Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 23, 1904, Image 12

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Letters of A<In?ir.:s<ration. Petition for Charter. GhORGriA—1 homas County. To the Superior Court of £said County. The petition of J, M. Simplon, G. L Oaten, T. J. Willis, J N/Carter mid E E. Wilket, rupeet fully hown: 1. That they desire for tliemselree, tf eir BHtociatijg, ghcctBsor* and avrigut, to hocotne iucoriorated under the name and style of “THE PLANTERS W 1 REHOUSE <ty." with a capita! stock of $3»C0 00, divided into shares ol $100.00 each, with the privilege of in- oressiug said capital to jg sum not ax ceeiiug #10,t >00.00 upon two thirds vote of the stookbolders 2. 'Pe itiouer JHE MARKE The Prices at V/hich Things Bu and Sell—Corrected Weekly Administrator’s Sale. Georgia Thornes Coanty: Under and by virtue of an order peep ed by the Hon. Vo, M. Jones, ordinary of Tliomae Coanty Georgia between llie legal boon of tale before the oourt hooeedoorin the oily ol Thomasville on the flret Tuesday in January will be eold the following described property to wit: AU that tract or panel of land being the north ltalf of lot of lend No, 147 of the 14rh district of Thoniee Connty Georgia containing 250 acrea more or le**, about 166 acres of the aame being *o the Connty ot Jefferson State of Florida. Tern.a of aale caah. T. W. Lewis, Administrator Eat. Of Wileon N. Lyons, deceased. GEORGIA—! 1'cmas Connty. M. A'Fleetwood, coanty admlnietra* f tor. having i»h*'o application to me in § doe form to bo appointed permanent f administrator npon the estate i f W. A; Barrow, late of raid connty, notice is % hereby given that aaid application will * be heard at the regnlar term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to ~ be held on the first Mondayin January, 190s. Witnesa my hand and official algna. tare ibis 28lh day of Nov. 180i Wm. M. Jones, 11-4*. Ordinary. Thomatvilie, Onl>ea 1«, J804— * Eggs per doz. 25 oents. Beet butter , £.o. Vedinm butter, 20o to -ns. Chick- I era, f«ie«. 27 If to 80c; liens 80 to DAc Sweet potaP os. 60o per lm. Fodder I per 100 lb«, 70 to 8Jc. Conntry bay, per 100 lb*. 50c. to 60o. Old Syrnp, 15 o New Syrnp, 18-Mo Conntry hams, U to lSo. Country lard, atopic, local, SELUiro PEtcrf' | , • I Thomasrille, Gal—Ueo. 16, 1804— I Coffee, ArbnoUee, 15o. Green coffee, fair 12l-2o. Choite 15o. White gran lated sugar, 6 cents. Brawn mg»r, 6J4o. Sal Soda per pound,(5c. Crack or* 10 to 20o. Stick candy 10c. Kero- seMotl 80o—5 gals, 80o. Side meat, per lb, 11 to 181-9 Meal 80c. per bn Flonr 56 50 to *7.25 per bbl. Western bam, 15c. Lard, compouud 8c. Loaf I 11c. Hay, fil.lO per 100 lbs. Bran , 11.25 per 100 Iba. Cotton aeed me:*; 81.40 per 100 lba. Cotton seed bulls, 60c pet 100 lbs wick. Seed Rye 42X0 Oatr 65 to 75*ceuta. COTTON. S ivaimah—Spots at 7 6 8 llioiuasville, Local market $ 1-4 taxa. Ia iaHralaaXrUEATiVE Bit- a fka'tmMM It with au oatlad tanr amt a-o roaily* erimulettog [ >- HoartCurative Bitter* la ^atatam and. ia COBBS alt mi <11*111 I ami nmooM<ePS. j ssifiority iu Ow worifl WMRMh wmMm (Pioftwur Puw- propore, 4id uk au* jiioritj fur, to - uuduct a ^eueraj w sru- houm bUMineas, to buj aud aeii, l*iwj uud rnortKagu leal or pentoual proper, to buy uud pell c«ttou, ooiton iced, corn, fertiiiz»rc u d any and all farm pro- dactb, and to more aud receive cortpeu- Ration for commodities of every kind. 8. Petitioners desiieto oeiuco'p#r- ateu tor H«e lea-in of 20 years, with the privilege of renewal at the end ot that ' Hmy |b« an appetite. Henfxi T the apie'ite ■ -gmw af Ageeiton. That no ana [ Mtl.*tto>andbiqqlmw. diet* Georgia, Thomai County: J. M. Ruthin; administrator npon tb* estate of Fannie II, Groover, late of- ■aid county, deceased, having filed his petition for docharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to s*row<* uk*against the gsanting of this tli«oha**c*», at the regular term of the court/of on: inary for said connty to be held tu. the first Mooday in* January 1905. Win. M. Jones, 12-2-4t . Ordiimry. iEUR,niu»r, Hmnil BB; 4- The object of aaid iuoorporatiou ia i eenniary gain aud profit to ita meui (mi ft. 5. Politiouen allow that more tliau 10 por cent, of the aaid capital stock lias nclaally been paid iu. C The principal office and place of husluess of raid prppraert corportion ia to t o Iu Meigs, Ga„ with tlie privilege of branch offiedk. Whercfoie, petitioners pray that they nrty be lucorpura ed under the uame aud style us aforesui,!, entitled to all the right!, aud privil ge* of the law. ROSOOELUKE, Petitioner's Attorney I, J. W. Groover do horeby certify that tlie above ia a true copy of .the |ie- tiliou t os day filed In my|offloe the iOtii day ot Noveutbar 1804. J. W. GROOVER, O. 8. O. Warn sdMt InaX ui.e cv/rjb > y l ow | —mett^titagby smftfcln. fli-ir >' in. isalawrilaatnnai. Fre n’t Utters. Dismission, IS HKTfEKS (WAXY wuogOhu, Pa. collection of annual tax** sufficient in auioaat to pay the principal and Inter- e t of aaid bonded debt at the datet and Miihln the ilm- fl od by the Ordinaoee. Wit.icss our bands nod official fral, ■toe me 15 It day of Ouceinber 18 >4. R, 1. Van Laudlngham, Mayor W. A. Walker, C, K, Mauldin, .lolmL, Ponlk, K. P. Wight, K Powell. MTICE. MMmtnof tbeTowu of The rredera of this paper wi.l In pleased to learu that tlieie ia a les, pleated to learu that theie ia a le.-i one 1 tended (hseas.! that science lina Ian n alfia to cure in ail ita ataget, aud Mini i Jatarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive onre now known ti fla med cal fraiorniiy Catarrh being a conetitatiunal disease, requires a oouati- totfonal treatment. Hall’e Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tlie blood and the mnoona •nrlnceaol ilm ayahm, iherebv destroying the tuundMllon of the disease end giving the imtlent strength by botlding np' be cousiitntlcu aud assisting uatnro iu do lug its work. The proprietors havo an mnrli faitlkln ft* uufanv* powers that given that iu accord Mkasa llrfftaiti regnlarlr aiid wm matksi sfith day of Nov iffb*Mayor and Aldermen of tin flM a fii yli an olecib-u In inglksU end will to held m kdQ.1 January 1805 at tli - o - t, a Stall |tana and pie-inn - Aldermen. Oman, aw I niid r tin- a-ui, Mptalnai ilia: olecln na fu '■MTxra ,-e n iw lie ! 'in M* with the Code 'if Uenrsi naane <T7 an Ml. both tun’n TRU8TING TO FATE, I ha hen*6 by the Town • f to to Fif taw* Cf15 000 ) dollars. Tli hm off add booda }o be a* fnl- hfhi <») of aaid bonds Jhlns each; and Twent- ■add heads to bn of Ilia d« a of Ha Hundred (|500.) hgaaMhsadsto baar Intern «th» (() per cent, aaid li - He aaanaiiy on th* first day •et each year, oonimanotiig ft 1H> and th* ptiueipal au1 add hands to be folly p»tu ward thirty fSOj ye in from Two It] bond* of ' tad 1811 to January fttaHypeitnnlnhvo; three (8] taa Bandied (•100) dollar* Sheyatt on January first 1818 VtadMK^hot^ Jy*an lnclu- >PI hand of Firs Hundred HlhnaHd an January Drat Many dm 18*5, both yean b Mo (■) hands of five Han- dlodiddl ho paid on Jan- l MBS to Jaanary list 1855, mtaadaatvo. Bold booda to to Perfectly Cnaowalal. Nuggsby—When n man and bla wife think the same thonghta ehnoltuneona- ly It la a sign that they are exceedingly congenial. Wuggaby—SoJ Well. then, my wife end I are cougental all right tor the other utgbt when she said that the wondered wby l\l ever been such a fool at to marry her I had boon alttlng HNERY N. POLLOCK. To Henry N. Pollock. Yon an hereby notified and required to to and appear at the April Term 1805 of Iba 8np*riorOoortorTho4na*County to answer the oom plaint iq^above stated ease, otherwise the court will prooeed a* to'justice eliall appertain. Witnee* the Hon. Robi. G. Mitchell, Jndfe 8. O. T. O. J. W. GROOVER, * tarn for 2m 0.8.0. 1 negotiate fin years leaaa an farm ends a t lowest ralest of Interest. Oetr aalmton char***-reasonable. A email akatract fee, oonheteat with ttoamana- of work and troable Involved, will b> ehsrged In each Cue. Bring yoarotndr of title with you. EDWIN L. BRYAN, Alkoxney-al Law. Battfmow- A mericuu. The Asbffll Cine StripingSKnife. Pays for ita self in one days nee. For sale by all hardware dealen or the Wares Mau cfacturinCo ThoouvUla, Go, DeWitts UttleBariv Rtaar’s DeWitt’a ate ao mild and effective that children, delicate ladle* and week people enjoy tbeir cleansing effect, while ateong pto- opleaay they are tl*e best liver pill* eold. gold by Bracey Pharmacy Oo. mm in' to ha aaed aa follows: ) dollar* of said tor the parposc of es- Ukag and maintaining of Water works ed Oblro: Five Thousand to he and build- operating a *y- Tcwu. of aaid bonds a or Us eqnt- tathaOttyof New York to to eold lor An Ineldeat That Ulna na InslaM Into ftnsstan Character. A few years ago 1 was taking country walk In Kovne. The rond lay through a denee forest, and the day Waa oppreaalvely hot. I arrived at last at a crossroad aud sat down under tlie shade of the trees to reet. A algupoet pointed Its two nnns down tb* con verging roads. On on* of them waa In serliwd ”14- vents to Janora," on tb* other "17 versts to 8badowa." Present ly tbe crcuklug of wheels and the alow "clop, clop" of a bone’s boots so th* road behind roused me. A cart piled high with tinware waa coming down tbe road, with tbe driver, perched on the top of the load. “Good day, brother," 1 called out a* the cart, with Ita sorry bone, came abreast of me. Tbe man mturned my sqtute, and tb* horse, glad of any ex- cue* to rest bla weary lagt, came to a standstill In tbe middle of tb* road. "Which way an yon goingr I asked. To Janora. Thera la a market than tomorrow.” “Bnt than 1a alio a market In Sha dows," 1 answered, "and It la a mors Important place than Janova.'* "Bo It U, BO it In" the driver raplted, with perfect Indifference. “What have you for atlef* “Plenty ot good tinware, at you van ■so, brother. I bar* worked for six works to make this cartload." "Wall, good lock to yon and your Uawara” I aaid, polling and eating tbe borrltt within reach. “Will you taka It to Janova er Sbadowal" Ito man plckad up tb* bit of cord which served at reins and prepared to goon. "1 atoll leave that to my boraa," be answered callously. ’ Tbe lumbering wagon mored off and finally paaacd out of tight down the Janora road, wblcb the horse had elect ed to take.—Si James' Garette. EM'Vft Memorial to a Robber. In tbe little town of Forllni;iopoll. near Ilologmi, there le a memorial tab let In the Municipal theater to tie mem ory of a famous robber chieftain iiamr.l Pnaaatorc. Tbe reason why the the iter Is tli* home of hla memorial la that hi It waa performed hla most f.i ■nous exploit. In September, 1851. while one of Rossini's opera* was be ing performed In the presence of nil the local beauty and faahton, Pnmature and hla band "bold up” tb* audience and robbed them of all their valuables to the last penny. Citation. Georgia, Thomas Gonnty: To all whom it may ooneern: Mrs Amanda Carroll having ip props' f<-rm. api lied to me for parmaneat Le- tor* of Adaatniatratlonon the estate oi J. W. Carroll, late of said County, Uii l« to cite all and singular the hnditor- aud next ol kin of J, W. Carroll to b< and appear at my office within tbe time allowed by law, and show cause. If an - they ran. why permanent admiulelra ttou should not to granted to Mt> Amanda Carroll an J. W. Carroll'* Witnem my hand and official oigna taro, this flat day of November, 1804. Wm. M. Jonoa. lt-l 4t Ordinary. Appl'tfUn (tr Dismission. GBORGIA—Thomas Connty. To all whom It may ooneern: IL A. Fleetwood, administrator of the elate of Cera Zitglor having made application to m* in doe form to todia miaaed.'tbls it to die all parsons oon- oornad to ahow oaosa before mo at tin- regnlar term of the oourt of ordinary for nld oonnty to to bold on the fine Monday in Jan. 1805, why aalff dbiml. sal altonld not to granted. Witness my hand and official algna ton this 5th daj of Deo. 1804. WM. M. JONES. 11-8-4 Ordinary. THB SECRET OF SUCCESS. Forty million bottles of Auguit Flo- cr sold in the United Sutet alone siar ita inlrcduotion. And the demand it ti- groeing. Isn’t that a fine allowing 6 success? Don't it prove that Augu- Flower hat had unlading tuccett in il. euro of indication an I dyspepsia, tt. two greatest eneiui*t of lioilth and hap piness? Do-s it notafford the best ev denee that Auguit Fluwer is a sure sp-- cificforall stomach and intestinal dis orders? That it has proved itself th- beat of all liver regulators ? Augn- Flewer has a matchless record of ov< - thirty-five years in curing the ailing millions of these distressing oempUia- a success that it hecomingtwider in It- scopo every day, *> home and abroad, at the famtof August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 26c: regular aise, 75c: For dileb/ I. Friia G> Administrator. GEORGIA Thokao Coujitt. Tu whom ft may concern. J. I. McCann, having made spp'ioation to me in dne form to be appointed per utaneni admiclatrator upon tboeatateof j. F. MeCnnu, late of aaid conuty, de- craued.-uottre ia hereby given that aii- applloii'ion will bo heaid at the regular term ot the conrt , f ordinary for »vd coantv on the fi st Monday in January 18(16. Witnera my hand,and official aigna- tare this 5tl, day of Dei-, m l. U-4t Wm. M. Jonea, Ordinary. Commissioners Ssle. - Un ler and by virtue oFh resolution adopted by the Board of Oommiielonorx f Roads aud Revenues of Tliom- onntv at the Deoember mooting lid):, tlie following lot* In the City of Tho.-n eav lle, and in lot No. *8. of tlie 1811 District of aaid oonnty, (the numbers ot the loti, blocks and oolnmna being ac cording to Wilson's annoy.) Said lol.- being tboee for whloh no deed* have over bodn made by the authorities duly anthoiiaed to tell oonnty property at any time, wi! be acid .atpablio outcry to tho highv c bl-i :«r before tb* ooun hn«a« doo: in Tho ., nvilla on - the' 1st Taeedayin Januarv i t 15, within the nanal hour, of ! r-t - -ha, to-wit: L U VP, a., or anay8 In blk 4, col. 6, west, containing each one acre more or (as*. . Lota 82, or, 81 and 86In blk 8, col. 6. west, containing one acre |eaoh more or Citation. GEORGIA—! homes Comity. Notice ia hereby given that tho node: signed has applied to tlie ordinary of said coanty for leave to tell all tlie reel estate aud personal property belonging t j the estate of Steven Mingo forth* payment of debt! and distribution among the hein. Said application will be heard at the regular 1 arm of the Court of Ordinary for eald county to to held on the first Monday in January 1806. M.A FLEETWOOD. ADM STEVEN MINGO Loti 100, 108 and 10S in hlk 6, col. 6. west, containing one ao re (more or loo*. „ Lota 104, 106, 106 and 107 in blk 6, ool. 6, west, containing each one aori more or late except lot 107 whloh tut toon reduced by a strip oat off for Com press street. Lot 106 In blk 7, ooh 6, west, contain ing half au acre. Fractional lota 108 and 110, Ilk 5, ool. 6, west, bounded by Monroe and West streets(West street not opened)-and Competes street Loti 112 and 115, and that part of 111, lying east ot A. O. L. rigjit of way in blk 4, ool. «. west. Lot 118, blk 8, col. 0, west containing one acre more or leas. Lots 120 and 121, blk 2, ool, 0, west, ooptaintng each 1 acre more or less. Lot 53. blk 2, ool. 4, west, containing one acre more or leas. Lots81,8*. 83 and 84 in' blk 8. col. 4, west, containing each half acre more or leas. Fractional lot No. 85. in blk 8, col. 4. wait, bounded by Oak street, Jefferson street and the lino between lot 88 and 40 in 18th district. By order of tlie oonnty oominiasionera J. S. MONTGOMERY, I Clerk, Administrator’s Notice. k To J. J. Wileon, Esecntor, Annie E. Baker, Grace Wilton and J. R. Wilson, at law or J. R. Wilson, deoeasod ai d non-resident-; Dorris and Pariah having made ap plication to require titles to beesoouted to him certain land described in a bond for title thereto attached perportlog tobesigned by J R Wileon, late of eald connty, deoearcA tha said applies- tihn alleging that aaid land has toon folly paid for. All partiw concerned are hereby notified that aaid applica tion will to hoard before the Court ot Ordinary for said oonnty on first Mon day in January, 1805. This 7th day of December lf04. Wm. M. Jones. Ordinary. IB FOR 01VRCE. THOMAS SUPERIOR COURT. FANNY POLLOCK, Citation. GEORGIA- -Thomas Oonnty. M. A Fleets cod, administrator npon the estate ot Mary I,. Vinson, late of said connty, deceased, I taring filed hie petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concern od to show cause against the granting of this discharge, at the regnlar term of Iba oourt of ordinary tor said county to to held on tha first Monday in February 1805. WM. M. JONES, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas Oonnty. M. A. Fleetwood, coanty adminlstre tor, having made application to me in dne form to be appelated permanent administrator open tho estate ot Mis souri Houston, lato of (aid coanty, de ceased. Kitic* 1* hereby given that said application will to heard at the regnlar term of the Court of Ordinary for aaid county to to held on tlie first Monday in February 1805. Witness my hand and official signa ture this 2nd day of January 1806. WM. M. JONES, jtt Ordinary. GEORGIA Thomas Connty; M. A. Fleetwood Administrator npon the estate of Janie* Wheilcr late of eald connty deceased, having filed Ida petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons con cerned to ahow cause tin granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the conn of ordinary for aaid c-nuty to to held on the first Monday hi January 1805. 12-2 4t. Wn. M.Jon*. Ordinary. Divrce. AdelinriMl'chell ya. John Mitchell. To John Mitchell; You are herebi cited to be and ap. paar at the next term ol Thomas Superi or Court, April tetta I805, in tbe case above stated and ahow cause, if any you have, why divorce should not be granted. In default thereof the court]wlll proceed ^ as justice may appear. ' Given J ApplieatioiCfor Administrator. Georgia, Thomas Oonnty: To whom tt may ooneern: Mrs. V P, Dtkle, having made ap plication to me In doe tonu[to to ap pointed permanent administratrix opoo the estate of A. W. Dekle, late of laid oonnty,| notice it hereby given that said application will be heard at tha regnlar term ot tho Conrt at Ordinary for eald Coantv, to to held on ito fink Monday In Jan nary 1805. Witnaea my hand and official algna* tore, this Nov. 24Ui, 1804. Wm. M. Jones, 18 241 Ordinary. Petition For Guirdisnship. GEORGIA, Thoms* Oooxtti R. Hopkina, a resident of laid state, having dnly applied to be ap> pointed Guardian of the person and property of Jnliot O. Hopkins, an in* mate of tho Georgia State Sanitarium, over the age of 14 yean, of Thomaa Oonnty. Notice le hereby given that taid ^application will be pained on at tlie regular term of the Court ol Ordi nary to be held on the first Monday in January 1805. Doc. 6th, 1804. Wm. M. Jonea, 12-1041 Ordinary Notice of Dissolution. Notice is tore by given that tbe firm od Berwick Mercantile Oo ton to fore engaged in the badness of general Mar- obandise in the town of Barwick, it this day dissolved hr mutual consent, 8. B. Redfeorn retiring and J. L. Maaaey modeling with him G. W. Holloway. The business will oco- Hone at tbe earn* place by J. L. Maaaey and G. W. Holloway in tbe name at Barwick Mercantile Oo. They will aet- tlo all liabilities of the firm and noatpt for all amounts doe above "—r 1 firm. . This 1st. day of Dec. A. D. 1804. Signed J. L. Maaaey 8-4t G. W. Holloway 8. E. Sanches R. L. Bedfeam H D. Davis Mgr.