as It does net taka off the paint. AN ACCIDENT. "Oh!” exclaimed the first boarder. "What's ths matter?" asked the dyspeptic-looking boarder naxt to him. “Oh, I got a piece of eggshell in that last mouthful of omelet" "Strange! You must have got the porERm Intended tor me. It’s alsraya tny luck to get those things at home; never knew it to faU."—Philadelphia HOW TO KEEP SILVER CLEAN, To keep silver bright without con stant cleaning, which Is injurious to plated articles, dissolve a small baud* ful of borax in a basin with a little hot water and a little soap. Put the silver lu and let It atand all the morn- lug (or afternoon at the ease may be); then pour off the suds, rinse with clean cold water, and wipe with a soft doth. ROOM FOR HIM. “1 see that San Francisco has just graduated the first Chinese doctor la her history.” - “I wonder if he will be .'special- iat?" "I don't know. Do the Chinese have any apecial filar’ “Never heard eo. But if the new NERVOUSNESS AND WEAKNESS CURED BY PE-RU-NA. ice Templar, I nde- Mrs. Haskell, Worthy A CHEAP FILTER. The poorest family that lives may hava a filter by taping a common five- ccnt flowerpot earthenware, putting In the hole a piece of thoroughly cleaned sponge; over that a couple of inches of sand; over that again about at much clean coarse gravel; and then the water, slowly filtering through, must needs have been very bad at the start not to be very pure at (bn end.— Harper's Basar. pendent Order Good Templars, of Silver Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* “Dana Mas. Pixxxax: Four years ago I was nearly dead with inflam mation and uloe ration. I endured dally untold agony, and Ufa waa a burden to me. I had used msdlctnea sad washes internally and externally, until I i my mind that there was no relief for me. Calling at the home of * notioed a bottle of Lydia E. l’lnklinm's Vegetable Compound, id endorsed It highly and I decided to give It a trial to sea If ft would It took patience andperseverenee for I waa in had oondition, and I rdla E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound for nearly five months waa cured, but what a change, from dsspalr to happiness, from .o the delightful exhilarating feeling health always brings. I weald not change book for a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound is n grand medicine. . "I with every el ok wpman would try it and be convinced. —-M**> Haskiix, Silver Lake, Mesa. Worthy VJee Templar, Independent Order'd Good Templars. Whom a medicine has bfien successful in more than o mlUion cases, is It justice to yOursolf to say, without trying It, "I do not believe 1ft would help me” ? m Surely you cannot wiih to remain weak* and lick and dS*- oonraged, exhausted with each day's work. You have soma derangement of the feminine organism, and Lydta E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound will help you just as surely os it has others. flr»- THlle Hart, of Larimore, N. D., says: , .iir-lii “Dsab Mbs. Pdixbax: I might have bees - A New SXaemoslo. A Vienna society has bten formed to aid persons with short memories. A card is issued, upon which the purchas er writes the date of Sn engagement and posts to ths society's office. By the first post on the day of his en gagement the esrd is received by tbe purchaser. FORESTALLING CRITICISM. Caller—Kitty, Is that your parrot? Llttte Girl—No, indeed, ma'am. The folks next door left him with us when they went away on their vaca tion. "Fore ha begins to talk I want to tell yon that ha doesn't belong to FOR CHANDELIERS. If, for any reason, one does not care to use tinfoil for cbandellers, crepe paper will be found on excellent sub- stltutc, providing one Is careful to wind it so tigbtly that there is no danger from matches. Of coarse, one must keep away from the immediate vicinity of tbe burner. With this in mind, one can make the remainder an object of beauty by combining two or more colors judiciously, or using shades of one, before uo., coins Business in toe wj oc xoisao. County and stats aforesaid, and that sold firm will pay the sum oi osa aomnin non- lass lot taoh and every ease oi urun that oannot be aured by the use ai Ball's Catabsx Cuss. run J, Oxsjrsr. Sworn to beiort at end subscribed in my ,——presenoe, this Mh day of Deesm- IsiAL. ( per,A,D.,UM, A.W.Gliuox, 1—i— 1 Notary Public. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is takas Internally, sad sets dlreotly oa ths blood and mucous sur faces ol the syetem. bead for teetimoalsls, free. F. J, Cntssr A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7Be. Taka Hall's Family Fills tor eonstlpstlon, Kels.r Adopts British ISotte. Tbs German Emperor has ordered from s Berlin firm s quantity of pri vate notepsper stamped with the im perial aegis surrounded by. ths ribbon of ths Order of the Garter (ot which 'be is t Knight), with its motto, “Honj solt qul msl y penae." our church.—Chicago Tribune. POOR HUMAN NATURE. "What particular satisfaction do you set by spending a month at one of these crowded summer resorts?" “Writing to the friends at homo to tell them how much better time I’m having .than they are."—Chicago Tri bune. , A Raw Recruit. Major General Henry C. Corbin, who is to succeed General Toft In the Philippi nos, was reared on a farm In Ohio, and takes a great Interest in recru'its, particularly if they bo from bis own State. "Thoy are amusing and patbettc, the raw recruits from the farms and villages of the West,” said General Corbin recently. "And they make In tbe end the best soldiers i the world.. "But at first they are too Ingenu ous, too boyish, too naive. For in stance— "An Ohio lad was doing Ms first sentry duty. To and fro he paced. The landscape was fertile and lonely and cjuf t, and tbe young recruit, as ho regarded the green fields, fell Into a reverie. Ills pleasant inland home rose up before him. He thought of his father and mother, his school days and his sweethoart. "In the midst of his dream the ma jor passed, and ths youth forgot to salute. Instantly the major turned on him. ‘"Don’t you know who I am, sir?’ ho said In a terrible voice. " 'No/ said the recru.t, softly, and, thinking it was a friend from home— some friend of his family—he asked In a gentle voice: , “ 'Do you knctw me?'" TO MAKE MARKING INK. Dissolve separately one ounce of ni trate of sliver with one ounce and half of good washing soda, MIX tbe so lutions and collect and wash tbe pre cipitate In a filter. While still moist rub It up In a marble or stone mortar with throe drachms of tartaric acid. Add two ounces of distilled water, mix six drachma of white sugar, end ten dracbms of powdered gum arable, bait an ounce of archil, and sufficient water to make up alx ounces (At43—’04) ® horn's Vegetable Compound s few months sooner, for I tried many remedies without find ing anything whloh helped me before I tried the Vegetable Compound* I dreaded the approach of tbe menstrual period ovary month, so it meant much suffering end pain. Some months the flow was very scanty and others it was pro. fuss, but after I had used the Compound for two months I became regular and natural, and so I continued until I felt perfectly well, and tbs parts wars strengthened to perform the work without assistance and ]*ln. I am like a differ ent woman now, where before I did not care to live, and I am pleased to testify as to ths good .your Vegetable Compound has done tor me. " Sluoerely yours, Uu. toxin Hast, Larimore,N.D. Be it, therefore, believed br all women who are 111 that Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vege table Compound U the medicine they should take. It ha* stood the tost of time, and It has hundreds of thousands of cure* to its credit. Women should consider It unwise to use any other medicine. Mrs. Pinkham, whoee address is Lynn. Maas, will answer cheerfully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Perhaps she has just the knowledge that will help your case—try her to-day —It THE HAT NUISANCE AGAIN. "Funny that I didst hear you ask ing somebody to klQ the umpire to day." "Wasn't R? How were Us do- riotous?” “The worst war. Didn't you notlco the uBfalrneos?” “How could I with a big hat hung with laeo curtains dlreotly In front of mer'—Cleveland plain Dealer. FURNITURE FOR BEDROOMS. . Cnne or wicker furniture la by far the beat for sleeping rooms. It la light and easily cleaned and It just as comfortable as the heavy, dltt-coUect- lng, disease-breeding, stuffed variety. In feet, more comfortable and infinite ly safer and more healthy. Rugs, it not discarded altogether, thould be cleaned often and thoronghly. Of course, one tikes to .have one’s room decorated with pretty things, bnt let it always be in moderation. A room jammed full of things, no matter how ornamental they may be, becomes stuf fy and tlretome. , PROPER THING. "Let me seo," began the bachelor boarder; “wasn't It Solomon who said, 'All flash Is trust' ” “It was/’ roplltd the landlady. "Well,” continued (he b. b„ "Solo mon probably knew what he was talk ing about; therefore I would suggest a lawn mower Instead ot a earring knife tor thin steak."—Chicago News. A Queer Phenomena. A French authority had two ther mometers—one of ordinary glass, ths other painted black—placed In ths sun. In the white glass tbe mercury rose to 144. Under the blsck paint It went up to 157 In the asms position. The inference Is that people who wear black coats are wanner In the sun shine than those who dress in wblta WE: 8END SAMPLES OF SUITS, OVERCOATS, BOY8' KNEE-PANTS SUITS OR MEN’8 PANTS. ▲11 you haro to do 1« to toll u what you want. Hiring ilm sad priom, sad w will bsU samples at onoe. Twelre yean of praotloe baa taught us bow to aead you what you order—or, If you prefer, send your order, enolose the amount you deal* to lnrest, and If wa don't send you what you want, send ft back at our ezpsnae, aad we wiU refund the money. Mea'e Suite, 95,97.00,910,910.00,910 aad 900. Xoa'fl Yaata, 91 SO, 90. 90.00, 90, 94 and 90. Boys' Knes-Yaate •alt* 91.00,90,9* 94* 90 aad 90.00. Everything la HsU aad Varalsfclags* THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO., SS WMITZHALL »T„ ATLANTA, OA./ TO LOOSEN GLASS -STOPPERS. Pour a little oil around tbe mouth of tbe bottle, and in an bour or two, If yon cannot move tbe Hopper, Hand tbe whole bottle in warm water, re move it and gently tap the stopper on either tide against glass, when you will find It will easily come cut. To avoid tbe tame thing happening again, be careful to twlot tbe stopper round, g> It flta into the mouth of tbo bottle. Another method la to wrap a cloth soaking In boiling water around tbe neck of tbo bottle. Tbe glass will ex pand and the stopper nay then bo re moved before the beat reaches it. MOWABOH STUMP PULLER. Will pull 0-foot stump without help. Ousrsntesdtostandastratn of 99.000 II*. Gstelmrus and dis count• sddreiN MONARCH GRUBBER CO., Loss Trss, la. vau wihb rim rfQjWE&p !38»5? s WATERPROOF SUED CLOTHING . EVERYWHERE. ntlutmkrhkiiMaertmtaid Malsby & Co. 41 Soolk Forsyth St, itluta, fit. SAFEST FOOD In Any Tims of Trouble Is ^pe-Kati. Foou'to rebuild the strength and that Is pre digested must be selected when one Is convalescent. At this time there Is nothing so valuable as Grape-Nuts for tbe reason that this food is dll nourishment and is also all digestible nourishment. A woman who used it says: •\Somo time ago I was very 111 with typhoid fever, ao ill everyone thought I would die, even myself. It left me bo weak I could not properly digest food of any kind and I also had much bowel trouble which left me a weak, helpless wreck. “1 needed nourishment as badly at anyone could, but none of tbe tonics helped me until I finally tried Grape- Nuts* food morning and evening. This not only supplied food that I thought delicious as could be but it also made me perfectly well and strong again so I can do all ray housework, sleep well, anything without any trace of bowel trouble and for that reason alone Grape-Xu(s food is worth its weight in gold.” Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mlcb. Typhoid fever like some other dis eases attacks the bowels and frequently sets up bleeding gnd makes them for month* Incapable of digesting the* starches and therefore pre digested Grape-Nuts is lnvaluaDle for the well known reason that in Grape-Nuts all the starches have been transformed into grape sugar. This means that tbe first stage of digestion has been me chanically Accomplished in Grnpe-Nuts foe.! at the factories ahd therefore any one, no matter hod* wenk tbe stomach, can handle it a:id grow strong, for all the Rourl*'’ —*»it i.< fctili there. There*, a v...nd reason and 10 days trial proves. 1,000 Hen and Woman to Try $6.00 Worth of Samples Free, •sndaoMonsy. Only $edd your asms to W. C. HUGHEN. Atlanta, Ga. r recipes Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Compile Hat carried 4a eiocJt for IlMSDIA TB oMpmonL Bmi HMSls.ry, Lovmi Prtdi tld Bwt Tutu Writ* us tor catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. Bate? Eggs—Drop six egg* Into a .buttered firo-proof dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place a small piece of butter on eac'j egg. Put In the oven and bake until tbe wbitei are set. fierce cn rncnCs of battered toast. Ealiana Ssuce—Boil half a cupful of sugar witb one cupful of water until it will span a thread, then add tbrea ba- .cants cut <in pieces, and two table* spoonfuls ot lemon juice. Beat until tbe banan.-.s are mashed to a jolly, and when boiling take from the Are. Stir in two egzs well beaten, end I: is ready far use. Ducklings, Coasted—Little, tender ducklings of this year's raising should Put them In * ptn with a J VA? The Bowel*, m IJn'lfwsvsVww buuiueau, booruianci anti T; », Louis vills, Kr.,open ths wl esn snesr any Unis. Catalog f *rrl ting College, year. Student* ci AMWJAL SALE. TEMMILUOI BOIES! psyll iw.Utag In Slow FRIENDLY ADVICE. Borns—You’ve nod my latest story u hr u It his been published. Would you advise me to turn It Into tragedy or make It, eod happily? Ntggus—Mike It end happily. Blow the principal characters up In a dynamite explosion.—Chicago Tri bune. be used. , little water and butter and let rnatt fer thirty minutes, "more or less, ac cording tn their else. When well browned, serve and strain tbe liquor in '.he pan; add to It a little melted hot ter and pour over the Cocks. Puree of White BeanS-Tske one pint of fresh, white beans and cook In three pints cf white consomme.. When tbe beans are quite tender press through a sieve, pet back on the fire; add u pint of rich cream, and salt and white pepper us needed. Add * teaspoonful of chopped parsley, sod, if liked, a few chive*. Serve with small squares *f bread fried in butter. Write or sail. All oomspondsate tasted sesfldntiaL DR8. LEATHERMAN & BENTLEY To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? i AN ENTIRE 1 MEDICINE CHE5T r UR. EARL 5 51 CAN fil5 ALBANY 51B05TON MA UMPTION Vi.