Newspaper Page Text
Sold bu.Jod drwjgista
* everywhere.
: 50 DOSES
Lamar’s Lemon
Tie great family ■Mlolna
for Constipation
for Disordered Liver
for Indigestion
for Headache
for Biliousness
for Dizziness'
Use it often and pro-
vent Malaria.
Interesting, South Georgia tfa'riaga
on Loot Wednesday.
Dotua*. Ala., Apr. IMWi
Meatr*. Lamnr, Taylor A
BUerOru^. ^
Gentlemen»—I hare been
selling Lamor’i Lemon lax
ative for some time, and
recommend It to all who «uf-
fer from disordered liver or
nmt hml ear complaint at
' Tours reapectMly,
(From The Pelham Joarnal.]
An event around which much inter
est has centered lor several weeks was
the marriage of Mise Lonisa Corbin
Bradford to Mr William Yaniy Bryan
The marriage took place et the home
of the bride'a perents on Hand Areune
Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
To the strains of Mendelaaolin'a wed
ding march beautifully rendered by
Miss Floy McClain (Piano), and Mr.
Capers King (Violin), the bridal party
entered the parlor where the gneata were
Itching, Scabby Skin, Bone Pains, Swelling:
If you bare fiebec
•ad pal as in bones,
bock and Joints.
Itohing, Scabby
Hkln. Blood fssls
botySwollon Glands,
Risings and Bumps
on ths Skin, Mucus
Patches in Month,
boats all Pcabs, Scales, Eruptions.
Blisters, by giving pare, healthy 1
alloc ted parts.
Lamar, Taylor L Riley
Drug Company
Knots, all rut
persistent Plmnle. Swellings, mini
Pains, take Blood Balm and they will >
appear before they develop into Can
Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Is pit
ant and safe to take. Thoroughly let
for W years. Composed of Pure Boti
Ingredient*. Strengthens Weak fit.
achs, cares Dyspepsia. Price SI
largo bottle. Take os directed If
cared when right quantity is tat
money refunded. Sample Sent Pros
writing Blood Balm Oa, Atlanta, Go.
scribe your trouble, and special free ns
There they were met by Rer. G. P.
Reyiere putor'of theJMethodiit Church
and to the aoft accompaniment of
"Heart, and flower," the marriage cere
mony was read.
The bride who neyer looked lovelier
wore an exquldte gown of aoft white
allk and carried a bouquet of bride's
Mrs. Bryan it the youngett daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel, Bradford
and haa been one of the moat' admired
and popular young ladle, of Pelham.
Mr. Bryan is a prominent yonug boat-
neau man of Cairo.
Immediately after the ceremony, Mr.
and lira. Bryan, aoeomoamed by Calm
friend,' drove to their home at Cairo
when an elegant wedoing euppe
awaited them.
TW 11.00 MmU. 2M Smsstte trial ms. »klek „u«lw »0 es*»
raa„ais at vaa uMasvetv or
Mn. J. H. Bailey returned to hre
home in Atlanta veaterday, after a
pleasant visit with her parenta, Dr. and
Mn. J. T. Culpepper.
Money and StampsTaken by Burglars
Curly Sunday Morning.
Mr. T. O. Mitchell haa returned from
the Georgia School of Technology and
will remain here! until the opening of
oollege next year.
A distinguished trio went to Hamp
ton Springs (Saturday afternoon for a
few days stay. They were John M.
Dekle, J. L. Beverly, and John 0.
Preparations for the Teeth form au
important part of onr stock, and tbertn
no reason why an; one should neg
lect this part of their toilet. Wa earn
especially recommend onr Tooth!
Powders. ,
Tooth Brushes, Soups amPother tail
Young Folks Drive te Jenae Farm for
Luneheen and Dance-
Miss Mabel Whitney wUl open a pub-
Ho stenography offloe in the Hopkins
room, on Broad street this week. She
i* a quick and accurate operator and
haa been with the American Car and
Foundry oompany
Axe you using he PLANET TR. CULTIVATOR? If
; is because you do not know the worth of them. Ask
wour neighbor al out it If you are at all interested write us
ittr one and after one days use you are not, satisfied we will
Wad for the plow. It is the greatest labor saving tool ever
fat on a farm. Get one for each horse and cut down the cost
Very truly ytfurs,
Jno.G.Bumey , s
Hardware Store. Boston, Qa.
Veterinary Hospital
Ml Bread sr., Thomaavill., Ga.1
, Treatment for lick horses, motaK
dogs. Surgical operation, and dent la
work on animals a specialty.
Mrs. Price, Min Mo,ter. and Mus
Bessie Master who hive been at the
Mitchell Home ainoe early in the win
ter Jeft Monday morning for ;tbeir
home in Cinemnatti.
Georgia Railway will openue pa
cars between Albany and Atlanta
r a-n leaving Albany H :54 a. m. as
t g Atlanta 7,88 p. m. Leave Alls
80 a. m. arriving Albany 3:80 p.
eat fare to Macon Sic, to Atlanta (
For further information apply in 1
Brinson, O. A. S. A Atkinson, U Tj
Mr. and Mrs. Burnham, and Mias
Jean Burnham.who hare been the gnesta
of Mr. J. S. Strawbridge left Mou-;
day afternoon for their home in Phils*
MacIntyre who ha, been
tin school of Tkchpolegy
old by Bracy Pharmacy Co.
r 1086 Kodol Aimes'! and too year Calei dar.
bath dan that has graduated from
*YkNBg’a Female College in Hilarity wt'l
r be asked to endow a echolar-
l that laetitutlon. TheBoaidof
l Committee, K. M. Mellette, and
VQ.W. Cooper, have bean at work during
week endeavoring to eeoora a
r of tbeee eoholarehipe to educate
They have met with
, but will continue their
■ until a greater numbir have been
They have hit upon the hippy idea
%f eating' the alumnae by desses, to
a number of theee. Iu time,
tVonng’e wa, one of the moet fe
us institutions in the entire south,
gy noble womei to Georgia. Florida.
, and other ,tetpe revere the
old iuititutlou aa their aims
That they should aid iu luor-a-"
school la an uu-
do eo
then will be a reunion et Salem
ekwoh oo Saturday May Oth. All per
■Me who have ever been connected with
ghodiureh since lie orgunisatlon, togeth-
ew with all former pastore ere iuvtted to
meet with m oo that day, Rer. D. H
Parker hae been asked to preach the
mnkmeermon. Rave. T. H. White,
4L Ol 8tapheMon, J. W. Davis. J. P.
■aOaan and M.D.Popa will take part in
the exercise. A roll of all member, will
Ha nailed and a grand old fashion hand
ihuking will be part of the program. Din
ner will bo eetved on tbo ground. The
afternoon exetcUe, wlUbe rpent in 8on-
4My flnhirr' celebration. Brethren nome
Ml meet with ee once more. Kemern-
Mar tha date and be on time. The exer
cises vrUl open promptly at 10 o'clock.
G. W. StepheoMn, C, O
D. M. Rogers of Pelham visited the
city Monday.
R. L. Branham t-f Camilla epent Sa*
nrday lotoao.
Mr. E. J. McRae came over from
Klndirlon on burineu Saturday.
Mia, Ella Fleetwood of Albany is
visiting friend, end relatlvee in thie
Mrs M. R. MaUette was called to
Bo,ton Moudiy afternoon by the ill
ness of relative, there.
Mr.aad Mn. A. M. Wateoo left Mon
day afternoon for Jacksonville,
where Mr. Wateoo will attend e meet
ing of navel etoree exporters.
Mr. Morgen Heberd left Monday af
ternoon for AihevlUe, to reaome hie
studies. ‘He has been envying a short
sp:lug vacation with hie patents here
The Hraoey Pharmacy Company has
Installed a number of new show cases
that add much to tha appearance of
the store.
Mite Fannie Tr,Sevant, a charming
yoong lady of Marietta, Ga.. Is the
guest of her nnolt, Cept. W. M. Ham
mond on llewsoo street.
Herbert C. White of DeWitt, Ga
was in town on bn sine fa Saturday. Mr.
White is out of Georgia’s noted pecan
Wandered Through Woods-
Meigs, Ga.. April, 10, 05.
Mr. W.Miller.whoat timet suffers men
tal, aberraHon.left hit room Friday night
about midnight and wondered off.
Search was made tor him Sunday with
out avail. Sunday at noon it was learn
ed that be has been aetu the night be
fore about six miles west of this place.
Mr. Albert Pringle, of the dty, la a
member of the Senior olaes at tha Geor
gia School of Technology. Hu spent last
week In Birmingham, with other mem-
ben of hie close, gaming some practi
cal experience in the shops and mills of
the Alabama manufacturing oenter.
Albert la upholding the honor of Thom-
Seville at hit school, and will graduate
at the bead of Useless.
Major R. L. WyUy came home Sa:
nrday morning frem Macon where I s
baa been attending the elate convention
of the T. P A. He reports a moat suc
cessful gathering. Mr. A. \Y. Moor--
house, a former Thomasville mao, uow
of Savannah was offered the presidency
of the Association but declined.
Mr. Jss, Archibald it in th e city. He
wee formerly on the road for a tobacco
house, but has now accepted a position
with the Font wholesale grocery com
pany of Savannah. Ho will transfer
hit headquarters from Pensacola to
Sam Hoover Finds Something Better
Then Gold Mines.
There la no liappier man In this whole
wide world today than Sam A. Hoover,
of Greensboro, N. O.. who is receiving
the congratulations of his frieude upon
lit, fortunate find of som.t uug better
than gold mines or oil wells Mr. Hoov
er in a letter to a friend In T.u-Au -v 1 r
"Three months ago I wee greatly dis
tressed by nasal catarrh and entire deaf
ness in the right ear. The labor of
hawking and scraping to get my throat
and natal passages free from the fool
secretion, deposited there, might be
about equal fo that of a tlx mule team
with a road-scraper to get the earth
from the road-side to the oenter.
I purchased an outfit of Hyomel and
Hyomel balm, and as a result of its use
my heed, throat and nasal pssaagri are
all free from secretion, of any sort, only
as Nature des-gnel, and my hearing in
both eats is nearly as acute as it ever
was "
There is uo disagreeable stomach dos
ing in oring Hyomeiijutt breathe it and
iu pare fragrance will kill the catarrhal
germs in the head, throat and long*.
Hyomel balm need in connection with
Hvomei, will cure the wont coee of
catarrhal deafness.
The complete outfit coeU but |1., and
extra Ixnties are only SO cents. Ask
parries immediatedly went out, cotta- j vv a ri»w you the strong
guarantee under which he sell Hyomel
On Friday evening a number of
Thomaaville's young people took advan
tage of the spring evening nod new
moon, to drive to the hospitable home
of the Jones brothers near town. They
carried eloog a pkmio luncheon and al
so two musicians who furnished strains
for an 11, formal dance. Those present
were Misses Ethel Kelley, Marion
Hayes, Evelyn Voae, Starr, Ethel Oat-
eels, Lacy Parker-Pendleton,Tomlinson,
Margaret Ausley. Messrs. Hansel!
Welt. Irwin MacIntyre, E. D. Mead,
Will Watt, Milner Smith, Walter Ham*
tno-j 1, E. H. Smith, B. Smith, Ernest
Ayer, John Watt, Jamea Dillon. K. O.
Moore, J. A. Mitchell. Edward Jerger,
Harry Ainsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Em
met! Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. L. F
Mr. Will Hopalne Host at a Real Good
Tima Friday
A number of Mr. Will Hopkins'
friends were his gnesU on Friday night
at a barn dance. The aflair was entirely
informal and there was plenty of g- uu
Use enjoyment for old and young. The
dancers whirled merrily about until
midnight, and came away with the
satisfying seme of hariug had a "real"
good time.
In Ten Days, Uss'
The Complexion Beautifier.
. . vA.
Meigs, Ga . April 10,1906 - This town
waa oil alive Sunday morning, when It
was discovered that safe blowera had
made»successful raid on the safe of
the Atkinson Mer:sn'tle Co. end that of
t lie Po.t office.
While the job wee a complete eocceee
It U erident that the maskers were
non-profesrioual*. Toole were obtained
from a near by blacksmith shop and
the knob to i!:a combination the A. M.
Co's safe was broken off with a blow In
an attempt to And a place to receiro the
explosion. Afterwards the layer to the
.ooks was twisted off with a large mon- j etarticlea at price* that will pli
key wrench. The doors of both safes
were completely wrecked.
It is evident that the bugler wee
shut in when the Atkinson Mercantile
Oo. closed their store Saturday. This
necessary to success aa they have
two mfes in their office. It U supposed
that ths bugler secreted himself in tha
rear of the store and watched tbs depo»
It of the money in the safe blown open.
From the Atkinon Mercantile Oo’s.,
safe 196.00, and asveral hundred dollars
worth of notes were taken.
The front door of the poet office was
lied u.en. Piet Matter Johnson's
safe contained a supply of stamps about
10.03 of money order blanks, about *30.-
00 from tale of stamps, perhaps, *46.00
of hit private funds, and several regis
tered letters, all of which were taken.
It Is presumed that the work wet done
Sunday morning about 8 o'clock as
quite a number of dtfaena heard the
muffled report. The poet offloe safe it
in tereuty-flre feet of marshal Aritae'e
hotel aud' ilia other safe is near the
Hnrst house. At tills writing, (Mon
day) there is no Many are in
clined to believe t-iat local or al leaat
Lou-profeuiunal talent did it.
I negutltte lire yein loans on fni
indent lowest rate.t if Inverts-,. On -
misriou charges reasonable. A son
abstract fee, consistent with the amot
of work and trouble involved, will
oharged In each cate. Bring your ube
of tide with yoo.
Many Doge-
Tweiitv-sixjdogewere shipped by Mon
day afternoon's Express, toSaleebarg
N. O Tlier are the property of Mr.
Clement A Grlsiom, who has hod them
at his plautstion near here. They will
summer iu the tar heel town,
California, Washington, Idaho,
goa, Mental n. North and Sosth Del
O dorado, .Vex-- o. Texas and. to
other ootatK, W.M a d Norths
j Through T, u.isl S.eepers fear ti
| weekly to California. If yon are
north or West take tli.iL. &. N.,
Fall And complete information on I
plicatiou to
Geo. E. Herring,
Florida Passenger Agent, 3( 6 W Bjj
Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Mr. L. C. Clark came down from
Uitdockonee Monday to be with Ins
wither for a few weeks in the op-
o-rii-g business. The euccets of Mr.
Clark in ilia TbumaevtUe Furniture end
Upholstering Oo., has been phenomenal.
Col. F. A. Dillingham and hit wife
left Monday night for lheir|home in Cin-
ctauattl Col. and Mrs. Dillingham have
been keeping house in the Tallis home
end have made a number of friends dur
ing their extended stay in Thomaeville.
. Fine Cotton Seed.
King s aud Greer's Improve J, no
for being very early and pro'iflf,
eolntely pure and true to varit
grown and selected by me. Price,
and *1.00 per bushel respectively,
date taken and delivered at T.D 1
tore or et my farml
Parlor Car Semes Between Ail)
end Atlanta Via Central of (
Effective Feb. Jth, the CMLnll
-1 * _ —i