Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, December 30, 1904, Image 6

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1 '■'1MK8-ENTERPRI3E. rnOMASVILL.E.GKORGlA.nECE MASONSiOONATE TO i A FEW SUGGEST! 0 S ;THE CHARITY HOSPITAL. I ' BY THE PEOPLE ^Bought, and which has l>ccn. H f has homo tho signature of .cl has been made under his per- pnal supervision since its Infancy, DhnVUo one to deceive you in this. Jons and << *JIlst-as-good ,, are hut ; with add endanger the health of .-Experience against Experiment* CASTOR IA ftiil>»titnte for Castor Oil, Paro- oihlnj' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It lum, Morphine nor other Narcotic its guarantee. It destroys Worms ness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind cthlng Troubles, euros Constipation It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomuch and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Hie Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS -*• Sears the Signature of Castorla Is a har gorlc, Drops contains neither SiUlistnnce. Its find allays Fev< Colic. It relit and Flatulency. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, DEALER IN General Hardware, OUN8, PISTOLS, A MUNITIONS. STI5AM FITTINGS BELTING. PIPEING, MILLHUPLIKS, WAGON AND OAHT MATERIAL. ■—Mftiiufjvrtnrerii of—— TUItf'ENTINK, FARM WAGONS, TIMBER, OARTft. BUGGIES, 8TIMMTANKS ANJ) EVAPORATORS FOR COOKING SYRUP. ' I WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER ANY SIZE. MEIGS,’ GEORGIA. Ei.cted Night icted their next yea* 1 tilt. They arc S. « S. Bla ■kshea'Y S tv.. M A. Fleet- , „ ,,Cb W. Hrrl,g. Iruna ■i vr and (J, L. OoUilu, Tyler. Several o' there are.'wv/nfiirjeni, young men,and they expect to bring into their work al the enthusiasm and intereet there ia in them. They will bo Installed on next Tuesday night and will donbtleu begin a year of great Masonic prosperity. A splendid Christmas present of 82S was voted (li* City Hospital. The gift was well directed and will work mnch It. Joy of Chrlstmao Coni».»i>loited. In all the wide world there 1s no hap piness so complete! no joy so universal a< that which comes to os at Cliristmas. Tho very air seems exlillarating and foil of good cheer. 'The season which profoundly marks tfe coming; pf" Christmas fcf filled with enjoyment mixed with Anxiety, In art boats with expectant dbl the careful selection of some gift or some pleasing >emelfibnmo£ The enstom is a symbol* by the holy f ut.V to express our kin ^andg*. feeling. Santa Clans is Mu; with great care t'o visit all children for they sire his dear associates. He represents a ebaraefcr of wondertnlbenevolence His mlsslt n It very Important. What inimii lord Happy childhood I Fmall; day haa arrived, for all night eyes asleep have 1 dreamed of dear Haufh Clans. ' Early at the first dawn* the fire Ugh reflects the varied troaenres In th, path way of Santa Clans. Toys and all things. Pram* and , I THE PAPER PEST. Said a lady Thursday Jto the Teman "Or course anything goes at Ubstsrnini time, and I MI. not rai.-iug any fu*e fo 1 Ja*t at preaent. Km l want u after tlie first of tho year, in the matter of thp paper pest. Do not understand mo to uitiin nowejmi urn. i tlnnk the are the greatest blowing a town ca have. (Here ont hat came off andonr beet bow was made.) But the MU posters ought to bo more careful. 'When ever they wish lo replace a poster of somebody's pills by one advertising somebody's hair restorer, they tear off the bid paper and IgA it lief on the .side walk, the sport of every passing breeze I Uve near a big blU-board. As a conse quence my sidewalk and front yard.look like a rubbish heap all the time. I think think the new city donnoll ought to pass a law requiring bill poster, and every' body else to keep wfis’o paper off the ” This Is an excellent angges lion. A better ode might be to imports herd of Angora goats or to teach the oow. to eat piper. “For v 11 Is worth in nything But so much money s ’twill bring.’’-Butler. Wo desire to call attention of our customers this wnok to a large lino of , Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements, We handle tho Weber Wagon and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford uggiea and the Rex Buggies, nnd he 'McFarlane Buggies and Surries. , Wo have combinaion corn and coii *' tts'vt ion guano and corn drills. and combina* We lisva tho host line of .Fertilizer Distribute re we ever «aw. Yqn onn put out witli them from ono hundred to two thousand pounds of fertilizers per aore. V, We also oarry » full line of two horse riding nnd walking cultivators nnd waodors. ; ,, y We aro still offoring harga'ius in —Flour, Sugar and Tobacco— ■ ' •. •*' . i and havo on hand yot sorao saleot North Carolina Seed Tinders.^ Usmomhor that wo give with each 25c cash pnrohoae a ticket on titling yon to a ahnneo at tho beautiful Ames stick seat run' about cn display in our window, which will be given away dn May 2Mh. ne’ of onr customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be the lucky tHio. COME to see us. ' » . ' Comfort Trading Co.. « w igons' and horeea. Long fi ling hearily by the Are tide full of j.ven know, what all. Baskets of trait, bagi of candy, shoes and neck- no., dresses and hats. AU this for the girts and boys. Whet a jnbflerf What frolic and fnn. Then the long antici pated Christmas dinner for the young and old. Here yon find two famous nnd famUiar countries reprwent»d. What are they! Turkey and Greece. Poor mortals regaling in this luxury for get all their worry and blast the day they were born. High spirit* and light care* mark these memorable ooaaaloiu) St. Nicholas greets yon everywhere even from the holly bright with red berries. Honor the day that brings more Joy to tho world than aUthe others to ‘hn- inanity alike. The feast of CDuriatmat it the gxandeet of them all to the world. Yon may hear far'and near In the obnrohte the sweet Christmas carols, the beautiful and ever-abounding strains of Inspire tion of the Gloria in excrlslo Deo. Th* infant Jeeunjo Bathlehem. Tho Obild King of niiiold power and majeety yet in susii lncuuoelTable humility gave Himself to ue that we might know Him and loro Him and he happy forever with Him in the next. May eaoti of yon realize a pleasant and Merry Christmas. , F. A. E. Will go to Waveroa*. Mr. Law t once Watt who for severe! years haa ,been an employe of the Bank uf TliomqsvUie, will leave tide city on January first. He wiU go to Wayeroas to he with hit brother*. John T. and Jaa. W. Watt, in the store of the Watt Hardware Oo Re is one of Thomasvills'a beet young men and his departure will be universally regretted. BOSTON, - - GEORGIA. i. The ward system. I am well satisfied with, the result ttw oily prlmary'sald a FletohenriUe I think that Sts town ought ethe i Ian of this potiri and pot the werd system U^bp iis is done id meat citiee. The tt»v> gilt to be divided into sriuds. Have it aldermen, two to the' Ward, eacti of whom mast no dde in the ward he rjpreaeptl. Elect: four Aldermen each yanr for a two year term. By this plan wilt always be fonr oxperit need on th* board.' This is a wise pro vision, as a man cannot do his boat wotk Mb* first yiar of bis service. AU parts of tlie town will then be represented. The objection has been made that if the ward division were made the colored people would be In the majority lu some of the warde. Bat the ntgro has been eliminated from poUtics.” OHHISTMAS EATING. Most people eat too mnnh at Christ- mss time'' say s a house keeper noted for her good table. "It Is Just as bad to be a glattonaaltlatobeadrnnkard. People who staff themselves with Ohriitmee delicacies are so harassed by digestive iUs, (hat they lose all idea of the true enjoyment of the season. The human bog la an avrfnl thing." Tree words We an all prone to eat, not wisely bat too well. Bat then we ape luckv to have It to eat. And the pepsin mono- facturers must live. ELECTION ORDER OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE COMPANY. j,;y '.v'' ' ' c rfo, Oeorgi, ' • ; - • ^ .{V; IllpflV ' NOW. READY ■' V^ . Our large and beautiful' display of holiffry g.ods. The greatest collection r.f Fine China Glassware. Bric-a-Biac Art ware, Picuirts, Books and c we have ever had-, In our Furniture Department we ant shewing a hahd- some lot of Reed andOik Rcckcn,-.Center 1 Rugs &c. which make useful and attractive Christmas gifts. . We invite one and all to call and inspect tnese # goo .s. We will take great pleasure in showing you throngh. Come early and avoid the rush. Cairo J’urniture Company. Cairo, Georgia. R. L. VskLANDINGHAM, Manager. * Carter & Borough Valdosta, Georgia, Largest Organ Dealers in U. S. Sell (lie reliable BSTKY, GBO WN, and Ladden and Hates Organs at lower prices tlian the same grade of Organs can he sold elsewhere. Kvery one ,of them •fifty guaranteed by ns. and onr guarantee is mode good ill yoor home without {•xpentotothejmrebarer^ ^ ^ LKRTEK MAT . H USHEK. IVER9 & POND/LUDDEN & BATES,'CROW N. OHIOKEKING, »ud MoPHAIL Pianos. Oatslognisiand pricer furnished on.your 1 inquiry. Reprcwented in Southwest Georgia Mr W. F. LEE, ot Cairo, Ga; and otliofs. CARTER A DOK0UGH, Valdosta and Tiflon, Ga'. A gSAO.OO LUDDEN A HATES PIANO WILLJUB GIVEN AWAY IN. THE TIMES. ENTERPRISE "AND” CONTEST. SAW DULL MACHINERY. We Manufacture .the bast Saw Mjll on the market. Engines, Boiirs, * Ginning Machinry, Grist Mils, Shingle Mills. COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. MACHINE 8H0PS AND FOUNDRY, Mallary Bros., Machinery Co. Mention thie paper. MACON, GEORGIA. Marriage In Wayerose. Mr. and Mrs. George A.; Croora of Wayoreee have imned invitettoos to the marriage of their daughter. Miss Mattie ; to Mr. Amos Rouse PtttmanWwhieh will be solemnised at the First 'Methodist church in Wayoroas on tbef e^obqpfif December SBth at 8 o'olobk. M& Pltt^ hiittee. man formerly resided In Wt^broes, bat has been making bis borne in Jerep tor sometime. The oonple will be at home in Jesop after Jan. 1. Oxpt. and Mrs. Groom have many friends is ThomaaflUe who will read with interest ot this marriage. Th* city executive committee met yesterday, canvassed the report of the election managers and declared the earn didates receiving the highest vote to be the nomlnoes ot the white people of Thomasvllte. The regntar oity election takes plaoe on the third Tuesday January the 17th of the month. At that ttme the gentlemen named will be elect ed without opposition. The commit tee's offlalal order it as follows: To the voters ot Thomasvllle: We beg to advise that at the primary election held in ThomaavUle, Ga., Deo. M, 1904, the following persons received the higheet number of votes east tor the railpectire offices, and we hereby dsclare them to be the nominees for the offioea iodioated below for the ensuing year: For Mayor, 8. A. Roddenbery. Tier Marshal, J. J. Stephens. For Clerk, K. T. McLean. For Treasurer, J. W. H. Mitchell. For Sexton, T. J. Franklin. Members Board of Education, R. J. Miller and H. W. Hopkins. For Aldermen, W. EL Mitchell M. R, Marietta, J. F. Putman, W. 8. Cochran, J-. O’. J. Lewis, A. W. Kirk land, W. B. HambMton, Jaa. FtK^' order of ths oity caecaUVe mu? J. 8. Montgomerv, W. A. Pringle. Chainfian. Secretary. j Mr. B. R. Harrison of Cairo ha^Ud his fine plantation osar Oohlockonoe, Ga., to). 8. Stewart pad sons. The Ur. J. A. HUnms a prominentcltiaenlprtae paid was flSOO. The pnmhasere of ;tbe Boston district guessed at Uw am sntatprising iaan and will make ends Friday, j thing* ham. —« Sells K.T.' McLean ThorfiasviUe, Ga. Life,fiealift and Accident. Fire Insuranc OCHLOCKOEES *«*IEW DRUG STORE Carries a cotnolete line of Drugs, Medicines, oilet Arti cles, Sta tionary,* Fine .Perfumery, Soaps Combs, Brushes . . . . , The only up-to-date Soda fount in town, serving ell kinds of qold and fancy Drinks and Ice-Cream, fbo line of Tobacco and Cigars, Ft.-cy rrd Family Groceries, hai.king j t u. for past patronage and soliciting same in future. HV*DUNTir COMPANY Ocklockonee, Georgia. - MILLINERY Choice, Tasty, Stylish. I have just .returned fronuhe eastern markets and W:3D to present a most heauufnl line of HATS Our facilities for trimming are the best,. ( MISS LAURA JONES 131 Broad Street, Old Progress Stand. Thoinasville, Ga