Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 2

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exas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok> ! i i ; locrado • < Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington anti other points West, Northwest and Southwest - I, G, HOU.EXHECK. • Dist, Passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. ALICE SKELTON IS FOUND ANO , Served in .Any _ Style and any Time. CHISHOLM and Dll LON NOTED PHYSICIAN AND CITI ZEN DIED SATURDAY RECOVERED k negro, WMSoapmrod ye-rordav. ehtif ed ulrh npplyiog fcne.torcli to tTie Tifrcn OalnbrfdQC GerI W u o Fcrrncfty Lived Hare Fourin 30 Miles Home ling Hun* )flfh Age tout Kid Hadbeenin Palling Health f;r tome time* Worn out by tong and. active Service, - Funeral,, Monday After* riooN. : | Knitting Mill,, wIiltsH were fired lari night. Ho stubbornly denied h tying committed, tin) deed _cr hating a *y knowledge of it (or soinii time, bnt wlttm do • i* CiJhft'fM'rt'llui nngf-' ll « mnfcl.Vn ntr* tw«- Of tier negroe* *e i'pTlvtk * tv- Tlioitm^viJln lias ], t»r ouo of her g*a!- A'.nta. AtRfven 'o'clock SatnnJft/ the long fttioug cord of Dr T. S Ifopkhw’ life wna' clipped. Thomnsvilie owes snore 16 the memory of this mavjhnuto that of biit few of her citizen* living or] dead i!e it has. that- wtw largely responsible for the rei-ugnUiott given Thowasvlio ft* a winter reran. Tyrice lie governed the city , ns mayor. .For thirty-nine long year* he lul*md for the good of Thomnsvijle end hi? follow innn. For uvea a longer time he fervor] the medical frasenifty and for moie than fcVe ordinary four years 'did he serve in W«* country's arm(c». Dr. Hopkins wag born -in McIntosh comity iu 181? andtpent his early life there. Ho aftt-rwuul* moved to Wayueavilie and coming here Iu 16Q4 purchased tho entire block, bounded by C/aw ford,Heniingihn iXtjrkm nud Jack* a >n Htreot. (Hy T F. Ti l r ) 1 aiohriHge, Ga. Nov. 12. B.cvhil-io’iho Times-Buterprlse.-* OJl -iit B;ib Dean and p»rrv icfurmrl alwiil uud : t)Uilock this morning fivm iluusvilie wi h Alien Sktltcii A large nrdw4rVu& nwal'iug his return. A imm- tr*r of button’s' trihnan came ill’ from Mil or comity on the evening tram uud. ineinp ed to make bond but were not a*lowed. At fl M the ftirl lefused to MULES MULKa MULE 4 MULES MULES MULES MULES MULES MULKS MULES MULES MULES mules MULES MULES MULES BY Gmidy & Malh-tte Dealers in Live Stock, TlmransviUe. Gd. lire to the huildnig. UjBgroe# ,-thi givOa.tfifelr » a«,e>»,.Hnd »t»* o hcer« «n* .h ci ing iu* ilittu to nigh* He ;»Uo told tii t V-*- >uttm {mV »• a *♦( tempted the huig ar. ut Dr Crrrij.( Smith**’ thug •toro fti.cJ tire Pu ker Dtu; Company Snuday ni#rht. : lie aa/a to ov r #*u.i>I-*>-«- Tvf tl b U*ui- dingtou Lo n «*r Cou p?»uy; d"! epitimni t run/CT f r «-Lr.slrm rcHipfc in the aftcnirnn and degm -wwk hi the night *</-]«»• Valdogm will confer oi.e tUfttc Wl»L a M’lwteiT ttam. and fv-b d**:»t*» w ihb* #xcinplifi'•{!. t»y a wtllclrdfed toain tr* n filicy Vi’f* dr Ix^dpc of this City. U. M. D. CL M„ rftfo. tinnu u v l.o will pn ft'de over *ht* bum t ing, )>.foiiu.i uk thnt the eptuunted ai tendum# of reptctenifltives ij ftotu V lo Id) TJtou.rhviEn v'ill *» i u fn m iO (»> 2 ff this nuu.her, w ith H i' Lodg- V hlr>« i feat. 1 : Tlf-.on Odd Felldwa, have m .rie * x ItUKive jocjoitMiOiut Tor tho i r'nt.iiu- • a.cnt<f tin.- !.i .»• of '■ Ti; oe L)>iit«8.' which iijcJudtB a*b» tqt\t to he fcvive du.'im: ti e rvAUlug, . — Cheap rule.* «ie oj>cu Oil ah I he Tail lend!* for Odd IMlaws, t; oir fflnihir*. »nd ihejr LiouD. The rate will be fu. late (ping, Mil one-third fa^o p’.ii; thtetitytive cunts returning, by stcur log a Southern Passenger A,» ooiattoi sertiflwte from the ticket ageut. a* Those .who wish day board or pleas ant rooms with board enu be acCoro dated. Everything clean, comfortable* i6id homelike, good and prompt service iriveu to all. Phone 171. '.0, 0. Coerolt* T'fiuiiiaaviti-, O ♦. Pianos ami Organs, Representing Phillips & Crew Co Allwnt*, <1 orgls. xiHlivrny, Kowbe. Ffrrher Hr.r.-Ym».n, gram tin, Ihirrusgion, kimbiill, Uadie Kimball Rtcu find *» PC OkdA.NS. Beokroptcy Couft. Kv/«Jit‘ Merrill heard 'a no a. be/ cf c!a { tu»* -for prnirifieo tinturtb*'-' in tU banliru]rfcy cut** of H> F, Gnue. Amour- the nlioiuejH piefeut wore OHn S Wtm- Lerly, «if Mi** on. Grice, of Uuwkin .vil.e, Jcrhc V\ . fL Gr.flin, C. L. Stu;lh, Wit 1 COX and Ji.hnson, of \’ul- dOKIu uud M Lrtum, of QUltnum \ I. FOLSOM, ’i f r: 11 i ’ and Builder. I f vVnri oM^nt) 1 aj:o:*tlUiit fo loreFtsj A approved metiiwls. ( I Box 1W. Phone counectioua. i / TJioronsvilie, Ga. ^Pians, speciflcatioibi aul estimatel A fnruiphed. I He caiuo to her house nud asked her to tni e ft abort ride on Thursduy bight, she wanted io hte Bit mother tut In* grabbed her nucLjiut hor iu the buggy i mid drove off with her. Tho gifl‘» >.idtfin<;nt is, aiid I ft »lipg is ttill»uiibiug high tliough ht t I s, inoi/i * a ui yc^, y. Su.ton waived preliminary >rial for change of kidnapping and his bond s«» aaees'LMl at 5000 uu. An< wurraut was oworu out for aisaali with intern to rape and bond fixed at $’*000. Talk is 4if|li r lining high, hot it i*. tlwotliLthi* will be all bh long as Sut ton r.oUittu $ iu j-sil.and his friends mokt noiftoit to tuke a luind. . Pobllo kym- p?tby. is * imrel.v w ith the' child in the city., . . - hut ion Hated that he carried.»*.e girl »w»y ti.ut H»e.might be better'treated and educaied, ho b.tioviug her i a*oni» Avrb not kiud to inr He tnaintaiutd tlut.)eii^dPP<b»ru*ctUii>f. . .im>i»>il)e, where hu look ijm child, la pe.r il.t linker cosily line, some thirty liviii B vibbriflge, and is far frthVr [either or telegraph siuliOii Mim Skelton was found in tlie home ot Bau Ruwell. - - Br. VV. W. Jarrell, . Physician and Surgeon. Tvnoxrs his pr* fes^onal sorview* to the fiublic. DHIce, overCMJ , b»>lm*t» Dillru’s Phone 222—3 hligw. COUNCIL INVESTIGATED * ELECTION RETURNS. DR. HOPKINS FROM SOU CH AFRICA. 'Tbtjcil) coauciln'vt $OHijny 10 itj* •MSlignU) the'rcinruA . f iho late bi-no and light;eloiMiou. Tiiey view se*vtu ■Milt'Judge Ru[art U Min lull’s re ^truining order, (set Joith in full in au- oiher colaoibj proliiLito'g 4luat frvtn decluri’ug the reiuii of auv election. Somo of the mdermeii thought ilm! thi» mount that' nothing should be dv new ith tho Votes,’ books and papers until De- coulter 2, the lUy W for the Uur.nj. tlu... I it.) .* ,1 ... I.,.- Ill WrH, THORNTON, Contractor and Builder. Timm .Hvii.e, Ga. Work fsrented ancordiuK lo latret np- ' pi{-red ptaue. , Bnedifloation and eefittMfee /arulehed., Coll at IDSDawaoa Street. Funaral of the Mated Phyeiclen Held Monday *.fteraqon- Nt w Way of Veiny ' Cliutnberlain's Coiigli Remedy. Mr. Artlier Chapninn writing from Durbsn, * Natal, Hie funeral Monday afternoon of Or. T. S. Hopkina woe attended by •core* upon eqvrre of bin frauds. The hervicr. were held at . the reeUleacepf Mr, S. L Mallard b/ 1V<V .i.. I-. Mc- Oany. • The example of Hr. Hop.fuL life I. Sooth Africn, says: “ At a proof that Cbamberlaln'e (’onpli Remedy is n care suitable for old aud yoniift, Ipen the fol'owlug: A neighbor of mine a cbUd jot over two months old. It had a very bod cough and the parents did not knew what to give it. I sag. gested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Couth Remedy and pat some upon • dummy teat the baby woi Sticking It would ao doubt care the child: Tills thoydid and brought about a quick nflioi and cared tlie baby." This remedy is for tale by J. W. Peabook. D. & W. R.R. and O. W, Kelly, elilsons, l illnitu, w. n'Jin.tottu on Tuesday. w. S. BROWN, Dentist v .. OfBoe over National Bonk, ThomasriUe, Ga - '-IlMwa'IIO SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. (cws items From Susina. M; Uea-h.) , Fraiii JulisJ oi riioidMvllle, and bffntjioli .loins of Blrafiughim, vcie'lnri laot Fflday eWtliif re- one that may .well .bc.dnclt -upon. '; He if os actlre and energetiq aud took ati- futeiist.ln, public ntfalrs »«.t dell at lo 0(HcePhopn 19*. Residence Phone 973. OSTEOPATH,- Dr. Frank C. Titus. !>%barg-tfor elamiaation IPCmaford, - llofus: 1) to 12 & 3 to S. rotton rather tliaa tlie jlavjijh gtjcuiiou s> Irtquenily met wUIJ. Hiq ,orl|in'ar research work on the ciiuialoiogr, of ; ihwu«svme, done Wltb.^OO hope pi To ward, has meant thoaaaudj of thotl- sands of ■ ollara to the bnsiuets, men of tlie city Early in life Dr. Hopslusws* married io Mies Dafoor, aud three cbidrru were born to thorn ‘t'lier were Mra. Irese- vaut of New Orleans, Mrs. Pollard of Ttiomasvtllo and the late Capt Frank HopSlut.. A second marriage to Miss Glgullliat was blessed by tea children, the following oTwhom are itiU living: Cat. T N. Hopkina, Hoa. H. W. Hop kins, Dr. J. O. Hopkins and Mi*. Mal lard of TIiomasTlUe, Mr. k/r. Hopkina of Brnnawiok aud Mr. Octavos Hopkins of McIntosh connfy. The military service of the lamented deMsted was long and Itithfal. He mrted iu the Seminole Indian wars, was la the uiediait service in the Msrloan war and was very active in the Oonfed- eraoy. He organised and commanded two cavalry companies, the Wayne Rangers and the Mercer Partisans. After rendering splendid aid in this ca pacity he entered the medical breach ot the army and was a surgeon at Ander- souvllip Dr. Hopkins was charming os a con- veiwtlnualli-t. Ilia education, galutd at tlie University of Georgia, Gharicstca Medical College and in Fhilede'phia, to,-oilier wi-Ji inioitenslve travels, gave him a range of tnfoiaatiou aud a breadth of view seldom to be found. T ile man was a scholar, yea almost to his dying hoar. Six of tlie grandsons of the decerned acted as pall bearers. They were, H. W. Jr., Norman, Hauler, James G. Rob Pollard and Herbeoer Mallard. 9:15The odfralirfieui" info escuufaii sewlou, lurnei liiPsi-uitaivia ouf of tl room nhU VI--rtpcf 1 to H-brft oil the re turns,' - I'ttti; t-• Wn». Tlionias, R. Blaoktliear of Him-- ioglium.'Ain., With her little dadg! ter is visiting the luime of Mr; nud Mrs, J. EXCURSION RATES. Via 'Atlantic &.Birmingham. St. i.outs. Mo, Account {.miimana Purchase Exposition, day I, Novem ber 30. iqni. Sreson Excursion Tickets will be sold daily, beginning April 29th, and con tinuing daring the period of the Espo- Mr. nud Mis. Fry expect to leave .or Mr. Fry's old home In N. 0. next Sat- nrday, nwl will nettle tlifuu. | Tlio election for President was the qoibrind we h*vs had iu a great whl*. J 1* eptreref the heavy registration of the etitored votw. only forty-four ot them availed. themselves of the voting pnvl- Mger Tlie vote stood Democratic tu*n tT.Repdblloau Ticket 44. We are wondei- lng.what kind of a "straight daal” the pteeldont will give the Santbaru state • fpr what tlioy did for him In the elec- ‘ The Women'* Exchange. The Womsu’s ExcJmugo will re-open on Deo 1st ,et Air. Gpc»hrlng> jvwylr.i •tore, Ml-a (Au Mabeite who x.'tlt tw iu oliirge,- uska lint nil uouslguor- Join at once nutliet llieso-wares may he kino oefaro tnu tioinl »y». - Tho i-xutiuiige hua brou of much use iieretoloie aud the oo oi-eratiuu ut the miles of the Iom ii neccawry for ilk cent uned proa.enty. ANOTHER ELECTION For Rent. Two horse farm, good dwelling and cut houses, also woodland pasture, lo cated In Ochtnekonee, Ga Colt on or write Mrs .1 E. Easton, Oordete, Ga. 10 27-lm. Justices o»tho Penes and Conetabloe ara to ba Chosen First 8«tusda». sition with final limit December 19 1994 Rroud trip rate fr- >m Thomasville (37 35. Sixty day excursion tickets will be sold daily, beginning April 29tli, and continuing during the period of the Ex- position, with final date to leave St. Louis, returning, sixty (60) days in ad dition to date of sale. Final date In no cage to exceed Decemter 15th 1904. Ronnd trip rate from Thouuuvllla (8130. Fifteen day excursion Motets will be •old April 35th and continuing daring period of Exposition. wlUgfauldate to FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. It’s a dull week ihi* fall >h it brings uo election, especially in TliomusviUe. People begsn to ilituk that they were up against one more election, iliat for U-e city offices, and lhat then the fou would stop Not so.. Outho first Saturday In December there will be a general election all over tae state for justices ot the peace and constables. These i-HI-ere are elected every f onr years, and as lack lias it, thia it the one In four. There an two Justices ot the peace and tao constables In each militia dis trict iu eaoh oonnty. One of the justices Is elected and the other appointed upou r-commendation of the grand Jury. It seems that both constables are elective. Iu Thomasville district, J. kV. H Slit obeli holds the elective cilice aud W. H. Bibb the appointive one. Visars Hardy Blalock aud Win. Bibb, Jr , are their 0 uistablcs. It it probable that all there rflicers will be applicants tor a longer tenure o their positions, and as yet no opposition has announced nor is prospective. This Will Iuterest Every Resldentiof Thomssviile. Yon can readily vgrifv the following particulars, for tbs gsntleuvn supply* tug them will tie- only too pleased to answer any iuqairtes by mail. Sic, T. J Bottoms is book from severe »y» spent at Braxton in the interest of he Oca t Line, lie repieseutedihe road -1 the competition for the bnMueasre- ailing from the Broxton fair. ' Mr. Bob toms waaemtueinly successful. fflr.U B. Andrews Is building a dwell- Mg boost on Mr. W. L Moluty.o’s lam- sppositw lha Raines homestead. Mr John Castleberry will oooapy the boose when completed. Tide district is on ■ boom. Many persona seeking homes ore wanting (o rent here, bat null we have a local mwmlll to supply oheep Inmbor there will not be uittch building done. Mr. W. W. Wrlglit lias retained frun. "s visit to Famey, Texas. If yon suffer from disorder of the kidneys or bladder and desire tabs cored, writs him about Doan's Kidney Pills and learn that the following leave St. Loots reluming, fifteen (IB) days from date of sole.Ronnd trip rate from Thomssviile (35.45. For rcliedoles and foUJnformst'.on apply to A. L. Spicer, Agent, Thomasville, Ga. statement is tree In every particular. J. M. Oliver, wagon painter, vrith shop at Cotton Avenue and Jefferson streets, Americas, has used Dean's Kid ney Pills, and stales hi. opinion of them as follows: He says: SOUTHERN RAILWAY -. WORLD'S FAIR ROUTE BEST UNE TO ST. 1 CHS, NO. Snperb Dining car Service. Slop Overs, Going and Returning; at ■ Atlanta, Knoxville, Louisville, AsliviUe, and Principal North Carolina Mountain -They are a fine remedy. I used them for backache and can re commend them very highly. They did for me what everything else Ailed to oo. They drove tlie ache out of my baok and relieved me ot a misery from which 1 hod been saffering for a long time. . The trouble V Columbus, Ohio, Msy so, 1903. Six years ego I had a severe attack ol ni....>..tUa. Y I.1J ... 'Rheumatism. I was laid Inhaim and the doctore had did me no good. They changed med icines every (reek and nothing they pro scribed seemed to help me. Finally I be gin the use of S. S. S. Myknceaimelbovi joints were swollen ternl-ly, and it on< Ume my joints were so swollen and pain ful that 1 could not dose them when opened. I was so bod that I conld not move knee or foot. I was gettlag discour aged, you may be sure, when I began S. S S., but as I saw it was helping met contin ued it, and to-day I am a sound well man and have never had a return of the disease. S. S, S. purified my blood end cured me of this severe esse of Rheumatism after everything else hsd failed. 1 have rec- commended it to others with good ro suits. R. H. Ca-u-MAM. 1355 Mt. Vernon Ave. The poisonous acids that prodnee the in flammation and pain arc absorbed into tbs blood and Rheumatism can never be con quered till these are neutralised and fil tered out of the blood cud system. S.S.S. goes directly into the circulation and at tacks the disease itsslf. It purifies and ro a constant heavy ache right across the small of mv back, and a disorder of the kidneys. The secretions weie 111 bad condition being dark, fall of sediment and irre gular. Medicines for intern:,i use failed to help me and so did liniments, 1 read of liow others hod'been cured by Doan's Kiduey Pills, aud deciding to try them, got a tox. Since taking them the paiu list left my back, the kidneys are worl. ing normally, the secretions are. iu a natural condition and I feel better iu many ways." Plenty more proof like tbit Lorn Thomasville pcop'e. Cull at B. Thomas Jr.'s drag store>nd ask what his cus tomers report. For sals by ail dealer,. Price 50 cents. Fostar-Milbum Oo., Buffalo, New York, sols agents for ttw United Staten Remember the name—Dor n's—and aket no other. Mr Hamilton Frazier is down from the north for n few days. He went to Hie lake Monday for a short holiday. Mr. Fraxier has many Mends in Tliom- xsvillo who rejoice that the season is almost here when he and his eo-Uboreis will make this their home. District" PaFsenger Agent, 103 Wes*. Bar St. JacktunviPe Fla TECH WINS A Faroi containing 265 acres, five miles North of Cai ro, Ga., four horse Farm opet on i*, three sett.ements. Prici $2 750,0a E. M. MALLETTE R*il Estate and lnsurancB>gei t Mitchell House Block FaomasWIle. Georgia MONEY ro LOAN. I n-gutiate five Blacksmiths Dojaat University In Football Gama. mas at lowest retest of iuteresr. Com. mission charges reasonable. A small abstract fee, consistent with the arnonnt of work and tronbie involved, will be charged in each care. Bring yonr chain of title with yon. EDWIN L. BRYAN, ~ Attorney-at-law.' To Fanltantlnry. R. B Jackson on employee of the State peuitentlary was here Monaar and carried away with him the negrs I-ess Dunlap sentenced to imprisonment for Ufa at the last term ot court. Sine* hi* .departure there are left but three guests at the court boarding houae. Mr. Atlanta,.Nor. 12 Special In the long looked for football game today between Tech and the Univenity of Georgia The Technics won by the dedstre non of twenty three to six. The Athens boys were outclassed. Hals maoism was too muoh for them.