Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 09, 1905, Image 1

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homasuiUe V i/o„, v ' z^Hnb South (Beorgia Jpcoaress. THOMAHVILLE TIMEH, VOL. SO THOMA8VILLE ENTERPRISE. VOL. 47 THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDA?, JUNE 9 1905 . New Series, Vol XV —No. 19 4TH OF JULY SHOOT WILL BE BIG AFFAIR. Craek.r Gun Club will Entertain Many Vlaltlng Ttami The Cracker Gnu Club is making great preparations for the Annual South west Georgia trap .hooting tournament. Thta ia to be held here on Toeaday and Wednesday, July 4th and fob. A large fund ha. h»h raised for the entertain ment of vidiieg teama. Several of these j ■ hare already announced their determina tion toid prerent, and other inritation. ate'being taut out. rue principal event will be a Georgia . and Florida Mate team meet. Team. are to be oompoeed of five men and to » shoot 100 target*. Shooter, mtut be ' amateur., resident, and team repre- tentative*. The entrance fee 1.130 per - team with $26 added money, three or more entries to fill. U five or more teem, enter there will M $30 added money. The parse goes to the highest team More. The (hooting begin, at 8 a. m. Ten g.nge guns and black powder is barred. Interstate Associx- tion'a revised role* will govern. Individual prizes will be awarded. Pre miums will be offered from gun and shell mannfactnreres. There will be ten other evente—toor of these an 20 targets with entranoe 12.00 and added money 110.00. Three are IS targets with entranoe 11.80 and added money $7.80. Three*are 10 tar gets with entranoe f 100 and added money IS.09. The Boee system of money division will bo used. The price of targets will be 8 cent. each. Lunch . will IB served on the grounds free to contestants. The crackers say nothing will be allowed bat a good time, » LEAPED TO DEATH IN LAKE AT CHASTAIN Young Man Mat Traglo Ena Sunday. Other County News. ETHODIST ERA APPEARS AGAIN The eeoond numher of that bright lit- tie ahnroh paper 'The Methodist Era" made its appearance Monday. The list of member, and date of their Indebt edoen to the church, which caused so much oomment in the fliet issue is miss ing from this number. Many intereating items of the local choroh appear. The Sunday School has organized a teachers' society circle which meets every Thnieday evening They an alio planning to instltn’e a Home department for the beueflt of IhOM who cannot attend school. The new ;pip* organ for the church has boon ordered and will ho hen with in sixty dzyx. The total coat of the in stmmont will be 82,630. (By W. W. Dekle.) Oar community was thrown In a fever of excitement last Sunday morn ing by the traglo death of young Mr, Harvey Godwin a young man some thing like 18 yean old. He In company with two small boya went do4rn to a stream of water to go In bathing. Mr. Godwin disrobed and made a leap Into eternity, failing to rise. The little boys became alarmed and nn for help MeetlngMr. Harley Adams and Carl ton a short dlstanoo from the place they told them the story. They nn to nsene the yonng man but to no avail. Mr. 3 dams jumped in and went down and brbnght him pp bat to their surprise found hie neck bnken. Mr. Godwin was a bard working yonng man and his death will be de plored by many.. Hie nmains were taken to Moaltns for Interment. Mr. Godwin lived in Moultrie and was on a visit to hid uncle. Since oar lest crape have developed wonderfully and will now compare with a year ago at thiz data. Crops are generally clean and in a good condit on for another year. The pionto at Chastain was a com plete .ncoer. and everything paued off quietly and eveiybody enjoyed them selves to their hearts content. The speeches from B. G. Jackson and J. M. Money were excellent, NEW SPRINKLING CART NOW IN SERVICE The oily's ffae new sprinkling cart was pnt Into service for thej first time Tuesday. It is a swagger high swung affair in ths latest summer (bade of tan, and Is a great improvement over the leaky old lab which formerly did service. The machine is of the latest and most improved make. It cost 1180 at the Stndebaker factory and (23 freight—a total amount of |$902. Mon ey welt spent. . DR. W. P. COYLE JR ' MARRIED IN TEXAS NEGRO BURGLAR ESCAPES FROM THE CONVICT CAMP Emerson Hackett, a negro onnviot, escaped Saturday night from the con vict camp at Griffin, Ga. A reward rf $50.00 is offend for lha man. He waa sent op at ths April term of court burglarizing Barney's Hardware store at Boaton He la expected to return to i.ta old hannts and the officers In this secti vu are keeping a |sharp lookout for him He has been working on the pnbli roads at Griffin. TEACHER SECURED FOR KINDERGARTEN. Tre Elisabeth Merrill Kindergarten will be open next year, arrangements having bean mane yesterday fora teach er. This institution fills a needed piaoe In the education of Thomasvillo'e little ones. The teacher In charge is to be Mite Paulino Scarlett of Bruns wick. . She will oome bets In the early fall. She will be eooonipanied by her slater, Mrs. Hlllsman and they will re side in the Watt JadgaP. P. Dixon of } spent Tneeday in town. The foltowingti from t lie Dallas (Tex) Star: Mr. and Mrs. Albert 'N. Mann an. nuance the marriage of their daughter E!ol.e Nettleson. to Dr. William P. Coyle, Jr.. May 80, at the home of Mrs, O. R. Wagsraff, 830 Cedar 8pring street "Oo account of nrioas illoese in the groom's family only the immediate relatives were present. "Dr. sad Sirs. Ooyle are at home with the groom's uncle, Dr. J, E. Fife, 121 Stale street.” Dr, Ooyle Is a former Thomaavllle boy whose friei de hen bold him in the most kindly remembrance. Daring his life in the west be has met with suocees in hia chosen profeeeion. The people of Jiis boyhood home wish for Dr. and Mrs. Ooyle a long and happy life. TWO DROWNED. K. P. WIGHT'S CHILDREN MEET DEATH IN RIVER. Son and Daughter of Prominent Cairo Cltlxnn lost Uv#s Wednesday After noon while at Family Picnic atWaldan’n Bridge. A telephone me eaageWodnesday even log from Cairo conveyed the shocking news of a disaster that brings sorrow to one of Thomas county’s most prominent families. Ethel, the eleven year old daughter of Mr. Kedar P. Wight, and Alden his niue year old son were drown- ed Wednesday afternoon In the Ooblock nee river near Walden's bridge. It Is the annual onstom of the Wight brothers of Cairo to (tvs the little onesoT their families a picnic eaoh|year. This event is eagerly looked* forward to by the children, and they were a happy crowd when Wsdneaday, and plcniojday came. The ladies of the families were not present, bat Messrs. K. P.; J. B.; W ; end Henry Wight end other mem, hers of the family took the little on*t to Walden’s Bridge on the Och lock once for a days fnn. All went-well netll aftemon. At that time Ethel,' and little Laleah, the daughter of J B. Wight, were in wad ing add got beyond their depth. They screamed for help and the first to re- ■pond was Alden, K. P. Wight’s yonng ■on. The heroic little^fellow mad* a bravo endeavor to rosette his sifter end cousin. , In Ms endeavor he went too far and lost Ms own life. The agonised parents rpshed Into ths river sad Laleah ws$ saved, and the other bodies brought out. ' All 'matt -aaMsasohse* and "ooly the one ooold bet resosclsted. Physi cians were hsately summoned from Cairo, bnt their endeavors and skill could not restore the life that bad fled. - The family is one of the most hlglily respected in *11 South Georgia. There connections In Thomnsvilto and Thomat county are nnmerotu, and all bow with them In sorrow at their grief. PRETTY WEDDING AT BURCH HOME COUNTY BUSINESS MOSTLY ROAD MATTERS. Mr. and Mra. Walter Hargrave Make T Ipto Florida. At h%h noon Tuesday Miss LUa Burch and Mrj Walter Hargrave were matTied by Rev. Alex W. Baxter. The wedding was a very quiet and very pret- T one.' ' Jt toox piaoe at the hd&e of he bride's father 524 Olay street. Only a few b> the latimate friends of the eon- traottag parties were Invited. The ht^ise »u beautifully decor&tod in a Wealth of flowers. The bride and groom entered unattended and made the' responses in the lmpremlve oeremony while Mis* Mary Brown softly played the wedding march. Tito bride was charming in a beauti ful wedding gown of white wash chif fon trimmed with laoe. She carriod a bouquet of white carnations. Her going feway gown was of nstnri^pongee. After the ceremony end oougratnla (lone were over, an elaborate buffet luncheon ws* served Jto the assembled gneate. Mr. and Mrs Hargrave left at l;88f>. m for St. Petersborg where they'will spent) a two weeks honey moon. ftHieu they return they will make thejr home at the Hargrave res- tdaboe here These two yonng people hats a wide circle of real frlenda in this city, and they start their married life wUSMMr good wUbea. . L Report* of Officers and Patltlona Haard by County Fathers at Monthly Meeting. FINE SCHOOL CLOSINGS IN AIRLINE COMMUNITY, Onr school esme |o a close lust Fri- Jnne. 6, 1905. Board met in regular meeting, all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. i The petition for a new public road to begin at ths old stage road near the Huber place, and rnnning in an easterly direction through lots numbers 82, 81, and 120, in ths eleventh distrlot end extending or through lots number 22, and 25, intersecting with the Oobtook- onse and Chastain road at a new school house, citation having latnedand noobjec tion being filed it ia ordered by the Board that the petition for said road be granted In compliance therewith. Petition for new road signed by H. Hurst, J. D. Alligood and others, order ed published. Citation also ordered on ■eld petition. Meigs, Ga , August 10th, 1801. To ths iionoiudlk board or ooubtt ooiousaioifKR* or THoiUa county. . Wo, the undersigned, pray yoar hon- ocabla body to grant a pnblio road com menoihg at the northeast comer of lot of lend No 1 In the 17tli Distrlot of Them** County, Georgia, rnnning thsboa on line dividing lota number 1, 8, 8, .4,5, 6, and 7, In Seventeenth Dis trict from (on number 80,81,80,01,100, WELL KNOWN LADY GONE TO REST 101, and Mff, In the Tenth District of frlltohetl oonnty. intersecting with day with every dellghtrnl plcnio.\ Jdlss Meigs apd Moultrie mad near the dwel ling honsi of W. H. Horst. QUITMAN WHITE WASHED BY HOME BALL TEAM ORDINARY JONES , HAS BUSY DAY. Ordinaay Jonas had his regular court day Monday. The petetion of L. F. Rehbnrg to be made administrator of A. Haber’s estate was withdrawn. W. B. Foster waa dismiaaed from the admin istratien of the estate of E. B. Bailey and W. W. Brook* from that of Jas. F. Mallard. O. H. Brown gear Jian of GomIs and Winnie Slater, waa given 1 leave to sell turpentine privileges on certain timber lands for the edsaatkm and sastenanoe of his wards. M. A. Fleetwood was made administrator for Tone Mitchell. The will of Mrs. A. E Foster was probated in ootnmon form and that of 8 L Hayes in solemn farm. Besides this ihe Jcrdinary married a negro couple from Onolldgs and granted n pony' honesotaad to Jack Morgan, Tne boya from Q oilman oams over Toes day end erased bats with the local team losing the game by the di» astrons score of 8 to 0. Both teams played ball some bnt the locals outclassed the visitors In size znd experience. Fleming Idld the pitching sot for the uoma boya with Williami at the horn* plate. Oglesby tossed the bell for the (jolt- mantles to a boy of the same name be hind the stick. Fleming struck oat 8 men and yielded 4 hits; Oglesby fanned 11 men bnt lost 7 hits. Local fans attended in foil force and indications are good for soma more of the bally sport to wh ie away the long hot rammer afternoons. WRIGHT LAND SOLD TO J. C. MORSE TUESDAY B. H. and A. P. Wright Tuesday so d st pnblio sale 125.4 acres of valu able property be.cnging to the estate of A. P. Wright. It waa purchased by J. O. Mon* for the ram of $5016. The land is bounded on in* west by the property of Mrs. Moras, on the cut by the A. O. L. railway on the north by tits Boulevard and on the south by the Gertrude JGaikln.'Jthe efficient teacher dssatffj much credit for her manage- meat of th* aohool. She gave entire satisfaction and her patrons wish pur to teaoh for them again. By her kind- ness she won the love and confidence of every ehUdjnnder her oontrol, wbloh was avidenoed by their sorrow In part ing with her. The pionlo was a decided snooess, Bat a good orowd of good people will makes inooees of anything, and on this occasion there were oo ex ceptions, Ths dinner was exceedingly fine and made yoor Uncle Jeff think of ye editor, bnt it being no time for use less meditation he just drew nla knife and waded In and raooeeded in getting himself on the outside .of as mnoh of those eatables as any other whose hide is no longer than his. After dinner Master Ass Stephenson; was introdooed by his teacher and delivered a forcible speech on • Intamperanoe." He waa followed by Rev., J. M. Shepherd with H. Horst, J.p. Alligood and other*. D. W. Gwsltnsy appointed road coax minloner, Duncanville district, Mr, Blair having moved away. - On motion the Janitor's salary was fixed at |17.50 per month. The Board agreed to take op the question of oaring for tbs oonnty's pan- pars at next meeting. Application of Mrs. Oumbaat for extra pay referred to oommlttee on psnpers Application of Mr. Owens for aia re fend to the chairman and Dr. Bon- olielle, Application for aid for Mr. Gone re, ferrod to Dr Booobelle. The chair appointed W. A. Pringle andJ. B. Barrow to visit Decatur, Early and other oonnlie* If neceerary to •tody their eystem of working pnblio roads and report to Ibis Board at th* some very appropriate remarks on th* Aagn „ noting same line, which wero well received. It wee quite a gala day and all seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. Mias Hattie Lewis of Olenego, after ■pending some weeks visiting her sister Mrs. Kingry here returned home. Mis* Lewie I* a very pleasant yonng lady and a sweet eingor and made many friends daring her stay with ns. 9 DR BOUUHELLE'S REPORT. The jail and poor house are In a good Sanitary oouditlon. No admissions, no deaths and no discharges at the latter. L. B. BonobeU*. M. D. Mrs. Dorathy Mathis departed to her home in Heaven May 28th, after an ill ness of three years. She was living at the time of her death wu|i her daughter Mary Lanier, th* wife of Marion Lanier in Oolqnitt oonnty. She leaves one brother. J. U. Pierce, and three sisters, Elisabeth Matpby. . of Thomas county,, Susan Molgath of , Mitchell county, and Jane Tare lit Vir ginia, also two chil-'-eo, Mr. A. F. Mathis, and Mrs. Mai, Lanier io mourn her loss. Her funeral was * attended by many ' sorrowing friends and connections’, the. ' ; fOjh, at Blu Greek■ chnrrh where, was laid to rest in the old cepietery be side her loving companion. She wax 76 Tears old, was a member of the Baptist church for more than 50 years. Humble and nnsssnmlng, she was a ?- model of piety. She died as the lived, J; strong in the faith of Jesns, She kept I faith, her labors and her works 4rill fol- { low her. • : v- - ■ - She will be long remembered by tbd church at Big Greek, of wktoh she was a member from tbs time of herbohver- 7 ■I We extend to her sorrowing relatives ! onr sincere sympathy. A. O. Stephenson. *2 bridges, Ounrt house, jail, ferries, and otLer pnblio im provements..... 251.80 For Sheriff’s, jailer’s, and other; -h officers' feet/..,.. 483 95. For bailiffs at Corn t, non-res!:' t .'4 . -■ dentte witnesses in criminal oaaes, servant hire,' «|atl0rifc?%j*B •jry sad the For jurors at court For the support of the poor of ""the oonnty For Insolvent oosts For other lawful charges Gash Balance on hand.. mt 3$ m 158 50 & 168 78 68 15 . 154 85 10258 84 11658.11 Respectfully Submitted, John F. Parker, Oonnty Treasurer j Hon. Oonnty Commissioners: Gentlemen: I have' ooUaoted and over to the Oonnty Treasurer dor- Mite Lucie Williams vUiled relative. \ of followingi near Barwlok last Sstneday. Mr. J. B. Sherrod is the happiest man oat of (jail. Another yonng lady is boarding at bis home. Bov. A. J. Taylor will erect his tent at Airline soma time In August and hold a series of meetings. The Salem singing convention will hold it* annual meeting at Salem dutch beginning on Wednesday, Jana 14th and continuing three days. Everybody is invited to attend. From hire of Con riots $249.00 Costs 88.00 Nat to.Ooontv —. $805.00 Fins* and Forfeiture* —63.15 Total $» Very BeapectfnUy, Obis. P. Hansel), JndgeO. O.T.O. News Prom Mr. Beach. Mr. S. M. Beach, the Sosina repre sentative of the Timee-Enterpriae iajon- Monlhly statement of John F. Par- | ktr. Treasurer, Thoms* Oonnty, Gear- ■ gt*. for the month ending May 81 1905. From Balanoo on hand ae par last re port $10688 65 Road Floss* Pavo Dist. property of Mr*. 8. L. Hayes. The | joying a welljearned vacation in New price of $10 per acre seems to be stand-j York. He writes that the change is do- ard es several lot* of land near town ing him good and that he expects to bo From John V. Williams, have reoentiy brooght that figure. horns on Jan* 12th. Be says he is more Conviotmre.... 1 th u ever convinced that footed** 0onrt O° rt **•*“ Mr. Henry Abrams, on* of the mot mean prosperity and mink* Jspecisl la- * rom C ’ R H * a ** n - •- popular yonng traveling men oo the dnoements shonld to made to bring Consist Hire tog* ha* roototty stooged fima. ua fastories to ThomxsrlUe, Be site* the has been with* Mobil* boos*, tat is exempts of towns on th* New Jersey nowrsprreenting A. Lehman and Oo. Owitral that offer I acts lota free as of New Orleans. 24.00 68.18 $11,• For bnildiog sod repairing Following bills ordered paid: E. M. Smith 5 00 W. A. Pringle 5 00 H. O. Oopelaod 5 00 J. D. Barrow..’. 5 00 J. Q Bryan 5 00 J. S. Montgomery 10 00 Jo* OaUswsy 10 25 O. P. Hansel! 8j 33 B. D.Oravey and sister panpsre.. 80 00 Mrs. M. M. Blalock, pasprr 7 00 P. Haskins, pan par 5 00 Gordon Hattlway, panuer 5 00 Mrs. Elijah Garter, tamper 5 00 Mr*. Wright Warren 8 00 Mrs. Redden QSrter, pauper.... 5.00 Hardy Godwin, panper 5 00 J.F. Parker 00m 80 78 E. K. Dale T 50 E. M. Smith. lus 88 15 J. B. White, Jail 170 60 Peter Hickllnet al,..... T ........ 1150 Wsrts A Bon ---* . 1 00 Eleotrio Light Oo 6 55 Hsnsell A Merrill. Ins 12 00 J. W. DUton, O. H. 90 50 J. Watt A Bro 1 78 Kirby Planing Mill , 8 80 B. Thomas Jr.— 8 20 W. H Williams, I 60 B. Singletary, BAB 185 88 W. 0 JonesRAB 58 28 W. B. Singletary. 8 80 Williams A Mttchall 7 70 A. J. Oombast, PH...„ 16 00 W.M. Jones, Innaoy........ 11 00 W. B.Joiner Bailiff, 1 80 J. B.Hoyd Bailiff,8 10 m T. J. Hight, 80 15 T. 8. Singietary, 2 25 T. J. Hight 140 20 k Davie* Oo, ,_„Booka.. 51 24 O. D. Baranrd, hooks 15 50 J.^. Pittman* Son,...PH.... 28 95 Board adjourned, E. M. Smith, Chairman, 'J. S. Montgomery, Scot. '