Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 02, 1904, Image 11

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nMES-BNTBRPRMK, rH©MA8ViLAK,Q»6Rtf!A, DECEMBER 2 1901 Ready Made Skirts 50 of the latest style skirts selling at .$3.50 $400 $5.00 $7-50. 10 per cent off ftr 3 days Jackets and Coats. The largest and most hand some assortment of ladies jack ets and coats ever shown in Thomasville. For style qual ity and fit ‘hey are the 1 eade-s Selling now from #5.50 to (20*00. 10 per cent off for 3 days. Robes. ' A new lot of Gentlemen’s Bath Robes, just the thkg for Xmas gifts. $6 00 $6.50. 10 per cent off for 3 days. Silk Shirt Waists. A Haud-ome line of Lddies black silk waist made of the best Taffeita, Prices $4 $5.00 $6.50. 10 per cent off for 3 days. Ladies ’Sweaters. 2 dozen all wool Ladi s Sweaters, Norfolk Jacket style in white and red selling for $5-oo, $575. $6.50. 10 per cent off for 3 days. Wanted. 1 35 Boys between the ages of 6 and 15 years to carry, off a lot of boys suits at a to per cent discount. Must answer in 3 days. Louis Steyermari Ercad and Jackson Streets MALLARD & VARNEDOE! ppm a b, Spark Copyright, 1904, by Celle Jtontote© On a hazy, <wnrm breezed Indian rm L f Y “iMw tne thickly grown bru the country road. Once or twice he stopped aud looked, about In apprecia tion of . the day and the beauty of tbf couutry. Tlieu he lighted a cigar, toss* lug the match aside beforelt was.ex- tingutehM. ;• By "the' time he had van ished from view the half spent match had accomplished A rivulet of fire that ran merrily through the brush which skirted the woods. Mabel Wallace, coming down the old sawmill road, saw the crackling Are and hastened her pace. She noted the qulckcnlug breeze blowing toward the woods and the stretch of dry, parched gra38 and brush that intervened. She knew that If the tinmes were not extin guished at once the whole piece of wo;xls would fco. She caught up a stout stick as she ran, aud when she reached hrni h •ds fortune had been swept away In the late panic and offering to release her frbm the engagement. He waited In suspense for her reply. which enmfe promptly. .She coldly and "*M ‘' “ ‘ * *** ^ igripmenl briefly agreed4 that tke J?»i should be broken, owing to change of circumstances. Wounded through and through, be went abroad, aimlessly wandering from one place to another, hating all women for what one had wrought,. He was wonderlug now at he walk* ed along the dusty highway what had become of her. Had she landed an other millionaire? What a useless, helpless wife she would make for a poor mail! Then he thought of tjbo struggling, sordid existence of this schooTina‘am.. In hit. mind’s.' eye lie pictured her— lank, gawky and speeta cled, beating the flames. "Even at that,” Jie thought, “she la more to be loved than a woman who feared poverty. Faith, I believe I’ll marry the schoolma’am and settle down to a country life if she’ll have mey” . A turn lutcf a lane brought them to the little sehoolhouse, and Johnny looked in through the open door. "She's In there,” he said. "All light. You needn’t come. Much obliged.” Wheu he entered the school room. which, was darkened, he dimly discerned a form nt n desk on the plat the farther cud of the retiming fire she for|n Her head , va8 restl wcarll hozau a vigorous beating. ' „ ... * “Say, teacher, I’ll help you," squeaked s ' V ' cuj.auw.r.,, Zi'ggf I "I hag your pardon. I conic to thank n piping, which she recognised as l you fm . & vIn » my propcrty .,. lie had come nearer how. She lifted belonging to tho boy in the First Read er class, next to the foot. i , ... . , - • , -Johnny, run down to tho first white , 5 ‘ bouse beyond the woods aud tell them Mabel!” he gasped. * .it. i 1 didn’t know,” she said coldly, to send help. They have a telephone. ,u. . .. Ask tfieni t) notify nil the neighbors," ‘ nf( J„ vnr S \ f she directed between beats. Ing until afterword, but of course It ■ , , . made 110 difference.” • Johnny was reluctant to leijve u bon-, fc .. JInbc)| ,. Vou , HcUoo | te „cber. 'here- fire of such proportlous as this was as* ^ sunilng. but be detected tbe "teacber- , 4 0cause> „ allc nnswered bltter| ■Tbailbe stuirr^ nexfL M tbat ■*"*#* w,1,dl to abut* the stuff, she next beard havo , ost fortune my father lost and looked up to meet tbe approval of „ tbe farmer at wbose house sbe boarded, i ,, •„ .. , . „ . tt - .... *• ii.i. ...a 1 I wish you u ten me all about it, he He procured a stick aud made an ef* .. „ nniA fectlvo onslaught npon the flames.! here’s not much to tell. Just a. Presently they were rcMmforoed by a fatUcr , our loM passerby, nud after a time the fire was , 0 me your , etter came r , t t0 extingnlsheJ. , „ him. He said It was not trite, so I kou best go home and rest it spell, thought It a ruse—that yon had heard counsc ed her andlonl. "You look all ,. , of our reverses nud did not want to het up and tuckered out” . i to ,peak - the breeze nud her exertions bad turn- but sbe hastily continued: bled nbout her face. Father went west to look after some Well, 1 tell you wbnt, you just ■aved them woods, all right. Tbe own- 1 ‘ ™ p Vort»,i rt. Matel trusted toW 1,cp of U,e hls *“*• «■ "Wbo ls the-ownerV” .be naked care- ‘ "Forgive nie, Mabel, and take me back.” "No,” she said proudly. "You didn’t ‘S.TW| You haa *° put “ and now started for home with burned; . , . face and blistered band., ,, “‘Inking hard for tho right Meanwhile Johnny, returning from , , the white house, heard a shot ring out | "f .Y 00 y . ou . ?f“" , :_ n< ?. “ In tbe woods. less'y. “His name U Max Thornton. He's a young city swell, I heard say.” I'll git 1dm to come and help teach er,” be thought as be scurried through &TR0U3E $ Brothers, A WELL DRESSED MAN Is, M a rule, rco iv»d by hi, (ellowmen. A diamond in tbe rough may Jbe of i told value, but in order to be fully appreciated it nut be cut and well . art. Tbe same applies toman, toappmr to tba best advantage, bi, clothe* should be i* keeping with the times, not nectssartly.expensive but up-to-date. And this is exactly tbe point we hive in mind when we refer to .our suits from i* to$l The very .op notch of fashion enters into every angle of their make up, and th, price, ever) thing considered, to ridiculously low. Bear in mind we can fit you ont from bead to foot. Everything. 8 iocs excepted. I Outfitters for all Man-kind. the. cool.wooda after the the gun. "Say, tbe woods to pretty near on fire. IPs snos’ crop 1 up on ’etnl” The man laughed good naturedty. "Do you think I am 111 any danger?” “The woods 1(1. Teacher oent me for help. Sbe to beating It oat with a ■tick.” “All right! Coma along.” Aud the mail made for tho road in long strides, the boy keeping pace by a quick trot, explaining with many elaborations tbe particulars of the fire. “My! Teacher was feat more tban laylu' on to It with a stick. I never ■'posed ebe could hit out Ilko thatl" “Hasn't sbe laid It on to you yet?" laughed tbe hunter. ' “Saw. Sbe ain't teebed one on us ylt. 1 bet tbe boys would behave If they'd seen her bent that fife.” Tbe buuter was occupied for a mo ment ‘with conjuring tbe Image of “teacher blttln’ tbe fire." “flay, young man, baa your teacber got red balr, and doea sbe wear glnis**?" r . - J “Yes. How dkl yer.know?” be ask ed curiously. “I Just felt It." When the banter came np to tbe men, be said to tbe farmer. "I came to help pnt out a fire, but I see you bare done good work.” gazing at tbe blackened ground. "We only gst here to tbe tall end of It,” explained tbe farmer. "The school teacher got here first, and sbe fit It like a tiger. Quern some of yon hunters set It on fire.” Tbe hunter laughed end walked on, remembering the match, but be felt no compunctions. “A man boa tbs right to set fire to bis own if be wants to,” -be thought. “Suppose It would be ou'y decenyn me to go sod thank tbe. scboolma’nm. Wonder bow I can make her a substantial token of grati tude without offense?” Here, boy!” be turned and called to Johnny, wbo lingered near tbe mine. “Do you want to earn a quarter?” “You bet yer boots!" “Then take me to your teacber. If It's not too Car.' "Ifs Jeet down tbe next rood a ways, and mebby she's stopped Id at the ■cbool'ns down tbe line.” “On a Saturday?" be aaked skep tically. "Yea. Sbe writes her letters there?" They relapsed Into silence, Johnny making plans for tbe Investment of hls quarter and tbe man absorbed in thoughts of a Utter, cynical trend. A few mouths before be bed been tbe happy, accepted lover of a beautiful girl wbo was of an old, aristocratic family In moderate ‘ circumstances. Some pessimistic relatives of Us bod Intimated that bis wealth and not him self wss tbe object of ber adoration. Tbe little shaft, though resented, ran kled and lingered and grew until In a moment of desperation and 111 Judg ment be sent ber a letter saying that behind - tu|1 °t ntalrntli>a.for her.kind heart tlio Mabel Wallace I knew. In Hew York, but as tha.couutry scboolteacber to whom I came Just now wltb a heart ami atont arm. Mabel, look tipi You've been crying!" ■’,, “So. It was the smoke from tbe fire,", she said confusedly; “aud my hnuds—see!” She held, out .far Ills Inspection two reddened palms. Ho seized tlioqj and pressed them to bis lips and thou—well, then. Johnny cnniorumdng In. "Ob. g'wan," lie said to Thornton, “Yon know'll her all tbe time and pre tended you Jest gnessed aj her bavin’ red hair nud specs." Thornton laughed happily as be looked st tbo soft, squirrel colored lialr aud tbe eyeglasses. "Well, I meant differ ent red uud specs, but I do know ber. •'Be you ber beau?" "Yes, I am her beau, and you'll have a new-teacher. Here, take this for tell ing me of tbe fire.” And be gave tbe delighted boy a silver dollar. On tbe threshold Johnny paused. "Say, teacber, 1 cum to tell -you tbar wa'n't no one to bum at tbe white bouse!” STATUS OF NEW county movement; HeVeral Cairo citizens xere iff the city ye-ferrluy and v e/e, interviewed as to tie statns of tile movement' jfi*r anew c > miy. Iir response to a call issued by certain citizeue-of "Cairo to the people oi weat Thomas and eaBt Decatnr, fevent\ five feopferlflet in that city on Inst. Fri* lay. Many were irom the Cairo <.terrier, *ov^rfil from Abridge, and other parts, hat few , if/uy jfrom Decatnr. Ir '» hnde;stood that the ieason for the ab of the Decatnr county people is the fact YN hiRlmm is taking steps t>so nrfeanew county, with it as the OOU’ity seat. This would necessarily mean that Cairo t-ould not be the county site, and considerably rivalrv, which may defeat the movement, has ej rung uo between tho two towns. The differ ence is enhanced by the fact that Cairo is dry while Wliigliam lias a dirp«n PERTINENT POINTERS DUEjPOLITICS. The Balnbridge Search Light takes the grouud that Decatur citizens want no ue*> county. It wtys: " ,Ve underftnnd that thus far the moremem lb the eastern part of the oonnty to not as favorably looked upon, at at flrsOt had been thought. The town of Whlgliani to bitterly opposed t > nuy new county,.and citizens from Higdons, Reagans, Spring Hill and other contiguous sections to Cairo tell us that they will not support the move- moat. Wlicthsr tins be true to a matter th rt will be ^evidenced by their action either in attending the new county meotlng. or staying away.” Tills article was written btlore the meeting and the absence if Decatur ditizeus uoild indicate that the Search IAglit spoke t Jin troth. * Many questions h ive beeu nske la- to the steps that have to be . taken w aronreanew county. The method nt procedure is a, follow : Before any new county in Georgia cun be formed ft Is necessary tliat a bill be 1 itrodnoed in the legislature providing for tlie laying ontofthe territory. Tin, bill will be before the committees of the legislature and a fall hearing of both ■Ides may there be had, The proba bility therefore Is that where there up- . . „ . ... whose name t- written there gets many pears any very material fight between i i T...H * a plensaut nod and..Iieartv handclasp the Tepresentativea of - the territory em braced, it will be hard to pass the bill before the legislature. Even should ti'sbo done, the question will then h >ve to be voted on by the people living w.thin the territory proposed to be em braced. It to therefore clear that be fore a slice will be taken off Thomts oonnty, the people interested will hare two opportunities to fight it out: CohWooten Here- IVo Cfcanc* For'Dins. “Now that we are engaged,- sold tbe fair yonng thing, “I will tell you that I do not tear mice,” “That to nice,- said tbe prospective ’And,” continued the fiancee, “I can drive nolle without hitting my thumb, and 1 know boar to use a paper cutter without ruining a book, and I can add row of figures without making ■ separate sum for each consecutive fig ure, and I can build a fire, nod I can tell wben a picture to bung straight on the wall.” Here the man drew himself up wltb much dignity and sorrow and cried: "Then I cannot marry yoo, alas!” "Whyl" gasped the girl. "What prospect to there of my. ever bqtng able to demonstrate tbe ahperl- orlty of man over woman If I marry a woman wbo possesses inch traits of character as you?” The Two Chases*. A medical man. Dr. Blunt, has habit of saying exactly what be tblokc and In a manner all bis own. “Yon talk too mucb, woman!” be once remarked to tbe wife of a patient “Give the man o chancer’ "What! Me talkr shrieked tbe lady. “Wby, I’m at qnlet as a monte all tbe day long. Yoo can ask any of tbe neighbors, an' they'll every one tell you what a"— "Matters bare reached this point madam,” Interrupted tbe doctor; “your husband has two cbancasr “Two chances, you say, an' "He may die"— "Of course be may die, as I was Say- In’ to Mrs.”—- “And you may, madam—that’s bto real chancer blurted tbe doctor as bs passed out and banged the door after him.—London Mall. Col. W. E. Wooten, solicitor of the Albany circuit was In the city for a few hoars Sunday en routo to his home from. Balnbridge, where he was' In at tendance on superior oonrt. Two re markable cases were tried, the Satlen kidnapping case, and the Culpepper homicide oase. The latter irak that of a minister wbo eras found guilty of kl h Ing one of bto congregation in ■ qnarrel over a won an. Tbe Jury late Saturday night agreed upon a verdict of man slaughter and Culpepper was sentenced to SO years. More than ten criminal cases were le't untouched, and it to highly proba ble that a special term will be called to Jlspi *e of there on tbe third Hobday of December. ‘ Tim jurors drawn to serve the first week will act during this extra term, If I to railed. Barn Burned Sunday- Messrs. M. B. and Frank Jones had a small fire on Sunday night at their pi sue miles from town. Their barn caught on fire, bat the blare was extinguished without mnch damage. The most serious lore was tliat of sboat fifty bushels of corn. Among the Sanday geests at tie- Masory were P, Tt. Child*, Waite- McGuire and H. .W, Dodd, a friool Monltrizns.' Mire Araminfa* Culpepper came boon Sauday from Atlanta, where she hsr ean for a week, , Mrs. Jno. Blalock came back yeshr hlay from a visit to ber parents In Flor- Thomasville j-eopic, h-tvc hrroree t o used t-o-politioailint they I, t\ toward to -Ome-hew d-vo'opnm f J n- vfah ■ k couth ejir-e »s ti-,y rip- cr ;IM .ook to give ihi m -on e mar 6 -t. for diutier occasionally. The I»!F- p» nipg in political cir,•!►•(» the an- uonncfrueut in Sniidft'V T**|er rf an •M.-rraunio ticker. It whh »» ^rdfs lel od composed of four of tJi« Kft’ent oouiid and font new oues. Tim racket at once precipitated a lively dircwskiw- sSome of the fri**wng of th© four nnmen tioned aldermen talking ahonl put tin if tliem in th© field on another ticket. Oat* of them spooking yesterday Raid* "fiewrs Hunsellp Hening, Watson an 1 Beverly are nil goi d aldermen ’and I dnu’r we whv they should bp fcft onk Ir. is t.u« «hat two nt e h*; of t e qaar- tettft h»v*) nityiTo the aratament 4*»*t they would not ran again bat I feel quite snro that tl ey will . rend le ©«cted t »o ” It ik safe to say thft* t*n roVil to at last thr»e other tickets, and it % is whi pered that romo of tlie yonng men who got a taste of politics in the light fl.<htwot>ld not object to toning the o tv iu an aldermanic capacity. Uuleiv all signs fail, Miyor Hodden bery will step into another term m op* psssed, at an endorsement of hit floe record. The same seems to be tme ©f Clerk MhcIgjiu aud Msrslml S*eplifn*. T o torred strugglps are in evidence for city ire»*nr r .tnd i r W'X’nn. Each of tlie raudidr.-es invo'ved wears a vie* t*ry expecting smile. There are no developments in the sc’ ool board mat ter.' M itrs C. M Smith aud J F. Mitchell, the present incumbents trben term will expire are ketp ng quiet* 0-rta‘u politidane give a mysterious wink wheu the words "acbocl board** are mentioned, that- may mean some thing and may not. Any mention of polltlcfl wotddbe ftt- nomplete withonr. to the tri angular coutOKt for joetfes of the p-actr- Tho three candidates ore* making votes while the anti aliines ae they have otoly a i . iex' Sat rday to get in tlmlr work. The olty registration Hat la (ret ting longer every day and the mats that- he mtglit otherwise miss. TO ATTEND AT VALDOSTA. WEDDING. Miss Pauline Mitchell, left yeaterdajK for Valdosta where she got* to act ref maid of lwaor at tha Joues—Atewitt Wedding on beo. Mtfi, ' ’ —J Mtos Aiiae Jones ha3visitu.lf.Mire Mitchell ond Mis* Amlo Moutgpraory here a numbor of tliaee and has ‘xreqy Thomasville friends who will li sob will much Interest of her approaoliiqg uxp- Mr. Prewitt >a from tlie stats oi Milne. Mr, John W»do, of Ochloolcnoo waa In the city on boriu.u Moodzy and paid thls offlce a pleasant call. A Living Monument. If we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles' been successful in perfecting this wonderful heart specific, they would pop ulate a large city. What a remarkable record— a breathing, thinking, moving monument, composed of human lives,—-that for which every other earthly possession is sac rificed. The Miles Medical - Co. re ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following: it ted Indebted to the Dr. MneiT cart Cure for mjr life. I dnlro to call to attention of others sufferin* »*. I then I never mlrs an opportunity i recommend this remedy to my triem who have heart trouble; In fact I r a traveling advert(«mcnt, for I « Widely I MhrtlK? To’iin. ' Dr. Miles* Heart Cur* Is sold by h» will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind