Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, September 29, 1905, Image 8

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TIMES-ENTERPR1SK THOMASVILLE GEORGIA SEPT. MltOS Angelas Insurance Thomasville, Ga. Insure Against Loss of Time from Accident, ^ Loss of Time from Sickfiess, Death from Accident, Death from Sickness, Loss qf Eyes, Feet or Hands. The v onIy Company that will pay Cash Check Dividend to Policy Holders. !!!> ’•iil All state laws have been comdlied with and the « .|j{|| Company is under direct supervision of Insurance jp ,|j | Commissioner. LIBERAL, SAFE,CONSERVATIVE Jj.T. E AMASON, Local Agent Paul C. Jack, , Mauager of agencies is at the Stuart House, and can be seen t here This Company is a home institution, having its general office at Mou 1 trie, Several hustling agents wanted. Apply to him Letter (Mm Meigs. Mach of the cotton In thli vicinity In bolnc picked over for tbo lut time. With good wentber there will be but little cotton In the lleldi. Cnno In suffering from wont of ruin. Sr. Inter of the Meigs Telephone Co., la putUng In a lot or new tele phones. Among them he la connect ing the residence of Mr. Mac Wilke* who llree ontof town with hie ex change. The doctor It extending s line to Pelham tnd the residences along the line will be connected. Mile Erie Douglass, accompanied Mr. H. L. Alllgood to Ochlockonee Iset Sabbath to attend the services of Children’s Day. Messrs. Msek Jones, J. K. Hilliard and McElroy were here a fewdays Mr. Haywood Singletary made a business trip to Camilla thla week. At the laat leglalatnre the charter of this town was altered In some impacts. The change that affects moat people te that of putting tho school under the control of the peo ple. For the put few years the hands of tho city council. Now that the people are free to act for thom- asltss a meeting of tho patrons has been called for' Thursday evening Of thin week at 7:10 at the City Hall to .elect a board of trustees. Miss Zoe Simpson Is home (Mm an extended visit to relatives and friends In Brooks county. Mr. W. V. Mullins of Camilla wu hero thin week figuring with the Movelty Works here to sent the Bap tist church ;nt that place. Mr. W. M. Davis hu moved Into his saw home on Marshall strut Just completed. Mr. J. W. Mon- «rlef will occupy the residence late ly vacated by Mr. DavUT The Dyson Manufacturing Co., has tamed out a ponderous log cart this weak. It wu shipped to Thom- aurrille. > 'Mr. W. T. Respaas hu sold out the hardware business to O. T. James Pelham and the stock hu been mmred to that pines. Mr. Baapaas with his family spend the winter In ThomasvtUa, hot will donbtlsu return to this place with the coming of the New Year. He and hie family have added much to the society ofMelge and we regrot to lose them oven for a'tlrod. Mrs. J. B. Nolson returned Wed nesday's from a month's ctay in Bar- rlcn county and elsewhere among relatives. Messrs. Jim Thompson and Noah ware here Tuesday on bualneae. Wo would like to claim both of theae gontelmen u our own cltlsena. Mr. and Mr.* L. H. Singletary and Mia W. M. Slnglotary went out to Madox's Mill Tuesday fishing. Mlaa Della Mills/ spent several days In Thomuvllle this wuk. Commissioner J. H. Powell wu here Tuesday on hla way to visit Pine Grove school north of town. Cards have bun received here anounclng the marriage of Mr. B. E. Hurst and' Mias Donna Patrick of Quitman. Mr. Hurst wu fory some time « resident of thin place' u the book keeper of the Willis Grocery Co., and has many frlonda here. | V Two negroes hailing from Brooks county boarded with Marshal Arllne till an officer from Quitman carried them home. They were wanted for contract Jumping. Mrs. Estelle Hay and two children of Jacksonville are the gouts of the family of Mr. M. M. Singletary. Mr. John Rea pass of Whig ham wu here Sunday. He Is thinking of Investing here. He will make n 'good ctttien. Mr. J. J. Pariah, Jr., of Menlo, Ga, hu been a welcome visitor hero for several days thla wuk. He promised at leut one to return In just one month. Mien Callle Ferguson wu married to Mr. John Quick last Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. D. F. Ferguson cut of Iowa Mr. O. L. Daren hu had a j la operation were 1815 and IStt. cuh carried system iutalled In hie Daring tho first period of thou two CHAIN GANG* ARGUMENT. CITY OFFICIALS QUOTE FIG- UURES ABOUT THE STREET WORK IN FORMER YEARS. The Marshal's Figures. ' "Do' yon want to ‘publish some figures that are facts about tha chain gang intern? uked Marshal J. J. Stephens yealerday. "Why cer tainly." wu the reply. “Woll, I can give them to yon for I- wu an aldarman and chairman of the strut committee /during two years that the gang wu worked on the strutA The town paid for each convict tho sum of $7.50 per month. Then there wu the costs which a- mounted to $1.50 per head.' Then the town paid a guard $30 per month. There was an average of twenty con victs per month at work all the time. Yon can figure for yourself that the system cut the town $210 per month or $2,520 a year. Thla amount la for labor alone. It doee not In clude the fud of the mutes, supplies repairs and the like. Mr. Mitchell's utlmate wu too high. The chain gang plan coat the town about $4,- 600 to $6,000 a year. Now thla la no gueu and the figures will prove it". John Mitchell's Say. “The ex-county official whom yon quoted on the chain gang question In Wednesday'* paper did not know what he wu talking about," sold City Treunrer J. W. H. Mitchell yes terday morning. Now hero are the figure* frqm the bogkA The lut two year* that the chain gang wu new etore. This In In keeping with m.ny other Improvements lately In traduced. Mm T. J. Willis and her little eon. Stewart spent a day or so In Thom uvllle this wank. years tha money spent on the struts It amounted to $7,ftt.4S. In 18t$ It amounted to $7,S4$.?1. In com parison tha figure* for tho put two yurt are Interesting. In 1504 the amount wu $6,S!4.$4. During the »® from the truUl aIt * r * U ‘ STATE MONEY FOR TEACHERS COUNTY TRESSURERS GET AUGUST FOUND, COMMIS SIONERS HANDLE THERE- AGTER. The McMlchael bn! .passed at the lut session of the legislature, re quiring the state treuurer to remit the funds arising from convict hire dirut to county commissioners In stud of to county treuarers, with a view to saving treasurer's feu, hu bun found to ho n ret? com plex proposition, so much so that a two boom' conference on tha subject wu bald yesterday between Govern or Terrell, Attorney General Hart and State Treuurer Park. Some countiu In the state have ut ulde this convict money for work on public ronde, u they are al lowed to nnder the low. In each cases u this, of coarse, the money should not he unt to the county school commissioner, bat to the trea surer. There are several other feat ures of tho law, whleh are not elur, and after discussing It for some time the whole qnutlon wu referred to Attorney General Hart for Investiga tion and opinion. In the meantime It wu decided to eond out the convict money now on hand, amounting to $3(,000 un der the old law, because It was re ceived In the treuury In August, several dnys ||eforo the new law be came effective. Judge Hart will ren der his opinion on the new law with in tho next few days and the next dls trlbutlon of convict fands will be made undor the McMIchao! law In accordance frith his vlows. Basins New* Icms. (By 8. M. Bench.) Mr. Charles Rchberg has purchas ed from Mr. 8am Slater two and one- half acrea of land situated In that part of the district now In Grady county for $575. Miss Greco E. Bench It now student at Young's Female College at Thomuvllle. Last Saturday wu district road cammlasloner’a court day. Routine work wu gone through and several defaulter* fined. Meure. D. D. Gwaltney, S. J. McCall and Judge Henry Mitchell are our commltslon- ers. Mr. Chariton Jones of Montgom ery, Ala., wu In this neighborhood s few days ago. Mr. W. E. Stanaland who moved from here recently Is now * candi date for aurveyor of Grady county. ' Judges H. W. Hopkins and B. A. Roddcnbery came down to “Sher wood" lut Monday for a faw daya. Tax Collector's Notice Second Bound. Duncanville, Tuesday. Oct. $. Cairo, Wednesday,. Oct. 4, after noon. Cairo, Thursday, Oct. A, forenoon. Sponco, Friday, Oct 5, forenoon. Metcalfe, Monday, Oct. 9. Coolldge, Tuesday, Oct. 10, fore noon. Mcrlllvllle. Tuesday, ^October 10, afternoon. Glaagow, Wednesday, Oct. 11. Boaton, Thursday, Oct. 12. Mctga, Friday, Oct. 13. Pavo. Monday, Oct 23. forenoon. Patten, Monday, Oct. 23, after noon. Ochlockonee, Tuesday, Oct. 34. I will be at the court house In Thomuvllle during the first week of Superior Court P. S. Heeth. Tax Collector Thomu County. present year to-date we have ex pended $3,$00. The whole amount thla year will reach about $3,000 In considering the chain gang 0gores yon must remember that a number of negroes worked out their street tax and a number of white people hired negroes to do their work In stead or paying the tax money Into the city treunrer. So my estimate of $10,000 the other day wu not APPLICATION LEAVE TO tacla. GEORGIA—Thomu County: 'No tice le hereby given that the nnder- signed hu applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to tbo estate of Jenkin Smith for the payment of debts and distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the .court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday In Oc tober 1905. This Sept 4th 1905. . M. A. Fleetwood, Adm. es tate Jenkins Smith. APPLICATION FOR SUPPORT. Georgia, Thomu County. Mary Carter, having made appll cation for 12 months' support out of tho estate of Charles Carter and ap praiser* duly Appointed to aet apart the ume having field their return all persona concerned are hereby qnlred to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of uld county on the first Monday In November, 1906, why sold application should not b^ granted. t This 18th day of September, 1905. William M. Jones, 9-33-41 Ordinary. NOTICE SALE BY GUARDIAN. To whom It my concern: Notice I* hereby given that on the Hat day of October, 1906, I will ap ply at Thomuvllle, Os., to the Judge of the Superior Court of the South ern Circuit for an order authorising private ule of the Interest.of Rhet- tn May, Bessie. Baltic, Myrtle and Stephen Whelest, minor chlldern of R. E. and S. L. Wheleu, which in terest together with that of their three'adult brother*, Wm. T., Rob ert A., nd Charles J. Wheleu, In an undivided half Interest In what la described In deed to them as ono hundred cres more or lees, on the south side of lot fifty-eight (58) In the 13th district of Thomu county, Georgia, but that there Is not more than about seventy (70) acres of said land, the reasons for said sale being the large number now Inter ested and its Joint ownership with others and Its unproductiveness, so as to ivest same In moro productive property that can bo easily attended R. E. Whcless, Guardian for minora named above. 9-24-4 SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a Justice court flfa in'favor of M. A. Fleetwood, Adm. afalnst Jesse D Slater,1 have this day levied on the following property, to- wit one fourth lot of land number 400, containing 30 acres, more or leu , one fourth of lot no. 361, con taining elxty two acres, more or or leu situate, lying and being In thh 19th district of Thomas county Georgia. Levied on u the property of J. D. Slater, In favor of M. A. Fleetwood, Administrator Martha Slater.—This August 23rd, 1905. T. J. Hlght, Sheriff. Libel for Divorce. GEORGIA— Thomu County. Sarah Kemp vs Aristo Kemp Libel fir Divorce. The defendent Aristo Kemp is hereby required personally or by attorney, to bo and appear at the October term 1905 of the Superior Court to be holden in Wad for eald Thomas Coucty on tho third Monday of October 1905, then and there to answer the plaintiff’s oomplaint ts in defanlt of such appearance the Conn will proceed u to justice shall ap pertain. Witnees the Honorable Robert G. Mitchell, Judge of eald Conrt this the 15th day of July 1006. 7-3l-2m. J. W. Groover Clerk. Tax Notice. \ First Round. IJwill be at the following places on the dates named for tho purpose of col lecting taxes for tho year 1005. Duncanville,... Monday, Sep*. 18. Metcalfe Tuesday, ■ Cairo, Wednesday, Buenos Thnnday, Meigs Friday, Glaagow Monday, Ocklooknae Tuesday. - Coolidge Wednesday, Merrillville,.. Wednesday, Thnnday, Pavo Friday, Paften,; .Friday, S. P. Heeth, T. O., T. O. 19. 90s. m. 31 .. ' 93 35 36 37 Am. " p. m. 38 39 a.m. " p. tn Application For Support. GEORGIA, Thomu County: Mary Frederiok,. having made appli cation for twelve months support ont of the utste of Allen Frederick, and ap- praisers duly appointed to ut apart tha same having filled their relation All persona oonoerned are hereby required te show cans* before the Court of Ordi nary of said County on tha tint Monday tn Oct. 1903, why uld application should not be granted. This Aug. 31. 1906, Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Sept. 8. 4t. Citation. GEORGIA, Tliomu County: Lncy Dnnlap, having made application to me in due form to be appointed per manent administratrix upon the utste of George Dnnlap late of said County. Notice ia hereby given that said appli cation will he heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said coonty to be lioldon tho first Monday in Oct. IlKW, Witness my hand and official signa ture this 20. day of Aug. 1905. Wm M. Joues, Ordinary. Sept. 8. 4t. BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. In the District Court o( the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, Southwestern Division. In the matter ot O. M. Powell, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy—Notice of first meting of creditors. To.the creditors of G. M. Powell of Thomaeville, In the county of Thomas and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice la hereby given that on the I9th day of September, 1905, the uld 6. M. Powell was duly adjudi cated bankrupt and that the first meeting of the creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, J. H. Merrill, referee, tn Thomasville, Ga., on the 30th day of September, A. D., 1905, at II o'clock In the forenoon at which time the said cred itor* may attend, prove their claims apotnt a trustee- examine the bank rupt and transact each other bull- neu as may come before said meet ing. Sept It, 1905. J. H. Merrill. Referee. Referee In Bankruptcy. N. B.—Proof* of claims must be made In conformity with auction 57 of Bankruptcy Act and Rule XXI of tho Supreme Court’s General Order In Banknrptcy. Liabilities scheduled by bankrupt $1,301.10. Assets scheduled by bankrupt $$83.$0. Citation. GEORGIA, Thomas Oouuty: \ M. A. FleetwoKi, County administra tor, baring made application to me In doe form to be appointed permanent ad ministrator upon the estate of Allen Frederick late of said County, notice Is hereby given that said application will be heard at tho regular term of the Court of Ordinary for aaid county, to be held on the first Monday in October 1905. Witnees my hand and official rigna- ture this 4th. day of Sept. 1905. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Sept. ^ 4t, GEORGIA—Thomas county: J. T. Culpepper haring made applica tion to mo In don form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the es tate of B. O. Dickinson late of said ot only, notice te hereby given that eald application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for eald county, to be held on the first Monday |o September 1905. Witnees my baud and official tlgna- lai* this 30 day of Jaly, 10C5. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary Cheap Money To Loan Five year long loans in sums ot S300 te 310,000 negotiated on farm lands In Seutn West Gkorgla We can supply yeur demand* promptly and are prepared to meet ell competition* Cell or writs to Ball & Wsathers Attorneys at Law, Cairo, Qo, NOTICE FOR APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO SELL. Notice- Is hereby given that the undersigned will, at the next October term, 1905, of tho'Superior Court, of Thomas Co., Ga., make applica tion to said court for leave to aell so much of theelty lot In the city ot Thomuvllle, Ga., u la situated at the soutbeut corner formed by the Intersection of Broad street with Fletcher street on Jrhlch la situated the former residence of Joseph Jer ger and extending from the south line of the two story brick store now occupied by Loots Jerger asa Jewel: y ■tore, to the north mnrgln of Flet cher street and extending back and southwest, 308 feet to Madison street property to ho sold for reinvestment of proceeds. R. C. Balfour, Guardian for the minor heirs of Frank HIrt, deceased.