Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 23, 1904, Image 2

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    •I! a DECEMBER 23 ivO.
, on a Mexican estate is not an independ*
Echo, th tut worker to \rIiom dunes tlio money
f . ' for all the work her deft hands accom*
* . t plUh; She Is a woman whose fatbdg
l»tti been , 0 r brother or ancle or mother is Jn debt
in t [ /Ai ' to the M «reat don." She can do the
P . mvrn work.eo the dous a sent sup-
plies her with linen or lawn, a frame
Hknnd the requisite Implements and In-
^Bfclc.Uc# the ikaljru that she is to fol-
Bftftfw, for. though you may not know It,
9 licre aro fashions In drawn work quite
5M rfa exclusive and quite us popular as
iicro ore in women’s bats, for Instance.
u an her of th* £
by the students
v Public sohooU I
it ha* btoil iucr«‘tifi»:il
•.I .<i 'SB '
» r >r ai;«i . c miMEg^N
One Count
RtiiooaieOT, 1 • 41 r e «t i«a.
^/Uf Stomach. Tlwiltchc.
ft;., ted keep# th*
v/tUtn In perfect eoniluo*
tar rcsvtef >sg tbf bow*I*.
Fks-fnt w Ukc, «nd
pl«nr«nt in result*, act* :
ytuni)Uly mihoiht gnpiw*. 1
60 mbU a tottSe «t *H //
drug store*. M
Every Dollar.
A Magnificent LUDDEN & BATES PIANO w#l be Given away.
Him '.Jurtstm.n spirit IS v^PT carried
t h iiuiuljMf of holiday -article* and j
; it..* leading aturr Is
. i ’S.ntft thius 1 ' by Mbs Auuio
iV is M. oi tho eighth gradd Ollier
m.* ./■<• * Th# Wedding of th«J G *ld
u and the Iuk Bottle' bf Both Good*
o. < vemh f?r»d j, “A Poor Boy’s
rtstu^s" by Liiiio Nautz, fouitli
ido, “ChrUtmto” by lMiomw. Jul.ui*
times enterprise
This is the season when you wantio pay our subscription any-
. This prize is crJ a reward for promptness.
.,,,11. > j.. One* n year the Mexicans for whom
’ the woman'do this work, somewhat as
uai" .y Uordo.i tbe Sweatshop tollers of Chlcsgo and
New York drive their needles for a
master, meet In solemn conference and
determine what the prices shall bo. So
great Is the popularity of drawn work
generally that tho anpply norer equals
the demand, and the proflts made by
the Mexican masters of the drawn
work trust, for It Is really that are
enormous. The dealer pays these ‘'op
erators" what they demand, and they
demand much. Therefore the buyer
pays $10 for a “cloth" that costs the
“manufacturer" 12 cents a day, labor
hire, for. say. ninety days, to produce.—
-The hearing of the temporary restrain
ing order in ThomasvlUo’s eleotrio light
cm was oonolnded yesterday morning
> fore Judge Robert Q. Mltoholl. The
t-mporary order' wee made permanent
and tho elootion managers were enjoined
front declaring the ie,alt of' the recent
election, and the oily prohibited from in-
earring a debt to acquire emaiiiulj..l
light plant.
The attorneys In the eaM were S. O.
Mb London and Thro J Titos for the pi it-
tion nsnd W. 0. Snodgrass and Km-
droa Mitchell for the other side. The
petitioners olaimed that a two-thiids
rota of the registration list was neoes
sary before the power to inoor debt
ceold be conferred. Tho Judge held that
tie-1 oeltion was oorrect end as the pre
position fell short of this naoiberihe
injunction was made permanent.
M, Miioin.ll and Suodgrtus,' si.-
nfiuuce that they will appeal Hie osse to
the Soprano Gb irt of Georgia at the
term now in seedon-Tbey take the ground
the. the rater., who tlmogh in.reg
istered, took the roters oatli, bed a right
to oast their ballots. The float ontooma
of the ease will be awaited with eager
The pentpp who sends In the first correct es
timate of tbs'number of times the word ’end"
will appear in the weekly Times Enterprise of
Friday Deo. Kith will get the Plano If no esti
mate Is oorrent then igt one moat nearly oorrect
will get tfie,piano. W
, Yon are entitled to one estimate w th each
$1.00 paid on sahecription to either the Weakly
. or Belly Times Enterprise. It makes no differ
ence whether yoarsab(ko>}pti(lQ is behind or not.
Tbs Contest closes at So'dock p. m. on Wed
nesday, Doc. 28th, two days before tlie lane ap
pears. Nobody can know how mine “a. da”
ttjejf are, bat hr opuntiog tho “and*" in several
previous issues yon can form a clow estimate.
The Plano is now exhibition at the store of
NeeUBtoe. tn ThomaseiUs.
Oksvi-vatlan Has Proved That Doth
Male end female leeabate.
Apparently two factors enter Into the
flamingoes' type of architecture—they
nffist build where there Is mud and at
thoTame time erect a structure high
enough to protect Its content! from
any nonun! rise In the water due to
tides or rainfall.
After watching a nesting colony of
flamingoes in the Dabnmns far "nearly
an hour" at a distance of ISO yards
Sir Heury Blake stated that the fe
males ant upan the nests, while the
males stood np together, evidently near
by. My dlmoctlans. however, showed
' Remember,
Every cent you] pay is applied to your subscription,.whether you
count the “ands” or not Open to both Daily and Weekly Subscribers.
Costs you nothing.
Here’s the Coupon, Use t. - \ 4
that both sexes Incubute. while contln-
ueil observation from the tent revenloJ
the present* of only one bird of the
pair In tbs rookery at the same time.
The bird on tho licet was relieved late
In the afternoon and early In the morn
ing. Tlie one, therefore, which Incu
bated during the day fed ut night and
bis or her place was taken by another
n.l.l.ili keA tu.iui fiuwlllti. All,.
The sharp bite of the wli tor alrmade
Christmas shopper, shiver yesterday bet
they may take comfort and reflect that
U mlglit he worn w lien reading tbs fol
lowing dispatch received last night
Boston, Deo. 18—A storm that reach
ed the proportions of a hurricane swap!
New England yesterday and to-day
The snow is from two to Are feet deep
la New England and treflUttm railways
and • reel car lines is blocked. The
storm extends eonth along the Atlantic
oout to Charleston.
Which you will pleas: send until ordered discontinued.
Name of Person Counting.
Bytes $3.00, K. It. Johnson $4,00, Her. CT * Wlmg ln nlr ~ Centul7 -
S. ri. Broadnax $3.00, Hoy. S. K.rr$5.C0 Cot the Pants Mixed.
Dr. Wilson *5 00, W. Hadley $8.00 M P,B| *■ Chatllu. tlie one time Afrl-
v. . , — — „ „ , . . can explorer, performed a good Samart-
Dwtld $3.00, II. ltawla $8.00 Total oi tan act om night In asalating along
pW gee $30.00. The mooting tdjoaraod tbo street s very Intoxicated stranger,
until Thursday. Deo. Mad The man told him where hit home wee.
* ■nit nft.r mn.li1.nhts Slfflmlh. TV,
New Way of Using Chamberlain*
Cough Remedy.
Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from
Durban, Natal, Booth Africa, says:
“As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy la a core sol table for old and
yooug, I pen tho following: A neighbor
of mine a child Jot over two month* old
It Had a very bed cough and tho parents
did not know what to giro it. I eng
get tod that if they would get a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and pnt
some upon a dummy Mas the baby wet
sucking it would no doubt onto the
child. This they did and broaght about
a quick relief and cued the baby." This
remedy ia for sale by J. W. Peabock.
D. A W.
The Atlantlo A Birmingfaim will sell
ronnd-trlp tickets ,for the holidays at
rates one and one-third fane between
all stations on its own lines and "con
nections sooth of the Ohio and Potomac
an I east of the Mississippi rivers. Tick
ets wul be on sale Deo. IS, S4, S3 and SI,
ISM and January 1, 1805, with retort
mit January 4th, 1905.
Tickets at same rate* will be ssld to
Machtrs and students of schools and
oolicgetnpon presentation and suren-
isnderof certificates signed by Super
intendents, -Presidents or Ptincipals,
Deo. 17-94, lnclnsiTO, with ;fin*l limit
Jan. 8th, 1905.
Convenient local and through sohe-
dnlee. Coaches eleotrio lighted and
steam heated, making travel comfort*-
For Salt. Newly Overhauled.
One'95 H. P. Tabular Boilar
Toklo, Deo. 19.—Confirmation lias
been received here of the report that
tlie Japanese army besieging Port Ar-
t- 'rhaa stormed and captured the North
Fort ou East Kee Ewan, after oxplod-
iug a mine under the fortification.
to *' •• Vertical "
" 8 " ' Locomotive* on
One to H. P. Vertical boiler and «a*
gine. " '
i No. 1 DrLoach Saw Mill, Simplex
I—IS inch Insetted tooth taw.
f— Sm-ill taws.
i—Soule stam feed rope Iced as good
as new.
l—15 H. P. center crank engine.
.. as
good as new.
I—Button saw mantle.
1—Set 36 stringer logging tracks new
a—Sett 36 pole „ „ „
1—1)4 Duplex Steam pomp, newt
1—a t-9 Gardner governor. „•
1—a t-a- , , good as
l-^a i-a King governor.
1—a t-a Monarch governor,
t—1 l-a Pickering g>-vemor.
■a—Sett la Pickering Oaniage truck,
new, Ike best made.
Prompt attentiee upon wort We
will be prepared to famish cane mflb In
30 diys#
Works nssr A. O. UR. R. Depot.
P. O. 101; Tslsph swss 114 and 310.
to th' Ephesian*?"
Metcalf Mentions.
Looked ttoaest Anyway.
A member of the Kansas City board
of trade called a newsboy In front of
.tho Exchange building the other after
noon to buy a paper and then discov
ered that he bad no small change with
which to pay for It. He wanted tbe
paper, so be esked tbe boy to trust
him. “I'll pay you tomorrow," be laid.
The boy looked him over. “Tor on the
board or trade, ain’t yoar he naked.
Tbe man replied that be was. Tbs
newsboy hesitated a moment. Then he
sold: “Well, you look honest. Anyway.
I guess ril trust you fer the* cents."—
Kansas City Times.
.furnished Cottages
By A W Oveiton
Mrs. Kendall has returned home alter
several days visit to tier eon's family Ur.
M M. Kendall.
Mrs. Montgomery ia visiting her
brotlier'a family Mr. T J. Uontford.
Rev. K. E. Bose left for Brinson Tubs-
F0R]RE v T
j Ia alljpartsjofgthe city
vrith~alKjmodera con.
▼eniences "for the sea
son." Kit
Also, Suites of furn
ished rooms to . rent.
.1. Maliette,
all House Block |
Miss Lottie Draw of Moutloello, Fla.,
ylaited her mother Sunday.
Mr. HoUmautand Mias Bailie Dixon
of ThomsarUle were guests of Mire
M .t'ta Thomas Sunday.
Mist Bailie Loo Lilly rial tod her
brother Mr. O.O. LUly In Quitman 8un-
Faro and one third round trip, nek-
are for tbe general publio will he oa sale
Deo., 98,94,15 and Slat.. 1904 and Jan.
1st., IKK; final limit Jan.. 4th 1905.
On Dsn 17th. to 94th. Inclusive, upon
surrender of oertillcatas, tickets will ba
•old to teacher* student! of triMwl
and colleges at fare and owe third tor
the round, trip, finallimit Jan. Sth. 1905.
Minimum rates SOota. whole tioketo,
“They're comparatively rich, aren't
"Well, I wouldn't aay ■comparative
ly.' but •relatively.' They have a rich
ancle of whom they expect greet
thlnga"—Philadelphia Ledger.
Fer further information, apply to any
agent of tbe Company.
H. a MoFadden,
OeneraU Passenger Agent, Waycrosa.
Mercantile Bualnase For Bale
I will aall m, store fixture# and stock
of gs&snl marohuadlsi ud will riljwr
seU cw rent my ctcre bouse and dwelling.
J. K. Smith, Corner Stovens and Wal
cott Streets, Thomasrille, Ga.
1. No person ronneoted withkho Times Enter-
. prise shall enter the “sni” contest.
9 That nobody can possibly know before hsnd
how many “ands" there will be in the Weekly of
December 80th.
A That the Weekly Timea-Enterpris* of Dec.
30(h shall comist 19 pages. Just as usnaL
4. That every “and." or abbreviation for
“slid’’ either in reading matter or advertisements
Shalt he conn tod.
5 That a committee of thoroughly disinterest-
ed Citizens shell do tin- (mooting and make np tbe
awards ' .
9. That the Kano given away shall be the beet :
of the Loddeu 4k Bates make. ~
• . . ".:iiv *.n«% n
(0) That It sliaU be uaw and thoronghly guar-
antard by the famona Ann, Carter 4b DorongEof