Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 11

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‘ME-i-KNl'KRPRtJri. l'iiOMA8VIH,E,QEOU»U, NOVE.MI'ER 18 1904 TO RRMOVE FRECKLES AN) PIMPLES lu Ten Day*, U*' Satin ANNOUNEME NTS. Petition for Charter Ji\i^o¥.oko9iowtom GEORGIA—Thom ab County Tolhe Honorable Sujorior Couit of said County: ^ _ 1 ho petition of C. L. Harris, S. E* Alexander, J. S. Beams, 3. E. Clayton and Win B. Blair, all of paid eopiiti, and their snccesssots iu office, respect- fully shows: . ■ 1, That they, and their iiS80t*iar&, ►uoc. ssors and a-sGiis, de>i?vj to become ineorpura'fri uudeMho laws of Georpia -for tho purport* l ereinaffejuaniro fora full pern* l of fit'ty'(.‘>0) Years, with the privilege of renewal. wnd. Tliat the uauje under whitIi i*- ■tirioii^Js desire to be incorporated is THE UNITED . ORDER OF FALL BEARERS OPTHE UNITED STATES O*’ AMERICA. That they, desire to transact btndueas iu Raid county \vl ere shall bo localod their principal office and place of business, but they propose to do busiu o s$ elsewhere in and out of this state as petitioners may > deem prudent for the conduct of their ‘said business' There is no capital stock in this Associa tion, itboioR fonsldered a geiiqml bene* yoleut society. v. The' ttirn and object ot mid nwoei* ation being to fee to the proper conduct of funerals and t he burying of dead gen erally, and further to cure for the nick DID YOU EVER STOP TO CONSIDER GEORGIA. Thomas Ooouty: To tue Houorable Superior county: The petition of O. M. Sheppard, A, S, Sales and A. V. Sheppard, and tlieir successors, all of the county of Thomaa, reqiecttuily shows: 1st. That they desire for themselves, eh ir .• eaooiates aud successor* to be come incorporated as a benevolent iu stitQtiou uniter the name and style of THE GENERAL. BE s'E Vi >lES t UNIONS AND LABOR EXdtUM.L SO.: I LTV OF GEORGIA /or u term ol fifty (5(q years with the privilege^/ re uuwa'. Sud. That they desire to trammel business iu the state of Georgia and clsowhcre in the Uuited States as they shall deom advisable, with their princi pal office and place or business in Thom* asville in the county of Thonius, state, of Georgia. 3rd. That there will be no capital stock ju mid associaturu, the oejeotef i ho same being to organize and cany on a mutual eo-operative labor exchange butdiitbs according to the terms of ibis' charter and the rules and by-laws that they may hereafter adopt that Bhallnot iu any manner conflict with the Con stitution and laws of the Uuited States or with the state of Georgia. 4f1t. That they iiropose to go for ward without delay and organive said association, with the right to eptUMisli branch offices or subordinate lodges up on terms agreed upon by petit loud’s and those desiring to charter subordinate lodges. 6th. Petitioners desire the right to suo and be sued, to have a common seal of office, to bay and tell real and per sonal property and to do any other thing not m violation with the law's of the United States or the state of Geor gia as tot) enii may seem proper and u j e?sary in the premises. 6th. They desire that the govern- uioitc of this institution, shall be in the iirtiuis of u board < it uiue C.i), .direct3is; t.I»t llitw | committee, who shuh <i M Vtf;iiuinvdiate charge of ail* the basl- lie k of the institution and that tITs t'x- cuii'e committee for the firs/ two years and until their successors are elected and qualified shall consist of 1 O. 3a. Sheppard,' A. S. dales ami A. V Sheppard, and that said executive cbm mltteeshall be ©leered by the 6 ard of directors every two years. < , 7(h. That ail vacancies in sai l exec at ve committoc or said board of direc tors Hiali bo filled at any regular meet- , ha of the executive committee and by < I lie re by anuonuce my'teif us a candi date to" re election to the <ffiv© of Gi»y Marshal, Fnbje t to He aciicu ot lie VTiim'prinn y. If 1 «m. »i -elected, ’I will G tli** tmure hr lhft\© dene hi the pasr, give my be>t utumh u to Hie imies of the office - * Ri-fpecttniiv, .) J. WIEPHLNS. That many hemes are whited sepulchres idc, but I BEAUTIFIRa HF. t OMPl.EXIOtf L( : U !i ( L lipi II f;< I!, ijuvaitDy full of • null's ]>i iji peed «i on* in kt, ifn;e hut ou: . won’t lit at. Rliitliiiie* jliat' won’t won’t match: hy announce mv«elf as a cm.di- lo eh cHon to fl.o ofli c nf City 'bj^rf to the action of the .white if I am rc-fllectod I •will in c I have done in thepas? give iiueutiou to the duties of the Respectfully. K T. Maclean. /or City Treasurer. I hereby nnimmicp my to./ a candidate foe Hie * ffii*t r of Oily Tre* sorer, subject to the act. on «>f the white primsrv and sot toil tlursupjjovi of rim vo»eiv. .Should 11 e elected l \\\[l give my tunc and best, am init u to the In thru* discharge of :h« '.lutic&of the odico. ttesjM-irfntly JOHN \V. II AinCillCLL. House Fiirninys, Crockery. Broad St. Thnraasville Ga a wonorowos?v)no^.6sio«or.c ttostononso^oiF.oy.ostoitoitosiox^aSEi Snt;t„»!n lx anew discovery'' auarnnivcd -amine u.^ h ill tie f* Atudrd ir ft Oil- •«. re- - -snov,-Kr(CRtr^..PUnpt<-M, I, vcr>votn It'wH- hearls. Tmu, J)l-«-t.!i*r.ili,ms md 1)! flirurlrp- Kruptions:'v InlO.Srys ih« no matt-r h»»\r fonuFtahAtnc, In l.*> m .flditv*. .* ‘ After tlw-c lectft«re r« movcl pieFkij. will br; sof», rl. ar.Jteitllhy nn.! n, atilitul. prfeeTiO* m «ir-by mail. Pmi:HliKl»4)f IsdicH ii-nflfy lotiHi itiemWNaUnol . • VIrji Allen'Liretto- write*.*—'Ttilb. donux, - La..Oit. 15. 'M. "F«f four y.«r« my f.-ee w.m- -cmnpieipiy coven d wltti frrefc>cm ami pim ples. A'l retnrvIlfS fin e I u».t 1 I wed two i Phckb'c s»ntlAutn. whiyli rcnmU-tcly r< imu-- . -<*1 my iM-rkles m<i«1 pluipie*. >ly eomplexl'ui i* now | e*rfctl, tud Mi. j r i vfiy tert> l aving * - frceMt-n «h* plinHfefl.wh| irj- *8nrln»»tw.” „ National Toilet Go, l*ari*,Tenn. H»».d in Thoma»>vllle hy H. '1 honius, Jr. and *11 dnii*ui*ti | . For City Sexton. I lierebv nnnouuce myself tts a can didate for the office of city /ext oil •subject to I ho white primary. If I shea d be‘fortunate enough to be elected I will give my entire time and attention to the duties tf Hie office! Respectfully S, B. SANFORD. This Pharmacy Is renowned for reliability and accuracy. All the Drugs employed by us are entirely ',fyee from all adulteration. ' We take particular;43re in jthe.conipoundiii£ of all For Sal«*. . Nevriv O^t-rbaulcd. One H. I*. Tubular Boiler For City .Treasurer. I herebv announce myself ns a candi date foi the office of city treasurer, sub* j'-cr to the action of . the white primary, and solicit tho support of -lift voters of the city. Ir elected- I will give the duties of the office my best personal attention. Walter W. Williams. to '* •* ^Vertical ‘ ••‘ 8 " . 1 Locomotive “ o* wheels, One 10 H. P. Vertical boiler and en ginc. i No. 2 IM.nath Saw Mill, Simple Feed. I—l a in h .Insert d to- th saw Sni 11 saws. - ■ #?oule ricam fe % d rope *eH as go c . When a person buys Dia mond*; he wants- nothing but t lie best. They are one of the filings that don’t permit o£ Shoddiness. Diamonds, are embleiBs dfifmrity and sincer ity. ■ Yon ian’t afford totaaxe' the emblem faulty. our Dia- monds are beautiful. Qome a id see. • Pfescfipt’ionsi| All sorts of first class Toilet articles. For City Sexton ,11 erohy nnnouuce mi self a candidate for tUu offico cf city, sexton. If .L am elected 1 will give* the duties of itlw* office my entire lime and undivided at toaiiou. -1 lespectfully solicit tlio sup port of the .voters iu the white jgjjfcjjj sponges, brushes I erfumes, etc are to be found oil our.conntbrs. . co *—A5 II P. center crank ongtnff. man i 'EWELER. •inn^ct >»r<t of i4 Directors, and that five -•XtCUt 15) ot .saiii tli red ora almll CQWlfttBHfSm executive 'Commit totcn nd Khali have ini- mediate charge of ail of the bqsiuo«H oi the institotioa, and that; thin' ttedutivB. committee for Hie first' two years rIihII consist of O.’Ia Harris ^ R Alexander, J. S. Dennis, S. E. Clayton and Wm, IJ. Blnrr, wliose term of. office shall be for two (3) yeais aud uutil their succes sors ah* elected and qualified. That any vacancies iu said executive 'committee or said board Of direct jnt shall be filled by the board of directors at any regular meeHng. That said board of directors shall have authority to elect such offi cers aud prescribe »cch bylaws and rules as shall seem to them to meet aud prop er for th* management of the jnsiitr- tion. Wherefore, Petitioners pray for them selves and their legal successors to be made a body corporate and politic, with all the rights, prviltges. immunities and restrictions fi ot! oy Jaw, and to do, any and every ot act neoFSsary for • the conduct of their businoM* not iu con-1 flict with the constitution and laws of' the United States and the constitution | aud laws of Georgia T. N. Hopkins. Attorney for Petitioners. ! (Jlmmberlaiiitr Stomach and "Liver .Tablets ate becoming a favorite for itomach troubles nud’condtipjvtiou. . For sale.b/ J. Peacock. p. & W; t—2 l-c.Kmg'governor ' I—*ii-t Mon;i*ch govtn-ox. / i-i/l-2 I'l kcring g vi rnor. i2w> us 12 rivkcni g Garrisgi trucV , new. H e btfcl made. , Prompt attention ‘upon vork. \V< Will he prepared to furnish canc mills ir 30 days. THOMASVILLE IRON WORKS Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot P. O. 162: Telephones liH and 216 :<xrsmq& OHAMtiERLAIN'S COUGH BBUEDT No onawlio -i» iUqo»iritnl wTUP iU fWatch this SpuCi good qnaliliea o&u bo •orpriwil itl iho grout popularity of Cluiniberluiu'i- Cough Remedy. It no! only enres cold, oiid grip effeotually uud p,riuouonily, but prereuta these dieeaaeH from, re,nil log ill pneumonia. It it nlao a certni cuw for croup. Whooping cougli is no dangerous when this remedy is given. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confi dently to a baby as to an adnlt. It alto pleasant to take. When all oi these facts'are taken iqto corsidernti-r it Is not surprising that people in for dgu lau Is Ss well HI at. homo, esteem this remedy very highly uud very few are willing to lake any oilier after hav ing once used it For salo by J W Peacock. _ w Yon will son bargains quoted here that will he worth while. B. N. SOIIOENIU, DRYGOODS. Tliomasvl'le, '4a., Jnckion'St tlie executive committee. . Mb. That said executive committee sh ill Iiave antliority to elcot such other oTtoers and prescribe such other by-law. and rules aud make suoli constitution *i shall; seem to them proper for the management of the institution WHEREFORE; Petitioners pr-v for themrelves.and their legal successors to be made a body “Eorporate and politic, witli all the rights, privileges, immuni ties snd.rtsiriotlons fixed by law. T. N. HOPK1N, Petitioners’ Attorneys I hereby certify tliat the above Is . true copy of tho original now of flic ii my office. -This Oct. Slsf, 1004, J. W. GROOVER, 1 l-4.4t C. 8. C. Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup baa been used in thousands of homes for fifty-two yean with perfect confidence said th. most remarkable results. The great success of this remedy is due to the fact that its formula (which con stats of Buchu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium) has been freely published. * Doctors and Druggists everywhere do not hesitate to recommend a preparation which they know contains the best- known remedies for correcting all irreg ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood, and the diseases caused hy the failure of these'functions to perform their proper work. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grateful letters that others might profit by their experience. tt Bloomiso G nova, T.x, Nov. 1S, 190X I-waa suffering terribly wilh rndtev.tlM.nd kidney trouble .nd .ent lo my druggist for somethin,-to relieve me. , Aa he sent me a package of Dr. Thaetar • liver and Blood Syrup I concluded to tryit, •and uow I am deeply grateful to my druggi.t *Yhad^eeiia liifferer from thee things and a genera] run-down condition for ten years, —^ bad only received temporary relief from medicines, nut after u.ingnot quite two Thoroughbred Chickens. Marred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte EQOS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs. C. W. COCHRAN & BRO., - Thomasville, Ok GEORGIA. Thomas, ouuty. J, Ja«. SV. uroover, Clerk Superior Court do^ hereby certify that the above is a true aud correct copy of the original ou file iu Hu.* office. ThU Oct. *8, 1904. JAB, NY. GROOVER, .Clerk. i Barber Wanted A first-class burbertofl.l permanent position. Wages good. Most desirable town. White preferred. Apply toT T .Toy i*er, Bo/ton. Ga. dl w2. VVURLDii FA k. St. Louis Via Central of Georgia Railway. COLDS THAT HANG Low rates, shortest route, quick*4 time! Choice of th-ee routes via At* ianta, Montgomery or Birmingham. Sleeping cars all the way. Frt m Albany season tickers $35.05. 60 day tickets $29 25 15 cay tiCKet $2i.oo. LooCh Excursion Tickets good only m concht o » sale eacl. Tuesday from all roupoii points, $iLi5 limit ten days. I’ropoi- -ionate low rates from other points. For full particular:. World » f air Lit erature mans, etc., call on or write you’ ticket or 1.0. Urineor, corrime al Vg :nt. Albinv, Ox. the lungs and result In Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing ng that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. package, ef your Liver and Blood iiy rll pl feel •4 Hlout aud hearty aa I ever did In mr life, and I am aatufied that I am entirely cared. I feet noaymptoma whatever of kidney trouble, and my digestion is as good aa any living mao a. I can now eat whatever I ch<»*e. 1 never bad any remedy give me socb and permanent relief, and I can not on t a cor rect estimate on the value your medicine baa been to me. I would not take any amount of money for IL Very gratefully y«“™ WN ONLY MAKES A BAD MATTEL WORSE. Perhaps you have never thought ol but tho fact must be apparent t. ever,' • e that constipation is canted by a tod ( water iu the system, aud the use of rustic cai hi nice «ike the old fashioneo dlls only makes a bod matter worse. fitamberUin's Stomach and Liver Tab- era are much more mild and gentle in heir effect, and when the proper dose 14 taken their jusMoo is so natural that one can realise it is the effect of a med- cie. Try a SSoeat bottle oT them. For sale b? J* W- Peacock D. A W. Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents Fneunfonia end GonsKsnpSSon Consumption Threatened Cured Homorrhaoes of tho Lunge . C. Unger, 211 M»ple St., Ch»mp*lgn, IU., write*: A. M. Akc, Wood, Ind., write*: “Several wen I wo* troubled wilh * backing cough for * yew and *ince my lung* ware *o b*dly *ffcvted thatlh* thought I had conaumption. I tried a great many mahy hemorrhage*. 1,100k treatment whh j »»»en . me dfcs and I wa* under the cere of phyaician* lor phyxlcl.n* without any benefit. I then atarted Iveral month*. I uaed out bottle V FOLEY’S FOLEY’S' HONEY AND TAR^and my lunra w [ONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not now a* aound a* a bullet. I recommend It la ad raa troubled'ainea.” vanetd ttagts ol lung trouble.” Tkra* tbaa—25e, BOe, It .00. Th* aix* eonUlns two and caa-WJ Imij 01wieh at th. imait alia and th* $t .00 betll. almoit aix tin** a* much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. alt* and th* $t .00 hatll* ximoil »lx tlma* ax aweh. SOLD MD RECOMNENDEO BY ^ J. W PEACOCK. WhailnCalroitopat Hou.