Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 02, 1905, Image 2

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y£*j9$3p|s§lB| TIMES ENTERPRISE THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, JUNE I. 1605 THREE NEW TEACHERS AT YOUNG’S COLLEGE. Faculty Fort Naxt Yaar Show* Namaa of Good Educator*. The faculty of Yoon*'. FaotalaOol- leg* for next year hat boon elected. The gnateat care potelble hat been exorcised in the eelectlon of Ita different members, and the college it to be coogratnla’ed on the tnocett of tha Board of Mann, jera in getting an able body of teacher* Of the preient faculty president Hunt, Mitt Betaie Merrill. Mitt Mamin Merrill, and Mitt Grow* wilt retorn. Mitt Bettle Merrill trill fill the chair oi French and Latin Mitt Crowe that of Mathematict and Science and'Mit* Ma mie Merrill Motio. Three new names appear on tha roll, Mittet Sophie Somerville, AnnelMcII- walne Riddle and Lillian Dealing. Miee Somerville it from Oharlolttvllle, Vn., and ie a graduate of Valley Seminary and a special rIndent at the Univerelty of Virginia. Mui/soraerville will liave oharge of the primary department. Mitt Ridley comet from Petersburg / Va. She obtained her training from the famoua Mary Baldwin Seminary After graduating there the langlit at the Seminary andeltewhere In Virginia. She will tea ih Eighth and Grammar, at Youngs. Mill Deanng It a Tenneteeean, from Shelby riile. Site le a graduate of Ward Seminary, and later attended the Garry •ehool of Expression In Washington/ Elocution is her department. All three of these new teachers come highly reo- oomended, they will be a distinct addi tion to the edneatlonal circles o' the city. Mr. Jno. E. Baker will no longer be connected with the collegt. A chair was offered him, but lie declined it, and will cense Ids public labers. Mr Ba ker's name has been identified with Yonug's for mimy years, and Ills sorvio ee will be greatly mlwed. CATARRH, FOUL BREATH If You Continually K hawk and Spit and There is a Constant Dripping From the Nose Into the Throat, If You Have Foul, Sickening Breath, That is Catarrh. CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. B. B. 1§ joor breath fonlT Io your vole© husky? Is your nose ■topped! Do too snore at night? vo you sneeze a great <le»I? Do you hayo frs- qasnt pains In the forehead? Do you hare pfvlus across tbo ©yes? Are you losing your sms© of smell? 1» thoroa dropping In the throat? Are you losing your sense of taate? An* y*u gradually get ting dost? Do you hear buzzlngsounds? I> * you hnyeringing in the enrs? Do vou suir-r with nausea of the stomart.? ts there u constant bad taate in the il-/' D.> you hnvo a booking cough? Du you counts ct night? Do you take cold entity? If bo, you have cotnrrh. f.'niorrh is not only dnngnroua In this wny. but It causes ulcerations,death and decay of botu'Oslossof thlnklngand reosonlng power, kills ambition r.ud energy, often causes loss of nppoiito. Indigestion, dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches to general deblllty,!d!ocy and Insanity. It needs attention at onee. Cure it by taking Botanto Blood Balm (B.B.B.). It is a quick, radical,permanent cure because It rids tbe sy.item of the poison germs that cause catarrh. Blood Balm (B.B.B). purifies th© blood, doe* away with •rery symptom, glvlog strength to the entire mucus membrane, and B.B.B. sends a rich, tingling flood of wann,rioh, pure blooddf rect to the paralysed nerros, mucus membrane bones and joints, giving warmth end strength lust where It Is needed, and In this way making a perfect, la* tlng^cur© of catarrh in all Its forms. DEAFNE88 If you are graduallyjpowlngdeef or are al ready deaf or hard of hearing, try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.J. Moetlbrras of <f#af- ness or partial deafness are caused by ca tarrh, and In caring catarrh by B. B. B. thousands of men and women have J-od their bearing completely restored. Itotanle Blood Balm (B.B.B.) Is pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for rrs* Composed of Pure Botanic In- llents.v strengthens Weak Stomachs, cares Dyspepsia. Price SI per large bot tle. Take as directed. If not cared when right quantity Is taken, money refunded. Sample Sent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Os. Describe your trouble* and special free medical auvlce to salt your case* also sent in sealed letter. Woman’/* Horn*' iMiHHion Column. T D. WINN SELLS \ TO NEEL BROTHERS Groc.ry Stor* Will b. Ad on to Ll*i of th* Notl Butin,,,*, Tim Me*./. Noel iirotiiert hove l-ur oliaxed thearoierj ttoroof T. D. Winn Thaj will *..ame cluuve of th» boinera on Jure first .nil will continue to cater to the high claw im'Ponago that Mr Winn lu* bnllt op. M-. T. P. who ha, boon heart der» for Mr. Winu will continue to oounpy tlie «»m > poel tion unde .'the new regime. The Neel Brother, already operate a former, anpply , grocer, ttore in the rear of their olotliiug room, and the new acquisition will be no etrange elephant, Owing to tho oonvenleet location ot the Winn itand relative to the two other Neel atorea, will be mure thau ordinarily euy for them to operate the boil > i in connection with their other ealabllah mtnta. The rapid growth and expulsion of the Neel Brother* la a great aonree of pride and .attraction to their many friend, who admire their energy and plonk. Mr. Winn will be minted from tin active butluett circle of the town Hi, hat beeu identified with tho pro* gres, of Tlmiitville for a nnmb.r of year,. Belli in lit, former uuuniwtlon wit:i the Bauk of Thomatrlllo and Id, later capacity at a merohani, he iiat won ' the confidence aud eateem of hi, follow towntmen. "The hand of oar Lord i, .upon all them for good Him reek Him." NOTES OF INTEREST FROM THE W. H. M. CONrEREKCE The animal conference which conven ed at Albany, Ga. May 11th, was ono of nnntnal interest and encouragement. Tho best that hat ever been held by the W. H. M. society became of the won derfnt development of tlie women of each anxili iry.Jalong tinea aplritnal and Intel uo'nal. do many have said "Lord here am I, u«e me." The day of bnried talent, 1, rapidly patting away—and meny of our women are called into ac tive terrioe lierl in onr own homeland. The heart, and home, of Albany were opened wldo for onr entering in—and on every hand we were the recipient, of geftoiue tontliern hospitality—binding onr heart, together in one common "brotherhood." When we are appoint ed to Albany again we will go with glad liearte to renew oar aoqoaintan- Mira Olive (jaattlebanm and Mira Annie Lucaaof Ochtockonee, .pent Sat urday in town. Mi.s L&Wson Vann of Bn,;o>, here on Saturday. tbe 'natural gashing fountain, of sparkling water more than oompenta- ted for the heat and dut. We of Thomatvlile had never eudnred inch heat, aa the gait hretxe that come, to nt with thelrtofr, cooling, strengthening qualities .pend their forces before they reach tnoh a lilgli latitude a, Albany. Onr President Mr, R. G Neely pro dded at every teuton with her nenal dignity and executive ability. Iu her annual address the gave a dear nntlme of the work' aooomplithed and urged the need of planning wieeiy to moot the demand, of tlie entning year. Informed Hie eonferenoe ot tlie acceptance of the Vulitl Home a, "con- nectlonal work" by the Board, ahd urg ed the cooperation and support of raeli Auxiliary. , Washington Detain of Macon, made an interesting talk on tlie work of Searritt Bible Training School where ahe has been a stoden* for two years. She ia a young lady of cnltnro and refinement and of high social standing yet she h is heeded God a call to higher eenrioe, and i. now City Missionary at First Street church, Macon, Oi , going oat into the highways and hedge, of tier native city leading others to Him. Thank God for her consecrated life, CORNER STONE AYING AT TONG’S CHLEGE The officers for tbe ensuing year are Mrs. H. C. Neely, President. Mr4. Ed. V. Cook, 1st Vice President. Mrs. E E. Chance, Jud Vice President Mis. W. Dessau, Jird Vice President. Mrs. Kell M. Blasingame, Corres ponding Secretary Mrs. W. D. Sandwich, Treasurer. Mrs. Jnlks assisted by Mrs. Bullock, Kec. Sec. VA8UT1 HOME. This Home lias recently received some very substantial aid, money, building material, piping, bath tubs* The contractors, pi umbers, painters will give of their time and talents iu Cermaony Will Be In Charge of Elka Next Tuesday Afternoon The corner stone at the new building at Youngs Female College will be laid on next Tuesday afternoon at five rclock. The ceremony will be in charge of the Elks, who have a boanti- f ul ritual for snoh occasions. Instead of having a long harangue f om a single orator, the program wiil * made spicy by three short talks by ell known local men. Other features ill contribute toward making a very attractive program. / The new bnildiog gives great prom ise. No matter how bright the speakers may point the colors of ihe future, they are likely to pale into shame before the reality of the new scone building. It is affirmed by meu who are considered good judges, that Youngs College will have one of the handsomest buildings iu Thom oville. The larger part of tlie exercises will be held iu tuo preheat chapel whore the audience can be ootnfortabl* as w**il as interested. HIGmuY ENDORSED. JUhr. Walker Liwis, tha IKathodlst sn.nister, write*: *1 ha* used Dr. Mo»fey't Ijtmom Elixir fcs m.- lamtly with very beneficial results. U i» tm odrnirsble rwdlrir© snd “ ' • tasue oa*i regulator..' Will Teach at Waycrosa. Miss Eliso Fnlghnm has accepted a position as teacher iu the primary de partment of the Waycross public schools for next year. Mi«o Falghum is one of tlie most successful primary teachers ever seen here, and the Waycross sys tem if to be congratulated on securing her services. Off to Europe- Mrs. Louis Steyerman and little Miss May Steyerman and Mrs. R.A. Wrench Miss May Wrench and ^ittle Alice Wrench, formed a congenial party that left Thursday for Europe. They go direct to New York and sail from there Saturday on the steamer Minnetonka for England. Mrs. Steyerman will spend the summer with her relatives London. Her mother has] only this , week arrived there from South Africa, the construction of the needed improve- . . , . - * 1 where she has been for several years moots. So we can say after a few weeks, ‘The house was buihled, for (lie \ people hod a mirnl to work." This in-1 BRENAU GIRLS RETURN. FOR SUMMER VACATION The busiest woman o! the conference was Mrs. Nell M. Blasingame, confer ence oorreapoud smretert. She has ev ery detail of the entire conference well iu hand, is an inspiration to every aux iliary. She reported AN auxiliaries and 99 members Our treasurer, Mrs W. D. Sandwich reported amount of dues $41)70.01. M. H. Sasser |of Meigs, was among the Saturday visitors ot|promiuence. J. O Robinson, manager for the Cou- non Mufg. Go. of Ochlockonee, was here Saturday. While »w:mming iu the Y. M. O. A. k>1 Thursday night* Dr. Arthur H. ittie was the victim of a peculiar occi* •ut In making an overhand stroke i shoulder was dislocated. Dr. Jar* ; was called and soon had hi n joined teth -r a tain. BOOK OF HOPE. Mrs Knowles, matron of the Door of Hope, Macon. Qa garo in a most en couraging report of her work—made a t>we*t touching appeal to the women of soutli Georgia for their prayers, love aud sympathy for those fallen girls that come to her--many of whom ha\e begn led thoughtlessly aud reckless!} into sin. Ou Suudojr evening after a sermon preached by Dr.'C. W. Byrd of Atlanta iu the breadth, letigth, depth and leightofthe love of Christ,” $644.00 was raised for the Door of Hope. Oar hearts wore lifted to God iu praise and thaukfulluess. Work wiil soon begin iu the indus trial hail, thus providing fur these girls an industrial school. Miss Heath’s talk ot the Quiet Half Hour was deeply spiritnH an,l helpful. press WORK Mrs. Ida Rodzer*. Pr-iss Snpt. assisted by Mrs. Ed. F. Cook, Ex-Presi Ed. of M. E. Church Sooth made a fine exhib* creased iuterost on the port of our friends is much appreciated by the local Board and we pray God's blessing on every willing worker. t No donation to the Home gives more genuiue loomfort and pleasure to the girls than the 45 tipouud* of ice given daily by Mr. Gamble. ” ' No gi’t however small passes by un recorded by onr Heavenly Father. Three applications hove been accept ed by local Board, two girls from Mont gomery, Ala., that most be cared for, must be lifted out of their environment! Court Street church will support them. Another from Dawson, Go. By using cots in sittiug room, room can be made for them. Our girls hove just received their Ox ford capo, and are much pleased ^with The chief object of Mrs. Steyerman*s trip ir to meet her mother again. The Wrench family will go to Jester, Eng' laud, for several weeks. , MRS. FURGUSON DIED THURSDAY AFTERNOON Mr,. M. E. Fergnion, mother of Mrs. A. N. McBride, died lata Thursday af ternoon at the McBride residence on Olay street. The cause of her death was cancer. Her 71 yean of ago robbed her ot th* Tltallty necessary to fight tha dread disease, and after weeks of ■offer ing ahe passed at last into the -great be yond. Mrs. Ferjrnson had lived since child hoods consistent Cnristian life es s member of the Methodist chnroh, end thongh her letter veers were fall ot them. Par summer school wiil open suffering, the bora it with patience. The remaint were taken et one th* 1st ot Jane taught by Miss Lncie Roberts. A THQMASVILLE MAN 4TH VICE PRESIDENT Naxt Stats Convention of Elks will be Held et Albeny. o'clock last night to Piedmont, Ala., for iutermejtin her old^family lot. it. Brunswick, Ga , Mny 95.—The state convention of Elks will be held next year at Albany. Mr. F. W. Borer of Thomasville was elected 4th vice presi dent of the order. The convention here closed tonight and the Elks are all leaving for their home# a tired, but all the more a happy bunch of good fellows. Tlie gathering was one of the most successful ever held in the state, Brunswick's hos pitality was boundless. The Thomasville delegation was large, aud received tlie utmost considera tion in the convention. Tlie delegation leaves hero tonight aud will arrive in Thomasville at one o’clock. BURCH-HARGRAVE WEPDING IN JUNE It is with a .reat deal of pleasure that tlie public will learn of the approaching marriage of Miss Lila Copeland Burch to Mr. Walter Hargrave. The wed ding will occur at the home of the bride’s father ou Clay street, at noon on the sixth of June. Miss Burch is a young lady of many attractions aud Mr. Hargrave is being heartilv congratulated on his good for- tuue.X^r. Hargrave lias occupied for a long while!a position of trust aud emol ument with the Thomasville National Bank. He is a young man with an as sured future. Miss Desoau. daughter of the late Sprained Ankle, Stiff Neck, Lame Shoulder These are three common ailments for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es pecially valuable. If promptly applied it will save you time, money and suffer ing when trembled with any one of theee oilmen ie. For tale by J. W. Peacock, Thomasville, Oa. w. Mr. B, M. Comfort, tho head of Pos ton '• big concern, was a Tuesday visitor Misses Grace Beverly and Marion Balfour returned Thursday from Gain esville, where they have been attending Brenau College, They have made ex cellent records during the scholastic year and are in an excellent frame of mind to spend a plessant vacation. Miss Bes lie Parker, the third Thcmaaville girl who attended Brensn last year, will not return home before late in Jane, She was elected a delegate from her school to the Y. W. O. A. convention which meets in Asheville, N. G., on the 9th of June. She will be in attendance on this convention for two weiks. In the mean while she will visit Atlanta and Athens. With First Honor Miss Martha Merrill returned Thnrs day from Agnes See tt. She graduated thoro Wednesday with ^ first honor. Agnes Soott list probably a higher cur riculum than anv other womans oollege io tbe state, and one of the highest in the sooth, A diploma from there prims facie evidence of four years hard study, coupled with 'no little natural ability. The attaining of first place among the graduates is an honor in deed. Miss Merrill was accompanied home by her auut Miss Bessie Merrill who attended the commencement. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Ds Kind Yon Hate Always Bought Weak Stomach. A weak stomach is most fre quently caused by the over worked and exhausted nervous system. The power that runs the stomach is the nerve force sent to it from the brain through the nerves. When the nerves are weak or exhausted the sup ply of energy is insufficient and the action of the stomach is impaired, and results in im perfect digestion—dyspepsia. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nerv ine increases nerve force. It strengthens and builds up nerve tissue, gives vigor to the nerves and muscles of tlie stomach; this produces a healthy activity. Nervine allays the inflamma tion, heals the membranes, and makes the stomach strong and healthy. There is nothing that so quickly gives energy to the whole system as Restorative Nervine. can't nr enough ror Dr. MBra’ Nervin*. I don't know what It will do for others, but It certainly cured mo of stomach trouble, and now I am as well aa I ever woo. Two physicians failed to relievo me, but In three or four days after taking Nervine I was much reliesred. Four bottles made mo a sound man. at the oast of $4.00.” JAMISS K. IIAIOVDetroit, Mich. Dr. MMes* Nervine Is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that tho flrttYottlo wMf benefit, if It Valle, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical C<l* Elkhart, Ind DO YOU CLIP ITEMS FROM NEWSPAPERS? To 8ubaerfb« for and Road oil Papers Publl st-ce Would oat *50,000 f • Year. Tho Result Obtained From This Ex penditure Can bo Hod for a Few Cents a Day- Any one ie tbe publio eye ever slighty, any one desiring publicity, every one in any business or profession will be nterested in a remarkable dea that will br of untold value to them ai the cost ol a few cent? n day. The credit for the idea is due to Frank A. Burrelle, dean of the press clippers. To a reporter Mr. Burrelle said: ' 1 point the way to new business along new lines and give aid* ct a most valua ble nature to io.OW) persons. Our cli ents include merchants, actors, writers, lawyers, artists ministers, doctors public speakers, pugilists—in short all classes "How done? Very simple. I am able with a large force of workers to read all papers published, clipping therefrom items of interest to our clients." "I do not understand," sdd tbe report er. "In the newpapers of the United States," expIaiQt-d Mr.J Burrelle, "there is print**d£eve r y day material that ap plies directly'to all men and to all busi nesses." "Can you give any specific case?" "Hundreds! Take for example, tbe makt-r of artificial limbs. I pnt on his desk every day i c i.ame of every person In the United Siates who has had an arm or d leg amputated. That person needs an artificial limb. The fire extinguisher man wants to know of persons who Lave Lad a loss by fire, and I ke;p him posted. These are examples, but the idea applies to every business." "How do you help individuals? "I keep the artist informed of what the press says of Iiis work; it an author wants material for a book. I gather it for him; on the death of anyone I am able to place b* fore relatives the printed expres sions of opinion concerning the de ceased." 'How is it done?" r "If ther- is any one, either individual oi firm, who wishes to know, let them write to me, addr-ssimr "Burrelle—New 1 ork; it wou*d take too much epsce to erl tbe whole story here." 2-iutf TO REMOVE FRECKLES and PIMPLES In Ten Days, Ut. Satinola The Complexion Beautifier. W*. Satino'a is • new discovery, guaranteed snd money refunded if it falls to remove th* worst case of Freckles, Pimples, Tan, Liver Mpots, Hallowne**, HIsck-heads, or any other ■kin eruption in*0d«y»—liavestheskfn clear, in. healthy and restores the beauty of youth, housands testify to th* merits of HatlnolA. Miss Alice Llrette writes:—Thibodeaux, La., oei. 15, '04. "For four years my face was completely covered with freckles and plmplek- All remedies failed, until I used two pacad ages of Katlnola, which completely remov la he freckles aud pimples. My coinplexlonng ow perfect, and hope every lady havi. ce eckles and pimples will try Katlnola." Pr c and 91.00, by leading druggists, or roaflado National Toller Co-. Paris, Tenu. h Thomasville by R. Thorr aa Jr., and sn* druggist $25 00 Reward. A reward ot twenty-five dollars will be paid by the undersigned for the ar rest with proof to convict any person guilty of a criminal tret pass on the fol lowing land in Thomas county Georgia, to-wit: Lota 3, 4, 5, 87, 38, 39. 4Joed 44, in the 17th district. Consult D. L Bullock, Ochlorkouee, Ga., E. W. Swift* Columbus. Ga. 6-15-lOmo. THE SALVE fcTHAT PENETRATES. DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Solve pene trates the pores of tlie skin, and by its antiseptic, rubifccient and healing in fluence it subdaes inflamation and cure* Boi's, Burns, Cuts, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm and all skin diseases. A specific for bliud, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles. The original and genuine W itch Hazel Salve is made by C. DeWitt & Co., and sold by Bra ce* Pharmacy Co. DY5PE! DIGESTS Kodol old by Bracy Pharmacy Co. Aik for IW* Kodol Almxnao and 200 rear Calendar. . Tha S1.00 kottl* conU! ' E. C. DaYVITT