Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 30, 1904, Image 2

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    <5 FOB 1
y i.- '! (• «uj !!■ ft oi
I The decision of the Supreme Court In
Thomasvil'e the Oljrott peonage cn-o one of
great interest and importance to the
- i ~ 'poutb. Oljatt was convicted in the
rint atd your New coort of northern Florida under . the
Poor but h
ȣ 1 here is no specific for
consumption. Fresh air, ex
ercise, nourishing food and
Scott’s Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung,
tj From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod,-liver
oil for consumption. Of,
course the patient could not
take it in its old form, hence
it did very little good. They
can take
fearsjesopi«on».'• ■" ’ ' 1 noted Judge Swajue, oi vitiation «£the
' ■ , 'anti peonage law. These laws were
Everybody rays (Mi wa»-the :.hest paseedi in lM?, to iegiriate aha e« in
ihristmassefirerW iSewMexico. The territorj'hwlnsjs-
— - I tern of labor by whioh an emptove coald
leap year ut leaping to a dose leaving contract to work for money advanced,
n . ie>:>s still unleapt. and work until the debt was paid. By
ft -' re 'a sj stem <.f osniioos interest it was easy
It - -> '0 If-optimistic at Christmas for nmcropolona employers to lndefi-
ime. See that yon keep it up all the nitely extend this time of service
'ear.' * ", a . * A lew yean ago koine enterprising'
w \ -'lift! T \ lawyer made applioattonqfehislaw to
D .iftir gtntyBwie-.rnefnl etaile to the relations ? of the with the
0 I al : mat r,w leaf ton turned over southern farmer and saw miil man, end
•; January?. , W cases like that of Olyatt resulted.
~, __ ;—i.u.i..= In speaking of this case Joe. Y>hl in
t We ro^Ulmg for Cairo’to have meat the Atlanta Constitution says: of a OhHstmas p essnt excel t - “0poh a peonage charge,’Mr. Clyatt
new county. ^ and his interests are’ however, mere
4ft .+\jF’ V’T ’ ; ■' — incidents to the' ! broad question raised;
^A Texas suggests that those rot this is the right of the federal govern-
aviDg cotf en to hold might practice on. ment to invade the jurisdiction , f the
and tolerate it for a long
time. There is jio oil, not
excepting butter, so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scott’s Emulsion,
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous.
We will send you a
sample free.
Be *ure that th» e£X (ft
picture in the form of
per of every bottle of
Scott & Bowne If
Cliemists iMI j ‘ If-
409 Pearl Street
New York
JOC. and fi, ai! JruggU'i
A Bainbi ldgu man has invented a can-
tie or. wd thought they all used cork
ec _«» over there.
We are exi«ciing the impeachment of
Judge dwarue and the fall of Port Ar
tlmr about the sumerim*.
l’lie worst tiung about the Chadwick*
. is that Atlanta haa as yet estal-
ii- l n daim to lama in regard to it.
If we are to havo a Southern man for
president why we stilt Insirtnpon it tliat
C.ipt John tnplettis the man.—Darien
O zatte ’ Azy..
Atlanta’s new Mayorhaamade a prin
tin'bis private sacra taxy* Printers know
how to !.<• p r.sLd* the type setter I
Tbftll-00 bcrftl* contain* 2 H Hro*ath« trial aft*, which a«Rafor SO otstft
Bracy Pharmacy Co* . *.**‘-^ -. ' *.,
The Atlantic & Birmingham will fell
round-trip ticket- for tu? i oliday.-* fat
ra esout* * ri • ue*thlr»l f»re< between
«li itHtious ui its own lines end con*
ne *tions tout h of the Ohio ziid Potomac
an 1 T*twi of
I The Day After.
The holiday spirit. Iap|>ed over into
Mourlar end made the (lay a quiet- ont\
I The banks wf-re shut tight. The tele-
|graph aud post offices observed Sunday
hours. Most of the stores closed a?
noon to give tired clerks a rest Tlio.-i-
that remained open had little husiuefs
aud devoted themselves to re arranging
their depleted stocks. Every body look
ed tiappy and the regular salutation was
“Merry Christies* with emphasis on
can oftain about anything you desire for a Christ
mas Dinner, and ‘or any Breakfast, Dinner or
The editor of the Waycross Herald
onfesses th i: hi Ins ant some irresisU
ble women. All wo ever sxw, except
Uuo the wild girl, belong in that cate
Mississippi rivers. Tick
et- wul to ou -ale Dec. S3, 24, 23 aud 21,
1.1-4 and J.Ml..r> Ib-i'i, return
limit Jauual. 4lhr Met.
Ticket. .1 ea.uaWhi will i e told to
teavlinra and .taiieata of schools and
college, npojj pj'aasigrfKon ; and surreu-
reuder of certlfleate. signed by Super-
inten enn, Pre-ldenta or PiincipalB,
I Dec. 17-3-t, inclusive, with ;floal limit
Jau. 8th, 1008. local aud through sche
dule..' Coaches electric lighted and
steam heated, m siting travel comforta.
The prixe. chump,la the man who
stints to born, lilt cotton because the
puce is' low. .'Aoch a man would proba
bly out off bil lhead If he had the tooth
Horses and Mule
Th jmasvillc. Ua.
You Never Know the Moment "When
This Information May ProvH of
Infinite Value.
Mr. Erne«t Davis, the Camilla banker,
was here Sunday. I
'•E verybody’* Magazine,” haying pub
lished Tom Lawson'* article* on Frtnsi-
el Finance fa now haying a little flna-
clering itself. It got everybody inter-
e»ted in the article* and ^ken hiked the
price to fifteen cents.
Mr. ChM. Phillips spent Christmas
day with teUtives In Columbus.
Mr. Mordrcai Benuett who is now
employed at M»igs spent Sunday with
home fol< h ,
It is worth oonslderable to any citizen
of Thomasville to know how to be cared
of paiuful, aunoying and itching piles.
Know then that Doan's Ointment it a
podtive remedy for all itchiness of the
skin, for piles, eczema, etc. One ap
plication relieves and soothes. Read
this testimony of irs m«rir.
W. T. Weekley, 313 Spring street,
Americas, Ga , who for m&uy years has
been with the Sheffield-Huntington Oo.
andnowhas charge of the stock of
farm implements,
a,K ^ has
For further information, apply to any
*gk*ut ut viti*L»v*mpany.
. H. O. McFaduuu,
General; Passenger Age t, VVaycross,
Ga. . # : ‘ t
Dr. VV'. VV. Jarrell,
PhysiC’-aAd Surgeo
Editor Stovall evidently has a tender
spet for the Mi-time* darkey. Hear
him "All honor to the old-time field
hand who stays at home, attends to hie
own business, is oblivious to the chirms
of liis neighbor’s hen roost, does ndt
meddle with politics or agitate.for social
equality.” ft’ '
Mr. J. VV Parker oame down > from
Pelham to eat Ohriitmas dinner with
relatives. ‘ *;
Messrs, pam and Mat Bennett of Oa*
'mllla were here Sunday on thei.* way to
Camilla. ,
0ion/K w hooping cough, etc is Kennedy’s
Laxative Hnuey aud Tar, It cut-
Phlegm, draws out tit* inftamation.
cures all coughs, *t eugtlisui tits longs
and bronchial tubes aud assists iu expell
ing a cold from the system by gently
moving the bowels. P1fr4»ui to take and
contain* no opiates. It is th« children's
friend. Soi l by Bracey Pharmacy.
we to infer that the ever-gradou* John
T Grave* haa reUnqnished his erstwhile
aspiration-, in favor of his neighbor of
The Constitution.—Thomasvilie Enter-
My dear, desr boy; Joe Terrell has
•carosly yet been inaugurated for his
■eoood term! It is suoh a long tioie to
1*06 Why bo precipitate?
All right, father dear. We will not
precipitate but we will wait and partici-
_W. L. Yates who Is doing
m^Albauy on L.
with relativos
Don't get panloked beoanse the oqtton
you are holding hee ioet over three
cents a pound. If you ooqld hold at 9
or 10 cents go on holding. A# tfw>n a*
you get it all out, ginned and paoked
bxilda good fire, get the children around
the hearth and tell them fairy tales!
while you wait. It is good exercise
when cotton is, seven cents.—Waynet-
bjro ~WMlCQ|iaj|SL - '
Th* Corr«tt Number gets the Slav*
•Mg* from esul'a Orioary.
Have Your Cellars Laun cuitc
SeU'l titan- to the Thom&AVille Steam
>Lt.tLdi j vl e I a\e ♦ l » p ut in almoe
> tuvi. 11. lonuty.
im about the goods
(' ui *wrlcfc Journal.)
I, “If Naughty Nan and Cashy Cassie
get out of jail they will find Thom-
-H., , JasviUo a good place »o recuperate in.
n, M. MuNewAxroctsragleey,
u Thonia.s county and aaye: Hon.* L. tcrprLe.
. Carrington, former member of the ?*>WBranawwk’* eUmate hta
uer ox uie not mndergooe an exhanxtlve tast at the
Kistature from Madison county, and hands of the Utter class, but kings of
ho was the’ author of a bill introduced j liame “I JekTl *» nnexovUed.”
t th. house to extend the state railroad Peopl8 who h * ,fe “* TOr n,ed eiectrio
■om Atlaute to the eea, hae removed to “**“» ,rte wcU. Folka.
homu county to’ lire. Evidently be who BeTer be “ *° Th “ DI “ Tttl »
stint to get nearer the sea himself.' m W * U “ u ‘ fled wi,h J*^ 1 -
merchnn.sof the dty were more ,
^ased with their Ohiistmaa bn »i
I univereal feeliDg ot eatlsfac-
failed the atmosphere ycstir-
gfk> one had a kick coming. Ex-
tne following were, fro-
(From the WayeroM Herald.) ’
“The editor of the VVaycroaa Herald
confesses that he has met some irresiiti-'
ble wonun All we ever sew, except
Uno the wild girt, belong in that oatego-
ry.—ThomatvUle Timee-Enterprtte.
Those wliO got the best of ns in the an
tebellum days lived in Thomaeviile.”
They havstmpioved wltheg^.
we ever had" •
BP- .arlli"
■ doable last year"
Rcecded our exp-.-ctatious"
lldu’t have been better"’ '
bUu't kick it we wanted to."
jibing to complain of,”
a are content." \ -
the mbn viral matters llaf oonfroot the
commonwealth. A ^ gentleman wetl-
posted onsnch mattera informs ru that
Senator Platt U known-as the ’’expresa' From The w„ycro«
Kcator" andia the representative of the ’ "The electric lighu weutont in Thom-
etpress companies in the upper house. tl10 other night on account of a
He does not delire too much light thrown ra If th”tottom'hasfaf!en P iu'ta^Thom*
on the corporations he represents, hence “ TiUe > »he town is also dry yon know ”
8ir. J P. Malloy, a prominent tnr-, his ,P ! »J t0 t!, e galleries. He bimaetf Oh. weil, wptjantend oyer and’boe-
[mine man of Qairo, was. a Monday / dx* not expect liis legiaUtionto row a fa- bottles of Parana from Way-
oest at the Masury. |p»'’- . . . cross at any time.
For nc*ai5y 12 years we have
been onering to the public
the best grades of sIiojs onlj'.
(jp&Qt’s hiFiel cd© @<are: fo §©rf!
Our roctliod has been moderaley succe;.sf.i But we want more
cu-tomers W ■ w iut tHe irade of everybody who are wi itig to buy’ good
Siioes and p iy they are worth. The feow who is looking for the
bigfest tiling liis money wi buy is oosing time heie. Wc be ieve there
are enough good business people in the county who know the best to be
the cheapest to keep us going. They are the ones we are after. You have
i < doiibt been bit os in Shoes.
Come to us and let us show
you What wfe can do for you.
Thomasville Shoe Company.
A few Fire Works will be offered for Sale from the 19th
to ihc 24th.
stale oenrte In a class of oosee which it
is claimed belong distinctly to the state
courts. The attorneys representing
O.yatt are Osptaln W. M. Hammond,
of Thomasville; Representative Brantly
of the eleventh district and • Senator
Senator Bacon and Mr. Brantley have
jn-t filed a supplemental brief in whieh
the contention of the states in contra
distinction to that of-the federal govern
ment ie prennted folly and completely. '*
They haw bees hard at work on this
for several days. B< tb are deeply in
terested in the case, beoanse of the
large questions involved in it and their
importance to the south, and they have
given to it close and thorough study."
Attorney General Moody took occa
sion to say “that upon the decision of
this case hangs the liberty of thousands,
most by colored, it is true, w ho are now
being held in a condition of involuntary
servitude, in many cases wars* than
slavery itself, by the unlawful acts of
individuals, rot only in violation of the
thirteenth amendment to this constitu
tion, but in violation of the law whieh
we have here under consideration.”
This insinuation the attorneys for Mr.
Olyatt indignantly repel. They declare
that the syste’m,of money-advauce for
labor is heoersary owing to the impro
vidence of the. negro race, that lnalmoet
all caso^ the contracts are faithfully
carried out on’both sides, that an ad
verse decision to Mr. Olyatt wlU give
warrant to those who wish to foment
trouble between employer and em
ployed.' >" ‘
The oats will be watohed with great
interest in Thomasville, owing to the
connection of our brilliant citlxen with
it, and it* far reaching effeot.