Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 11, 1904, Image 6
Cario, Georgia, JUST RECEIVED of. J. 3. iltowart Makes Eplcridi# Report of Thomasrlllo's EBucs BUSINESS PART OF TIFTON DESTROYED. tlonal System. lOOsetsPnre White China Cop* and Saucer*. Good size, and sensible shape. 7*c set. Nice, assortment of the be*t Heating Stores on the market $1.76 to $7.00. A big lot of glassware and lamps, at attractive prices. 1-8 gallon gloss pitcher 16c. Large covered glass hotter dish, A big assortment of Glassware yoar choice at tire lot lOo. Our line of Bed Boom Saits. Odd Beds, Dresserr. Chairs, Rockers, Sc , is complete and onr prices very-low. Don't forget that we make Kotor* Frames and Mirrors and re-silver Old Mirrors, Window glass, all sizes, always in stosk. “ re TIMB^n. OAKTh. BUGGIES. ID EVA PO HATCHS FOB LUMBER ANY SIZE. Suck Hardware Building, Tifton Drug Co. Mayor Tinmona' Residence, Respent Hotel and Many other Im portant Buildings Burned at Tifton Yesterday Afternoon. Prof. J. 8. Stewart of the University whose presence in the city was mtntioi. ed by the Tidies Enterprise Thursday, spent the morning at the public school*. The report lie gave of his visit is n—st pleasing to ThomasviiUans. Kr, Stewart says that tie public school system here is in splendid condi tion and diat it is one of the best syi- terns in Georgia. The University takes pleasure in admitting Thomasville grad- nates without examination. Mr. Stewart advised Tifton, Ga., Nov. 4.—(Special to the Timei-Enterprise) The handsome tlireo atory building of Phillips Slack on Second street canght tre at 3i30 this afternoon and was com pletely destroyed. The Are atoned in the cellar. Come to See us. We can do you good. Carlo Furniture Company, Cairo, Georgia. B. L. VasLANDINGHAM, Manager. ' “For what is worth in anythin* But so much money as 'twill bring/’-Butler The first floor was occupied by S. G. Slack and Go. Hardware and Dr. George Johan; the second floor by tbo Ensign Lumber Co J. J. L. Phillips, lumber dealer, Hettler Lumber Co. Nutwood and Boat- the school authorities to take under consideration the idea of bringing the city and connty schools into closer connection. He tliioksit would be well to build up be tween the two sys'ems the same com lation that has been established between the High School and the University Under this plan, a gradaate of ono o tho county schools could come into tlie city and by paying a small tuition coo. throe his education without having to dtip iente any of hi* prorioos work. He could i nter about the seventh or eighth grade and go up without intermission straight throngh college if lie so wUh- We detiro to call attention of nur customers tbit‘week to a large line of Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. Wo handle the Weber Wagon and tlie Virginia Wagon, the Oxford nggies and the Rex Buggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and Surries. ' 111 ' ’ ~ 1 , Gross Mfg. Co. Wright, lawyers, F. 8. Harrell, lawyer. The third igi ies Stand Supreme For All Pi wer Purocsps. 5! UFLICIIY it*-If. Buy a BL VKES1.HH and keep your re ligion. No profanity necessary. ‘Blakeslee' and O. L. Chesnntt, dentists, story wss used as sleeping apertmeuts by several families The Slack build ing, the Regent Hotel, the residence of Mayor Timmons, the Tifton Drug Co. E. P. Bowfn, the telephone exchange and two three other stores oh second street burned. One store, the Postal Telegraph Co., a photograph gallery and one residence on Love avenue were do stroyed. The loss is estimated at $130,- We have combination com and cotton planters and combina tion guano and corn drills. To foster tiie plan, Mr. Stewart sug gested that the city schools offer one free scholarship to each militia .district in the county. You can see every movement. Nothing hidden or comphca:-.t about th BLAKESLEE. Positively SAAE. Strictly high grade. Write for our catalogue and prices. STOLE HORSE IS 6APTURED BY SHERFF. Sheriff T. J. flight Thursday got hold of a fine cream colored horse that had hern stolen from Tallahassee, it was stolen by a negro named Jim Williams, early' Tuesday morning. A telegram tolling Sheriff Hight of the tbleit, reach ed Thomasville just two hours after the thief and his creamy steed" passed through here. Yesterday aftornbou our vigilant sheriff, who had been keeping ills oyo. on the passing throng, spotted the itoed. It was in the possess on of a whito men who had bought it from the uegro. It will be returned to the owner at the Florida capital but. the tide! is ■tlU at large. We have the best Vine of Fertilizer Distributors wo ever saw. You ’ cau put out with tb'em from one hundred to two thousand pounds of fertilisers per .tore. TWO NEW RURAL ROUTES START DECEMBER 1st. Carter & Borough Valdosta, Georgia, Largest Organ Dealers in U. $. We also carry a full line of two horse riding and walking cultivators and weeders. M&aSfo Roaidont* to tho Northeast Will Have Dally Delivery. We are still offering bargains iu ■Flour, Sugar and Tobacco— December 1st will witness the eetab lialiment of J now rural routes, from this ’postoDloe, supplementing the excellent sorvico now rendered by routes cue and two. The new routes will be known aa hree and four. Within a few week number fire will be established. It has been inspected and the regulations inci dent to ltd establishment are nuw being complied with, This wilt run slung the Buiubridgo road to Mr Jobu F. Howard** home, thence over to tho .-uuuy Hill and Duncanville roads and bock to town. Route number II. cover* an area of Id square miles, with u population of 78* and 45 houses. Ita plan is us follows: Northeast and southeast to Dr. T, E. Blackshear's, 8 miles. Southeast and east to Adam's corner *34 miles. Southeast and oast to tiip May view tur pentine t still, 4 1-4 miles., Return to forks of road north, 1-4 mile, northeast aud east to old Mouticello and Thomas ville road 3 3-4 mites west aiid north west to Thomasville 7 1-3 miles. Total lenth 33 1-8 mile*. Route unmber 4, Is 33 3-4 mile* long, covering on area of 18 square miles, with a population of000 aud ISO houses (t runs from the ThonuuvUle office northeast to Yellow Water creek S miles. North and east to Gilbert’s cornu: 3 5 8 miles south aud southeast to Troupvillo road, 1 3-4 milos. South east to Muorc's corner, 1-3 mile Re trace to Troupvillo road, northwest J-8 mile. Northwest to Heard estme, 1 7-8 mile*. Retrace to Troopviile rood, 1-3 mile. Southwest to seven mile post, 13 4 miles. East to Benton's place 3-4 milo. Retrace to 7 mile post 3-4 mile. Northwest, west, southwest and north west ro poatcffice <! 3-4 miles. Tho carriers will leave the pOstoffice at seven o’clock each morning aud will return with the mail collected' at 1:30 p. m. Tlie carriers have not yet been cliceett bdt n ill .be within the next few days. Sell the reliable ESTBY, GRO *VN, and Lndden and Rates Organs at lower and have on hand yet some select North Carol inn Seed Finders Rumember that we with each 25o oash purchase ft ticket en titling yan t« ft chance at the beautiful Ames stick sent ran about cri display ia »ar.window, which will be given away on May 28th.- ni of oar mutaareri will get this beautiful run about. You may ha tbs iaoky ea«. COME to sen us. W. F. LEE, of Cairo, Ga. and others. GARTER A DOROUGH, Valdosta and Tifton, Sa. A $3*0.00 LUDDEN ABATES KANO WILL BE GIVEN AWAY IN THE TIMES-ENTERPRISE “AND” CONTE IT. A SMALL 8UNCH SAW MEL MACHINERY. OF CONVERSATION Comfort Trading Co Engines, Boilers, Ginning Machinry, Grist Mills, Shingle Mills. DOST WORRY. City oayineor J. A. Epply wnlko«I iuto tho Tiiuort-Kuterprise office yester day afternoon And said, "I,see where you qtiote what some fellow Bays about danger from Manufacture LA, , T-V]J %Jhe best -**aL\ Jgfcfc' Ji JgSaw Mill JmaBMBeHII on the 1 {.market; COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY. Ps/faHary Bros., Machinery Co. Mention this paper. MAOON, GEORGIA. GEORGIA, BOSTON, because we dqn’t pump to the stand pipe on Sundays. Now wo don’t fight fire from the stand pipe, but pnt on pressure direct from tho water works. So there is no danger and we ran battle with the flames just a* well Snuday a* any other day. Yon tell the people not to worry and teU tlum ferthor that ocouomy will go rlthton.” - To Meigs With Your Cotton The J. N. Carter Compny desire to say their fri nds and patrons that’thdr modem gin plant is now in operation and that Cotton intrusted to them , will be handled to the satisfaction of the grower. K.T. McLean Thomasville, Ga. ^ Life, Health i Accident PireJnsurm THE BOARD OF HEALTH. "I am glad to neo that the new Board of Health lias started in to do things, f> said a citizen yesterday. “For a long time the Board lias been nothing more or less than a more figure head. The new board seems determined to make a different record for itself, l’hty have iuverft-ignted several matters per- tairing to the health of the city, and recommended that tho council act. The Board has none too much power. The extent of their province is to recom mend aud let the council act. A little more power wouiun’t hurt the health board. We have eliminated ever feature of middleman’s profit aud aud are in position to pa the highest possible prices^ for all cotton coming to us. It shall be our polic to protect full the interest of our patrons, therefore not hesitate to solicit their busiuess. IKS COMING. The year of 11XU is getting old, and feeble. It is limping to a close. Most of tho people will be surprised when they compute that bnt 55 more days re main until we have to begin to write it 1805. A reminder of this fbet was sent around yesterday by C. L. Thompson, proprietor of tlie Thomasville Iron Works. Tho reminder in tlie shape of a handsome calender for 1905. Carries a comolate line of Drugs, Medicines, oilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fine Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes The only updo-date Soda fount in town, serving all kinds of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. A fine line of obacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family Groceries, hanking you for past patronage and soliciting same in future. re well up in all lines and vou can make no mistake if you buy of us such goods as you may need. \ i prices are always in line. New Uniterm*. After January first, the* tate militia will bo clad iu olive drab uniform* They seem to he more serviceable in every respect aud besides loex bettor. Those who have seen the soldiers of the northern stales iu the garb of this hue ray that the epi»aratico of the troops it handsome. Tlie Tbomasrilie Guards aro wondering how they will look in green.. Every transaction with us—At the office or over the counter will oe brought to a satisfactor conclusion. J, N CARTER COMPANY, Dealers in Everything, Meigs. - - Ga Mrs. Talbot J. Taylor and her children arrived here from their northern home iu New Jersey Saturday afterncon at 4:30. They are at their winter resi dence oo D*WIOO street for Um much Mrs. Fred O. Nourse and' daughter, Mias Ella, hare amred from their New TtnriPf’iiry boo. for the ulnty. Ocklockonw, Georgia. 4