Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, June 30, 1905, Image 1

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■ISWSSfB^lSfSkSSSsg £*7 *s^Hnb South Georgia progress.. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 301905 New Series, Vol XV-No. 29 BUSINESS FIRMS [£KWlv opening' BUILD ADDITIONS. 1 OF PEAR SEASON Peacock and Shea Company- Maka Fruit Balng Shlppad Two Waoka Room For Growing Business- Sooner Than la Cuatomary. Work area begun yesterday for ad- Thomas ooanty'i pear season baa ditions to two Broad street store rooma opened unnsnaUy early and the fruit la The excavatora are bnay with pick and tirrady ^ng .hipped to northern pointa ahoTel back of Peacock'! drag atore and j Md j, diridtng attention with the wa- the ThomaaviUe Shoe Company. In! termelon trafflo. The lint ahipmenta each caae an addition twenty by twenty two will be built. The Shoe Company needa more ahelf room for their atoek. The offioe of the company will be mored to the rear of the annex, and thay will hare a OS foot atore room. Geo. T. Porter ie do ing the work. Contractor Henry Arnold haa the Peacock addition under hla care. The drag bnaineaa of Ur, Peacock hae long required more door apace and the doc tor aaya he wlahee he oonld build an annex twice aa big. He uaea part of the atore next door aa a atorage room now. The aixe of hia cellar will be in- created, and there will be an oOoa rail ed off for the bookeeper'a nee. Both of theee firma are progressive and proeperoua aa ia ahown by tlie necessity for\heir apreadlng ant. COAST LINE OFFICIALS ON INSPECTING TOUR A party of railroad officiate paaaed through Thomaarille Tueaday on their way to M ontgomery on a tour o.einapeo- tiou. Among ;tlie party were Iroheral Manager W. N. Royal, General Super- intenapnt Biddle, Chief Engineer Pleaa ante, Chief Surgeon Thomae and Sup erintendent of Tranaportation Bolden. They were under the guidance of Dixie, ion Supt D. F. Kirkland who dropped off here. Mr. Khkirad aaya he wlil endeavor to have the party atop on their return trip long enough to take in the beautlea of Thomaarille. In expectation of* the rteit of the officiate, one. of the looal Ooaal Line Oxptaina provided a tempting crate of choice cauteloupeo. He tent it to the depot' directed to another Coeat Line captain. Seeing hla name on the box, Capt number 1 aaaumed ignorance cf the purpose of the treat and atarted to tend the oanteloupee home. Hia negro waa waylaid and the gooda re covered. Captain number one now tbreateoe a anit for laroeny after treat, unices a good watermelon bribe be forthcoming. The officiate are under- atood at favoring tlia amt. a CHIEF ENGINEER FLIES THE COOP. New York, June 28—The Herald aaya today that the reaignation of John F. Wallace, ohlef engineer 6f the Pana- ntnally are made between the 5th and 15th of July. The fruit ia of email aixe, but aeeana to be of good quality. It bringa about 35 oenta per barrel on the treea, and about 90 oenta a barrel more when peeked for ehlpmeut. One hun dred and fifty barrele make up a oar, ao the ahipper receiver about 980 per oar. B. F. Cochran and Jas. McKinnon are handling the bulk of the early boat- neat. Thera are no eapeeially large produ- oera in the oounty. Almoat every-farm haa a pear orohard. Some yean ago the pear craze atruok thla oounty and everybody planted. Then they eat down to wait, fondly hoping for fame and fortune “when the pear treea bear. ” Fora time the ereharda were assiduous- ly cultivated and the Aral crop waa a record-breaker with oonaequeut low prices. The grower! were dlagustedat the outcome of their venture and neg lected the treea. Aa a reanll the blight came and thinned out the acreage. Naturally the price roae, and then haa been eome profit iu pean of late yean. It ia pndictcd that the prioe will go up ae the fruit gete larger and the sc .eon advanoea. A. AND B. UMPIRE CAUSES KICK Atlahta, Ga., June 37, 1905.—The re liction of Fuller Callaway of LaGrange as umplrejn ;h* matter of the tax re turn! ol i he Atlantic and Birmingham Railway by.Hou. Pope Brown, npre- tenting the atate. and F. 8. Fltxalm- mona, npnaenting the railway com pany, baa arouaed-aome qniet crlticiam on the ground that Mr. Callaway waa at one tlme.oonnected in tome way with that road or had tome bnaineaa dealings forit. Mr. Outlaw ay waa here today aod held a long conference with. Gov. Terrell. He deniaa.that be haa ever had any connection with the Atlantic and Birmingham. He baa not yet do olded to acoept the appointment. SENATE IN DEADLOCK OVER PRESIDENCY. Twenty-elBht'BalloteMVith no Result. Waet ana Candler Tied. Atlanta,: Ga, June - 38, 19C5—The Senate la in a deadlock for Prealdent, ma canal, ia now in the handa of the | and at fivejo'oloek thla afternoon ad- Prealdent. The Herald aaya it will be -Journed until tomorrow with no i elec- accepted today or tomorrow. I tion. The vote on the 38th, ballet waa It ie nnderatood that Mr. WalletsCandler 17, Weat 17, Miller 7, Blalock 8, will at once take charge of a lar,o railroad ayatem in thla country, and that Theodore Bhoute w ll remain. There are are two vereions of the cauao ef Mr. Wallace's reaignation—one from The legialature convened at ten o'clock. The houae promptly orgihized and selected unanimoualy John M, Slaton for apeaker, and there the election! atoppad until the Senate ahould chooee the prealdent of tlie Canal Commlaaion, ita officer ia frlenda and the frienda of the Canal In the Senate Weat, Candler and Commiuioo. The Oommiaaion aide of | Miller were nominatld. Blalook waa the awry ia that the reaignation waa re-' not nominated but received a few vote* queried becauae of difference! between on each ballot. On the drat ballot the Wallace and member! of the Commit- reaolt waa Weat 19. Candler 17, Miller aion, Secretary Taft and, through him 7, Blalook 1. After the aixleenth (bat- wit a the Prealdent. The Herald aaya; lot the Senataadjouroed until IJo'dock. “Being chief engineer of the great un- It then reconvened -and took 13 more dertakinghe would be reaponaible for ballot*, adjourning nntil tomorrow failure, and lnalated that he be put in morning. There la intenee intereat in abeolute control, and objected to ordeia the race. The JoandliUtea -are. oancoa- probibiting him leaving the Iathmua log at the Kimball and there art remora unleu he obtained permiaaioa from the of trader and combioatioua galore, war department. i - It ia rerorted by the Herald that the Seme Fiae Onaa- reaignation area prevented to Secretary Ur. 8. B. Sanford ia one of the moat Taft in a etormy interview, derirg gawaaafai gardenera in the city. He which Mr. Wallace expreated hia idea* yjeterday pceaented hia friend Judge O. of wbat ahould be done ia very ooa- W. Herring with a bancli of fine ioma- cite language. THE BOSTON BUDGET OF NOTE AND COMMENT Soribe Jordan Telia of Aflhlreat Heme and a Vlelt Abroad. • Let'a hare biennial aeaaiona of our legialature and avoid waate of money and ao mnoh loaa of brain power, Miae Ona Neel vial tad Thomae conn- ty’a metropolia laat Thuraday week, Mlta Jane Yann viewed tlie attention and aurroundinga of our ala ter city, Pavo one day laat week. Rev. J. *V. Arnold and eon, Robert of Wayoroaa vialted our otty laat week.' The former returned laat Saturday, the latter will aojouru aeveral weeka look ing after bia father'e pear grove. . Miae Bertie Brown vielted her broth- e-, Dr. W. S. Brown Of Thomaarille laat week. Mra. W. 0. Griffin after a visit to Riohburg, Ala., Climax,, Iron City, Keatler, Fowltou, Amsterdam eta., in Georgia came back to Boaton greatly to the delight of her frienda. Cerda are out announcing the mar riage of Harry Bryant?Neel of Miami, Fla, and Uiaa Orrah Be ante Lovett of Lovett, Fla,, wliioh auapietoua event wiil take place at the home of the bride on Wedneaday June 28th. We extend our hearty oougratnlationa to theae young people and with them a long life of happineti interrupted by no un fore aeon aocldent. Mlaa Katheiiue Courio of Eufaula. Ala,, isylsltlng Mr. and Mra E. B, Wlmley at their coantiy.residenoe some two mtlea south of Boston. Tills scribe spent a week recently vis iting in Pulukl aqd Johnson counties and urops s Idle clean and growing nicely, were small. 1 ' Hon. Pope Brown of Hawkinsville, has a model farm ad! joining the oily. So haa lilt neighbor. M, W. Taylor. Both of theae gentle^ men have aa oompletejuidzqMo.dgie. farms aa can be, found in that seoiion. Mr. Taylor haa a moat de'lghtful lirme in the suburbs of Hawkinsville aud Is surrounded Ay everything that heart oould wiah and la making money by hla farming operation!. He la a whole- souled genial gentleman and ie loved and respected, by all of hla friends and they are legion. His wile ie one 6t the nicest and mi refined Christian ladles extant, and sue and her husband are gifted In the art of hospitality. Mr. F. O. Ivey and family, left Wed nesday for Wayerdee which place they w , make their fntnre home. Boston regrets exceedingly to part with thla moat exoellent family, bat what Boaton loses, Wayorpss gains. Wo commend theae good people to our Waycrosa frienda and bespeak for .them all con sideratlox possible. The following prominent Masons left last Wednesday for Albany to attend a Masonloral'y of the Sod Congressional district. Rev. J. M. Rnshin, W. R. Fontir, W. M. of Herbh Lodge 381. K. I. Beasley. Wilson Brooks, J. J..Pa: ramore, Fred Eellnam, J. G. Taylor, Lavld Comfort and E. O. Milligan. The shipment of Kolb Gems aud peart are taking precedence over every thing else in thie part of the moral vine- yard. Melons Jare small hence prices are ditto. It looks like oar Booth Georgia far- mirs have about abandoned tlie raising of Cano for this writer did not see a stalk growing from Valdosta 'to Haw- Murillo and on to , Wrightsville in Johnson county.! It la rumored that a oertalu couple In Boston have about decided ib form a copartnership and will consummate the engagement this week. Mr. Jos Boyer of 8 aet Gloucester, Maas, arrivedjyssterday So visit bia parents Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Boyer. The young man hasj been living with relatives there Jfor aeveral Jy tars and thla ia hla first trip to Thomaarille. I HOT, SHOT FOR SAM SMALL »to make the eight at once •icui rnnaiTV ATTiTtine'- I ** h * whw# ,h » T “filri *# be made and ntw IsUUim AI 111 UUC, th#I1 npM i the constitutional limit and let the legielatnre. make J. 8- Ward, Jr., Writes In 8oati Style About Polltlolane’ Raeord. Editor Timee-Enterpriae:- | had aome time ago decided that I j, would not butt into the Grady oounty controversy aa the question wai to be settled by the legialature rad I am quite ■ore that ray thing that I might say would not do the oauae any good that I espoused. Even now I have no idea that this wonld have been written bad 'Mot tome one, I presume a Grady ooun ty mra or an admirer of the Rev. Sam Small’s candidate for governor, have sent the notable reporter-preaoher and editor my name and every day or two I receive a copy of hla paper, the Bruns wick Journal. Nowjtfmy friend had known inj estimate of the Bar. Small he wonld have kept my name from bia mailing list, for of all the broke down aeedy politicians in Georgia, I have Iqsa confidence in tha political integrity of the gentleman (Mr, Small) than ray one whom Use polittoUns oonld have transported tor a season to South Geor- of South Georgia politics. Being a man of a brilliant mind (so is competent to fool people that hare not keep up with lilt checkered wlshj-wvsliej career rad I am willing to reoolve tha critioiimi that will be thrown at me for touching np hia reoord for thla ia tho chief aim of this letter, for I presume he ia broad easting his paper ovtr Bonth Georgia. I wonder who Ie footing the till? Bnt before doing ao I wiah to aay to tbs people that I have been aware of the criticism of many of the opponent! of oonnties at their pleasure. Yon see Mr. Editor he holds out tha life line to those that fail this time. And while his proposition should not bo' seriously considered coming from the source that it dose still if the elate that he ia making for goes through who knows that bo will not be paid for hia work in this oampalgn. This is the point that I wish to call the attention of people to. Georgia in toy judge ment already has too many counties aa compared with ocher state! and Ibeltave taht I will prove in my next. Bnt aatheediot haa gone forth rad been ratified to have eight more. I think they should ho placed in the territory most remote from. county eeate,,, bnt friends lets draw the line at ray more •lashing of Georgia ia little saddle blanket oountie^ like Glaeaoook, for in stance, with ninety five square miles, Quitman county with one'hundred and fifty-two square mile*. The Right Rev. Sam admits that the slashing will coat epmethlng. hut it'p worth the price. Wliat matters it to a gia to be ohlef oook and’ bottle wuhei* rotln * *»“<1 «* newspaper re porters of the Small, Oral and Loyleea tribe If taxes are mountain high. Oapt. Carver or Mlaa Annie Oakley might hit them on the wing bnt an old Oon- fed crippled tax oolleotor can never tench a hair on them. Tney are here rad yonder and generally yonder. They ora paok their manuaoripta in pip sacks and move at onoe back to South Caro lina, New England, t!|e Hooky moon- tains or anywhere else and then back to Georgia in due season and the right time to advoeate tho oauae of ray Hie new oounty heoanae I have not seen <**<!“ « ring whose henobmen fit to turn loom on Grady. A tew^avo J ‘ h *T »nee “T “riieel “>«• of the been candijl enough to toll me that I Small's notoriety. Ha hae advocated independent and about anything elae you oonld call for in his evolution from a rowdy reporter to a Methodist evan gelist. The people hoped for better things from him but he oonld not stiok to hie huh (anises it was a pottage grosser.) Then I netioed that he had gone to the Rooky mountains. Colorado I think, and was preaching .for tho Episcopal obnrob and for a wMIe I lost sight of him and' began to think that Georgia would have a rest. Never beard whether he drifted down to Salt Lake City rad took a swim in the Bringham Yoong band or noL, After a time I noticed he was book In Georgia with the announcement that be and othere named would soon commence a oampalgn that would make a certain crowd (well, our sort of folks) take to the woods. Bnt he flopped ns usual aqd opened up on the other aide. And than I notioed ha went to New; Eogland on a prohibition speaking tour rad was weakened on tho subject,to whom I doff my bat for their plainness and frank new, Thrive hundred or thousand who have not-told me but have thought and 'fil'd to the other fellow that I waa ttradling, sitting on tha fenoa waiting toteewhioh way the oat wonld Jnmp before taking aides, I limply point to my past record aa to Whether I am a lianter for Mg atdee In politics, having voted on the losing tide about four times oat of five ■tnco I reached my majority. Indeed some who know my reoord well have In the past found fault of my oddity in standing with the minority now find fault by accusing ma of hunting the big aide. To all whom it may oonoern I will atate that I am not nosing around hoping to be ptaoeg In the nnfortnnate position where 1 will be afraid to apeak above a whlaperaod then with“a please don't quote me." Just why all many hare wanted me to try to iutt Grady ooonty off the map before she git her Unas straight I cannot tell. After I have called off the coon fight that la being waged for rad against her, the ! soon picked ap at a hotel eo fall of pro- demand it renewed to give her a breed- btMtion statistioa that he did ’ not side. Some that are by nature and col- tore able to torn lose a dynamite bomb, where I would only pop a fire cracker hare been exceedingly anatom that I ahould write something against Grady. I hare wondered why they bare not done so. Ia it the old etory of tho mon key,-oat and oheetnnti? To a few ef my frionde I made known the reason rad that ia It wonld bare know where he was - at and then I thought that he oonld not get through Bnxaards Bay without pseaingjinto In nocuous desuetude, bnt not eo, Slater Felton covered with her mantle of Christian charity rad plead the meroy of a forbearing public and he ie in Aonth Georgia bigger than ever. Not tlie Sam Smell of old but I like to said (Sam Large) wills the mission of making now Mr. Jno. I. Parker hae returned tow, each ot which will weigh a pound, from Boston, been a useless waste of time rad spsoe * oountlea, making agoreruor and mot- with no good to the cause espoused, j <*ently aiding tho cool drink dispensers Mra. F. J. Analey, Sr. Yon tee Mr. Editor rad dear reader ' to get up Sunday excursions to their Atlanta, that I haven't got a clnoh oh the Gtor- jolty in order that aome $500 may le gia legislature aa I have not boon ad-j topped In their oliy each 8unday while muted into thq holy of holies land re- the ''aouaslon'’ eaaaon lasts, calved till blessings of the high priest, I Will the people be fooled by the wto- therefore. unlike famous lifle Lillie ( dom rad logic of this mu who la smart Osborns I cannot Jhave a oonferetoi 10 “**• wrno * right, with tho mercenaries and fix th i : »>»*• crooked look etraigbt. Utter for changes in the map of Georgia an 1 1 ewoetelo. I hope they will nor bade- thengjoffonmy vaaatlra feeling ti g oelvedbyany on. whose eye is singly all was well. I oenidn’t go far for I fixed on the mass of pottage shst is ex am a poor trampsr and I am afraid o' P*etod to surely come. Bnt at‘to Rev. Small’s - J. 8. Ward,’Jr. • omasss. Ochlooknee. Ga. Jane 38,1306. advocacy of all the oonnties seeking ad mission when he knows that only eight are to be made. He has found a way 1 w. ». Walker of Ochlooknee wee oit of that hole for he commands tte in she oily Wednesday. A WEEKS Als. WTIES IN 3USY MEIGS Crepe in t e Country, Buildings In Town,, and Other Toplee- (ByJ. 8. Seerey.) The next meeting of the Tucker As sociation will meet , with the Baptist ohnrah at thie place. Poles for Dr. Islet's telephone lines' are on the ground, and are being erect ed. • The Baptist' congregation will begin e aeriee of meeting*, beginning Friday berore the third Sunday. Miae Alice Jenkins of Thomaerillo, is the gneet of Mies Emma Boswell this week: Mr. IV. H. Boswell, betides being a lire wire in the Sunday sohool work; and a wheel-horse in the turpentine business, promises to bo “the potato man’’of the town. Ho showed us last week an lriih potato of his raising, weighing one and three- quarter pounds. Mr. W. T. Reapeaa spent Sunday night in ThomaaviUe. Mr. W. E. Senders, who has in ohargo the mercantile boetneae of M. B. Sen- den, of this place wUl leave for hie new home below Whlghamnext Saturday. Hie brother, J. Wright Sanders will he in charge of tha bnatnre>, after that datq? ' | (The corn crop in this lection ia excel- lent. Bnt some of our belt farmera aay tbaMbe cotton crop U muohjbelow tho average. Pindars and eras arc fine. Mr. J. D. Atkinson rad family of Doerun, ware here (hla week. Mr. W. M. Davie hat began the erec tion of a. two-story residence on Mar- •hell atreet. It wUi be a handsome ad dition to that portion of the town. . ' Poet Offioe Inspootor Pyett of Macon, warbere one day laat weak. Hawn curious to know about a pile of per haps 1M0 weekly Constitutions that ware itacked on tha floor. The papers strayed Into this office at one time, but were intended for aome other place aa the names thereon ware not familiar here. . ' There will be heid next Thuredey ev ening at 8.00 o'otock at - the Baptist ohnrah, prayer service “for£men;oaly.“ We- presume that it la not supposed that prayer wUl be'made for men only, bpt it la hoped that at lean every male member of th*“ohnreh, and everyone, wUl attend the aervic*. Many fine melons have been shipped * from this point this wtejt. Prices ao far have been eatlafaotory. The school at Pine Grove, near this plaoe, Ie fnU to over flow. Quite a number from town have entered tie eohool.. Tha large two-story briok stores that »ebalng bulltjby Mr. 6. L. Dunn ere nearing completion, end present a liaudaime front. They wil be.fiitid with elevators, and other conveniences, end will be ready f >r occupancy 1 y middle of August. Mias Era Oardla of Oolilookonse, has bean spending several days with the . family of Mr. W. M. SlogMtary. Quite a number of our ynnng folks weat out to Unto Sink Wednesday. baa returned CITY HOSPITAL TOJOPEN SOON.’ The city hospital wUl soon open for thortoeptioaofj^ktjante, in lta tew bei dlngaJqn^Gordoa Avenue, The Ad- ministration building bee been complet ed, la pretiaUy furnished and la how ready Tbeeelored ward haa praotieaUy beenjoompleied. The man. egerxarenow seeking forn compered and effiaient nine. Aa soon aa a suit able person la found the hospital will be ojeaed.