Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 23, 1904, Image 11

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§ Appropriate fora Lhmtmas Gift Will viSHs | some Piece of Glass or a dainty | Piece of China | |f your house lacks light and warmth it also lades g Cheer. Both of these conditions can . be obtained * by the purchase of I/iinjfS and Healers fruta tbr- g magnificent stock to be found at ' f ; O B. QUIVN’S o o Thefo are many other useful and ornamental articles! o that are always appreciated,such as iardinicrs.V*- 2 ses, aud Silverware. Before yo i make your sdUe- 2 tion be sure to see what you can find at the stored?j I W ill Sell my Entire Stock At Th amasville, Ga. Dr. W. W. Jarrell, Physician and Surgeon. Tender* Ilia professional services to tlietpubllo. Office, over Ohialioim &jDillon'*» Phone 222—3 rings of ocr Drat?* nd-ultr -f - qn° a»^ Use very |*nt**>t ?• i to obtain. Ad Preparations Luff presetart* » ♦■!.» od highest tlcvroo -f ca-v iu.d I Waters* * Simplex?«»ia C vnnm ellne, Talonm Powiw, ♦* . f 06. etc. f*. II »’1M< I : NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, GENTS L ATS, FURNISHING HARDWARE FARMERS SADDLERY SUPPLIES TRUNKS GLASSWARE. Come Quick. This Sale will last only A Short Time. W. H. THORNTON, Contractor and Builder. - Thomasville, Oa. Work executed according to latest Ap- proved plans. Specification ■ and estinifites furnished. Uall-at 108 Dhvpo/i Street. § The House Fumisher. . Broad St TbomasvilfcGat few nuoKo>touoKJUououououo»ououo»touo«ouo«wawn«eB«i AND VITALITY A Pleasant Pi t No Pi*‘ is Hg pleasant- nud im ilivr hi DeWiti Llttjo Rarlv Uibt’s L>h'V m*i are son..Id au*l effect*ver»hi*t - In urn delicate indies nui wo>k ei*joi their'cU inning effect, wi ilp vtiong )i**o op’e »a> they ar« the bitt liver piis- Id gold br Bracey Uo >H H 11 I fll or. Morrs u m w birb !#sda tor t er n t V* n 'JFAYlUSjfVHf or fired lien «*..•*. d »l ll.0n ier box. Ai V ’HCffEMICAL CO.lCI#"«H*nd. Ohio BRUNO KERBER •ARDENER AND FLORISTS. Work of all kind by Job Pruning a Specialty. Order by Postal BRUNO KERBER. 342 Hansel St. ONLY A1AKE:$ A B\0 MATTER WOK.*]* Perhaps yon have never thought of it bat. the fact must be apparent to every one that constipation is caused by a lack of water l*» the nvstetn, aud the use of drastic cntliartic’* .ike the «-ld fashioueo pihs only mules h bad matter wore*. Chaniberlotit's StoniHi’h and Liver Tab lets ure nite lt iihto mild aud geiitle in, heir effect, an-, when the p;op**r dose is taken their se»ion is so nntuinl ilia one e«n realize»! is the • ffet t of a nied n i *, Irj ** 25 wr ln>itfn t'f thpm. For sale by J. W- Pt*wnrk‘ D & W J. H. Anderson,! TO IMPROVE AN PRESERVE YOU* BEWfTf W.sS; BROWN, Dentlit. Offloe over National Bank, Thomaavlllo, Ga. '.'bona 110 9. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Ochlockonee, Ga. HOLIDAY BATES VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Atlantio Coast bine will (ell round trip tioketa (or the holidara at rates one and one third fares between all stations on its own lints and connecting lines Sonth of the Ohio and Potomao and Esetof the Mississippi river*, tickets to be sold Deoember-28,34, 25, 81st 1904 am) January 1st 1905 return limit January 4th 1905. Tickets at same rates will Jb* sold ho teachers and stn tents of schools and colleges upon presentation and surren der of certificates signed by Superin tendents, Presidents or Principals De cember 17-94 iooltuive with final limit January 8tli 1905. Tioket Agents will famish any infor mation dealmd. Ti J. Bottoms. T. P. A, Tiiomasvilie. W. H, Leahy, D. P. A., Savannah. W. J. Oral*. G. P.A, WtUlmgton.N.O. | 1.6. FOSOM, | ) Contractor and Builder, j f Work oxesat.l injr.ilng to latest. j [ approved methods. j Box 148. Phono connections, t Tlioiu.nville, Ga j |P!an*. sperifiretions end estimatej [ furnish-1 J Public Hangi ng Every a y, [ mean public] hanging ol vV'all Paper and Windowjshades. Orders by'phone or mail given prompt .tlcentton. Phone 15-2 rings. Samples shown at your homes. (ohn litnson, 3u.Campbell Masury Hotel Cafe. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Orders served prompt and sent ant when desired. PHONE 171. - Thu Oafe 1* now supplied with all of the delioaoiea that can be proonrad at this season, ignlndlng Oysters served in any style. Fish, I li!"' 1 ' HmrntnlitirHt w ri • *s~ £*1x00? Mats*. WMisSii*. snms.r & onU by all leading drnssi.ts or mail. NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Sold in Thomasville by R. THOMAS Jr. ^atldrugga MOTT’S PENNYROYAL PlLLSs* nnn bank deposit illkjAVllv R. R. Fare Paid. Notes \ " takm oa tuition. BEST gad cbsopMt on Mrth, Don't dolor. Writs to-day, 1BF0MIIWH BUtlHEftfftf 1 fffiffltrna fri SAYERS, M aiding development of organs and body. No burnt tmmm&s hem. Oanaot do harm—life becomes a pleaeoto fl 00 PER BOQC BT . i C. » . . O ). 0 trsUti, U A Little Advice About Diamonds When a persou buys Dia monds, he wants nothing but the best. They are one of the things that don’t permit of shoddiness. Diamonds are emblems of purity and sincer ity. You can’t afford to Have the emblem faulty, our. Dia monds are beautiful. & me and see. L H. JERGER, -F.WEI.ER Lamb, Veal, Tomatoes, Celery .-Kansas Olty Meats a speolalty DOYOUNEEDA MEDICINE? WE HAVE JUST REl’EIVED A < AK LOADOF TEXAS FED HOST PBOGfe Oysters Served in Any Style end any Time. CHfSHCI A ffd It LON Yon Never Know the Moment When This Information May Prove of InSnlta Value. Giownand shipped direct from Texas and if you, wmttfti- Him Seed Oats “We have fhem,” and they are yonrs at x leant price than can be bought esewhere. Price attoBUms,. Let us quote you. Full stock Hay, Grain, Wheat Bran, Cotton Seed UeacaC Hulls. All lyjids of COAL AND WOOD. Prompt attention to all orders. _ many other, of a similar nature. Thousands die annually by not heeding the warnings of nature. Many acquire some chronic disease from which they never recover. Many of these could be spared for years of naefnlneia. by keeping in the home some reliable remedy. We believe that we can convince any fair-ndadad person that then is no bet ter remedy for the Liver known, than Dr. Thacher-s Liver and Blood 8yrnp. The formula is known, consisting of: Bochu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You know just whit yon an taking. How many other formulas of a liver medicine are published? Ask yoor druggist about this;- It la already prepared and can be taken immediately. The strength is extracted in the most skillful manner, certainly superior to kny powdered preparation known. (We also manufacture a Liver Medicine In pow dered form, with which any druggist can supply yon, but this, like ell other dry Liver Medicines requires preparation.) Dr. Tbacher'a Liver ana Blood 8yrup is plemist to take, does not loae Its Strength, is Liver Medicine in dry form, and will keep in any climate. Your doctor, however skillful, could prescribe nothing better. There la no opportunity for a doctor to make a mistake in writing a prescrip tion, or a drug clerk to nuke a mistake in compounding-the same, (besides a doctor's bill and the coat of the medi cine.) Yon can be absolutely sure of the proper proportion being In every dose. Dr. Tbacher'a Liver and Blood Syrup baa been used with the greatest confi dence and success in thousands of homes for 52 years, and is prepared by n phar macist of 25 years* experience, tu a labo ratory equipped with the most modern appliances for the most perfect safety. If yon do not nndenrttrud ynu+ <»#***, •orHe today for m Vr*o oamvtv bottlo and "Dr, TUaekrt-’e Jfe*Hh liook. ,r (Her oymptomo for adoUr. IFr elm pig nek that yon try it at our exp*nee. H t know tchut & wilt do. VO* SALE BT ALL DRUGOZSTB. 50 oento mnd $1.00. THACHER MEDICINE CO. Chattanoof(a, Tents. It la worth considerable to any oltixen of Thomkavllle to know how to be cored of paintnl, annoying and itching piles. Know then that Doan’s Ointment is a positive remedy for all iteblneee of the skin, for piles, eosema, etc. One ap plication relieves and soothes. Bead thti testimony of its marlt. W. T. Weekley, 811 Spring street, Amerioos, Ga , who for many years hat been with the Bheffleld-Hontlngton Or. ana now has charge of the stock of paints, wagons, and farm' implements, bee used Doan's Ointment, and has found it thoronghly reliable, as is always the case Speaking of his es- perisnee with this remedy, he says: "I learned the virtues of Doan's Ointment by using It for eczema and Itching hemdrrhoids, from which I bad*been a sufferer for triany years. It was moon staat torment day and night, and 1 could find no ralief. It is impossible for me to describe my sqfferinge I tried .11 kinds of oinlmeuts and salves, boi nothing had any appreciable effect nntil (got Doan’s Ointment and began using it. It was more of an experiment than anything else, and I bad no faith what ever. I was surprised to exiterience im mediate relief and since nting it I have oeen free from all terror* of itching skin dls-ase.” Plenty more proof like thie from Thomasville people. Call at R. Thomas Jr.'s dreg store and ask what bis cus tomers report For sale by ail dealers. Prioe 50 rents. Foster-Mil burn, Oo., Buffalo, New Yp-* sole agents for the United States. Ile- member the name, Doan’s, and taka no ■nbetltato. THE BEST LINIMENT. “’s Fain Baliu is consid ered the test liniment op the market," Write Poet db Blnut, of Georgia, Vr, No other linimtmt si ill bekl a ont o braise so promptly, lfn other afford snob quick relief from rlienmatio pains. No other is so valuable for deep scale pains like lame back and i alns In the uhest. Give the liniment a trial and yon will never with to be witboot it. Sol by J. Vf. Peacock. . A. & W, Wreck Daley* lrafflo. Sunday night two freight ttaias on the Montgomery division of the A. O. L. attempted to pas* eaoh other on' the sima traok. A negro brakeman was killed and the traok torn np, in bad shape. The three a. m. train east bound was 4 hours Into and the 9:85 p. m. train five hoars late on aoconnt of the trouble. The Thomasville Ice Company BEWARE OF IIHITATMS of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY’S HONEY AND .TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung Trouble, several manufacturers are advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by- the iavozabljr known reputation of FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON We originated Honey and Tar as a Throat-arid Lung Remedy and unless you get • FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. Remember the name and insist upon having Foley’s Honey and Tar. Do not ride your life or health by taking imitations, which cost you the satne as the genuine. Foley’s Honey and Tar is put up in three sizes—25c, 50c and $1.00. Prepared only by FOLEY & GO., 92-94-96 Ohio Streot, Chicago, Illinois. SOLB AMO REOOUENDED BY i—IIMIWIHM |I i , ' j h I ■ j ■ j. w peacock Beware of Goonterfeite. -’OeWitt's is tbe only gennine Witeh Hazel Salve" write* J. L Tasker, of Centre, Ala. "I have need It In my family for pile*, Ont* and Barn* for nan and can reooommend it to be the beet salve on the market. Every fami ly ehonld keep it. as it is an invalaabl* honaehold remedy, and ehonld always he kept oq hand for Immediate u*6 " Isold by Braoey Pharmacy. H) wr*d N. Stpntors Builder. '% Plan* and Spceifireriam fnraUee* Eitlmatae cheerfully given.