Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 29, 1905, Image 3

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SUDDEN SUI {MISS ETHEL sister, turned tag hoi several and Frl o'clock she nev could n< Dr. A. reached shortly Her I Toung The residence. of her fu her soul.’ er and gr commend Him who He received ther, Mr.Gee Macon at eh He made M^BILIOUSNESS^* Wf Makes f/ CHRONIC INVALIDS. /When the liver is torpid, bile enters the\ 'blood as a virulent poison. Liver ills follow and TONIC Pbllets are the only Treatment l that gives the liver just the right touch andi \starts Nature’s work in the right manner. A |X . The Pill touches the liver, the m/A m^b. Pellets tone the system. WHEN THE MERCURY— Is trying to crawl out of the top of the Thermome ter these hot days and you are tired and warm, try a bottle of our highly carbonated DIGEJSTOL, / CASCADE GINGER ALE, * I PEACH MELLOW And you will be instantly refreshed and cooled. All of our bottle goods are made from distilled water and only the purest and highest class extracts used. Fpr price and case lots address or ph o n e The Thomasville Ice Company PONE number:** Thomasville. Ga. TIMES-ENTERPRISE THOMASVILLE GEORGIA SEPT. 29 1D0S SUMMONS CALLEO FROM EARTH, LAST NIGHT From Saturlay’s Daily. The whole lc*vn will be shocked - f.Ia morning to learn the sudd:.n (*.:ath of Miss Ethel youngest daughter of Mrs. S. CaBsels, which occurred last at the family # residence on Han street. The death was caused by failure and was the result of faint from which she never re gained consciousness. Miss Cassels had been in ill health several months. She spent the with relatives in Montgom- and Savannah and was ill for greater portion of tho time. In with her mother and her Miss Valeria Cassels, she r*- from Savannah* only last Mon- She seemed to improve since reach and was ■ < 6ut > driving on occasions. On Thursday Friday she was not so well, but evening. At 6 o'- she was seated on ihe veran- ln conversatiomwith Miss Cassels Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rogers of her bother-in jaw and sisters. She seemed bright and discussed affairs of tho day her companions, sx thirty ah* fell tu a faint never recovered. A physician THROUGH ,. MARCH 1, '07 i TALK ABOUT THE AFFAIRS OTTHE ATLANTIC AND BIRMINGHAM “Atlanta and Birmingham will be connected by the Atlanta and Bir mingham railroad in actual opera tion on March 1, 1907,” was the statement made by George Dole Wadley, vice president and general manager of that road, as he sat in the office of the railroad commission this morning. We will enter Atlanta with a branch line of our system about the same time we enter Birmingham. We are going right ahead with tho construction work and are making excellent progress. “Now as to what depot we will en ter when we reach the city, and Just how we will come in are matters yet to be decided upon. We can do lots though, ip eighteen months. With the completion of this line, 'huh will Winch off from the m«!n main track in Randolph county, Ala bama, Atlanta will be given a third direct line Into Alabama. The South ern and Seaboard now operate the two existing lines. The Atlantic and Binning! am road will have the dlstlU' lion « f operating an inde pendent system, which bodes good> to shippers and manufacturers In this state, for the new lien gives promise of a lower rate on coal and iron from Birmingham here. Mr. Wadley wasat the office of the not be secured for some timo. [ railroad commission for the purpose A. P. Taylor was called and of going before the board of arbi- the home but too late to be j ' Ion convened hero to assess the any aslstance. The end came value of the road. after his arrival. 'Ihe arbitrators after a meeting brothers Mr. S. J. Cassels of lusting all the afternoon decided to and Mr. Alex Cassels who j meet again next Tuesday In Macon Just entered the University of at Athens were notified by also her sister, Mrs. Sloan of New York funeral will take place Sun- nt 5 o clock from tho For those who knew and admired Ethel, It is difficult to find suit- expression for the grief that feci at her untimely death. She a staunch, true friend, a devot- daughter and a warm hearted >-natured young woman. She will sadly missed in the social circles tho city, where she was a univer- favorite, in the church where was an active worker, but most in the home life where her devotion and sisterly love made ehldol of her family, friends are not able to real- the extent of the blow that upon them, nor will they the days pass without the sun- of her presence. Their only is that there is no doubt future, that “It is well with ” Her heart broken moth- grief «trickon relatives, they to the» tenderest care of who heals all wounds. isul take a trip ov^r the .oad. This was done over the proUst .*f Chair man Pope Brown, representing the .date, who claimed that it vas un- cutssary. Libel for Divorce. In the Superior Court, Thomas Coun ty, Georgia, October term, 1005. Mrs. Ada Osterman Vs. William Osterman. To the dofendant, William Osterman: You aro hereby notified and requir ed In person or by attorney to be and appear at the Superior Court to ’api}.ioddii Xmu ODpsnf o% su peoo -mi oj oaeqi pan uoqi ‘2061 'Joqopo uj Xupuoiv pjjm oin uo'-no ‘Xjunoo svmoqx pjus joj pan uj aepioq eq -ojd him ijuod oio ‘joeaeqi iinnjop A Sad Mission. From Saturlay’s Daily. T. E. A mason v/hs called to yesterday on a sad mission, a message that his bro- Mr.George B. Amason, died in at eleven oclock Friday morn George Amason was well and known In Thomasville. this his home for a number He was a skilled carpen- was connected with his bro- on several large contracts, funeral will be held this Disease takes no summer need flesh and Emulsion Witness the Hon. Robert cbell. Judge of told court, this tbe 19th dny of Auguat, 1905. J. W. Groover, Clerk. taw2m 8-25-05 TO REMOVE FRECKLES and PIMPLES IN TEN DAYS, USE ...NADINOLA... Tho Complexion Beautlfler ■.jpje • Wig THE NADINOLA G RL (Formerly advertired and sold as SANTINOLA No change in formula or package. The name only has been changed.) A few applications will remove tah or aallow- ness, and restore^the beauty of youth. N ADINOLA i* a new discovery, guaranteed and money will be refunded in every caae where it fail* to remove freckle*, pimples, Uver •pot*, collar disbolorations, blackhead*, disfig uring eruptions, etc, in so day*. After these defects are removed the akin will be soft, clear and healthy. Sold in each city by all leading druggist*, or by mail. Price 50c and fi.oo. Prepored only by National Toilet Co. p*ri«, Tenn l TAKEOFF YOUR BONNET. That blinds your eyes, look a few facts right in the face. , Do you want a Dinner Set, Toilet Set, % few odd pieces. I am sure you do and you are afraid they can not be had at a reasonable figure. Ho to thinking about these tilings; come to me and I will show you how easy it will be for both of us to agree on a subject of such importance. Think about the sewint machine question and then conie here and lec me demonstrate how easy it is ta get a machine good for your life time and the lifetime of your children aud to get it for a modest sum. f • Are you going to send your •' a Daughter off to College J \ ‘ If so, what College ? Tills is a very important question. Before vou decide tbe mat ter, write to Andrew Female College, futhbert, Georgia, for a Catalogue. Addict. tOAvl R^l lift, Fr.a o.i.t C. B. QUINN, LIME, CEMENT, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, etc. Public Dray. H. P, Gone, Thomasville, Ga. Pelham's New Commercial Hotel THE ARLINE HOUSE Opened January the firs’, 1905, Modern and np-to-date in al> details. Most conveniently'located hotel in the*city. Veiy best fervices, tendered j experienced management. Opposite A. 0. L. depot. Look for sign. Rate8'2$i.oofnud $2.00'per day. Conmiercial|travelers, patronage solicited. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE, Proprietors and anageri. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL 1 feel better immediately. _ — - x , „... ,,_ke you feci be* T°u MM Bot wait until tomorrow or next week for tbe help you nee — for a bottle NOW end feel Ita‘wonderful power AT ONCE! Why cMny and euffeit You neve everything to rain end nothing to loee. Do you know thet any woman who f u «*»r** “7 mother whole worn and stout, any wife who ie week and worried, can »*Ki.*Uength and aaae of mind and body by thetheuaeof G.S*. P (Geratie's FeoaUPanaaeOr Did you know that homes where the prattle of a baby la nmrerheard may be abundantly Wraeed with healthy children if the wife will use »• P* (Gera tie's Female PanaoeaJT These are eubetantiatod facte. Modern, Up-to-date, Convenient— Centrally Experienced Management—Rales $2.00 * Best of Livery Service in Connection. W. M. SINGLETARY & J. J. ARLINE, Proprietors & Managers ' Meigs, Georgia. (IP GERSTLES FEMALE PANACEA Mr*. E. F. Jones, of DeFnnlak Springs, Fla., aaya: “1 believe there la no medicine made that can equal C. F. P. (Gerstle’a Female Panacea). Three jeers I suffered with general female weakneaaee—tried medicine of every deecription and was under the doctor's treatment, but to no purpose. I tried G. F. F. (Geratle’e Female Panacea) and it did me more good in aix weeks than all the other treatment combined.’’ G* V. P. (GmlVl Pcmml. Fuura) I. dcKahtf ol to take, perfectly ml*. and pramt In MoatoDlUblnf Ha mlMioe. ft nonkto ray draba, .pwkHnc m pur. blood, atrons Mrra, .plrulkl ovpotlto and brines sound, lustful. tnvteriattno sloop. U urtb lighten rear burdon. string rog strength and joy. and fradom fnun ooftorfog. Sold by All Druggist*, 91 per Bottle, Gerstle Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. This guarantee authorizes any druggist to refund the purehace price of a bottle of G. F. P. (Gentle's Female Panacea) to any woman who buys it and is not benefited by its use. Life often seems too long to the woman who suf fers from painful periods.- The eternal bearing- down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness, dizziness, grlpin& cramps and similar tortures are dreadful. To make life worth living, take Bracev Pharmacy Company lUne^nhii Woman’s Relief It quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en riches the blood, strengthens the constitution and permanently cures all diseased conditions from which weak women suffer. It is matchless, marvelous, reliable. At all druggists-’ in $1.00 bottles. WRIT! US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest read- dunce, telling us a 11 your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advka (In plain sealed envelope). Address: La dles’ Ad vIsoryDfp*,, The Chattanooga Atedldne Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. “I SUFFERED GREATLY," writes Mre. L. E. Clevenger, of Belle- view, N. C., "ft By monthly periods, sll my hie, but the first bottle of Car- duigave me wonderful relief, and now I am In better health than I'have been for a long time." Atlantic & Birmingham Time Tabic Effective Sept I Ith Trains Arrive Thomasville 12:10 p. m. 7:35 p. m Daily. WHY DONT YOU BUILD A HOUSE? You Can Do It and Save Rent By Our Plan. I will build you a house such as you want and if you are not in a pos ition to fnrnlsh all the money for Its erection I will take your notes, bear ing interest at 8 per cent, per annum for the balance, payable at such time as we may agree upon. I will be glad to submit you at any time plans and estimates without charge. T. E. Amason. Contractor.and Builder, Thomas ville, Ga., Phone 287. Chamberlain's Cough Medicine Aids Nature^ , Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It alluys the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secre tions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by J. W. Peacock, Thomasville. DeWitPs m Salve Fop POm, Burn*, Sores. Kedol Dyspepsia Durr «t* what vo« Olgeret* t ; you oat. LOVELL HREDPATB SKILLFUL VETEWMAHY SURGEON PQ Box lu -Phone 286 Thomasville,Ca. * BMSR0R0R0l|0)R0Rl«eQB«BB8 iJa> u ...*uJ Qoit Lin* tollwop Atlanta, St. Looii ana *11 potato Weot Finest eqalpmsnta ta tho Sooth, Ooaoh. etootrio lighted, with tan* in nmnwr and steam heat ta winter, making travel oomfortabl* and eaay, Ticket* on sale to *11 point* In United States If yon are contemplating a trip, ask onr Agent for information—w* may b* able to save yon money and time. ’>W«8WfiSMSMSkB«*tSBaWU2M08NMaiMBB8tnM H. C. McFadden, C. I. Allen General Passenger Agent Agent, Thomasville. J G. Knapp, Com. Agent. Fitzgerald: Trains Leave Thomasville 840 a. m,, 4:15 p. m Daily. And