Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 29, 1905, Image 4

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THE WHITE FLY , People have been annoyed by the white fly, or gnat It la here and aeema determined to atay here. Be tid ea lta abominable habit of bar ring around yonr face and getting in yonr eye. It la very deatrucUve to ah rubbery of certain klnda. They Injure orange treee and privet bedg- ea. There la not much of tbla partic ular kind of vegetation around here and the little posts have taken to the China berry treea. Now la the time to kill them off. Tlila can be done by apraylpg the vegetation where they luxuriate with an emul- alon of keroaene or with parla green. And while you are monkeying '• with the keroaene gun take a ahot at the old holea and other pla- cea where the mosquitoes breed. Machinery Co. | k/ BOILERS, Saw £ gpj^. M ' U gSjj Machinery, Shingle W/ ~ ; Mills. COMPLETE OUTFITS A SPECIALTY. We WIU Hake It te Year Interact to IWarn Wlih Of. Mallary Bros. Machinery Co. MACON, GEORGIA. WEEKLY AND South Georgia Progress. Published every Friday by the Ttmes-Enterprise Publishing Co. At the Time-EnteipnscBulldlng. Thomaavllle. Oa. (By J. 8. Ward.) county tax will be levied tbla year; Editor Tlmea-Enterprlae: making the fifth year In which. no Reaaon and common aenae teache, tax haa been levied." na that up-to-date machinery and The above which la copied frbm an ayatematic organized effort at road exchange, la one of a great many no- bulldtng will be much cheaper for tlcea of the same matter, which have the amount done than the present been going the rounds of the 8tate ayatem that baa . grown to be a dead press for the past five years, letter on the statute books, but we The notices are. usually without still have scores of honest men that editorial comment and are printed oppose the change because they have as a news Item, bat they suggest not been used to It. This Is not^tbe Idea that Terrel county citiens at all strange in the light of past his-'are to be congratulated in being so tory for it has ever been thus, takes the adoption and the carrying! to a successful operation of any re form or scheme that pulls the people out'ot the old ruta before many that are as honest as any one can ever see the logic In the plan adopted . Col umbus might have preached until Gabriel blew his horn that the world was round, but If he had never set' out to prove It he would have made converts to his theory very slowly. But when the first sailor turned his soars, to the setting sun and steer ed that wsT till he got back home. Columbus' theory was proven and all that the flat world believers coaid say, "taint so," or the chickens would all fall off the roosts at night. Neither could Fulton have ever made the people of New York and vicinity ever have believed he could could taka fire and water and make hta little engine drive hie boat up tha Hudson river by simply telling them that ha could. They wonld have Machinery, Com Mills. Wli.on M. Hardy, President. John D. MoCortnsy, s»o. <&' flsskly, One Year. It: fortunate. J No county taxes to pay. That Is good. Are there not other counties anxious for something of the sort? Does not Thomas county want one? We sometimes hear a man say that It would be a good thing, but before any county assumes responsibility for such a thing, wa hope that the matter will be looked Into with great care. We prefer, and we know that a vast majority of onr people prefer, to pay their just taxes In money and not in blood. There are other dispensaries beside the one In Terrell, and only a few days ago, two prominent yonag men. In onr sister county of Mitchell, paid the tax which the dispensary exacts with their lives. In Terrell we have no no doubt that Many lives and repo sitions have been substituted for thes Money tax. W. do not concede It, but even If the dispensary should rsllsvs ydu of all yonr county taxes, would It bo worth the sorrow and rnln and death which It Imposes on the com munity? •' One Month. 5 Hficia! Paper of Thomas County GEQBGIA 18 ALL BIGHT. One of this State’s citizens whose works for the development of Geor gia and especially the-Southern sec tion are well known, Is J. P. Wil liams. The Washington Post prints an Interesting Interview with hlmJn which he says; "Georgia hat no complaint to make tbeee days seeing that the old Hate Is enjoying a greater share i t prosperity than at any time since the landing of Gen. Oglethorpe. Of course we have onr quota of agita tors, who fry to make tho people think tbBt lb* railroads and other corporations are robbing them, and that Congress should pats drastic laws against the hated capitalists. Those arguments always appeal to a certain class but nowadays the- treat majority of citizens are too In telligent to be Influenced by such demagogical sophistry. The South stands In need of men who will bring In their capital and inveit it In the development of her varied resources The radical and confiscatory pro gram that some of these alleged pa triots art! nalng Wonld, if adopted be the worst blow over struck at the 8outb, for It would arrest the meet remarkable movement In the way of growth apd productive enter prise that has been witnessed In onr generation.” Guaranteed Circulation Ugh! who said oyster. Phlladslpbla has changed its nam, from the city of brotherly lore to that of brotherly graft The Czar has called another peace conference at The Hague. Couldn't blame him could yon? Rockefeller says there will he no hard times In HOT. Not for Rocky at any rate. • Atlanta is to have a new medical college. Tho annual output of new saw bones Is Increasing all the If you are we can furnish you drawings for usfe in obtaining - yoiir patent. Our Mr. Potter is an down all our rlrera^and riding the billows of tho briny doep, methlnks they wondered why tho raco waa so long In making the discovery. I believe It will be the same way In this good roads move thats call Ing the people to action all over the United States. I believe that when the gullied sideling hill ta smoothed and evened and when the treacherone mud hole Is abolished, the tiresome eandbed fixed opponents (to wit tho property owner who has arrived at the age limit ^nd now feels that he is being outraged he ed cause he says he la being made to work the roads again by taxing hit property to help in the work) will then soe that he was In error, and that the It ad valorem tax was that he had ever It now develops the EqoltAble owns a eats and bar. This may cause a follow feeling twlxt It and Hoke. Expert A man named Lemon Is running for yovernor of Michigan. Ho will probably have a tight iqueee. ity are blamed and I think to some extent unjustly, unless there is a law for tho commissioners *a force some one competent to move Into the Incompetent territory., What we need Is a system that wll give us uniform roads. Put upon each road the necessary labor to make and keep It good and let all share In the expense according to tholr several ability. Another great obstacle under the old system Is the unfairness of It. and I account for our retrogression in road working more to this one thing than any other. Patent Draftsman. He has had years of experience and can fill your needs on any kind of invention. THOMASVILLe IRON WORKS, • - • ThomasvUIe, Georgia. The optimist looks at the dough nut, tha pessimist at the hole and the eenslbM man nl the whole. The Waycroee Herald presented a story called "The Gallows In the Gloom." And It Isn't a Hoke Bmlth paper either. Some of us,especially the strictly orthodox Christians are likely to meet with great inrprlsea In the world to come. Each soul, like ouch railroad engine, must follow Its own headlight. There are many tracks, but the Great Station awaits us all It we follow the headlight of our conscience and live dose to the Golden Rule.—Ex. YOUNG’S FEMALE COLLEGE -••Themesvllle. Qe — OtTERS FULL COURSES FOB A. B., B. 8. A B. L. DECREES. Physical Cuiturt, Elocution and Music, Our Specialties Somo Thomaavllle people have wonderful memorlei. They can re member back to the time of cool weather. 919,000 spent this T*ar in building and equipment. Steam Heat, Electric Lights Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Good Fare, Climate Unsurpassed, Strong facultv of 10 Esperienoed Teachers. EXPENSES $200 LIMITED NUMBER OF FREE SHOLARSBIP8 AVAILABLE Session opens feept. M. 1805. For Free Catalogue. Address il. COCHRANE HUNT, Presldoet. Grover Cleveland says the mutualization of the Equitable has been delayed. It will be along about mlllenlum time. 'the best tax m< contributed to this state for he will be the direct beneficiary of the Im proved roads. A short time ago I read an nrtlde In a New York paper stating that at constitutional The fellow that has nothing but his hand and his foot as we say to cut up the roads with knows that It Is not just for him to do ns much work as the big- gi*et farmer, turpentine or sawmill man In the country, hence he has about quit working the road. He wont even do his share when the overseer goes out to lummou him. He wants to make a regular sur prise party of it lest he gives him the jump and evejy working man tries to Jump the summons or get ilck. This makes It harder on the faith ful few even with their little patch 1 work. This dodging Is nothing more than could be expected The editor of the Boetoa Times la good at repartee. He turns the trick -on ns very neatly In these | words; "TO hear Hoke Smith kick you would think that he has a petrified liver.—Times-Entorprlse. “Yes, and the fellows that Hoke la kicking'think he has a petriflsd . foot.—Boston Times. A New York woman has started a school to teach girls how to langb properly. She should also teach them what to laugh'at. the next election a amendment wonld be submitted to the people of that state allowing HIDES ANTED Write for quotations to The lobbyist of the New York Life ■ays that he did not uso that $100,- 000 to influence legislation. -We ■uppoM that he contributed It to the Sunday schools. J. W. Watkins & Co. 290-282 W. Jackson St. Tbomasvilte. Ga. About the silliest and weakest thing we have heard lately Is the alleged proposition of the Republi can party to pay back the campaign funds donated by the life Insurance companies. That action wouldn't remove a speck of the odium that attaches to both party and com panies. , and that fie torn of produce could be moved at the same cost that formerly It took to move twh. Now I live about fourteen miles from Thomaavllle and I don't believe there Is two miles of good roads on the route. A recent trip to Cairo reveals about the anme stat us with the fact that the nearer the town you go the worst the roads are. This la reasonable under the pres ent system for the average man wanta to make doubly sure that he does not do anymore work than any other man and none are so stupid as not to know that It takes three or four‘times as much work where the combined travel cuts and tears tho road bed so much more rapidly . Therefore want of uniformity ta oae of the greatest drawbacks to the old system with ths result that often when we need the best roads we have the worst Then along this line of thought another obstacle presents Itself. The lack of proper men to supervise the work. Granting that every man wonld do his duty when summoned there are plenty of sections that have no one suitable to oversee the roads. In this county some of the moist Im portant sections have only negros to boss the work and It has been badly done. Then those in autbor- The Savannah News tells of ths return of eighteen dlsgUsted negroes to this country from fake Liberia. Let us hope that their foreign ex perience will make them willing to work. ^ Is only the harvest of an erroneous system plant ed when our need for good roads was not so strenuous. Who 4s the loser from a system that endeavors to tar the man for road purposes who has nothing Much as It does the To Quote Prices and Submit Samples of FALL GOODS Children ThomasvUIe Is having trouble with the electric light business. Boston Is going to start right In this matter, and own her own plant. Let the public own light and water.— n, a men in Orady county has a cltlen named W. J. Bryan. Unlike the original William Jenntnga. he seems to be successful In lauding offleo. At least be Is s member of the democratic -Moultrie Ob- property owners. Anybody knows It Is not the farmer for, like the negro, be Is not com pelled to take either road he can go, “troo de woods,” but the latter needs them In his business. The more he has the worse he needs them, and If he has been an energe tic saving man he needs them xTieap worse when he arrives at hit two score and ten than when he was six teen. twenty-one or thirty-five. Then why should he kick and fuss when he Is taxejl for his direct ben efit because he Is over fifty, while he submits like a lamb to a contin ued rising tide of state taxes and new offices being created that he does not know what good they will do him. The reason la obvious—ths one Is an old thing and he takes It as a matter of course while the other Is radically new to him and he Is compelled to sit op with It untU It gets old. J. a Ward, Jr. We catr evervthing ready-tc-wear and all orders will receive prompt and and careful attention ALWAYS REMEMBER I. We send goods by express C. O. D. subject to ex amination before accepting. 2 We send two or three styles of garments for selection. 3. We allow 10 per cent discount for cash, except on contract goods'. Boston Times. executive committee, server. Mistake. His Initials are W. Y. We like old mea who are Jolly. The people who keep sweet when the glamour that /opth casts over the world hat passed are well worth cut- tiraUnk. A Texas poet refers to It as a "Peace that makes hell shudder.” Awfully hard on Hades. . Mrs. Felton In the Atlanta Journal - wants to know If yon are aaUafled with what you have made of your 1 life. We do not suppose that yon are. We know wo are not, with ours * and we never saw anybody that was t with theirs except one man. He was t a country school teacher and bo said b that U he had bis Ufa to live over b again be would not change a single a action. It atrnck ns at the time p that It was a mighty goodthlng he I that will waa satisfied with the job tor certain- wake; for ly no one else was. ‘or specula! LIME, CEMENT, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, etc. Public Dray. H. I*. Gone 0 Thoma*vi]le, Ga. i