Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, May 26, 1905, Image 2

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riMKS-KNTEBt'KISB, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, VAT 38 *305 Get SCOTT’S Emulsion Missioniry Column. Bat my God shall supply «U joor need! according to hit riobes In glory by Christ Jeans. Phil. 4-13. now SOME CHISESE dHBJCTIAXS GIVE. At tlio aonost meeting of the London Missionary Sooiety. Rot. B. Wardlaw Thompson, seoietary, referred to the erldenoe of appreciation of the work of the lOciety among the native peoples themaeelvrs. dearly shown by the fact that nearly 01(0,000 was given by them dpring the year in one form or another. They contributed $34,708 to medical Do You Know Uneeda Biscuit When you go to a drug store and ask for Scott’s Emulsion you know what you want; the man knows you ought to have it. Don’t be surprised, though, If you are offered something else. Wines, cordials, extracts, eta, of cod *ver oil are plentl* fill but don’t Imagine you are getting cod liver oil when you take them. Every year for thirty years we’ve been Increasing the sales of Scott’s Emulsion. Why? Because K has always been better than any substitute for It have an Interesting atory. Chlneae gen tlemen in Hongkong, appreciating the cervioea of the medical mimion con- 'ribated upward of. $8,000 for the erec tion of a maternity boepital, which they have handed over to the eodety to be managed hj those terrible missiona- lea who are said to have done inch miaebief in China all through these yean! They contributed that sum, and now they are paying the salary of the lady medical missionary who is pre siding over the hospital. And then, far away in Hunan, in that anti-Christian, anti-foreign provinoe, which God has so wonderfully opened to us, in the farthest of our stations, Hang Chow, the people the place contributed $1,880 toward the erection of the mission hospital.—Mis- eiouary Review of the World. The regular, conscientious studv of missions will have a transforming^!fla- ence upon the lives of those engaging in it. The Christiana of today need some object great enough to engage all the powers of their minds and hearts. We find just such an object in the enter- prise to make Christ known to the whole world. Moreover, there Is no snbject more elevating, more broaden ing, more deepening, and more quicken ing than the extension of the kingdom of God amoung men.—John R. Mott. “LAREDO SEMINARY.” 1 have been unwell myself, or I would have written sooner in regard to the Laredo tornado. The secular papers have given fairly accurate accounts of the storm, but have-not tally, depicted the Ices to our beautiful. Laredo ISemi- nary. Every article of furniture In the live buildings is either totally rained or seriously damaged; the’pianoe, especial- , ly, will be a great loss. The main bail ding, furnished splendidly from 1 library .to dormitories, had, an entire 1 oorner tom away, the roof torn off and , the water in sbeets.pouring through the | beantifuly plastered ceiling and walls, ruining carpets, rugs and everything. The barrack s, or boys 1 department, is * almost an entirejruin, the upper story being tom'away, and everything in the 1 entire building almost an entire wreck. 1 In the upper atory of this building Mrs. Easley, the music teacher, was writing 1 a letter when the west and south walls 1 fell, and the roofXcame down with a crash, providentially , lodging on a por- iion*of the east‘iwall, ^leaving her in a corner; bricka and timber*, were failing like hail and_ihe had tried the door and * could not open it, but when the roof fell ahe tried the door k again and’tlio sec- tion being removed managed to get on the upper porch story. SCOTT A BOWNE. Chemists 409-415 Peart Street, New Y< BOo. and $1.00. All druggists Veterinary Hospital DR. J O. 8CHWENOKE, D. V S. 343 Broad st., Thomasville, Ga. Treatment for sio': hones, mainland dogs. SorgicalcifM ons and dentistry work onanitnils aspscia BRUNO BERBER , Gardener and Florists. Work of all kind by Job Pruning a Specialty. Order by Postal BRUNO.KERBER. 8 Colton Atc. , K nnrt BANK DEPOSIT ilJ^JsvUO R. R. Pars Pud. N«m P os tuition. BEST and chaapeat on aarth. Don't delay. Writ* to-day. CEOtGIA-ALABAllA BUSINESS COLLEGE.Macaa.Ga Strictly Gennlne. Most of the patent medicine testimo nial! are probably gennine. The fol lowing notice recently appeared in the Atkinaon (Kan.) Globe: “Joe Tack, a well known engineer, running on the Miieonri Paciflo between Wichita and Kiowa, lately appeared in a big one. with a picture, and when he wee in this office to day, we asked him about it. He eaye ha had terrlffio pains in his stomscb, and thought be had cancer. HU drnggUt recommended Kodol and he says it cored him. He recommended it to others, who were also cored.” Kodol Dyapepeta Care digeete what yon eat and cures all etomach troubles. Sold by Bracey Pharmacy Co. So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take something that only half cures It, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble. Foleys HoneyTar Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents Pneumonia and Consumption A. M. Ake, Wood, Ind., writs*: “Several ytan — r:“ — i-ily affcoted that I bad many hemorrbsgea. 1 took treatment with tevsrsl physician* without any beneflt. I then started to take FOLEY’S HONEY AND TAR, and my lungs an now at sound ss a bullet. I recommend it in ad- ' C. Unger, 211 Maple Sb, Champaign, 111., writes: A. M. Ake, Wood, Ind., wri "1 wes troubled with a backing cougntor a yetr and alncs my lung* were to bad! I thought 1 had consumption. 1 tried u great many *■ *■ * *" k “* remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used out bottle of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cared mo, and I have not boon troubled alnco.’’ vs need stages of long trouble.” ThntUzsa—Its, 80s, $1.00. Yho M-osal she sssfslss two and oas kalf thus* *» —sh astkssmaS (baud Ik* $1.00 bottta alsMti sbt Sms* ns amah. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Standing there singing “Jesus Lover of My Soul,” be- Ucving death certain, two young boys (sixteen and seventeen) felt in the dark- nets and finding a rope secured it under her arms and let her to the gronnd. At the same they rescued in the same man ner Miss If die, a teacher, and in order to do this they had to break in a door and push a heavy wardrobe adds, and all this while bricks were flying, in dark ness save for the lightning, the rain pouring in torrent* and the wind blow ing 100 mile* an hour. Emory Hall was completely wrecked, on the basement and part of the Art atory standing.^ Faith HaU, the upper story being the chapel, and the lower floor recitation rooms, was unroofed and piano*, etc , ruined. The laundry building was unroofed and everything damaged. The brick stable* were a complete wreck, aa was also the house where the gardner lived. The magnificent acetylene plant, piping, etc., was of course completely destroy ed. The escape of the children was miraculous, moduli of them displayed wonderful heroism and showed evidence of the splendid Christian training they J W. PEACOCK NEW BUR6LAR ALARM SHOWED BANK OFFICERS Health J/For a Quarter r^| /people who have torpid liver find life a\ 'misery. All they need is s mild remedy like* The officer* of the local banks were interested Thursday in viewing u new electrical bugler alarm. The invention is entirely novel and la pat on the mar ket by.the American Bank protective Co., ot New York. It is placed within the vault, and oonsistsof a vault bearing an elaborate system of wires and alarms. If a burglar out* s wire, or tone he* any port of n protected vault, the gongs Immediately ring, and can’t ba stopped. The main alarm can bs hoard for a mil*, and ring* for nine hours without stopping. The most oold blooded port of the apparatus, deals with the burglar who at temp* to tamper with the gong. An olsetrie llama shoots out, and, (in the words of the Gasman who la displaying tbs alarm) “Us hand it over is .tht otbar The peoDleof Thomas county are wanted against u slick swindler who is operating in South Georgia. Ho goes by the name of O. J. Harris, nod lets Decatur oounty some days ago giving Thomasville as his destination. Ho claim* to be an agent for the Cash Buyers’ Union of Chicago, and Mils goods at very low prices. Hlt last re corded operation waa in the neighbor hood of Spring Creek, Decatur county, whore ho sold aa organ and u buggy, collecting $10 on each. Of course the goods never came. Cash on delivery is a good rule when baying from people you don’t snow. Monday May 28th. will be the day, that the Atlantic Const Line will tun their Annual Tampa Excursion, consist- ing of day coaches and pullman cars. Get ready to go. Write T. J. Bottoms. T. P. A,, Thomasville, Ga , for all in- o rotation. a„td. i and TONIC PELLB1S. The Pill stimulates the! t liver to its proper work and the Pellets invig-J \ orate the system. In short, they both assist/| IVm Nature, as a medicine should do. gA ■N^Complete Treatment ' ° n 'y 25 cents. herself to at once rebuild thU splendid •chool. Laredo will do her part, her business men already expressing them* •else* ns being anxious to ate tho school rebuilt. It will taka fully $10,000 to put the buildings in a condition to open in September. The !o*-U fully $80,000. If the people could see the magnificent fortitude and Christian faith ot MUaee Naum* and Della Holding, and realise ibatr vary hearts an hound up in the work of Laredo Seminary, they would reward Huns with u better school than