Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 25, 1904, Image 6

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- "j. , w&m - - IB GEORGIA NOVEMBERS 1004, »w*si INDIA THEY ARC trig AftCH VILLAINS- OP THE BlftD WORLD. [ware, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMUN1TIONS, BTEAMFITTINOS BELTING. P1P1SING, Mll.LSUl'LIKS, WAGON AND OART MATERIAL. —Mnuofiu turers of TURPENTINE, FABMWAGON8, TIMBER. OAKTh, BUGGIES, HTFAMTANKS ANDEVAP0RAT0R8 TOR COOKING SYRUP. I WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER ANY SIZE. MEIGS, - GEORGIA. For what Is worth in anything But so much money as ’twill bring,”»-Butler. We ilosiro to call attention of our customers this week to n largo lfne of Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. -Wo handle the— Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford uggiet and the R,ex uggies, and the McFarlane Buggies and Sdrries. s have combination corn and cotton planters and combina tion guano and corn drills. Wn have the boat line of Fertilizer Distributors wo over saw. You put^i^ with them from one hundred to two thousand poundi of fertilizers per aero. We also carry u full lino of two horso riding and walking cultivators and weederB. We are still offering bargains in -Flour, St'gar srd Tcfcaccc— and iiavo on hand yot some select North Carolina Seed Pindors. Romombor that we give with eaoh 2Go oash punJbase a tiokot eu titling you to a chance at the beautiful Amos itiek seat run about on display in our window, whioh will be given away,on May 28th. of our customors will got this beautiful run about. You may be th. luokv one. COME to see us. Comfort Trading Co* BOSTON, GEORGIA. To Meigs W ith You Cotton The J. N. Carter Company desire to say to their friends and patrons thatthdr modem gin plant is now in operation and that Cotton intrusted to them will be handled to the satisfaction of the grower. We have eliminated ever feature of middleman’s profit and and are in position to pa the highest possible prices for all cotton coming to us. It shall be our polic to protect full the interest of our patrons, therefore we do not hesitate to solicit, their business. We a re well up in all lines and you can make no mistake if ytu buy of us such goods as yon may need. 11 prices are always in line. Every transaction with us—ttheofficeorover the counter— will oe brought to a satisfactor conclusion. J. IT CARTER COMPANY, Dealers in Everything, Meigs, * . Ga. RflM lr* a, the rendered Vnsn- bonds Exist Side by Side and Ply Trieks ot InJilsIlr In Com. mon—Larceny For the I.QV© of It. It Is quite impossible for any one who. has not sojourned In the “Land of Regrets” to Appreciate the Impor tant part played by crows in tbe dally life of tbie Anglo-Indian. India with out ltn crows Is unthinkable; It coaid only be likened to London without its fogs. Wherever hntaan beings have their abodes there are raultltudea of corvidae to be found, for the Indian crew Is an Inseparable appendage of town, and village. Two species exist side by side In India, tbe great black bird known to Anglo-Indians as tbe corby and the smaller gray necked spe cies. Both birds lead lives of almleaa vagabondage; both are scoundrels of tbo most pronounced typo; both are stnnera beyond redemption: Did tbo black crow exist alono it would be held up as tbo emblem of all that la evil and mlscblovous. As things are, Its Iniquities pale into Insignificance be- sldo those of Its gray .necked Tlw very norao of the latter bird Is sufficient to raise tbo Ire of the right eous, man.. To call tbo arch villain of tbe bird world “tbe splendid” is men mockery of words. Jerdon, tbo famous Indian naturalist, "often regrets that such an Inappropriate spcclflc name should have been applied to thU spe cies, for It tends to bring Into ridicule among tbo unscientific the system of nomenclature.” Tbo Indian crow Is able- to utUIxo moat things. A Calcutta bird baa made Itself famous- for all time by constructing a nest at tbo wires used to secure the corks of soda water bot tles. Bombay Is very teutons of Cal cutta, and tbe crows, of coarse, ape thnlr betters. The Bombay blfids de termined not to bo outdone .by tbe Calcutta corvldnc. Accordingly one of tho former promptly built her nest of gold and sllven spectacle frames stol en from Messrs. Lawrence ft Mayo’s factory. Tho valuo of tbo materials used to the construction of this nest was estimated at £20. But crows will appropriate things for which they can have no possible use. They commit larceny for tbe love ot tbe thing. Tbe Indian crow Is tbo Incarnate spirit of mischief. Tbe bird will wantonly tear a leaf out of a book lying open ou the tablo. My gardener, adds Mr. De- war, puts every morning fresh flowers In tbe vases. This operation Is per formed on tbe veranda. One day tho man was called away from his work Cor a couplo of minutes. During bis absence a crow swooped down nisi suc ceeded to faking a beukfnl of flowers and breaking tbe vnse in which they were, placed. A retired colonel of my acquaintance who Uvea In tbo Hima layas Is a very entbUBlnStlc gardener, and tbo crows are tbo bane of Ills lira. They root up bis choicest seedlings, sever tbe heeds of his most superb flowers from tbs stalk and fly away with,tbo Httlo pieces of pnper which be places In cleft sticks to mark where seed have been sown. But It ts la towns that tbo Iniquity of tho crows reaches Its maximum. Tho Madras corvidae ore a byword MONTICEi.0 WEDDING ftECEFTIAN TUESDAY A wedding of mnch interest to Thom- dsvUle took place that Tuesday in Mon- tlcollo. Tbo trids was M'ss Mry'Ie 0. S nicy and tbe groom Mr. John M. Henry, Jr. Miss Staley formerly rr- sided in ThoptHriUe, with tho family of lior cousin Mr. C. W. Coofer. Sl.e was for a time a student at Stanleys Boti- ucm^-ColIego. By her beauty and cliara: she Diode many friends here, Mr. Henry often visits Tliomasville and 1ms relatives here. Hs is a prominentyoung easiness man of Monticellg- He is us soo.alcd with Mr. C. h. Thompson of this city in the management ot tho Uonticello waterworks and electric light plant. The Monticello News tells of their marriage at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. B, L. Baker, and of the wedding reception at the home of tbo grooms parents as follows : The wedding reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Henry, to Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. Jr. on Tuesday even, ing, was an event of nnosnal brilliancy The approach to their spacious residence was lighted by Japanese lanterns and the interior of the honse was a blaze of light and color. Mr. J. M, Henry and Miss Phena Henry stylishly dressed in pink silk, >e- ceived the gnests, Mrs. Homy being too ill to appear, to tbe groat regret of all. la the parlor, tbe bride beoomingly gowned in while situ moll and lose, and the groom in conventional evonlng dress stood to receive the congratulations of friends who came in throngs to felici tate the yoong couple. Many handsome gowns were worn by the ladies present end it was altogether an evening of great on jo,moot. Among; those present from oat of tlie city were tbe brother and sister of tho bride, Mr. J. O, Stanley and Miss-Isoah Stanley, Mr. W. P, Gr.mthara, ancle of the groom and Mr. O. L. Thompson, part- nor of tho groom, allof.Thomasville, and Mrs. Robert Henry of White Springs, also W. N. Roberta of Leon county. CAIRO FURNITURE COMPANY. Carlo, Otforfcid, JUST RECEIVED Good size, and sensible Nice assortment of the he«t Heating Stoves on the market S1.7E to |7.00. loose’s Pore White China Onus and Saucers. shape. 75o set. A big lot of glassware and lamps, ntattraotive prices. I $ gallon glass jatclier tec. Large covered gloss batter disb. A big assortment of Glassware yonr choice of the lot 10c. Oar line of Bed Room Sail*. Odd Beds, Dressers. Chairs, Bookers, . &o., is complete and onr prices very low, Don’tforgct that we make 1’icinr* Framosaud Mirrors and re-silver Old Mirrors. . Window glass, all sizes, always in stock. Come to See us We can do you good. Cairo Furniture Company. Cairo, Georgia. R. L. VakLANDINGHAM, Manager. Carter & Borough Valdosta, Georgia, Largest Organ Dealers in U. S. gelt tho reliable E3TRY, ORO |VN, and Ludden and Bates Organs at lower prices tlmu the samo grade of Organs can tie sold elsewhere. Kvery one of them fatly guaranteed by us, oud our guarntuee is made good in your home without expense to the pnroliaser. Wo nre also State Agents for the LESTER. MATHUFIIEK. 1VKRS & POND, LUDDEN ft BATES, CROWN, OHIOKKKING, and Mi: PH A'I, Piauos. Catalogues and prices famished on yoor iuquiiy. Represented in Sonthwest Georgia Ly W. F. LEE, ot Cairo, Ga. and others. GARTER ft DOKOUQH, Valdosta.and Tifton, Ga. A*360.00 LUDDEN ft I1ATE3 PIANO WILL |BE GIVEN AWAY IN THE TIMES-ENTERPRISE "AND” CONTEST. SAW MILL MACHINERY. GAS EXPLOSION IN S0UTH.CHICAG0- Many Live* Lott in Peculiar Accident Friday Chicngo, Nov. 18.—M«ny livoi aro bo- tioved to luivo bwn loot and a number throughout tho length and breadth of K I*™' 1 " f »'» ll J r i«J»rodby the ex India. Tbo hospital Is tbclr favorite plosion of live stnnll pnrif,ing tanks of playground. They are novor so happy I the People's Qua Light and Ooko Com We Manufacture the best Saw Mill on the market. Engines, Boil rs, Ginning Machinry, Grist Mills, . Shingle Mills. ' I MACHINE SHOPS , COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. AND FOUNDRY. Mallary Bros., Machinery Co. Mention this papor. MACON, GEORGIA. os when annoying tbo inmates. They know at once when n person is too ill to move. Tho consequence is that it has been found necessary to havo rnndo tor gill tbe tables wire covers which protect articles placed at the bedside from tbo ravages ot tbo "treblo Anted birds." I have seen a Madras crow quietly helping Itself to tbo contents of basket which an ok! woman was carrying on ber bond. Tho bird was possessed of sufficient intelligence to refrain from alighting on tbe basket, nod It dono so Its presence would prob ably hnvo been detected. It flapped along Just above tbe top of tbe basket keeping pace with tbe woffiau, and so, unpercelred by her, made a-meal oil tbo contents. Tbe knavish tricks of crows are by no means conflucd to hu man brings. Aa Colonel Cunningham truly says, "Any animal pots arc, of course', even more than inanimate ob jects, subject to their attentions, and unless In wholly Inaccessible places nre constantly liable to havo tbelr food purloined and tbelr Uvea rendered a burden by persistent and Ingenious per secution.” I ones possessed a grey hound which used to be fed in tbo gar den. A man bad to stand over tbo dog while it wot feeding; otherwise the crows would devour flic greater portion tbe meal. Their plan of campaign wgs simple and effective. Tbea soon learned the dag’s feeding hour and as drew near would take up a position any convenient tree. Tbe moment tbe greyhound began to eat a crow would swoop down and peck viciously Its tall. Tbe dog- would, of coureo, turn on tbe bird, and tho others would tbls opportunity to snatch away some of the food. Tbo process would repeated until the meal was over. Crowe tease and anuoy wild creatures with tbe same readiness tbnt they wor- domeatlo animals. They mob every strange bird In raneb tbe same way as tbe Loudon street nrab makes fun of any person ln unusual attire.—Long man's Magazine. «n vrmmt ot Iofomuttoa. TUmmy—Ma. lend me a lead pencil. Mother—I Just left pen and Ink on tbe table for you. What do you want with pencil? Tommy—I want to write to tbe editor of the paper to ask him whatTl take ink stains out of the par- carpet—Philadelphia Ledger. Think much and often, speak Uttle And write 1**-—Woman's Life. pnuy, at tho corner of 8eventv-fonrtli atreotaud Chicago avenuo today at 13:30 o'clock. Thu brick building containing the five tanks and twenty workmen collapsed, burying tho men and crash- ing them. *' The explosions were to forceful that wiudows were broken and walla thrown out of plumb for a radius of a mile. Calls wore sent for all tho patrol wagons in the sonth side, and a general alarm of Are was sounded. 1 won: removed from the rains. PiNEY WOODS OPENS ON JANUARY FIRST tlier night for Chicago. Mr. Frazier, will return next month to make pre parations for the opening of the Piney Woods Hotel. Tho event is schodnlod to take place on January first. Mr. Frazier states that the prospects are good fe* a splendid season. The usual advance bookings for the season are being made and unless all signs fail, the big hotel will be a busy placo tho com ing winter. Sells ELT. McLean, Thomasville, Ga. Life, Health and Acciden t Fire Insurance OCHLOCKONEE’S NEW DRUG STORE ft .. . 1 l V Carries e comolete line of Drugs, Medicines, 'eilet Articles, Sta tionary, Fins Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes . . . , The only up-to-date Soda fount in town, serving all kinds*of cold and fancy Drinks and Ice Cream. fine line of obacco and Cigars, Fancy and Family .Groceries, hanki ng you fpr past patronage and soliciting same in future. 1.1 .... . Ocklockonse, Georgia. Sewer Extension. Although sewer bonds were defeated tho rawer extension of certain mains is not prevented. Tho street force is at work extending the main from Hansel! street up Remington avenue to aoeom- odate several property owners on the latter thoroughfare. A man hole is be tng put in at the jonsliou of Remington audHanaeU. WE HAVE JUST KErEIVEDA i’AR L0AD0FTEXAS RED RUST PR00* SEED O ATS Giownand shipped directfrom Texas and if yen want the bes Seed Oats “We have them,” and they are yours at a less price than can be bought elsewhere. Price attractive. Let us quote you. ■ Full stock Hay, Grain, Wheat Bran, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. All kinds of COAL AND WOOD. Prompt atfention to all orders. 01 The Thomasville Ice Compand 'PHONR VniURb'B * V •PHONE NUMBER I! |1 I